1 |
pam-mep |
1.1 |
// sample to plot ND data |
2 |
// 04/26/2007 |
3 |
// |
4 |
// |
5 |
// C/C++ headers |
6 |
// |
7 |
#include "TrAng.h" |
8 |
#include "QtoInc.h" |
9 |
#include "option.h" |
10 |
11 |
#include <fstream> |
12 |
#include <iostream> |
13 |
#include <stdio.h> |
14 |
// |
15 |
// ROOT headers |
16 |
// |
17 |
#include <TTree.h> |
18 |
#include <TObject.h> |
19 |
#include <TList.h> |
20 |
#include <TArrayI.h> |
21 |
#include <TSystem.h> |
22 |
#include <TSystemDirectory.h> |
23 |
#include <TString.h> |
24 |
#include <TFile.h> |
25 |
#include <TCanvas.h> |
26 |
//#include <TMatrixD.h> |
27 |
#include "TStyle.h" |
28 |
//#include <TH2F.h> |
29 |
#include <TGraphErrors.h> |
30 |
#include <TMultiGraph.h> |
31 |
32 |
#include <PamLevel2.h> |
33 |
#include <TStyle.h> |
34 |
35 |
using namespace std; |
36 |
37 |
TH2F* NormalizeTH2F(TH2F* h1,Int_t Nev){ |
38 |
TH2F* h2 = new TH2F("h2","Zenit, deg; Azimut, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
39 |
//h2-SetName("h2"); |
40 |
//h2.SetBins(36,0,360,20,140,180); |
41 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<=36;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<=20;j++)h2->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev); |
42 |
return h2; |
43 |
} |
44 |
45 |
void DivideHystTH2F(TString file1, TString file2, TString hyst1, TString hyst2, Int_t Nev1, Int_t Nev2, string outdir,Bool_t Err){ |
46 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
47 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile(file1); |
48 |
TFile* f2 = new TFile(file2); |
49 |
TH2F* h1 = (TH2F*)f1->Get(hyst1); |
50 |
TH2F* h2 = (TH2F*)f2->Get(hyst2); |
51 |
TH2F* h1n = NormalizeTH2F(h1,1); |
52 |
TH2F* h2n = NormalizeTH2F(h2,1); |
53 |
/*TH2F* h1n = new TH2F("h1n","Zenit, deg; Azimut, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
54 |
TH2F* h2n = new TH2F("h2n","Zenit, deg; Azimut, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
55 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<=36;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<=20;j++){ |
56 |
h1n->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+140,h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/h1->GetEntries()); |
57 |
h2n->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+140,h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/h2->GetEntries()); |
58 |
}*/ |
59 |
//vector<TGraphErrors> GrafErr(8); |
60 |
TH2F* h3 = new TH2F("h3","Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
61 |
h3->Divide(h1n,h2n); |
62 |
TH2F* h3ErrPer; |
63 |
if(Err){ |
64 |
TH2F* h3Err = new TH2F("h3Err","Errot of Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
65 |
h3ErrPer = new TH2F("h3Err","Errot of Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
66 |
//ofstream fe((TString)outdir+"Divide_errors"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".txt"); |
67 |
ofstream fe2((TString)outdir+"Protons_Divide_errors"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".txt"); |
68 |
//Int_t Nev1 = 0; |
69 |
//Int_t Nev2 = 0; |
70 |
//for(Int_t i=1;i<=36;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<=20;j++){Nev1=Nev1+h1->GetBinContent(i,j);Nev2=Nev2+h2->GetBinContent(i,j);} |
71 |
//cout<<"Nev1 = "<<Nev1<<" Nev2 = "<<Nev2<<endl; |
72 |
73 |
for(Int_t j=20;j>=1;j--){ |
74 |
for(Int_t i=1;i<=36;i++){ |
75 |
//fe<<i<<"\t"<<j<<"\t"<<h1->GetBinContent(i,j)<<"/"<<h2->GetBinContent(i,j)<<" = "; |
76 |
if(h2->GetBinContent(i,j)!=0){ |
77 |
Float_t Val = (h1->GetBinContent(i,j))/(h2->GetBinContent(i,j)); |
78 |
Float_t Err = 0; |
79 |
if(h1->GetBinContent(i,j)==0)Err=0;else Err = Val*(sqrt(1./h1->GetBinContent(i,j)+1./h2->GetBinContent(i,j))); |
80 |
//Float_t Err = (h2->GetBinContent(i,j)*sqrt(h1->GetBinContent(i,j))-h1->GetBinContent(i,j)*sqrt(h2->GetBinContent(i,j)))/pow(h2->GetBinContent(i,j),2); |
81 |
//Float_t Err = (h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/pow(h2->GetBinContent(i,j),2))+pow(h1->GetBinContent(i,j),2)*h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/pow(h2->GetBinContent(i,j),4); |
82 |
Float_t ErrPer = Err*100/(fabs(Val-1)); |
83 |
fe2<<(-j+20)*2+1<<"\t"<<i*10-5<<"\t"<<h1->GetBinContent(i,j)<<"\t"<<h2->GetBinContent(i,j)<<endl; |
84 |
//fe<<Val<<" +/- "<<Err<<"\t"; |
85 |
if(ErrPer>100)ErrPer=100; |
86 |
h3ErrPer->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,ErrPer); |
87 |
h3Err->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,Err); |
88 |
} |
89 |
} |
90 |
//fe<<"\n"; |
91 |
} |
92 |
93 |
//h1ErrCanv->Divide(1,8); |
94 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){ |
95 |
Float_t x[36]; |
96 |
Float_t y[36]; |
97 |
Float_t y1[36]; |
98 |
Float_t Ex[36]; |
99 |
Float_t Ey[36]; |
100 |
TH1F* Profil1D = new TH1F("Profil1D","Profil1D",36,0,36); |
101 |
Profil1D->SetFillColor(2); |
102 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<36;j++){ |
103 |
y[j] = h3->GetBinContent(j,19-i); |
104 |
Ey[j] = h3Err->GetBinContent(j,19-i); |
105 |
x[j] = j; |
106 |
Ex[j] = 0; |
107 |
y1[j] = 1; |
108 |
Profil1D->Fill(j,h2->GetBinContent(j,19-i)); |
109 |
} |
110 |
TCanvas* h1ErrCanv = new TCanvas("h1ErrCanv","",1200,800); |
111 |
h1ErrCanv->Divide(1,2); |
112 |
TGraphErrors* Gep = new TGraphErrors(36,x,y,Ex,Ey); |
113 |
TGraph* _1 = new TGraph(36,x,y1); |
114 |
Gep->SetLineColor(4); |
115 |
Gep->SetFillColor(2); |
116 |
h1ErrCanv->cd(1); |
117 |
Gep->Draw("AB"); |
118 |
_1->Draw(""); |
119 |
h1ErrCanv->cd(2); |
120 |
Profil1D->Draw(""); |
121 |
/*string s; |
122 |
stringstream out; |
123 |
out<<i; |
124 |
s=out.str(); |
125 |
h1ErrCanv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Divide_"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+"_1Ds"+s+".png");*/ |
126 |
Gep->Delete(); |
127 |
delete h1ErrCanv; |
128 |
} |
129 |
/*fe2.close(); |
130 |
TFile f3((TString)outdir+"DivideHyst"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".root","recreate"); |
131 |
h3->Write(); |
132 |
f3.Close();*/ |
133 |
} |
134 |
/*TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",hyst1+"/"+hyst2,1200,1200); |
135 |
if(Err) c1->Divide(1,2); |
136 |
c1->cd(1); |
137 |
h3->Draw("colz"); |
138 |
if(Err){ |
139 |
c1->cd(2); |
140 |
h3ErrPer->Draw("colz"); |
141 |
} |
142 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Divide_"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".png"); |
143 |
delete c1;*/ |
144 |
h2->Delete(); |
145 |
h1->Delete(); |
146 |
h3->Delete(); |
147 |
f1->Delete(); |
148 |
f2->Delete(); |
149 |
} |
150 |
151 |
void DiferenceHystTH2F(TString file1, TString file2, TString hyst1, TString hyst2, Int_t Nev1, Int_t Nev2, string outdir){ |
152 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
153 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile(file1); |
154 |
TFile* f2 = new TFile(file2); |
155 |
TH2F* h1 = (TH2F*)f1->Get(hyst1); |
156 |
TH2F* h2 = (TH2F*)f2->Get(hyst2); |
157 |
TH2F* h1n = NormalizeTH2F(h1,Nev1); |
158 |
TH2F* h2n = NormalizeTH2F(h2,Nev2); |
159 |
TH2F* h3 = new TH2F("h3","Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
160 |
TH2F* h3Err = new TH2F("h3Err","Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
161 |
TH2F* h3ErrPer = new TH2F("h3Err","Errot of Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
162 |
ofstream fe((TString)outdir+"Diference_errors2.txt"); |
163 |
for(Int_t i=1;i<=36;i++){ |
164 |
for(Int_t j=1;j<=20;j++){ |
165 |
Float_t Val = h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev1-h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev2; |
166 |
Float_t Err = sqrt(pow(h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev1,2)*(1./h1->GetBinContent(i,j)+1./Nev1)+pow(h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev2,2)*(1./h2->GetBinContent(i,j)+1./Nev2)); |
167 |
Float_t ErrPer = Err*100/(fabs(Val)); |
168 |
h3->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev1-h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev2); |
169 |
fe<<i<<"\t"<<j<<"\t"<<h1->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev1<<" - "<<h2->GetBinContent(i,j)/Nev2<<" = "<<Val; |
170 |
if(h1->GetBinContent(i,j)!=0 && h2->GetBinContent(i,j)!=0){ |
171 |
fe<<" +/- "<<Err<<" (+/- "<<ErrPer<<" )\n"; |
172 |
if(ErrPer>100)ErrPer=100; |
173 |
h3Err->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,Err); |
174 |
h3ErrPer->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+139,ErrPer); |
175 |
}else fe<<"\n"; |
176 |
} |
177 |
fe<<"\n"; |
178 |
} |
179 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){ |
180 |
Float_t x[36]; |
181 |
Float_t y[36]; |
182 |
Float_t Ex[36]; |
183 |
Float_t Ey[36]; |
184 |
TH1F* Profil1D = new TH1F("Profil1D","Profil1D",36,0,36); |
185 |
Profil1D->SetFillColor(2); |
186 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<36;j++){ |
187 |
if(h1n->GetBinContent(j,19-i)!=0)y[j] = h3->GetBinContent(j,19-i)*100/h1n->GetBinContent(j,19-i); else y[j]=0; |
188 |
if(h1n->GetBinContent(j,19-i)!=0) Ey[j] = h3Err->GetBinContent(j,19-i)*100/h1n->GetBinContent(j,19-i); else Ey[j]=0; |
189 |
Profil1D->Fill(j,h2->GetBinContent(j,19-i)); |
190 |
//cout<<"h3 = "<<h3->GetBinContent(j,19-i)<<" h1n = "<<h1n->GetBinContent(j,19-i)<<" yn = "<<y[j]<<endl; |
191 |
//Ey[j] = h3ErrPer->GetBinContent(j,19-i); |
192 |
//cout<<Ey[j]<<endl; |
193 |
x[j] = j; |
194 |
Ex[j] = 0; |
195 |
} |
196 |
TCanvas* h1ErrCanv = new TCanvas("h1ErrCanv","",1200,800); |
197 |
h1ErrCanv->Divide(1,2); |
198 |
TGraphErrors* Gep = new TGraphErrors(36,x,y,Ex,Ey); |
199 |
Gep->SetLineColor(4); |
200 |
Gep->SetFillColor(2); |
201 |
h1ErrCanv->cd(1); |
202 |
Gep->Draw("AB"); |
203 |
h1ErrCanv->cd(2); |
204 |
Profil1D->Draw(""); |
205 |
string s; |
206 |
stringstream out; |
207 |
out<<i; |
208 |
s=out.str(); |
209 |
h1ErrCanv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Diference_"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+"_1Ds"+s+".png"); |
210 |
Gep->Delete(); |
211 |
Profil1D->Delete(); |
212 |
delete h1ErrCanv; |
213 |
} |
214 |
fe.close(); |
215 |
TFile f3((TString)outdir+"resultDifferenceHyst.root","recreate"); |
216 |
h3->Write(); |
217 |
f3.Close(); |
218 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",hyst1+" - "+hyst2,1200,1200); |
219 |
c1->Divide(1,2); |
220 |
c1->cd(1); |
221 |
h3->Draw("colz"); |
222 |
c1->cd(2); |
223 |
h3ErrPer->Draw("colz"); |
224 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Difference_"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".png"); |
225 |
delete c1; |
226 |
h2->Delete(); |
227 |
h1->Delete(); |
228 |
h3->Delete(); |
229 |
f1->Delete(); |
230 |
f2->Delete(); |
231 |
} |
232 |
233 |
void MergeHystTH2F(TString file1, TString file2, TString hyst1, TString hyst2, string outdir){ |
234 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
235 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile(file1); |
236 |
TFile* f2 = new TFile(file2); |
237 |
TH2F* h1 = (TH2F*)f1->Get(hyst1); |
238 |
TH2F* h2 = (TH2F*)f2->Get(hyst2); |
239 |
TH2F* h3 = new TH2F("h3","Zenit angle, deg; Azimut angle, deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
