/[PAMELA software]/PamelaLevel2/inc/PamLevel2.h
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Contents of /PamelaLevel2/inc/PamLevel2.h

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Revision 1.40 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Dec 12 14:11:47 2008 UTC (16 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v6r00
Changes since 1.39: +2 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
OBT bug in updateruninfo fixed, implemented method SetSELLI to avoid dltime calculation in Padme

3 /**
4 * \file PamLevel2.h
5 * \author Elena Vannuccini
6 */
7 #ifndef pamlevel2_h
8 #define pamlevel2_h
10 #include <TRefArray.h>
12 #include <TrkStruct.h>
13 #include <TrkParams.h>
14 #include <TrkLevel0.h>
15 #include <TrkLevel1.h>
16 #include <TrkLevel2.h>
17 #include <TrkHough.h>
18 #include <CaloLevel0.h>
19 #include <CaloLevel1.h>
20 #include <CaloLevel2.h>
21 #include <ToFLevel2.h>
22 #include <TrigLevel2.h>
23 #include <S4Level2.h>
24 #include <NDLevel2.h>
25 #include <AcLevel2.h>
26 #include <OrbitalInfo.h>
27 #include <InclinationInfo.h> // EMILIANO, now this library is included in libDarthVader.so
28 // and the header installed in $PAM_INC. If you get the
29 // error "Cannot find InclinationInfo.h" update your DV installation
30 #include <OrientationInfo.h> // EMILIANO, now this library is included in libDarthVader.so
31 // and the header installed in $PAM_INC. If you get the
32 // error "Cannot find InclinationInfo.h" update your DV installation
33 #include <RunInfo.h>
34 #include <GLTables.h>
37 #include <TTree.h>
38 #include <TFriendElement.h>
39 #include <TChain.h>
40 #include <TChainElement.h>
41 #include <TFile.h>
42 #include <TList.h>
43 #include <TKey.h>
44 #include <TSystemFile.h>
45 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
46 #include <TSQLServer.h>
48 #include <stdlib.h>
49 #include <iostream>
50 #include <iomanip>
51 using namespace std;
53 #define NCLONES 10
55 using namespace std;
58 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62 /**
63 * \brief Class to describe GP output (to be moved to PamelaDigitizer)
64 *
65 */
67 class GPamela : public TObject {
69 private:
71 public:
73 // Declaration of leave types
74 Int_t Irun;
75 Int_t Ievnt;
76 Int_t Ipa;
77 Float_t X0;
78 Float_t Y0;
79 Float_t Z0;
80 Float_t Theta;
81 Float_t Phi;
82 Float_t P0;
83 Int_t Nthtof;
84 UChar_t Ipltof[100]; //[Nthtof]
85 UChar_t Ipaddle[100]; //[Nthtof]
86 UChar_t Ipartof[100]; //[Nthtof]
87 Float_t Xintof[100]; //[Nthtof]
88 Float_t Yintof[100]; //[Nthtof]
89 Float_t Zintof[100]; //[Nthtof]
90 Float_t Xouttof[100]; //[Nthtof]
91 Float_t Youttof[100]; //[Nthtof]
92 Float_t Zouttof[100]; //[Nthtof]
93 Float_t Ereltof[100]; //[Nthtof]
94 Float_t Timetof[100]; //[Nthtof]
95 Float_t Pathtof[100]; //[Nthtof]
96 Float_t P0tof[100]; //[Nthtof]
97 Int_t Nthcat;
98 UChar_t Iparcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
99 UChar_t Icat[50]; //[Nthcat]
100 Float_t Xincat[50]; //[Nthcat]
101 Float_t Yincat[50]; //[Nthcat]
102 Float_t Zincat[50]; //[Nthcat]
103 Float_t Xoutcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
104 Float_t Youtcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
105 Float_t Zoutcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
106 Float_t Erelcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
107 Float_t Timecat[50]; //[Nthcat]
108 Float_t Pathcat[50]; //[Nthcat]
109 Float_t P0cat[50]; //[Nthcat]
110 Int_t Nthcas;
111 UChar_t Iparcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
112 UChar_t Icas[50]; //[Nthcas]
113 Float_t Xincas[50]; //[Nthcas]
114 Float_t Yincas[50]; //[Nthcas]
115 Float_t Zincas[50]; //[Nthcas]
116 Float_t Xoutcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
117 Float_t Youtcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
118 Float_t Zoutcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
119 Float_t Erelcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
120 Float_t Timecas[50]; //[Nthcas]
121 Float_t Pathcas[50]; //[Nthcas]
122 Float_t P0cas[50]; //[Nthcas]
123 Int_t Nthspe;
124 UChar_t Iparspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
125 UChar_t Itrpb[100]; //[Nthspe]
126 UChar_t Itrsl[100]; //[Nthspe]
