#include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include using namespace std; OptionParam::OptionParam() : TObject(){ debug = false; opt.Neve = 0; opt.Nverb = -1; opt.Nstart = 0; opt.DoTr = false; //opt.PX.PamExpOn = false; opt.AH.AnglHystOn = false; opt.PE.PamEffOn = false; opt.DH.DiffHystOn = false; //opt.DH.Z = false; opt.DH.Az = false; }; OptionParam::~OptionParam(){ } void OptionParam::helprint(){ cout<<"Help is Empty now"<7){ cout<<"ERROR!: Incorect Type of Exposure: Extype "<>u;} } void OptionParam::CheckAD(int Argc, char* Argv[], Int_t& i){ if(debug) cout<<"\t"<1000) cout<<"WARNING\tPamela don't able to register particles of SUCH high energy\n\n"; if(!strcmp(Argv[i],"-detrmin")){ ED[ED.size()-1].detrmin = CheckDouble(Argv[i+1],Argv[i]); if(debug) cout<<"\t\t detrmin = "< SS){ for(UInt_t i = 0; i3){ cout<<"ERROR:\t-detrminf have incorrect value of argument: -detrminf = "<3){ cout<<"ERROR:\t-detrmaxf have incorrect value of argument: -detrmaxf = "<>ytr; } for(Int_t se = 0; se>ytr; } } } /* void OptionParam::SelectParam(int Argc, char* Argv[], Int_t& i, DHBuild& DHB){ i++; while(i