240 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<=36;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<=20;j++) h3->Fill(i*10-5,j*2+140,h1->GetBinContent(i,j)+h2->GetBinContent(i,j)); |
241 |
TFile f3((TString)outdir+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+"_resultMergeHyst.root","recreate"); |
242 |
h3->Write(); |
243 |
f3.Close(); |
244 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",hyst1+" + "+hyst2,1200,800); |
245 |
c1->cd(); |
246 |
h3->Draw("colz"); |
247 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Merge_"+hyst1+"_"+hyst2+".png"); |
248 |
delete c1; |
249 |
h2->Delete(); |
250 |
h1->Delete(); |
251 |
h3->Delete(); |
252 |
f1->Delete(); |
253 |
f2->Delete(); |
254 |
} |
255 |
256 |
257 |
void Convert2Dto1Dhyst(TString file, TString hyst, string outdir){ |
258 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile(file); |
259 |
TH2F* h1 = (TH2F*)f1->Get(hyst); |
260 |
//TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","Zenit Efficiency",20,140,180); |
261 |
//TH1F* h3 = new TH1F("h3","Azimuth Efficiency",36,0,360); |
262 |
//for(Int_t i=0;i<36;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<20;j++) h3->Fill(i*10-5,h1->GetBinContent(i,j)); |
263 |
//for(Int_t i=0;i<20;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<36;j++) h2->Fill(j*2+140,h1->GetBinContent(j,i)); |
264 |
TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*)h1->ProjectionY(" ",1,20,""); |
265 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Zenit Efficiency",1200,800); |
266 |
c1->cd(); |
267 |
h2->Draw(); |
268 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+hyst+"Zenit.png"); |
269 |
delete c1; |
270 |
TFile f2((TString)outdir+hyst+"Zenit.root","recreate"); |
271 |
h2->Write(); |
272 |
f2.Close(); |
273 |
TH1D* h3 = (TH1D*)h1->ProjectionX(" ",1,36,""); |
274 |
TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Azimuth Efficiency",1200,800); |
275 |
c2->cd(); |
276 |
h3->Draw(); |
277 |
c2->SaveAs((TString)outdir+hyst+"Azimuth.png"); |
278 |
delete c2; |
279 |
TFile f3((TString)outdir+hyst+"Azimuth.root","recreate"); |
280 |
h3->Write(); |
281 |
f3.Close(); |
282 |
h3->Delete(); |
283 |
h1->Delete(); |
284 |
h2->Delete(); |
285 |
f1->Delete(); |
286 |
} |
287 |
288 |
void ReBinTH2F(TString file, TString hyst, string outdir){ |
289 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
290 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile(file); |
291 |
TH2F* h1 = (TH2F*)f1->Get(hyst); |
292 |
TH2F* h2 = new TH2F("h2","Zenith, deg; Azimuth, deg",18,0,360,20,140,180); |
293 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<=20;i++) for(Int_t j=0;j<=36;j++){h2->Fill(j*10-5,i*2+140,h1->GetBinContent(j,i)+h1->GetBinContent(j+1,i));j++;} |
294 |
TFile f2((TString)outdir+hyst+"Re-Bin.root","recreate"); |
295 |
h2->Write(); |
296 |
f2.Close(); |
297 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",hyst,800,600); |
298 |
c1->cd(); |
299 |
h2->Draw("colz"); |
300 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+hyst+"Re-Bin.png"); |
301 |
delete c1; |
302 |
h2->Delete(); |
303 |
h1->Delete(); |
304 |
f1->Delete(); |
305 |
} |
306 |
307 |
void Modeling(Double_t R, Int_t Nevents, Float_t zmax, string outdir){ |
308 |
cout<<"Modelling..."<<endl; |
309 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
310 |
TH2F* h1 = new TH2F("h1","Azimut,deg;Zenit,deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
311 |
TH2F* h2 = new TH2F("h2","Azimut,deg;Zenit,deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
312 |
TH2F* h3 = new TH2F("h3","Azimut,deg;Zenit,deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
313 |
TH2F* h4 = new TH2F("h4","Azimut,deg;Zenit,deg",36,0,360,20,140,180); |
314 |
Float_t A; |
315 |
Float_t Zenit; |
316 |
Float_t Azimuth; |
317 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<Nevents;i++){ |
318 |
A=rand() % 1000; A=A/1000; |
319 |
Zenit=TMath::RadToDeg()*acos(pow(A,0.5)); |
320 |
//Zenit=3; |
321 |
Azimuth=rand() % 360000; |
322 |
Azimuth=Azimuth/1000; |
323 |
h4->Fill(Azimuth,180-Zenit); |
324 |
/*for(Int_t nx=0;nx<24;nx++){ |
325 |
for(Int_t ny=0;ny<24;ny++){ |
326 |
h2->Fill(Azimuth,180-Zenit); |
327 |
Float_t x = (nx+0.5)*6.75; |
328 |
Float_t y = (ny+0.5)*5.5; |
329 |
Float_t k = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*Zenit)*cos(TMath::DegToRad()*Azimuth); |
330 |
Float_t l = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*Zenit)*sin(TMath::DegToRad()*Azimuth); |
331 |
Float_t m = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*Zenit); |
332 |
Float_t xl = x+k*zmax/m; |
333 |
Float_t yl = y+l*zmax/m; |
334 |
Float_t hl = sqrt(pow(x-xl,2)+zmax); |
335 |
Float_t za=0; Float_t xa=0; |
336 |
Float_t Rk=1000*0.3*R/0.4; |
337 |
//cout<<"Zenith = "<<Zenit<<" Azimuth = "<<Azimuth<<endl; |
338 |
//cout<<"x = "<<x<<" y = "<<y<<" Rk = "<<Rk<<" xl = "<<xl<<" yl = "<<yl<<endl; |
339 |
if(x-xl==0){ |
340 |
za==0; |
341 |
xa==x-Rk; |
342 |
}else{ |
343 |
//Float_t ko = 0; |
344 |
//Float_t koo = 0; |
345 |
if(x-xl<0) {za = zmax-Rk*cos(atan(zmax/fabs(x-xl)));} |
346 |
if(x-xl>0) {za = zmax+Rk*cos(atan(zmax/fabs(x-xl)));} |
347 |
xa = x-Rk*sin(atan(zmax/fabs(x-xl))); |
348 |
} |
349 |
//cout<<"xa = "<<xa<<" za = "<<za<<" atan = "<<TMath::RadToDeg()*atan(445.1/fabs(x-xl))<<endl; |
350 |
Float_t xll; |
351 |
if(Rk>za && ((za>0 && xa+Rk<=162 && xa+Rk>=0) || za<=0 )) xll = xa+sqrt(pow(Rk,2)-pow(za,2)); else xll = 10000; |
352 |
if(xll<=162 && xll>=0 && yl<=132 && yl>=0) h1->Fill(Azimuth,180-Zenit); |
353 |
//cout<<"xll = "<<xll<<endl; |
354 |
//if(xl<=162 && xl>=0 && yl<=132 && yl>=0)cin>>za; |
355 |
} |
356 |
}*/ |
357 |
}/* |
358 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Model distribution",1200,800); |
359 |
h1->Draw("colz"); |
360 |
c1->SaveAs((TString)outdir+".png"); |
361 |
TFile f2((TString)outdir+".root","recreate"); |
362 |
h1->Write(); |
363 |
f2.Close(); |
364 |
*/ |
365 |
TCanvas* c3 = new TCanvas("c3","Model Isotropic distribution",1200,800); |
366 |
h4->Draw("colz"); |
367 |
c3->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"_isotrop.png"); |
368 |
TFile f4((TString)outdir+"_isotrop.root","recreate"); |
369 |
h4->Write(); |
370 |
f4.Close(); |
371 |
/* |
372 |
TFile f3((TString)outdir+"Abs.root","recreate"); |
373 |
h2->Write(); |
374 |
f3.Close(); |
375 |
h3->Divide(h2,h1); |
376 |
TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Model distribution",1200,800); |
377 |
h3->Draw("colz"); |
378 |
c2->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"Rate.png"); |
379 |
delete c1; |
380 |
delete c2;*/ |
381 |
delete c3; |
382 |
h1->Delete(); |
383 |
h2->Delete(); |
384 |
h3->Delete(); |
385 |
h4->Delete(); |
386 |
} |
387 |
388 |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ |
389 |
390 |
OptionParam opt1; |
391 |
392 |
string outdir = "/home/pamelaprod/malakhov/QtoInc/Picture/"; |
393 |
Bool_t AnglHist = false; |
394 |
Bool_t DiffHist = false; |
395 |
Bool_t PamEff = false; |
396 |
Bool_t DoTr = false; |
397 |
Bool_t PamAngTime = false; |
398 |
Bool_t PamExp = false; |
399 |
400 |
/*vector<TH1F> Hyst(1); |
401 |
Hyst[0].SetName("ElectronLowEnergy"); |
402 |
Hyst[0].SetBins(36,0,360); |
403 |
Hyst[0].FillRandom("gaus",5000); |
404 |
TFile f1("/home/pamelaprod/malakhov/QtoInc/TEST/TEST.root","recreate"); |
405 |
Hyst[0].Write(); |
406 |
f1.Close(); |
407 |
//TFile* f1 = new TFile("/home/pamelaprod/malakhov/QtoInc/TEST/TEST.root"); |
408 |
//TH1F* h1 = (TH1F*)f1->Get(""); |
409 |
//cout<<h1->GetEntries()<<endl; |
410 |
*/ |
411 |
412 |
if(argc<2){ |
413 |
cout<<"You have to insert at least a file to analisys \nUsing --help for more information\n"; |
414 |
exit(1); |
415 |
} |
416 |
//opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1.resize(opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1.size()+1); |
417 |
//opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1[0].SetBins(36,0,360); |
418 |
//opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1[0].SetName("Test2"); |
419 |
//cout<<opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1.size()<<endl; |
420 |
//cout<<opt1.opt.PE.Proton.Hyst1[0].GetName()<<endl; |
421 |
422 |
//vector<TH2F>Hyst2DF(1); |
423 |
//Hyst2DF[0].SetName("Test1"); |
424 |
//Hyst2DF[0].SetBins(36,0,360,36,0,360); |
425 |
//Hyst2DF.resize(Hyst2DF.size()+1); |
426 |
//Hyst2DF[1].SetName("Test2"); |
427 |
//Hyst2DF[1].SetBins(36,0,360,36,0,360); |
428 |
//cout<<Hyst2DF[0].GetName()<<endl; |
429 |
430 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--help")){ |
431 |
opt1.helprint(); |
432 |
/* cout<<"\nUsage \n"; |
433 |
cout<<"\n QtoInc --WorkDir directory_with_level2_files --OutPuth directory_for_output files [Options] \n"; |
434 |
cout<<"\n --WorkDir full puth to the Level2 file \n"; |
435 |
cout<<" --OutPuth full puth for putputh files \n"; |
436 |
cout<<"\n options are:\n"; |
437 |
cout<<"--help print this help and exit \n"; |
438 |
cout<<"-DoTr Use DoTrack2 procedure for calculating direction of particle flight into Pamela \n"; |
439 |
cout<<"-PamEff Calculating Pamela's angular efficiency \n"; |
440 |
cout<<"-DiffHist Getting hystogramm for diference between direction getting using DoTrack2 and using axv & ayv values \n"; |
441 |
cout<<"-AngHist Getting hystogramm for various angles(Pitch Angle, Pamela's Main axis angles, etc) [default] \n"; |
442 |
cout<<"-PamAngTime Not Useful now \n"; |
443 |
cout<<"-PamExp Calculating exposition for each possible direction in Pamela's aperture \n"; |
444 |
cout<<"\nFor Example: \n"; |
445 |
cout<<"\n./QtoInc.exe --WorkDir /data01/_3/704_3/ --OutPuth /home/pamelaprod/malakhov/QtoInc/Picture5/ -DiffHist -DoTr \n\n"; |
446 |
*/ exit(1); |
447 |
} |
448 |
449 |
/*if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Normalize")){ |
450 |
if(4 >= argc){ |
451 |
cout<<"--Normalize needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
452 |
exit(1); |
453 |
} |
454 |
NormalizeTH2F((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],argv[4]); |
455 |
exit(0); |
456 |
}*/ |
457 |
458 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Model")){ |
459 |
if(5 >= argc){ |
460 |
cout<<"--Model needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
461 |
exit(1); |
462 |
} |
463 |
Modeling(atof(argv[2]),atoi(argv[3]),atof(argv[4]),argv[5]); |
464 |
exit(0); |
465 |
} |
466 |
467 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Diference")){ |
468 |
if(6 >= argc){ |
469 |
cout<<"--Diference needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
470 |
exit(1); |
471 |
} |
472 |
473 |
DiferenceHystTH2F((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],(TString)argv[4],(TString)argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),atoi(argv[7]),argv[8]); |
474 |
exit(0); |
475 |
} |
476 |
477 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Compare")){ |
478 |
//gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
479 |
//TMultiGraph* mg; |
480 |
//vector<TGraphErrors*> Gep; |
481 |
Float_t Val[20][36]; |
482 |
Float_t Err[20][36]; |
483 |
string tmp; |
484 |
char g; |
485 |
TString out = ""; |