127 UChar_t Itspa[100]; //[Nthspe]
128 Float_t Xinspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
129 Float_t Yinspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
130 Float_t Zinspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
131 Float_t Xoutspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
132 Float_t Youtspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
133 Float_t Zoutspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
134 Float_t Xavspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
135 Float_t Yavspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
136 Float_t Zavspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
137 Float_t Erelspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
138 Float_t Pathspe[100]; //[Nthspe]
139 Float_t P0spe[100]; //[Nthspe]
140 UChar_t Nxmult[100]; //[Nthspe]
141 UChar_t Nymult[100]; //[Nthspe]
142 Int_t Nstrpx;
143 UChar_t Npstripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
144 UChar_t Ntstripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
145 UShort_t Istripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
146 //UInt_t Istripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
147 Float_t Qstripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
148 Float_t Xstripx[1000]; //[Nstrpx]
149 Int_t Nstrpy;
150 UChar_t Npstripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
151 UChar_t Ntstripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
152 UShort_t Istripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
153 //UInt_t Istripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
154 Float_t Qstripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
155 Float_t Ystripy[1000]; //[Nstrpy]
156 Int_t Nthcali;
157 UChar_t Icaplane[4224]; //[Nthcali]
158 UChar_t Icastrip[4224]; //[Nthcali]
159 Int_t Icamod[4224]; //[Nthcali]
160 Float_t Enestrip[4224]; //[Nthcali]
161 Int_t Nthcal;
162 UChar_t Icapl[1000]; //[Nthcal]
163 UChar_t Icasi[1000]; //[Nthcal]
164 UChar_t Icast[1000]; //[Nthcal]
165 Float_t Xincal[1000]; //[Nthcal]
166 Float_t Yincal[1000]; //[Nthcal]
167 Float_t Zincal[1000]; //[Nthcal]
168 Float_t Erelcal[1000]; //[Nthcal]
169 Int_t Nthnd;
170 UChar_t Itubend[200]; //[Nthnd]
171 UChar_t Iparnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
172 Float_t Xinnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
173 Float_t Yinnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
174 Float_t Zinnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
175 Float_t Xoutnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
176 Float_t Youtnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
177 Float_t Zoutnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
178 Float_t Erelnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
179 Float_t Timend[200]; //[Nthnd]
180 Float_t Pathnd[200]; //[Nthnd]
181 Float_t P0nd[200]; //[Nthnd]
182 Int_t Nthcard;
183 UChar_t Iparcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
184 UChar_t Icard[100]; //[Nthcard]
185 Float_t Xincard[100]; //[Nthcard]
186 Float_t Yincard[100]; //[Nthcard]
187 Float_t Zincard[100]; //[Nthcard]
188 Float_t Xoutcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
189 Float_t Youtcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
190 Float_t Zoutcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
191 Float_t Erelcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
192 Float_t Timecard[100]; //[Nthcard]
193 Float_t Pathcard[100]; //[Nthcard]
194 Float_t P0card[100]; //[Nthcard]
196 GPamela(){ Clear(); };
197 // ~GPamela(){ Delete(); };
198 ~GPamela(){ Clear(); };
200 void Clear();
201 void Delete();
202 void SetBranchAddress( TChain* );
203 void SetBranchAddress( TTree* t){ SetBranchAddress( (TChain*)t );};
205 GPamela* GetGPamela(){return this;};
207 ClassDef(GPamela,1);
209 };
210 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
211 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
213 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
217 /**
218 * \brief Class to describe particle tracks in the apparatus, including tracker and track-related variables from other detectors (calorimeter and TOF).
219 *
220 * This class inherites from TrkTrack, CaloTrkVar ecc...
221 *
222 */
223 //class PamTrack : public TrkTrack, public CaloTrkVar, public ToFTrkVar {
224 class PamTrack : public TObject {
226 private:
228 TrkTrack* trk_track;
229 CaloTrkVar* calo_track;
230 ToFTrkVar* tof_track;
231 OrbitalInfoTrkVar* orb_track;
232 Int_t pscore;
233 Int_t iscore;
234 bool candeleteobj;
236 // TClonesArray *Cluster; ///< clusters (if stored)
238 public:
240 PamTrack();
241 PamTrack(TrkTrack* , CaloTrkVar* , ToFTrkVar*, OrbitalInfoTrkVar* );
242 PamTrack(const PamTrack&);
243 ~PamTrack(){ Delete(); };
245 void Clear();
246 void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();};
247 void Delete();
249 Bool_t IsSolved(){if ((pscore-iscore)>0) return true; return false;};
250 Int_t GetScore(){return (pscore-iscore);};
251 Int_t GetPScore(){return (pscore);};
252 Int_t GetIScore(){return (iscore);};
253 void SetPScore(Int_t p){pscore=p;};
254 void SetIScore(Int_t i){iscore=i;};
256 TrkTrack* GetTrkTrack(){return trk_track;};
257 CaloTrkVar* GetCaloTrack(){return calo_track;};
258 ToFTrkVar* GetToFTrack(){return tof_track;};
259 OrbitalInfoTrkVar* GetOrbitalInfoTrack(){return orb_track;};
261 ClassDef(PamTrack,2);
262 };
264 /**
265 * \brief Class to describe PAMELA LEVEL2 data.
266 *
267 * This class inherites from TrkLevel2, CaloLevel2 ecc... and it overrides the TrkLevel2:GetTrack(int it) and TrkLevel2:GetTrackImage(int it) methods.
268 * This allows to solve the tracker ambiguity (that is, to choose between track images) by using also information from other detectors.
269 */
271 //class PamLevel2 : public CaloLevel2, public CaloLevel1, public ToFLevel2, public TrkLevel2, public TrkLevel1, public TrkHough, public TrigLevel2, public S4Level2, public NDLevel2, public AcLevel2, public OrbitalInfo {
272 class PamLevel2 : public TObject {
274 private:
276 // ------------------------------
277 // variables to retrieve run info
278 // ------------------------------
279 Long64_t irun; //current run entry, relative to the TChain
280 Long64_t irunt; //current run entry, relative to the TTree in the TChain
281 Long64_t runfirstentry; //first entry of run, relative to the TChain
282 Long64_t runlastentry; //last entry of run, relative to the TChain
283 Long64_t irunentry; //position of current entry, relative to the run
284 TChain* run_tree;
285 TTree* run_tree_clone;
286 TChain* sel_tree;
287 TTree* sel_tree_clone;
288 int *irunoffset;
289 GL_TIMESYNC *gltsync; // Emiliano
291 // -------------------------------------------
292 // variables to store total live and dead time
293 // -------------------------------------------
294 ULong64_t totdltime[3];// 0=live 1=dead 2=n.events
296 // ---------------------------------
297 // variables to retrieve level0 info
298 // ---------------------------------
299 TFile* l0_file;
300 TTree* l0_tree;
301 Int_t iroot;
302 Int_t prevshift; // to remember if any shift is needed to synchronize l0 and l2 data instead of calculating any time
303 Int_t maxshift; // EMILIANO maximum discrepancy between L2 and L0 data (the bigger the better concering synch but the processing speed drops) default = 10
304 // --------------------------------------------
305 // variables to store Level0 info (if required)
306 // --------------------------------------------
307 EventHeader* h0_obj;
308 TrkLevel0* trk0_obj;
309 CaloLevel0* calo0_obj;
311 // ---------------------------
312 // variables to connect the DB
313 // ---------------------------
314 TSQLServer* dbc;
315 TString host;
316 TString user;
317 TString psw;
319 // ---------------------------------------------
320 // variables to retrieve and clone level1-2 info
321 // ---------------------------------------------
322 TChain* pam_tree;
323 TTree* pam_tree_clone[NCLONES];
325 // --------------------------------------------
326 // variables to store Level1-2 info
327 // --------------------------------------------
328 TrkLevel1* trk1_obj;
329 TrkLevel2* trk2_obj;
330 TrkHough* trkh_obj;