486 |
for(Int_t ii=2;ii<argc;ii++){ |
487 |
if(!strcmp(argv[ii],"-out")){ |
488 |
out = (TString)argv[ii+1]; |
489 |
ii++; |
490 |
}else{ |
491 |
if(!strcmp(argv[ii],"-in")); |
492 |
ifstream in(argv[ii+1],ios::in); |
493 |
for(Int_t i=20;i>0;i--){ |
494 |
for(Int_t j=1;j<=36;j++){ |
495 |
in>>tmp;in>>tmp;in>>g; |
496 |
if(g=='0'){ |
497 |
Val[i-1][j-1]=0; |
498 |
Err[i-1][j-1]=0; |
499 |
Bool_t xx=false; |
500 |
Bool_t yy=false; |
501 |
while(g!='='){ |
502 |
in>>g; |
503 |
if(g=='/'){yy=true;continue;} |
504 |
if(yy && g=='0') xx=true; else yy=false; |
505 |
} |
506 |
if(!xx){ |
507 |
in>>tmp; |
508 |
in>>tmp; |
509 |
in>>tmp; |
510 |
} |
511 |
}else{ |
512 |
while(g!='/') in>>g; |
513 |
in>>g; |
514 |
if(g=='0'){ |
515 |
in>>tmp; |
516 |
Val[i-1][j-1]=0; |
517 |
Err[i-1][j-1]=0; |
518 |
}else{ |
519 |
while(g!='=') in>>g; |
520 |
in>>Val[i-1][j-1]; |
521 |
in>>tmp; |
522 |
in>>Err[i-1][j-1]; |
523 |
} |
524 |
} |
525 |
}} |
526 |
ii++; |
527 |
//Val.resize(Val.size()+1); |
528 |
//Val[Val.size()-1][1][1]=0; |
529 |
} |
530 |
} |
531 |
ofstream fv(out+"Val.txt"); |
532 |
ofstream fe(out+"Err.txt"); |
533 |
for(Int_t i=20;i>0;i--){ |
534 |
for(Int_t j=1;j<=36;j++){fv<<Val[i-1][j-1]<<"\t";fe<<Err[i-1][j-1]<<"\t";} |
535 |
fv<<endl;fe<<endl; |
536 |
} |
537 |
fv.close(); |
538 |
fe.close(); |
539 |
} |
540 |
541 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Merge")){ |
542 |
if(6 >= argc){ |
543 |
cout<<"--Merge needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
544 |
exit(1); |
545 |
} |
546 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
547 |
//vector<TString> Hysts; |
548 |
//vector<TString> Files; |
549 |
vector<TH1F*> h1; |
550 |
vector<TH2F*> h2; |
551 |
TH2F h2sum; |
552 |
TH1F h1sum; |
553 |
Bool_t H2 = false; |
554 |
TString out = ""; |
555 |
if(!strcmp(argv[2],"2D")) H2=true; |
556 |
for(Int_t i=3;i<argc;i++){ |
557 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-out")){ |
558 |
out = (TString)argv[i+1]; |
559 |
i++; |
560 |
//break; |
561 |
}else{ |
562 |
if(H2){ |
563 |
h2.resize(h2.size()+1); |
564 |
cout<<"h2 resize... New size is "<<h2.size()<<endl; |
565 |
TFile* f2 = new TFile((TString)argv[i]); |
566 |
//cout<<"file is reading"<<endl; |
567 |
//f2->ls(); |
568 |
h2[h2.size()-1] = (TH2F*)f2->Get(argv[i+1]); |
569 |
//cout<<argv[i+1]<<endl; |
570 |
//cout<<h3->GetNbinsX()<<endl; |
571 |
//delete h3; |
572 |
//delete f1; |
573 |
i++; |
574 |
}else{ |
575 |
h1.resize(h1.size()+1); |
576 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile((TString)argv[i]); |
577 |
h1[h1.size()-1] = (TH1F*)f1->Get(argv[i+1]); |
578 |
i++; |
579 |
} |
580 |
} |
581 |
} |
582 |
cout<<"outputh is "<<out<<endl; |
583 |
//cout<<"NBinsX = "<<h2[0]->GetNbinsX()<<" Xmin = "<<h2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()<<" Xmax = "<<h2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()<<" NbinsY = "<<h2[0]->GetNbinsY()<<" Ymin = "<<h2[0]->GetYaxis()->GetXmin()<<" Ymax = "<<h2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()<<endl; |
584 |
if(H2)h2sum.SetBins(h2[0]->GetNbinsX(),h2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h2[0]->GetNbinsY(),h2[0]->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h2[0]->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); else |
585 |
h1sum.SetBins(h1[0]->GetNbinsX(),h1[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h1[0]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
586 |
h1sum.SetName("Proton"); |
587 |
h2sum.SetName("Proton"); |
588 |
if(H2)for(Int_t i=0;i<h2.size();i++) h2sum=h2sum+(*h2[i]); else for(Int_t i=0;i<h1.size();i++) h1sum=h1sum+(*h1[i]); |
589 |
if(H2){ |
590 |
TFile fsum(out+".root","recreate"); |
591 |
h2sum.Write(); |
592 |
fsum.Close(); |
593 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","resultMerge",1200,800); |
594 |
c1->cd(); |
595 |
h2sum.Draw("colz"); |
596 |
c1->SaveAs(out+".png"); |
597 |
delete c1; |
598 |
}else{ |
599 |
TFile fsum(out+".root","recreate"); |
600 |
h1sum.Write(); |
601 |
fsum.Close(); |
602 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","resultMerge",1200,800); |
603 |
c1->cd(); |
604 |
h1sum.Draw(); |
605 |
c1->SaveAs(out+".png"); |
606 |
delete c1; |
607 |
} |
608 |
//MergeHystTH2F((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],(TString)argv[4],(TString)argv[5],argv[6]); |
609 |
exit(0); |
610 |
} |
611 |
612 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--PlotEfficiency")){ |
613 |
vector<TGraphErrors> ge; |
614 |
TString out = ""; |
615 |
Int_t t = 1; |
616 |
//TGraphErrors tmp; |
617 |
for(Int_t i=2;i<argc;i++){ |
618 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-out")){ |
619 |
out = (TString)argv[i+1]; |
620 |
i++; |
621 |
} |
622 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-in")){ |
623 |
ifstream inVal((TString)argv[i+1]+"Val.txt",ios::in); |
624 |
ifstream inErr((TString)argv[i+1]+"Err.txt",ios::in); |
625 |
Float_t Val[20][36]; |
626 |
Float_t Err[20][36]; |
627 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<20;j++)for(Int_t k=0;k<36;k++){inVal>>Val[j][k];inErr>>Err[j][k];} |
628 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+2],"-yline")){ |
629 |
Int_t n = atoi(argv[i+3]); |
630 |
Float_t x[36]; |
631 |
Float_t y[36]; |
632 |
Float_t xe[36]; |
633 |
Float_t ye[36]; |
634 |
ge.resize(ge.size()+1); |
635 |
//ge[ge.size()-1]->Set(36); |
636 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<36;j++){ |
637 |
x[j]=j*10+5; |
638 |
xe[j]=5; |
639 |
y[j]=Val[n][j]; |
640 |
ye[j]=Err[n][j]; |
641 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetPoint(j,x[j],y[j]); |
642 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetPointError(j,xe[j],ye[j]); |
643 |
//tmp.SetPoint(j,x[j],y[j]); |
644 |
} |
645 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetLineColor(t); |
646 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetTitle((TString)argv[i+1]+" Pitch "+(TString)argv[i+3]); |
647 |
t++; |
648 |
//TGraphErrors *tmp = new TGraphErrors(36,x,y,xe,ye); |
649 |
650 |
651 |
//TGraphErrors df; |
652 |
//df = *tmp; |
653 |
//cout<<"check"<<endl; |
654 |
//ge[ge.size()-1] = tmp; |
655 |
//cout<<i<<endl; |
656 |
//tmp->Delete(); |
657 |
i+=3; |
658 |
} |
659 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+2],"-xline")){ |
660 |
Int_t p = 0; |
661 |
Int_t n=0; |
662 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+3],"All")) p=36;else n = atoi(argv[i+3]); |
663 |
Float_t x[20]; |
664 |
Float_t y[20]; |
665 |
Float_t xe[20]; |
666 |
Float_t ye[20]; |
667 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<20;j++){y[j]=0;ye[j]=0;} |
668 |
ge.resize(ge.size()+1); |
669 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<20;j++){ |
670 |
x[j]=j*2+1; |
671 |
xe[j]=1; |
672 |
for(Int_t yi=0;yi<p;yi++){ |
673 |
if(p!=0)n=yi; |
674 |
y[j]+=Val[j][n]; |
675 |
ye[j]+=Err[j][n]; |
676 |
} |
677 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetPoint(j,x[j],y[j]); |
678 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetPointError(j,xe[j],ye[j]); |
679 |
} |
680 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetLineColor(t); |
681 |
ge[ge.size()-1].SetTitle((TString)argv[i+1]+" Azimuth "+(TString)argv[i+3]); |
682 |
t++; |
683 |
//TGraphErrors* tmp = new TGraphErrors(20,x,y,xe,ye); |
684 |
//ge.resize(ge.size()+1); |
685 |
//ge[ge.size()-1] = (*tmp); |
686 |
//tmp->Delete(); |
687 |
i+=3; |
688 |
} |
689 |
} |
690 |
} |
691 |
TMultiGraph* mg = new TMultiGraph(); |
692 |
cout<<"check"<<endl; |
693 |
for(Int_t i=0;i<ge.size();i++){ |
694 |
//ge[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); |
695 |
//cout<<i<<endl; |
696 |
mg->Add(&ge[i]); |
697 |
} |
698 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","eryt",1200,800); |
699 |
c1->cd(); |
700 |
mg->Draw("AP"); |
701 |
cout<<"check"<<endl; |
702 |
cout<<"out = "<<out<<endl; |
703 |
c1->SaveAs(out+".png"); |
704 |
delete c1; |
705 |
mg->Delete(); |
706 |
exit(1); |
707 |
} |
708 |
709 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--Divide")){ |
710 |
if(argc<7){ |
711 |
cout<<"--Divide needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
712 |
exit(1); |
713 |
}/* |
714 |
Bool_t H2 = false; |
715 |
TString out = ""; |
716 |
if(!strcmp(argv[2],"2D")) H2=true; |
717 |
out = (TString)argv[7]; |
718 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
719 |
TFile* f1 = new TFile((TString)argv[3]); |
720 |
TFile* f2 = new TFile((TString)argv[5]); |
721 |
TH1F* h11D; TH1F* h21D; |
722 |
TH2F* h12D; TH2F* h22D; |
723 |
TH1F h1n1D; TH1F h2n1D; |
724 |
TH2F h1n2D; TH2F h2n2D; |
725 |
TH1F h1div; TH2F h2div; |
726 |
cout<<"out is "<<out<<endl; |
727 |
if(H2){ |
728 |
h12D = (TH2F*)f1->Get(argv[4]); |
729 |
h22D = (TH2F*)f2->Get(argv[6]); |
730 |
h1n2D.SetBins(h12D->GetNbinsX(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h12D->GetNbinsY(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
731 |
h2n2D.SetBins(h12D->GetNbinsX(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h12D->GetNbinsY(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
732 |
h2div.SetBins(h12D->GetNbinsX(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h12D->GetNbinsY(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
733 |
for(Int_t i = 0; i < h12D->GetNbinsX(); i++){ |
734 |
for(Int_t j = 0; j < h12D->GetNbinsY(); j++){ |
735 |
h1n2D.SetBinContent(i,j,h12D->GetBinContent(i,j)/h12D->GetEntries()); |
736 |
h2n2D.SetBinContent(i,j,h22D->GetBinContent(i,j)/h22D->GetEntries()); |
737 |
} |
738 |
} |
739 |
h2div.Divide(&h1n2D,&h2n2D); |
740 |
}else{ |
741 |
h11D = (TH1F*)f1->Get((TString)argv[4]); |
742 |
h21D = (TH1F*)f2->Get((TString)argv[6]); |
743 |
h1n1D.SetBins(h11D->GetNbinsX(),h11D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h11D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
744 |
h2n1D.SetBins(h21D->GetNbinsX(),h21D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h21D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
745 |
h1div.SetBins(h21D->GetNbinsX(),h21D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h21D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
746 |
for(Int_t i = 0; i<h11D->GetNbinsX();i++){ |
747 |
h1n1D.SetBinContent(i,h11D->GetBinContent(i)/h11D->GetEntries()); |
748 |
h2n1D.SetBinContent(i,h21D->GetBinContent(i)/h21D->GetEntries()); |
749 |
} |
750 |
h1div.Divide(&h1n1D,&h2n1D); |
751 |
} |
752 |
h2div.SetName("Proton"); |
753 |
h1div.SetName("Proton"); |
754 |
if(H2){ |
755 |
TFile fdiv(out+".root","recreate"); |
756 |
h2div.Write(); |
757 |
fdiv.Close(); |
758 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","resultDivide",1200,800); |
759 |
c1->cd(); |
760 |
h2div.Draw("colz"); |
761 |
c1->SaveAs(out+".png"); |
762 |
delete c1; |
763 |
}else{ |
764 |
TFile fdiv(out+".root","recreate"); |
765 |
h1div.Write(); |
766 |
fdiv.Close(); |
767 |
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","resultDivide",1200,800); |
768 |
c1->cd(); |
769 |
h1div.Draw(); |
770 |
c1->SaveAs(out+".png"); |
771 |
delete c1; |
772 |
}*/ |
773 |
Bool_t Err = false; |
774 |