331 CaloLevel1* calo1_obj;
332 CaloLevel2* calo2_obj;
333 ToFLevel2* tof_obj;
334 TrigLevel2* trig_obj;
335 S4Level2* s4_obj;
336 NDLevel2* nd_obj;
337 AcLevel2* ac_obj;
338 OrbitalInfo* orb_obj;
339 GL_RUN* run_obj;
340 SoftInfo* soft_obj; // Emiliano
342 // --------------------------------------------
343 // variables to handle GP
344 // --------------------------------------------
345 GPamela* gp_obj;
347 // -----------------------------------
348 // variables to sort the track
349 // -----------------------------------
350 TClonesArray *tsorted;
351 TClonesArray *timage;
352 PamTrack *track; //store the last required
353 TString howtosort;
354 Float_t sortthr;
356 // --------------------------------------
357 // flags to load level0-1-2 trees/braches
358 // --------------------------------------
359 Bool_t CAL2; //level2 branch
360 Bool_t CAL1; //level1 branch
361 Bool_t CAL0; //yoda
363 Bool_t TRK2; //level2 branch
364 Bool_t TRK1; //level1 branch
365 Bool_t TRKh; //hough branch
366 Bool_t TRK0; //yoda
368 Bool_t TOF;
369 Bool_t TOF0;
371 Bool_t TRG;
372 Bool_t S4;
373 Bool_t ND;
374 Bool_t AC;
375 Bool_t ORB;
377 Bool_t GP; //GP simulation tree
379 // -----------
380 // other flags
381 // -----------
382 Bool_t RUN; // RunInfo tree
383 Bool_t ISGP; // GP simulation (...sort of patch, to skip OBT check, since OrbitalInfo is sometime missing)
384 Int_t SELLI; // tree of selected events (there is a selection list)
386 Bool_t DBG;
388 void Initialize();
391 public:
393 PamLevel2(TString ddir,TList *list,TString detlist);
394 PamLevel2(TString ddir,TString list,TString detlist);
395 PamLevel2(TString ddir,TString list);
396 PamLevel2();
397 ~PamLevel2(){Delete();};
399 void Clear();
400 void Reset();
401 void Delete();
404 // =============================================
405 // methods needed to read/write Level0-1-2 trees
406 // =============================================
407 void SetWhichTrees(TString);
408 void GetWhichTrees(TFile*);
410 TTree* GetPamTree(TFile*,TString);
411 TTree* GetPamTree(TFile* f){return GetPamTree(f,"");};
413 TList* GetListOfLevel2Files(TString, TString);
414 Bool_t CheckLevel2File(TString);
415 TChain* GetPamTree(TList*,TString);
416 TChain* GetPamTree(TString ddir,TString list,TString detlist){ return GetPamTree(GetListOfLevel2Files(ddir,list),detlist); };
417 TChain* GetPamTree(TString ddir,TString list){ return GetPamTree(GetListOfLevel2Files(ddir,list),""); };
418 TChain* AddFriend(TString);
420 TTree* GetRunTree(TFile*);
421 TChain* GetRunTree(TList*);
422 TChain* GetRunTree(TString ddir,TString list){ return GetRunTree(GetListOfLevel2Files(ddir,list)); };
423 Bool_t UpdateRunInfo(Long64_t);//{ return UpdateRunInfo(run_tree,iev); };
424 Bool_t UpdateRunInfo(TTree *,Long64_t);
425 Bool_t UpdateRunInfo(TChain *,Long64_t);
427 void CreateCloneTrees0(TChain *fChain, TFile* file);
428 void CreateCloneTrees(TFile* file);
429 void CreateCloneTrees(){CreateCloneTrees(NULL);};
430 void FillCloneTrees();
431 TTree *GetCloneTree(TString);
432 void WriteCloneTrees();
434 void SetBranchAddress(TTree *);
435 void SetBranchAddress(TChain *);
437 // Int_t GetEntry(Int_t);
438 Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t);
439 Int_t GetYodaEntry();
441 void SetMaxShift(Int_t sh){ maxshift = sh; return;}; // EMILIANO method to change the maxshift variable
443 Long64_t GetEntries(){return pam_tree->GetEntries();};
444 TChain* GetPamTree(){return pam_tree;};
445 TChain* GetRunTree(){return run_tree;};
446 TTree* GetYodaTree();
448 TFile* GetYodaFile(){return l0_file;}; // can be useful to know the name of level0 file we are using or similar things
450 // =============
451 // DB connection
452 // =============
453 void SetDBHost(TString str){host=str;};
454 void SetDBUser(TString str){user=str;};
455 void SetDBPsw(TString str){psw=str;};
456 TSQLServer* GetSQLServer(){return dbc;};
457 Bool_t SetDBConnection();
459 // ========================================================
460 // methods needed to retrieve subdetector general variables
461 // ========================================================
462 void* GetPointerTo(const char*);
463 EventHeader *GetEventHeader() { return h0_obj; };
465 /* TrkLevel0 *GetTrkLevel0() { return trk0_obj; }; */
466 /* CaloLevel0 *GetCaloLevel0() { return calo0_obj; }; */
467 TrkLevel0 *GetTrkLevel0();
468 CaloLevel0 *GetCaloLevel0();
471 TrkLevel1 *GetTrkLevel1() { return trk1_obj; };
472 TrkLevel2 *GetTrkLevel2() { return trk2_obj; };
473 TrkHough *GetTrkHough() { return trkh_obj; };
474 CaloLevel1 *GetCaloLevel1() { return calo1_obj;};
475 CaloLevel2 *GetCaloLevel2() { return calo2_obj;};
476 ToFLevel2 *GetToFLevel2() { return tof_obj; };
477 TrigLevel2 *GetTrigLevel2() { return trig_obj; };
478 S4Level2 *GetS4Level2() { return s4_obj; };
479 NDLevel2 *GetNDLevel2() { return nd_obj; };
480 AcLevel2 *GetAcLevel2() { return ac_obj; };
481 OrbitalInfo *GetOrbitalInfo(){ return orb_obj; };
482 GL_RUN *GetRunInfo() { return run_obj; };
483 SoftInfo *GetSoftInfo() { return soft_obj; }; // Emiliano
484 GPamela *GetGPamela() { return gp_obj; };
486 // ==============================================
487 // methods to retrieve subdetectors stored tracks
488 // ==============================================
489 TrkTrack* GetTrkStoredTrack(int seqno){return trk2_obj->TrkLevel2::GetStoredTrack(seqno); };
490 CaloTrkVar* GetCaloStoredTrack(int);
491 ToFTrkVar* GetToFStoredTrack(int);
492 OrbitalInfoTrkVar* GetOrbitalInfoStoredTrack(int);
493 //
494 PamTrack* GetPamTrackAlong(TrkTrack*);
495 // PamTrack* GetPamTrackAlong(CaloTrkVar*); //se serve
496 // PamTrack* GetPamTrackAlong(ToFTrkVar*); //se serve
498 // =================================
499 // methods to retrieve pamela tracks
500 // =================================
501 PamTrack* GetStoredTrack(Int_t);
502 //
503 void SortTracks(TString); //assign value to variable sorted_tracks
504 void SortTracks(); //assign value to variable sorted_tracks
505 // TRefArray* GetTracks(); //return sorted_tracks
506 TClonesArray* GetTracks(); //return sorted_tracks
507 PamTrack* GetTrack(int);
508 PamTrack* GetTrackImage(int);
509 void SetSortingMethod(TString how){ howtosort = how; return;};
510 TString GetSortingMethod(){return howtosort;};
511 void SetNucleiSortingThreshold(Float_t nucleithr){ sortthr = nucleithr; return;};
512 Float_t GetNucleiSortingThreshold(){ return sortthr;};
514 // =================================
515 // other methods
516 // =================================
517 // Int_t ntrk(){ return trk2_obj->TrkLevel2::ntrk(); };
520 Long64_t GetRunID(){ return irun;};
521 Long64_t GetRunEntryID(){ return irunentry; };
523 // -----
524 // flags methods
525 // -----
526 Bool_t IsCAL2(){return CAL2;}; //level2 branch
527 Bool_t IsCAL1(){return CAL1;}; //level1 branch
528 Bool_t IsCAL0(){return CAL0;}; //yoda
530 Bool_t IsTRK2(){return TRK2;}; //level2 branch
531 Bool_t IsTRK1(){return TRK1;}; //level1 branch
532 Bool_t IsTRKh(){return TRKh;}; //hough branch
533 Bool_t IsTRK0(){return TRK0;}; //yoda
535 Bool_t IsTOF(){return TOF;};
536 Bool_t IsTOF0(){return TOF0;};
538 Bool_t IsTRG(){return TRG;};
539 Bool_t IsS4(){return S4;};
540 Bool_t IsND(){return ND;};
541 Bool_t IsAC(){return AC;};
542 Bool_t IsORB(){return ORB;};
544 Bool_t IsRUN(){return RUN;};
546 Bool_t IsGood(Bool_t strict=true);
548 Int_t IsSELLI(){return SELLI;}; //trees of selected events (there is a selection list)
549 void SetSELLI(Int_t selli){SELLI=selli;};
551 Bool_t IsGP(){return ISGP;};
553 void SetGP(Bool_t tt){ISGP=tt;};
555 void SetDebug(Bool_t set){ DBG=set; TrkParams::SetVerboseMode(); };
557 ClassDef(PamLevel2,1);
558 };
560 //===============================================================================================
561 //
562 //
563 //
564 //
565 //===============================================================================================
568 #endif

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