if((argc==10) && !strcmp(argv[9],"-Err")) Err = true; |
775 |
DivideHystTH2F((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],(TString)argv[4],(TString)argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),atoi(argv[7]),argv[8],Err); |
776 |
exit(0); |
777 |
} |
778 |
779 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--ReBin")){ |
780 |
if(4 >= argc){ |
781 |
cout<<"--ReBin needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
782 |
exit(1); |
783 |
} |
784 |
ReBinTH2F((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],argv[4]); |
785 |
exit(0); |
786 |
} |
787 |
788 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--2Dto1D")){ |
789 |
if(4 >= argc){ |
790 |
cout<<"--2Dto1D needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
791 |
exit(1); |
792 |
} |
793 |
Convert2Dto1Dhyst((TString)argv[2],(TString)argv[3],argv[4]); |
794 |
exit(0); |
795 |
} |
796 |
797 |
if(!strcmp(argv[3],"--OutPuth")){ |
798 |
if (4 >= argc){ |
799 |
cout<<"--OutPath needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
800 |
}else{ |
801 |
outdir = argv[4]; |
802 |
opt1.outdir = argv[4]; |
803 |
} |
804 |
}else{ |
805 |
cout<<"\n ERROR:\tYou need --OutPuth as second argument for run programm\n See --help for more information\n"<<endl; |
806 |
exit(1); |
807 |
} |
808 |
809 |
if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--WorkDir")){ |
810 |
if (2 >= argc){ |
811 |
cout<<"--WorkDir needs argument\n See --help\n"; |
812 |
exit(1); |
813 |
} |
814 |
}else{ |
815 |
cout<<"\n ERROR:\tYou need --WorkDir as first argument for run programm\n See --help for more information\n"<<endl; |
816 |
exit(1); |
817 |
} |
818 |
819 |
if(argc==5){ |
820 |
//opt1.Default(); |
821 |
cout<<"MESSAGE:\tSetting default options \n\n"; |
822 |
} |
823 |
824 |
for(Int_t i=5; i<argc; i++){ |
825 |
826 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-do")) opt1.debug = true; |
827 |
//opt1.AnglHystFunc(argc,argv); |
828 |
//exit(1); |
829 |
/* |
830 |
Int_t NHyst1D = 0; Int_t NHyst2D = 0; |
831 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--AnglHyst")){ |
832 |
833 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"\n MESSAGE:\t AnglHyst was inicialized \n\n"; |
834 |
if((i+1)>=argc){ |
835 |
//opt1.AnglHystDefault(); |
836 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Setting default value for AnglHyst option.\n\n"; |
837 |
}else{ |
838 |
839 |
Int_t i0 = i+1; |
840 |
841 |
Bool_t inside = false; //Check that we go inside loop |
842 |
843 |
Int_t NPth = 0; Int_t NMA = 0; Int_t NPNO = 0; |
844 |
opt1.AnglHystFunc(argc,argv); |
845 |
846 |
} //if((i+1)>=argc) {...}; else |
847 |
848 |
} //AnglHyst |
849 |
850 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--DiffHyst")){ |
851 |
//opt1.opt.DH.DiffHystOn = true; |
852 |
//opt1.DiffHystFunc(argc,argv); |
853 |
}*/ |
854 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--PamEff")){ |
855 |
//opt1.opt.PE.PamEffOn = true; |
856 |
opt1.PamEffFunc(argc,argv); |
857 |
/*if(opt1.debug){ |
858 |
for(Int_t i = 0; i<opt1.Hyst2D.size();i++){ |
859 |
cout<<"\t\tName of Hystogramm - "<<opt1.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetName()<<endl; |
860 |
cout<<"\t\tRoot = "<<opt1.Hyst2D[i].HI.root<<endl; |
861 |
cout<<"\t\tpng = "<<opt1.Hyst2D[i].HI.png<<endl; |
862 |
cout<<"\t\tExpType = "<<opt1.Hyst2D[i].HI.ExpType<<endl; |
863 |
cout<<"\t\tFile name = "<<opt1.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename<<endl; |
864 |
} |
865 |
}*/ |
866 |
} //PamEff |
867 |
868 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-DoTr")) opt1.opt.DoTr = true; |
869 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-v") || !strcmp(argv[i],"-verbose")){ |
870 |
if(i+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[i+1])){ |
871 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -verbose needs arguments \n See --help \n"; |
872 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Argument number\t"<<i<<"\n"; |
873 |
exit(1); |
874 |
} |
875 |
opt1.opt.verbose = atoi(argv[i+1]); |
876 |
if(opt1.opt.verbose>3){ |
877 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -verbose needs 0, 1, 2 or 3 only \n See --help \n"; |
878 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Argument\t"<<opt1.opt.verbose<<"\n"; |
879 |
exit(1); |
880 |
} |
881 |
} |
882 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-s") || !strcmp(argv[i],"-silent")) opt1.opt.verbose = 0; |
883 |
/* if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-outform") || !strcmp(argv[i],"-of")){ |
884 |
Int_t i7 = i+1; |
885 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"OutForm option was selected...\n\n"; |
886 |
if(i7>=argc || (strcmp(argv[i7],"jpg") && strcmp(argv[i7],"png") && strcmp(argv[i7],"bmp") && strcmp(argv[i7],"root") && |
887 |
strcmp(argv[i7],"txt") && strcmp(argv[i7],"all"))){ |
888 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -outform needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
889 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Argument number - "<<i7<<" argc = "<<argc<<"\n"; |
890 |
exit(1); |
891 |
} |
892 |
while(i7<argc && (!strcmp(argv[i7],"jpg") || !strcmp(argv[i7],"png") || !strcmp(argv[i7],"bmp") || !strcmp(argv[i7],"root") || |
893 |
!strcmp(argv[i7],"txt") || !strcmp(argv[i7],"all"))){ |
894 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"jpg")) opt1.opt.ext[0] = true; |
895 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"png")) opt1.opt.ext[1] = true; |
896 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"bmp")) opt1.opt.ext[2] = true; |
897 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"root")) opt1.opt.ext[3] = true; |
898 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"txt")) opt1.opt.ext[4] = true; |
899 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i7],"all")){ |
900 |
opt1.opt.ext[1] = true; |
901 |
opt1.opt.ext[3] = true; |
902 |
opt1.opt.ext[4] = true; |
903 |
} |
904 |
i7++; |
905 |
} |
906 |
}*/ |
907 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-ne") || (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nevents"))){ |
908 |
if(i+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[i+1])){ |
909 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nevents needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
910 |
exit(1); |
911 |
} |
912 |
if(atoi(argv[i+1])<0){ |
913 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nevents needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
914 |
exit(1); |
915 |
} |
916 |
opt1.opt.Neve = atoi(argv[i+1]); |
917 |
} |
918 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-nv") || (!strcmp(argv[i],"-Nverbose"))){ |
919 |
if(i+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[i+1])){ |
920 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nevents needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
921 |
exit(1); |
922 |
} |
923 |
if(atoi(argv[i+1])<0){ |
924 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nevents needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
925 |
exit(1); |
926 |
} |
927 |
opt1.opt.Nverb = atoi(argv[i+1]); |
928 |
} |
929 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-ns") || (!strcmp(argv[i],"-Nstart"))){ |
930 |
if(i+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[i+1])){ |
931 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -Nstart needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
932 |
exit(1); |
933 |
} |
934 |
if(atoi(argv[i+1])<0){ |
935 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nstart needs ULong integer \n See --help \n"; |
936 |
exit(1); |
937 |
} |
938 |
opt1.opt.Nstart = atoi(argv[i+1]); |
939 |
} |
940 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--Show")){ |
941 |
Int_t a=0; |
942 |
if(opt1.debug) a=1; |
943 |
if(i>5+a){ |
944 |
cout<<"\n Error!: \t --Show must be used as single option without any other \n See --help \n"; |
945 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Argument number - "<<i<<" argc = "<<argc<<" arg0 - "<<argv[0]<<" arg1 - "<<argv[1]<<"\n"; |
946 |
exit(1); |
947 |
} |
948 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"\nShow Option was selected...\n\n"; |
949 |
opt1.opt.SP.Existed = true; |
950 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-nevents")) opt1.opt.SP.Nev = true; |
951 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-StartTime")) opt1.opt.SP.ST = true; |
952 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-EndTime")) opt1.opt.SP.ET = true; |
953 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-FullInformation")){ |
954 |
Int_t j6 = i+2; |
955 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"\nFull Information option was selected...\n\n"; |
956 |
if(j6>=argc){ |
957 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -FullInformation needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
958 |
exit(1); |
959 |
} |
960 |
while(j6<argc && (!strcmp(argv[j6],"-absTime") || !strcmp(argv[j6],"-event") || !strcmp(argv[j6],"-UTS") || !strcmp(argv[j6],"-Track"))){ |
961 |
if(!strcmp(argv[j6],"-event")){ |
962 |
if(j6+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[j6+1])){ |
963 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -nevents needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
964 |
exit(1); |
965 |
} |
966 |
opt1.opt.SP.FI.NEvent = atoi(argv[j6+1]); |
967 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Event number\t"<<opt1.opt.SP.FI.NEvent<<"\n"; |
968 |
j6++; |
969 |
} |
970 |
if(!strcmp(argv[j6],"-absTime")){ |
971 |
if(j6+1>=argc || !atoi(argv[j6+1])){ |
972 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -absTime needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
973 |
exit(1); |
974 |
} |
975 |
opt1.opt.SP.FI.AbsTime = atoi(argv[j6+1]); |
976 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"Absolute time of Event\t"<<opt1.opt.SP.FI.AbsTime<<"\n"; |
977 |
j6++; |
978 |
} |
979 |
if(!strcmp(argv[j6],"-UTS")){ |
980 |
if(j6+1>=argc){ |
981 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -UTS needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
982 |
exit(1); |
983 |
} |
984 |
opt1.opt.SP.FI.UTS = argv[j6+1]; |
985 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"UTS of Event\t"<<opt1.opt.SP.FI.NEvent<<"\n"; |
986 |
j6++; |
987 |
} |
988 |
if(!strcmp(argv[j6],"-Track")) opt1.opt.SP.FI.WT = true; |
989 |
j6++; |
990 |
} |
991 |
} |
992 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-absTime")){ |
993 |
if(i+2>=argc || !atoi(argv[i+2])){ |
994 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -event needs integer argument \n See --help \n"; |
995 |
exit(1); |
996 |
} |
997 |
opt1.opt.SP.AbsTime = atoi(argv[i+2]); |
998 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"AbsTime for convert is "<<opt1.opt.SP.AbsTime<<"\n"; |
999 |
} |
1000 |
if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"-UTS")){ |
1001 |
if(i+2>=argc){ |
1002 |
cout<<"\n ERROR! \t -UTS needs argument \n See --help \n"; |
1003 |
exit(1); |
1004 |
} |
1005 |
opt1.opt.SP.UTS = argv[i+2]; |
1006 |
if(opt1.debug) cout<<"UTS for convert is "<<opt1.opt.SP.UTS<<"\n"; |
1007 |
} |
1008 |
} |
1009 |
} |
1010 |
1011 |
//Bool_t OptDef = false; |
1012 |
//for(Int_t t=0; t<5; t++) if (opt1.opt.ext[t] == true) OptDef = true; |
1013 |
//if(!OptDef) opt1.opt.ext[1] = true; |
1014 |
/* |
1015 |
if(opt1.debug){ |
1016 |
if(opt1.opt.SP.Existed){ |
1017 |
cout<<"\nShow options are:\n\n"; |
1018 |
cout<<"number of events - "<<opt1.opt.SP.Nev<<";\t Start time - "<<opt1.opt.SP.ST<<";\t End time - "<<opt1.opt.SP.ET<<";\n"; |
1019 |
}else{ |
1020 |
cout<<"\nOptions are:\n\n"; |
1021 |
cout<<"DoTrack - "<<opt1.opt.DoTr<<";\t verbose - "<<opt1.opt.verbose<<";\n"; |
1022 |
cout<<"output file:\t"; |
1023 |
for(Int_t t=0; t<5; t++) cout<<opt1.opt.ext[t]<<", "; |
1024 |
cout<<"\n\n"; |
1025 |
} |
1026 |
}*/ |
1027 |
1028 |
if(!opt1.debug) Calculate(argv[2],outdir,AnglHist,DiffHist,PamEff,DoTr,PamAngTime,PamExp,opt1); |
1029 |
1030 |
} |
1031 |
1032 |
//Function to Convert Rigidity to Energy |
1033 |
1034 |
Float_t ConvertR2T(Float_t R, Float_t M, Float_t Z) |
1035 |
{ |
1036 |
// |
1037 |
// Convert rigidity (GV) in kinetic energy (GeV) per nucleon |
1038 |
// input = rigidity (GV), mass (Gev/c^2), A,Z. |
1039 |
// |
1040 |
1041 |
Float_t EcinperN = (sqrt(pow((Z*R),2)+pow(M,2))-M); |
1042 |
return EcinperN; |
1043 |
} |
1044 |
1045 |
//Function to convert Energy to Rigidity |
1046 |
1047 |
Float_t ConvertT2R(Float_t T, Float_t M, Float_t A, Float_t Z) |
1048 |
{ |
1049 |
// |
1050 |
// Convert kinetic energy (GeV) per nucleon in rigidity (GV) |
1051 |
// output = rigidity (GV),input kin energy mass (Gev/c^2), A,Z. |
1052 |
// |
1053 |
1054 |
Float_t R= (1/Z)*(sqrt(pow((A*T+M),2)-pow(M,2))); |
1055 |
return R; |
1056 |
} |
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
void Calculate(char* dirname, string outdir, Bool_t AnglHist, Bool_t DiffHist, Bool_t PamEff, Bool_t DoTr, Bool_t PamAngTime, Bool_t PamExp, OptionParam opt){ |
1060 |
1061 |
/**********************************************/ |
1062 |
//First initialization, general for all purposes |
1063 |
/**********************************************/ |
1064 |
1065 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=2) cout<<"\nGeneral variables initialisation...\n\n"; |
1066 |
1067 |
TSystemDirectory* workdir = new TSystemDirectory("workdir",dirname); |
1068 |
//TSystemDirectory* workdir2 = new TSystemDirectory("workdir2","/data01/_3/607_3/"); |
1069 |
TList* flist = workdir->GetListOfFiles(); |
1070 |
PamLevel2* pam_events = new PamLevel2(); |
1071 |
PamelaOrientation* PO = new PamelaOrientation(); |
1072 |
TTree *T = pam_events->GetPamTree(flist,"treename"); |
1073 |
ULong_t nevents = T->GetEntries(); |
1074 |
1075 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=1) cout<<"\n Nevents = "<<nevents<<"\n\n"; |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
/********************************************************************************/ |
1079 |
/*****NEED TO CHANGE FOR OTHER COMPUTERS****************************************/ |
1080 |
pam_events->GetTrkLevel2()->LoadField("/data01/pam7/installed/pamela_software/calib/trk-param/field_param-0/"); |
1081 |
/********************************************************************************/ |
1082 |
1083 |
Int_t nz = 6; Float_t zin[6]; |
1084 |
for (Int_t ip=0;ip<nz;ip++) {zin[ip] = pam_events->GetToFLevel2()->GetZTOF(pam_events->GetToFLevel2()->GetToFPlaneID(ip));cout<<zin[ip]<<endl;} |
1085 |
Trajectory *tr = new Trajectory(nz,zin); |
1086 |
1087 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=2) cout<<"\n Other Variables initialisation...\n\n"; |
1088 |
1089 |
PamTrack *track; |
1090 |
1091 |
Int_t ntr; Float_t Argv = 0; Double_t PamAzim = 0; |
1092 |
Double_t PamZenit = 0; Double_t MyAzim = 0; Double_t MyZenit = 0; |
1093 |
Double_t Px = 0; Double_t Py = 0; Double_t Pz = 0; |
1094 |
1095 |
//Peremennye dlya opredeleniya pervogo vhoda v cycly v PamExp |
1096 |
1097 |
ULong_t PHE1 = 0; ULong_t PLE1 = 0; ULong_t PAE1 = 0; |
1098 |
ULong_t EHE1 = 0; ULong_t ELE1 = 0; ULong_t EAE1 = 0; |
1099 |
ULong_t pHE1 = 0; ULong_t pLE1 = 0; ULong_t pAE1 = 0; |
1100 |
ULong_t AHE1 = 0; ULong_t ALE1 = 0; ULong_t AAE1 = 0; |
1101 |
1102 |
/*********************************************************************************/ |
1103 |
//Histogramms for Count and exposition of Angles (Pitch, Pamela's Main axis, etc ) |
1104 |
/*********************************************************************************/ |
1105 |
1106 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=2) cout<<"\n--AnglHyst Hystogramm block...\n\n"; |
1107 |
1108 |
/***************************************************************************************/ |
1109 |
//Histogramms for differences in results between calculating using DoTrack2 |
1110 |
//and using axv[0], ayv[0] |
1111 |
/**************************************************************************************/ |
1112 |
1113 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=2) cout<<"\n--DiffHyst Hystogramm block...\n\n"; |
1114 |
1115 |
1116 |
/***************************************************************************************/ |
1117 |
//Initialization histogramms for count of protons depends from Energy. Volodia. |
1118 |
/***************************************************************************************/ |
1119 |
1120 |
// TH1F* proton10log= new TH1F("Protons Flux","",80,-1.,3.); |
1121 |
// proton10log->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log10(Energy) , GeV"); |
1122 |
// TH1F* proton1log= new TH1F("Protons Flux","",80,-1.,3.); |
1123 |
//TH1F* binw= new TH1F("w","",80,-1.,3.); |
1124 |
TH1F binw; |
1125 |
binw.SetBins(80,-1.,3.); |
1126 |
// proton1log->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log10(Energy) , GeV"); |
1127 |
// proton1log->SetLineColor(kRed); |
1128 |
// TCanvas *plogCanvas = new TCanvas("proton flux","protonflux", 800, 800); |
1129 |
// this is bins wide to calculate Flux |
1130 |
//Float_t x; |
1131 |
//Float_t xmin, xmax; |
1132 |
//Float_t binwide[80]; |
1133 |
for (Int_t l=0 ; l<80; l++) { |
1134 |
binw.Fill(-1.+0.05*l,pow(10.,0.05*(Float_t)(l+1)-1.)- pow(10.,0.05*(Float_t)(l)-1.)); |
1135 |
//binwide[l]=-1.+0.05*l,pow(10.,0.05*(Float_t)(l+1)-1.)- pow(10.,0.05*(Float_t)(l)-1.) |
1136 |
} |
1137 |
1138 |
//for (Int_t l=0 ; l<80; l++) { |
1139 |
//binwide[l]=binw->GetBinContent(l+1); |
1140 |
// } |
1141 |
1142 |
/****************************************************************************/ |
1143 |
//Geometrical Factor. Volodia |
1144 |
/****************************************************************************/ |
1145 |
/* |
1146 |
TH1F* Geomfactor = new TH1F("G","G",1000,0.1,500.1); |
1147 |
TH1F* Geomfactorlog= new TH1F("Glog","Glog",80,-1.,3.); |
1148 |
TH1F* Geomfactorlogelectron= new TH1F("Gloge","Gloge",80,-1.,3.); |
1149 |
for (Int_t l=0 ; l <80 ;l++) { |
1150 |
x=pow(10.,(Float_t) 0.05*l-1.); |
1151 |
Geomfactorlogelectron->SetBinContent(l+1,pow(1/pow(66.7051+50.05404*log10(x),3.5083)+1./pow(21.6238,3.5083),(-1./3.5083))); |
1152 |
x=ConvertT2R(x,0.938,1., 1.); |
1153 |
Geomfactorlog->SetBinContent(l+1,pow(1/pow(66.7051+50.05404*log10(x),3.5083)+1./pow(21.6238,3.5083),(-1./3.5083))); |
1154 |
}//geomfactor for linear scale |
1155 |
for (Int_t l=0 ; l <1000 ;l++) { |
1156 |
x=(Float_t) 0.5*l+0.1; |
1157 |
Geomfactor->SetBinContent(l+1,pow(1/pow(66.7051+50.05404*log10(x),3.5083)+1./pow(21.6238,3.5083),(-1./3.5083))); |
1158 |
} |
1159 |
*/ |
1160 |
/****************************************************************************/ |
1161 |
//General loop |
1162 |
/****************************************************************************/ |
1163 |
1164 |
if(opt.opt.Neve == 0) opt.opt.Neve = nevents; |
1165 |
1166 |
cout<<opt.opt.Neve<<endl; |
1167 |
1168 |
for(ULong_t i=opt.opt.Nstart; i<opt.opt.Neve; i++){ |
1169 |
1170 |
//cout<<i<<endl; |
1171 |
T->GetEntry(i); |
1172 |
Bool_t OneTrack = false; |
1173 |
1174 |
if(pam_events->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()==1) OneTrack = true; |
1175 |
1176 |
Int_t M0DE = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->mode; //0 is zero here |
1177 |
Float_t Bx = -pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->Bdown; //don't need for PamExp ExpOnly for all geography areas |
1178 |
Float_t By = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->Beast; //don't need for PamExp ExpOnly for all geography areas |
1179 |
Float_t Bz = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->Bnorth; //don't need for PamExp ExpOnly for all geography areas |
1180 |
Float_t Babs = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->Babs; //don't need for PamExp ExpOnly for all geography areas |
1181 |
Float_t L = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->L; //don't need for PamExp ExpOnly for all geography areas |
1182 |
Float_t Alt = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->alt; |
1183 |
Float_t Lat = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->lat; |
1184 |
Float_t Lon = pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->lon; |
1185 |
Float_t LieveTime = 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1186 |
Float_t DeathTime = 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1187 |
Float_t rigev = 0; |
1188 |
Float_t detr = 0; |
1189 |
Int_t hm0; Int_t hm1; |
1190 |
Int_t hs0; Int_t hs1; |
1191 |
1192 |
ntr = 0; |
1193 |
1194 |
Double_t A1; Double_t A2; Double_t A3; |
1195 |
Double_t SB = 1000; Double_t SA; Double_t SC; Double_t ZC; |
1196 |
1197 |
if(OneTrack){ |
1198 |
track = pam_events->GetTrack(0); //don't need for PamExp option |
1199 |
rigev = 1/track->GetTrkTrack()->GetDeflection(); //dont need for AnglHyst, DiffHyst and PamExp options; |
1200 |
detr = track->GetTrkTrack()->GetDEDX(); |
1201 |
hm0 = pam_events->GetAcLevel2()->hitmap[0]; |
1202 |
hm1 = pam_events->GetAcLevel2()->hitmap[1]; |
1203 |
hs0 = pam_events->GetAcLevel2()->hitstatus[0]; |
1204 |
hs1 = pam_events->GetAcLevel2()->hitstatus[1]; |
1205 |
1206 |
if(!OneTrack) ntr = -1; else{ |
1207 |
//cout<<"OneTrack"<<endl; |
1208 |
Float_t ichi2lim = fabs(track->GetTrkTrack()->GetDeflection())*1.85+3.0; |
1209 |
if ((track->GetTrkTrack()->chi2<=0) || (track->GetTrkTrack()->chi2>=pow(ichi2lim,4.))) ntr=-1; |
1210 |
/*for(Int_t ii=1;ii<=12;ii++){ |
1211 |
if ((track->GetToFTrack()->beta[ii]<0) || (track->GetToFTrack()->beta[ii]>99)) ntr=-1; |
1212 |
}*/ |
1213 |
if ((track->GetToFTrack()->beta[12]<0) || (track->GetToFTrack()->beta[12]>99)) ntr=-1; |
1214 |
if((track->GetTrkTrack()->GetNX()<=4)&&(track->GetTrkTrack()->GetNY()<4)) ntr=-1; |
1215 |
if(!track->GetTrkTrack()->IsInsideCavity()) ntr=-1; |
1216 |
if(sqrt(pow(Bx,2)+pow(By,2)+pow(Bz,2))<0.001) ntr=-1; |
1217 |
if((M0DE!=0)&&(M0DE!=1)&&(M0DE!=6)&&(M0DE!=2)&&(M0DE!=3)&&(M0DE!=8)&&(M0DE!=4)) ntr=-1; |
1218 |
} |
1219 |
1220 |
if(ntr!=-1){ |
1221 |
1222 |
if(!opt.opt.DoTr){ |
1223 |
1224 |
Double_t Aaxv = TMath::Abs(track->GetTrkTrack()->axv[0])*TMath::DegToRad(); |
1225 |
Double_t Aayv = TMath::Abs(track->GetTrkTrack()->ayv[0])*TMath::DegToRad(); |
1226 |
PamZenit = TMath::RadToDeg()*asin(sqrt(pow(sin(Aayv), 2) + pow(sin(Aaxv), 2))); |
1227 |
1228 |
Double_t axv = -track->GetTrkTrack()->axv[0] * TMath::DegToRad(); |
1229 |
Double_t ayv = -track->GetTrkTrack()->ayv[0] * TMath::DegToRad(); |
1230 |
Double_t angle = atan(sin(TMath::Abs(ayv))/sin(TMath::Abs(axv))) * TMath::RadToDeg(); |
1231 |
1232 |
PamAzim = 360. - angle; |
1233 |
if(axv>=0 && ayv >=0) PamAzim = angle; |
1234 |
if(axv<0 && ayv >0) PamAzim = 180. - angle; |
1235 |
if(axv<0 && ayv <0) PamAzim = 180. + angle; |
1236 |
1237 |
PamAzim = PamAzim * TMath::DegToRad(); |
1238 |
PamZenit = (180 - PamZenit) * TMath::DegToRad(); |
1239 |
Px = sin(axv); |
1240 |
Py = sin(ayv); |
1241 |
Pz = cos(PamZenit); |
1242 |
1243 |
//cout<<"PamAzimuth = "<<PamAzim<<" PamZenit = "<<PamZenit<<endl; |
1244 |
1245 |
} |
1246 |
1247 |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
1248 |
//Calculate Zenit and Azimutal angle and vector of particle flight in Pamela |
1249 |
//using DoTrack2 procedure |
1250 |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
1251 |
1252 |
if(opt.opt.DoTr){ |
1253 |
1254 |
track->GetTrkTrack()->DoTrack2(tr); |
1255 |
Double_t E11x = tr->x[0]; |
1256 |
Double_t E11y = tr->y[0]; |
1257 |
Double_t E11z = zin[0]; |
1258 |
Double_t E22x = tr->x[3]; |
1259 |
Double_t E22y = tr->y[3]; |
1260 |
Double_t E22z = zin[3]; |
1261 |
Double_t norm = sqrt(pow(E22x-E11x,2)+pow(E22y-E11y,2)+pow(E22z-E11z,2)); |
1262 |
MyAzim = TMath::RadToDeg()*atan(TMath::Abs(E22y-E11y)/TMath::Abs(E22x-E11x)); |
1263 |
MyAzim = MyAzim;//-180; |
1264 |
MyZenit = TMath::RadToDeg()*acos((E22z-E11z)/norm); |
1265 |
if(E22x-E11x>=0 && E22y-E11y <0) MyAzim = 360. - MyAzim; |
1266 |
if(E22x-E11x>=0 && E22y-E11y >=0) MyAzim = MyAzim; |
1267 |
if(E22x-E11x<0 && E22y-E11y >0) MyAzim = 180. - MyAzim; |
1268 |
if(E22x-E11x<0 && E22y-E11y <0) MyAzim = 180. + MyAzim; |
1269 |
Px = (E22x-E11x)/norm; |
1270 |
Py = (E22y-E11y)/norm; |
1271 |
Pz = (E22z-E11z)/norm; |
1272 |
1273 |
} |
1274 |
1275 |
TMatrixD Fij = PO->ECItoGreenwich(PO->QuatoECI(pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->q0,pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->q1,pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->q2,pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->q3),pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime); |
1276 |
TMatrixD Dij = PO->GreenwichtoGEO(pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->lat,pam_events->GetOrbitalInfo()->lon,Fij); |
1277 |
TMatrixD Iij = PO->ColPermutation(Dij); |
1278 |
1279 |
TMatrixD Eij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Iij,Px,Py,Pz); //Don't necessary for PamExp |
1280 |
1281 |
A1 = Iij(0,2); |
1282 |
A2 = Iij(1,2); |
1283 |
A3 = Iij(2,2); |
1284 |
1285 |
SB = PO->GetPitchAngle(Eij(0,0),Eij(1,0),Eij(2,0),Bx,By,Bz); // Pitch angle |
1286 |
SA = PO->GetPitchAngle(A1,A2,A3,Bx,By,Bz); // Angle between Pamela's main axiz and B |
1287 |
SC = PO->GetPitchAngle(1,0,0,Bx,By,Bz); // Angle between direction to zenit and B |
1288 |
1289 |
} |
1290 |
} |
1291 |
1292 |
//cout<<"OneTrack"<<endl; |
1293 |
if(sqrt(pow(Bx,2)+pow(By,2)+pow(Bz,2))<0.001) ntr=-1;else{ |
1294 |
//cout<<"US.size = "<<opt.US.size()<<endl; |
1295 |
for(Int_t jz = 0; jz<opt.PS.size();jz++){ |
1296 |
for(Int_t jy = 0; jy<opt.US.size();jy++){ |
1297 |
for(Int_t jx = 0; jx<opt.US[jy].USP.size();jx++){ |
1298 |
//if(SB<400) cout<<"Pitch = "<<SB<<" Babs = "<<Babs<<" L = "<<L<<" Alt = "<<Alt<<endl; |
1299 |
//cout<<"Fill Hyst1D["<<thg<<"]"<<endl; |
1300 |
if(Babs<opt.US[jy].USP[jx].Bless && Babs>opt.US[jy].USP[jx].Bmore && L<opt.US[jy].USP[jx].Lless && L>opt.US[jy].USP[jx].Lmore && Alt<opt.US[jy].USP[jx].altless && Alt>opt.US[jy].USP[jx].altmore && SB<opt.PS[jz].PitchMax && SB>opt.PS[jz].PitchMin){ |
1301 |
for(Int_t hg = 0; hg<opt.US[jy].NAH1D.size(); hg++){ |
1302 |
Int_t thg = opt.US[jy].NAH1D[hg]; |
1303 |
for(Int_t ps = 0; ps<opt.PS[jz].NAH1D.size();ps++){ |
1304 |
if(thg==opt.PS[jz].NAH1D[ps]){ |
1305 |
opt.Hyst1D[thg].HI.LieveTime+= 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1306 |
opt.Hyst1D[thg].HI.DeathTime+= 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1307 |
//cout<<"Pitch = "<<SB<<" Babs = "<<Babs<<" L = "<<L<<" Alt = "<<Alt<<endl; |
1308 |
//cout<<"Fill Hyst1D["<<thg<<"]"<<endl; |
1309 |
} |
1310 |
} |
1311 |
} |
1312 |
for(Int_t hg = 0; hg<opt.US[jy].NAH2D.size(); hg++){ |
1313 |
Int_t thg = opt.US[jy].NAH2D[hg]; |
1314 |
for(Int_t ps = 0; ps<opt.PS[jz].NAH2D.size();ps++){ |
1315 |
if(thg==opt.PS[jz].NAH2D[ps]){ |
1316 |
opt.Hyst2D[thg].HI.LieveTime+= 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1317 |
opt.Hyst2D[thg].HI.DeathTime+= 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1318 |
} |
1319 |
} |
1320 |
} |
1321 |
for(Int_t hg = 0; hg<opt.US[jy].NAH3D.size(); hg++){ |
1322 |
Int_t thg = opt.US[jy].NAH3D[hg]; |
1323 |
for(Int_t ps = 0; ps<opt.PS[jz].NAH3D.size();ps++){ |
1324 |
if(thg==opt.PS[jz].NAH3D[ps]){ |
1325 |
opt.Hyst3D[thg].HI.LieveTime+= 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1326 |
opt.Hyst3D[thg].HI.DeathTime+= 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1327 |
} |
1328 |
} |
1329 |
} |
1330 |
jx = opt.US[jy].USP.size(); |
1331 |
} |
1332 |
} |
1333 |
} |
1334 |
} |
1335 |
} |
1336 |
//cout<<ntr<<endl; |
1337 |
if(OneTrack){ |
1338 |
1339 |
if(ntr!=-1){ |
1340 |
1341 |
Bool_t verb = false; |
1342 |
if(opt.opt.Nverb!=-1) if(i>=opt.opt.Nverb) verb = true; |
1343 |
//if(opt.opt.Nverb==-1) verb = false; |
1344 |
1345 |
if(verb) cout<<"\n\ni = "<<i<<"\n\n"<<endl; |
1346 |
1347 |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
1348 |
// CALO Selection |
1349 |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
1350 |
1351 |
Float_t caloqpre=track->GetCaloTrack()->qpre; |
1352 |
Int_t calonpre=track->GetCaloTrack()->npre; |
1353 |
Float_t caloqtrack=track->GetCaloTrack()->qtrack; |
1354 |
Float_t caloqmax=pam_events->GetCaloLevel2()->qmax; |
1355 |
Int_t dncore=track->GetCaloTrack()->ncore; |
1356 |
Int_t lepton = 0; |
1357 |
Bool_t ACSelection = false; |
1358 |
1359 |
if((hm0 & hs0)==0 && (hm1 & hs1)==0) ACSelection = true; |
1360 |
//cout<<"hm0 = "<<hm0<<" hm1 = "<<hm1<<" hs0 = "<<" hs1 = "<<hs1<<endl; |
1361 |
1362 |
Float_t betaev = 0.25*(track->GetToFTrack()->beta[0]+track->GetToFTrack()->beta[1]+track->GetToFTrack()->beta[2]+track->GetToFTrack()->beta[3]); |
1363 |
Float_t Ekin = 0; |
1364 |
1365 |
if(detr<2. && Babs>0.24 && betaev>0.2){ |
1366 |
if(dncore > (pow(fabs(rigev),0.4)*700.-400.) && fabs(rigev)<11.2) lepton = 1; |
1367 |
if(dncore > (pow(fabs(rigev),0.38)*700.-200.) && fabs(rigev)<48.) lepton = 1; |
1368 |
if(dncore > 3200. && fabs(rigev)>=48.) lepton = 1; |
1369 |
if(caloqtrack < (115.*fabs(rigev)-50.)) lepton = 0; |
1370 |
if(dncore < (700.*pow(fabs(rigev),0.33)-400.) && fabs(rigev)<=70. && fabs(rigev)>32.) lepton = 0; |
1371 |
if(fabs(rigev)>70. && dncore < 3200.) lepton = 0; |
1372 |
if(dncore < (pow(fabs(rigev),0.38)*700.-200.) && fabs(rigev)>18. && fabs(rigev)<32.) lepton = 0; |
1373 |
if(dncore < (700.*pow(fabs(rigev),0.4)-400.) && fabs(rigev)<18.) lepton = 0; |
1374 |
if(fabs(rigev)<=40. && calonpre < pow(fabs(rigev),0.6)) lepton = 0; |
1375 |
if(fabs(rigev)<=30. && calonpre > (70.-pow(fabs(rigev),0.4))) lepton = 0; |
1376 |
if(fabs(rigev)>40. && calonpre < 10.) lepton = 0; |
1377 |
if(fabs(rigev)>30. && calonpre > 32.) lepton = 0; |
1378 |
if(caloqpre/caloqtrack > (exp(-fabs(rigev)/5.)+exp(-fabs(rigev)/0.1)+0.05)) lepton = 0; |
1379 |
if(caloqmax/caloqtrack > (0.035+0.1/fabs(rigev))) lepton = 0; |
1380 |
} |
1381 |
1382 |
string Gname = ""; |
1383 |
//if(verb)for(Int_t o=0;o<opt.Hyst1D.size(); o++) cout<<"Name of Hyst1D["<<o<<"] is "<<opt.Hyst1D[o].HI.filename<<endl; |
1384 |
//if(verb)for(Int_t o=0;o<opt.Hyst2D.size(); o++) cout<<"Name of Hyst2D["<<o<<"] is "<<opt.Hyst2D[o].HI.filename<<endl; |
1385 |
1386 |
if(verb){ |
1387 |
//if(rigev>1.7 && rigev<= 1.8 && L>6 && Lat>60 && Lat<-60){ |
1388 |
cout<<"rigev = "<<rigev<<"\tdetr = "<<detr<<endl; |
1389 |
cout<<"Babs = "<<Babs<<"\tL = "<<L<<endl; |
1390 |
} |
1391 |
/*cout<<"Write Rigidity, please:"<<endl; |
1392 |
cin>>rigev; |
1393 |
cout<<"Write detr, please:"<<endl; |
1394 |
cin>>detr; |
1395 |
cout<<"Write lepton, please:"<<endl; |
1396 |
cin>>lepton; |
1397 |
cout<<"Write Anticounter, please:"<<endl; |
1398 |
cin>>ACSelection; |
1399 |
cout<<"Write Babs, please:"<<endl; |
1400 |
cin>>Babs; |
1401 |
cout<<"Write L, please:"<<endl; |
1402 |
cin>>L; |
1403 |
cout<<"Write Altitude, please:"<<endl; |
1404 |
cin>>Alt;*/ |
1405 |
1406 |
Double_t Rmin = 0; |
1407 |
Double_t Rmax = 0; |
1408 |
Double_t Detrmin = 0; |
1409 |
Double_t Detrmax = 0; |
1410 |
for(Int_t k=0;k<opt.SS.size();k++){ |
1411 |
//Int_t NSS = opt.Hyst1D[k].NSS; |
1412 |
Int_t ntr = 0; |
1413 |
Int_t u = 0; |
1414 |
while(u<opt.SS[k].SP.size()){ |
1415 |
Double_t Detrmin = 0; |
1416 |
Double_t Detrmax = 0; |
1417 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\trigev = "<<rigev<<endl; |
1418 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\tSelectionRmin["<<u<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].SP[u].Rmin<<"\tSelectionRmax["<<u<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].SP[u].Rmax<<endl; |
1419 |
if(rigev>opt.SS[k].SP[u].Rmin && rigev<=opt.SS[k].SP[u].Rmax){ |
1420 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\tdetrminf["<<u<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrminf<<"\tdetrmaxf["<<u<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrmaxf<<endl; |
1421 |
if(opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrminf!=0){ |
1422 |
switch ( opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrminf ) { |
1423 |
case 1:{Detrmin = 1/pow(fabs(rigev)+0.46,5)+1.1;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 1: Detrmin = "<<Detrmin<<endl;}break;} |
1424 |
case 2:{Detrmin = 9.0*exp(-5.6*(fabs(rigev)-0.385))+3.7;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 2: Detrmin = "<<Detrmin<<endl;}break;} |
1425 |
case 3:{Detrmin = 15*exp(-1.6*(fabs(rigev)-0.5))+4.;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 3: Detrmin = "<<Detrmin<<endl;}break;} |
1426 |
}; |
1427 |
}else {Detrmin = opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrmore;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tDetrmore: Detrmin = "<<Detrmin<<endl;}} |
1428 |
if(opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrmaxf!=0){ |
1429 |
switch ( opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrmaxf ) { |
1430 |
case 1:{Detrmax = 1/pow(fabs(rigev)+0.46,5)+1.1;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 1: Detrmax = "<<Detrmax<<endl;}break;} |
1431 |
case 2:{Detrmax = 9.0*exp(-5.6*(fabs(rigev)-0.385))+3.7;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 2: Detrmax = "<<Detrmax<<endl;}break;} |
1432 |
case 3:{Detrmax = 15*exp(-1.6*(fabs(rigev)-0.5))+4.;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tCase 3: Detrmax = "<<Detrmax<<endl;}break;} |
1433 |
}; |
1434 |
}else {Detrmax = opt.SS[k].SP[u].detrless;if(verb){cout<<"\t\tDetrless: Detrmax = "<<Detrmax<<endl;}} |
1435 |
Int_t Lept; |
1436 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\t Part Type is "<<opt.SS[k].PartType<<endl; |
1437 |
if(opt.SS[k].PartType==1 || opt.SS[k].PartType==4) Lept =1; else Lept = 0; |
1438 |
if(verb)cout<<"\t\tlepton = "<<lepton<<"\tLept = "<<Lept<<endl; |
1439 |
if(!(Detrmax==0 && Detrmin==0) && (detr<=Detrmin || detr>Detrmax)) ntr = -1; |
1440 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\tdetr = "<<detr<<"\tDetrmin = "<<Detrmin<<"\tDetrmax = "<<Detrmax<<endl; |
1441 |
if(opt.SS[k].SP[u].Calo && lepton==Lept) ntr=-1; |
1442 |
if(opt.SS[k].SP[u].AC && !ACSelection) ntr=-1; |
1443 |
//if(verb)cout<<"\t\tntr = "<<ntr<<endl; |
1444 |
} |
1445 |
u++; |
1446 |
}//while SP |
1447 |
if(ntr!=-1) { |
1448 |
vector<Int_t> N1D(0); |
1449 |
vector<Int_t> N2D(0); |
1450 |
Double_t Bmore = 0; |
1451 |
Double_t Bless = 0; |
1452 |
Double_t Lmore = 0; |
1453 |
Double_t Lless = 0; |
1454 |
Double_t altmore = 0; |
1455 |
Double_t altless = 0; |
1456 |
Double_t Rmore = 0; |
1457 |
Double_t Rless = 0; |
1458 |
Double_t Pmore = 0; |
1459 |
Double_t Pless = 0; |
1460 |
for(Int_t cu=0;cu<opt.SS[k].NAH1D.size();cu++){ |
1461 |
Int_t nus=opt.Hyst1D[opt.SS[k].NAH1D[cu]].HI.NUS; |
1462 |
Int_t nps=opt.Hyst1D[opt.SS[k].NAH1D[cu]].HI.NPT; |
1463 |
for(Int_t jx = 0; jx<opt.US[nus].USP.size(); jx++){ |
1464 |
Bmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Bmore; |
1465 |
Bless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Bless; |
1466 |
Lmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Lmore; |
1467 |
Lless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Lless; |
1468 |
altmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].altmore; |
1469 |
altless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].altless; |
1470 |
Rmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Rmore; |
1471 |
Rless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Rless; |
1472 |
Pmore = opt.PS[nps].PitchMin; |
1473 |
Pless = opt.PS[nps].PitchMax; |
1474 |
//cout<<"Pmore = "<<Pmore<<" Pless = "<<Pless<<endl; |
1475 |
if(Babs>Bmore && Babs<=Bless && L>Lmore && L<=Lless && Alt>altmore && Alt<=altless && rigev>Rmore && rigev<=Rless && SB>Pmore && SB<=Pless){ |
1476 |
//cout<<log10(rigev)<<endl; |
1477 |
N1D.resize(N1D.size()+1); |
1478 |
N1D[N1D.size()-1] = opt.SS[k].NAH1D[cu]; |
1479 |
if(verb){ |
1480 |
cout<<"nus = "<<nus<<endl; |
1481 |
cout<<"Bmore = "<<Bmore<<"\tBless = "<<Bless<<endl; |
1482 |
cout<<"Lmore = "<<Lmore<<"\tLless = "<<Lless<<endl; |
1483 |
cout<<"N1D["<<N1D.size()-1<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].NAH1D[cu]<<endl; |
1484 |
cout<<"HystName "<<opt.Hyst1D[N1D[N1D.size()-1]].HI.filename<<endl; |
1485 |
//Int_t we; |
1486 |
//cin>>we; |
1487 |
} |
1488 |
jx = opt.US[nus].USP.size(); |
1489 |
} |
1490 |
} |
1491 |
} |
1492 |
for(Int_t cu=0;cu<opt.SS[k].NAH2D.size();cu++){ |
1493 |
Int_t nus=opt.Hyst2D[opt.SS[k].NAH2D[cu]].HI.NUS; |
1494 |
Int_t nps=opt.Hyst2D[opt.SS[k].NAH2D[cu]].HI.NPT; |
1495 |
for(Int_t jx = 0; jx<opt.US[nus].USP.size(); jx++){ |
1496 |
Bmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Bmore; |
1497 |
Bless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Bless; |
1498 |
Lmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Lmore; |
1499 |
Lless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Lless; |
1500 |
altmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].altmore; |
1501 |
altless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].altless; |
1502 |
Rmore = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Rmore; |
1503 |
Rless = opt.US[nus].USP[jx].Rless; |
1504 |
Pmore = opt.PS[nps].PitchMin; |
1505 |
Pless = opt.PS[nps].PitchMax; |
1506 |
if(Babs>Bmore && Babs<Bless && L>Lmore && L<Lless && Alt>altmore && Alt<altless && rigev>Rmore && rigev<Rless && SB>Pmore && SB<Pless){ |
1507 |
N2D.resize(N2D.size()+1); |
1508 |
N2D[N2D.size()-1] = opt.SS[k].NAH2D[cu]; |
1509 |
if(verb){ |
1510 |
//if(rigev>1.7 && rigev<= 1.8){ |
1511 |
cout<<"nus = "<<nus<<endl; |
1512 |
cout<<"Babs = "<<Babs<<" Bmore = "<<Bmore<<"\tBless = "<<Bless<<endl; |
1513 |
cout<<"L = "<<L<<" Lmore = "<<Lmore<<"\tLless = "<<Lless<<endl; |
1514 |
cout<<"R = "<<rigev<<" Rmore = "<<Rmore<<"\tRless = "<<Rless<<endl; |
1515 |
cout<<"SB = "<<TMath::RadToDeg()*SB<<" Pmore = "<<Pmore<<"\tPless = "<<Pless<<endl; |
1516 |
cout<<"N2D["<<N2D.size()-1<<"] = "<<opt.SS[k].NAH2D[cu]<<endl; |
1517 |
cout<<"HystName "<<opt.Hyst2D[N2D[N2D.size()-1]].HI.filename<<endl; |
1518 |
//Int_t we; |
1519 |
//cin>>we; |
1520 |
} |
1521 |
jx = opt.US[nus].USP.size(); |
1522 |
} |
1523 |
} |
1524 |
} |
1525 |
for(Int_t d=0;d<N1D.size();d++){ |
1526 |
Rmin = opt.ED[opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.NED].Emin; |
1527 |
Rmax = opt.ED[opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.NED].Emax; |
1528 |
Detrmin = opt.ED[opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.NED].detrmin; |
1529 |
Detrmax = opt.ED[opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.NED].detrmax; |
1530 |
Double_t Argv = 0; |
1531 |
if(rigev>Rmin && rigev<=Rmax && detr>Detrmin && detr<=Detrmax){ |
1532 |
Int_t ExpType = opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.ExpType; |
1533 |
Double_t LTI = 0; |
1534 |
Double_t DTI = 0; |
1535 |
if(ExpType == 1 || ExpType == 3) LTI = 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1536 |
if(ExpType == 2 || ExpType == 3) DTI = 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1537 |
switch ( ExpType ){ |
1538 |
case 1:{Argv = LTI;break;} |
1539 |
case 2:{Argv = DTI;break;} |
1540 |
case 3:{Argv = LTI+DTI;break;} |
1541 |
case 4:{ |
1542 |
Argv = opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.LieveTime; |
1543 |
opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.LieveTime = 0; |
1544 |
break; |
1545 |
} |
1546 |
case 5:{ |
1547 |
Argv = opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.DeathTime; |
1548 |
opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.DeathTime = 0; |
1549 |
break; |
1550 |
} |
1551 |
case 6:{ |
1552 |
Argv = opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.LieveTime+opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.DeathTime; |
1553 |
opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.LieveTime = 0; |
1554 |
opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.DeathTime = 0; |
1555 |
break; |
1556 |
} |
1557 |
}; |
1558 |
Double_t Xfill = 0; |
1559 |
//cout<<"XType = "<<opt.Hyst1D[d].XType<<endl; |
1560 |
//cout<<"Babs = "<<Babs<<endl; |
1561 |
switch ( opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].XType ){ |
1562 |
case 1:{ Xfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamAzim;break; } |
1563 |
case 2:{ Xfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamZenit;break; } |
1564 |
case 3:{ Xfill = SB; break; } |
1565 |
case 4:{ Xfill = detr; break; } |
1566 |
case 5:{ Xfill = rigev; break; } |
1567 |
case 6:{ Xfill = Lat; break; } |
1568 |
case 7:{ Xfill = Lon; break; } |
1569 |
case 8:{ Xfill = L; break; } |
1570 |
case 9:{ Xfill = Babs; break; } |
1571 |
case 10:{Xfill = Alt; break; } |
1572 |
case 11:{Xfill = LieveTime; break; } |
1573 |
case 12:{Xfill = DeathTime; break; } |
1574 |
case 13:{Xfill = SC; break; } |
1575 |
case 14:{Xfill = SA; break; } |
1576 |
case 17:{Xfill = log10(rigev); break;} |
1577 |
}; |
1578 |
if(verb){ |
1579 |
cout<<"rigev = "<<rigev<<"\tdetr = "<<detr<<endl; |
1580 |
cout<<"Babs = "<<Babs<<"\tL = "<<L<<endl; |
1581 |
cout<<"I Fill "<<opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].HI.filename<<" hystogramm"<<endl; |
1582 |
cout<<"Xfill = "<<Xfill<<" d = "<<d<<endl; |
1583 |
} |
1584 |
opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].Hyst1DF.Fill(Xfill); |
1585 |
if(ExpType!=0) opt.Hyst1D[N1D[d]].Hyst1DFExp.Fill(Xfill,Argv); |
1586 |
if(verb){ |
1587 |
Int_t intt; |
1588 |
cin>>intt; |
1589 |
} |
1590 |
} |
1591 |
}//for d< N1D.size |
1592 |
for(Int_t d=0;d<N2D.size();d++){ |
1593 |
Rmin = opt.ED[opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.NED].Emin; |
1594 |
Rmax = opt.ED[opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.NED].Emax; |
1595 |
Detrmin = opt.ED[opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.NED].detrmin; |
1596 |
Detrmax = opt.ED[opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.NED].detrmax; |
1597 |
Double_t Argv = 0; |
1598 |
Double_t LTI = 0; |
1599 |
Double_t DTI = 0; |
1600 |
if(rigev>Rmin && rigev<=Rmax && detr>Detrmin && detr<=Detrmax){ |
1601 |
Int_t ExpType = opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.ExpType; |
1602 |
if(ExpType == 1 || ExpType == 3) LTI = 0.16*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[0]; |
1603 |
if(ExpType == 2 || ExpType == 3) DTI = 0.01*pam_events->GetTrigLevel2()->dltime[1]; |
1604 |
switch ( ExpType ){ |
1605 |
case 1:{Argv = LTI;break;} |
1606 |
case 2:{Argv = DTI;break;} |
1607 |
case 3:{Argv = LTI+DTI;break;} |
1608 |
case 4:{ |
1609 |
Argv = opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.LieveTime; |
1610 |
opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.LieveTime = 0; |
1611 |
break; |
1612 |
} |
1613 |
case 5:{ |
1614 |
Argv = opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.DeathTime; |
1615 |
opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.DeathTime = 0; |
1616 |
break; |
1617 |
} |
1618 |
case 6:{ |
1619 |
Argv = opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.LieveTime+opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.DeathTime; |
1620 |
opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.LieveTime = 0; |
1621 |
opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.DeathTime = 0; |
1622 |
break; |
1623 |
} |
1624 |
}; |
1625 |
Double_t Xfill = 0; |
1626 |
Double_t Yfill = 0; |
1627 |
//cout<<"YType = "<<opt.Hyst2D[d].YType<<endl; |
1628 |
//cout<<"XType = "<<opt.Hyst2D[d].XType<<endl; |
1629 |
switch ( opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].XType ){ |
1630 |
case 1:{ Xfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamAzim;break; } |
1631 |
case 2:{ Xfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamZenit;break; } |
1632 |
case 3:{ Xfill = SB; break; } |
1633 |
case 4:{ Xfill = detr; break; } |
1634 |
case 5:{ Xfill = rigev; break; } |
1635 |
case 6:{ Xfill = Lat; break; } |
1636 |
case 7:{ Xfill = Lon; break; } |
1637 |
case 8:{ Xfill = L; break; } |
1638 |
case 9:{ Xfill = Babs; break; } |
1639 |
case 10:{Xfill = Alt; break; } |
1640 |
case 11:{Xfill = LieveTime; break; } |
1641 |
case 12:{Xfill = DeathTime; break; } |
1642 |
case 13:{Xfill = SC; break; } |
1643 |
case 14:{Xfill = SA; break; } |
1644 |
case 17:{Xfill = log10(rigev); break;} |
1645 |
}; |
1646 |
switch ( opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].YType ){ |
1647 |
case 1:{ Yfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamAzim;break; } |
1648 |
case 2:{ Yfill = TMath::RadToDeg()*PamZenit;break; } |
1649 |
case 3:{ Yfill = SB; break; } |
1650 |
case 4:{ Yfill = detr; break; } |
1651 |
case 5:{ Yfill = rigev; break; } |
1652 |
case 6:{ Yfill = Lat; break; } |
1653 |
case 7:{ Yfill = Lon; break; } |
1654 |
case 8:{ Yfill = L; break; } |
1655 |
case 9:{ Yfill = Babs; break; } |
1656 |
case 10:{Yfill = Alt; break; } |
1657 |
case 11:{Yfill = LieveTime; break; } |
1658 |
case 12:{Yfill = DeathTime; break; } |
1659 |
case 13:{Yfill = SC; break; } |
1660 |
case 14:{Yfill = SA; break; } |
1661 |
case 17:{Yfill = log10(rigev); break;} |
1662 |
}; |
1663 |
if(verb){ |
1664 |
cout<<endl; |
1665 |
cout<<"rigev = "<<rigev<<"\tdetr = "<<detr<<endl; |
1666 |
cout<<"Babs = "<<Babs<<"\tL = "<<L<<endl; |
1667 |
cout<<"I Fill "<<opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].HI.filename<<" hystogramm"<<endl; |
1668 |
cout<<"Xfill = "<<Xfill<<endl<<" Yfill = "<<Yfill<<endl; |
1669 |
} |
1670 |
opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].Hyst2DF.Fill(Xfill,Yfill); |
1671 |
if(ExpType!=0) opt.Hyst2D[N2D[d]].Hyst2DFExp.Fill(Xfill,Yfill,Argv); |
1672 |
if(verb){ |
1673 |
Int_t intt; |
1674 |
cin>>intt; |
1675 |
} |
1676 |
} |
1677 |
}//for d<N"D.size |
1678 |
1679 |
}//if ntr!=-1 |
1680 |
} // k<SS.size() |
1681 |
if(verb)cout<<i<<endl; |
1682 |
} // if ntr!=-1; |
1683 |
} // if GetNTrack==1; |
1684 |
} //general loop |
1685 |
1686 |
TCanvas* Canv; |
1687 |
TCanvas* Canvdiv; |
1688 |
TCanvas* CanvExp; |
1689 |
TCanvas* CanvLog; |
1690 |
TString Ext[3]; |
1691 |
Ext[0] = ".jpg"; Ext[1] = ".png"; Ext[2] = ".bmp"; |
1692 |
1693 |
if(opt.opt.verbose>=2) cout<<"\n\nSave block...\n\n"; |
1694 |
1695 |
gStyle->SetPalette(1); |
1696 |
1697 |
for(Int_t i = 0; i<opt.Hyst1D.size(); i++){ |
1698 |
TH1F hdiv; |
1699 |
TH1F h1n1D; TH1F h2n1D; TH1F hlog; |
1700 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1701 |
hlog.SetBins(80,-1.,3.); |
1702 |
h1n1D.SetBins(opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1703 |
h2n1D.SetBins(opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1704 |
//h2div.SetBins(h12D->GetNbinsX(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h12D->GetNbinsY(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1705 |
for(Int_t ii = 0; ii < opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetNbinsX(); ii++){ |
1706 |
h1n1D.SetBinContent(ii,opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetBinContent(ii)/opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetEntries()); |
1707 |
h2n1D.SetBinContent(ii,opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DFExp.GetBinContent(ii)/opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DFExp.GetEntries()); |
1708 |
} |
1709 |
hdiv.SetName(opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetName()); |
1710 |
hdiv.SetBins(opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1711 |
hdiv.Divide(&h1n1D,&h2n1D); |
1712 |
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl; |
1713 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].XType==17) hlog.Divide(&opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF,&binw); |
1714 |
} |
1715 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.TypeExt > 0){ |
1716 |
Canv = new TCanvas("Canv",opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetName(),1200,800); |
1717 |
Canv->cd(); |
1718 |
opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.Draw(); |
1719 |
Canv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+".png"); |
1720 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1721 |
CanvExp = new TCanvas("CanvExp",opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DFExp.GetName(),1200,800); |
1722 |
CanvExp->cd(); |
1723 |
opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DFExp.Draw(); |
1724 |
CanvExp->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"_Exp.png"); |
1725 |
Canvdiv = new TCanvas("Canvdiv",hdiv.GetName(),1200,800); |
1726 |
Canvdiv->cd(); |
1727 |
hdiv.Draw(); |
1728 |
Canvdiv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"DivExp.png"); |
1729 |
} |
1730 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].XType==17){ |
1731 |
CanvLog = new TCanvas("CanvLog",opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.GetName(),1200,800); |
1732 |
CanvLog->cd(); |
1733 |
hlog.Draw(); |
1734 |
CanvLog->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"_DivBinWide.png"); |
1735 |
} |
1736 |
} |
1737 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.TypeExt == 0 || opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.TypeExt == 2){ |
1738 |
TFile fg((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+".root","recreate"); |
1739 |
opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DF.Write(); |
1740 |
fg.Close(); |
1741 |
TFile fe((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"_DivWide.root","recreate"); |
1742 |
hlog.Write(); |
1743 |
fe.Close(); |
1744 |
if(opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1745 |
TFile fgExp((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"_Exp.root","recreate"); |
1746 |
opt.Hyst1D[i].Hyst1DFExp.Write(); |
1747 |
fg.Close(); |
1748 |
TFile fgdiv((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst1D[i].HI.filename+"_DivExp.root","recreate"); |
1749 |
hdiv.Write(); |
1750 |
fgdiv.Close(); |
1751 |
} |
1752 |
1753 |
} |
1754 |
} |
1755 |
for(Int_t i = 0; i<opt.Hyst2D.size(); i++){ |
1756 |
TH2F hdiv; |
1757 |
TH2F h1n2D; TH2F h2n2D; |
1758 |
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl; |
1759 |
if(opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1760 |
//cout<<"Set hdiv"<<endl; |
1761 |
h1n2D.SetBins(opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsY(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1762 |
h2n2D.SetBins(opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsY(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1763 |
//h2div.SetBins(h12D->GetNbinsX(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),h12D->GetNbinsY(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),h12D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1764 |
for(Int_t ii = 0; ii < opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsX(); ii++){ |
1765 |
for(Int_t j = 0; j < opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsY(); j++){ |
1766 |
h1n2D.SetBinContent(ii,j,opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetBinContent(ii,j)/opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetEntries()); |
1767 |
h2n2D.SetBinContent(ii,j,opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DFExp.GetBinContent(ii,j)/opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DFExp.GetEntries()); |
1768 |
} |
1769 |
} |
1770 |
hdiv.SetName(opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetName()); |
1771 |
hdiv.SetBins(opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsX(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetNbinsY(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); |
1772 |
//cout<<"I try to divide it!!!"<<endl; |
1773 |
hdiv.Divide(&h1n2D,&h2n2D); |
1774 |
//cout<<"NbinsX1 = "<<h1n2D.GetNbinsX()<<" NBinsY1 = "<<h1n2D.GetNbinsY()<<endl; |
1775 |
//cout<<"NbinsX2 = "<<h2n2D.GetNbinsX()<<" NBinsY2 = "<<h2n2D.GetNbinsY()<<endl; |
1776 |
//cout<<"I has divide it!!! :))))\n0_o"<<endl; |
1777 |
} |
1778 |
//cout<<"opt.Hyst2D["<<i<<"].HI.TypeExt = "<<opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt<<endl; |
1779 |
if(opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt > 0){ |
1780 |
//cout<<"opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt = "<<opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt<<endl; |
1781 |
Canv = new TCanvas("Canv",opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.GetName(),1200,800); |
1782 |
Canv->cd(); |
1783 |
//cout<<"Canvas..."<<endl; |
1784 |
opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.Draw("colz"); |
1785 |
//cout<<"Draw hyst..."<<endl; |
1786 |
Canv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+".png"); |
1787 |
cout<<"Save canvas..."<<endl; |
1788 |
if(opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1789 |
CanvExp = new TCanvas("CanvExp",opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DFExp.GetName(),1200,800); |
1790 |
CanvExp->cd(); |
1791 |
opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DFExp.Draw("colz"); |
1792 |
CanvExp->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+"_Exp.png"); |
1793 |
Canvdiv = new TCanvas("Canvdiv",hdiv.GetName(),1200,800); |
1794 |
Canvdiv->cd(); |
1795 |
hdiv.Draw("colz"); |
1796 |
Canvdiv->SaveAs((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+"DivExp.png"); |
1797 |
} |
1798 |
} |
1799 |
if(opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt == 0 || opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.TypeExt == 2){ |
1800 |
TFile fg((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+".root","recreate"); |
1801 |
opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DF.Write(); |
1802 |
fg.Close(); |
1803 |
if(opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.ExpType!=0){ |
1804 |
TFile fgExp((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+"_Exp.root","recreate"); |
1805 |
opt.Hyst2D[i].Hyst2DFExp.Write(); |
1806 |
fg.Close(); |
1807 |
cout<<"I'm here!"<<endl; |
1808 |
TFile fgdiv((TString)outdir+"ParDirCalc_"+opt.Hyst2D[i].HI.filename+"_DivExp.root","recreate"); |
1809 |
hdiv.Write(); |
1810 |
fgdiv.Close(); |
1811 |
cout<<"I'm here!"<<endl; |
1812 |
} |
1813 |
} |
1814 |
//delete Canv; |
1815 |
//delete Canvdiv; |
1816 |
//delete CanvExp; |
1817 |
//delete CanvLog; |
1818 |
} |
1819 |
1820 |
/**************************************************************************************/ |
1821 |
//Draw hystogramms for protons. Volodia |
1822 |
/**************************************************************************************/ |
1823 |
1824 |
/* |
1825 |
plogCanvas->cd(); |
1826 |
//plogCanvas->SetLogx(); |
1827 |
plogCanvas->SetLogy(); |
1828 |
plogCanvas->SetGrid(); |
1829 |
//BinLogX(proton1); |
1830 |
Float_t Energybin[80],Fluxbin[80],dE[80],dFlux[80]; |
1831 |
1832 |
for (Int_t i=0;i<80;i++){ |
1833 |
dFlux[i]=proton1log->GetBinContent(i+1); |
1834 |
dFlux[i]=1./sqrt(dFlux[i]); |
1835 |
// bintime3eq[i]=time3eq->GetBinContent(i+1); |
1836 |
} |
1837 |
1838 |
proton1log->Divide(proton1log,binw); |
1839 |
proton1log->Divide(proton1log,Geomfactorlog); |
1840 |
proton1log->Scale(0.001); //MeV ->GeV |
1841 |
proton1log->Scale(10000.); //cm2 -> m2 |
1842 |
//proton1log->Scale(1./exposure[0]); |
1843 |
1844 |
for (Int_t i=0;i<80;i++){ |
1845 |
Fluxbin[i]=proton1log->GetBinContent(i+1); |
1846 |
dFlux[i]=Fluxbin[i]*dFlux[i]; |
1847 |
Energybin[i]=pow(10.,(Float_t)i*0.05+0.025-1); |
1848 |
Energybin[i+1]=pow(10.,(Float_t)(i+1)*0.05+0.025-1.); |
1849 |
dE[i]=(Energybin[i+1]-Energybin[i])/2.; |
1850 |
// bintime3eq[i]=time3eq->GetBinContent(i+1); |
1851 |
//cout<<i<<" "<<bintime3[i]<<" "<<bintime3eq[i]<<endl; |
1852 |
//flux_out<<Energybin[i]<<" "<<Fluxbin[i]<<" "<<dE[i]<<" "<<dFlux[i]<<endl; |
1853 |
} |
1854 |
1855 |
proton1log->Draw(""); |
1856 |
1857 |
*/ |
1858 |
} |