/[PAMELA software]/PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/example2.C
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Contents of /PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/example2.C

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Oct 9 12:37:52 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r02, v2r02
Changes since 1.1: +4 -4 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
example updated

1 //
2 // Example to get pamela tracks and integrate the trajectory in the apparatus
3 //
4 // The tracking method evaluates, besides the track intersection coordinates at given z-coordinates,
5 // the track length (total and between two given points along the trajectory) and the projected angles.
6 //
7 example2(TString file){
9 gROOT->Reset();
10 //
11 // create some histograms
12 //
13 TH1F* s1x = new TH1F("s1x","Track x impact position on S1",100,-30.,30.);
14 TH1F* s1y = new TH1F("s1y","Track y impact position on S1",100,-30.,30.);
15 TH1F* s2x = new TH1F("s2x","Track x impact position on S2",100,-30.,30.);
16 TH1F* s2y = new TH1F("s2y","Track y impact position on S2",100,-30.,30.);
17 TH1F* s3x = new TH1F("s3x","Track x impact position on S3",100,-30.,30.);
18 TH1F* s3y = new TH1F("s3y","Track y impact position on S3",100,-30.,30.);
20 TH1F* s1tx = new TH1F("s1tx","Track x projected angle on S1",50,-20.,20.);
21 TH1F* s1ty = new TH1F("s1ty","Track y projected angle on S1",50,-20.,20.);
22 TH1F* s2tx = new TH1F("s2tx","Track x projected angle on S2",50,-20.,20.);
23 TH1F* s2ty = new TH1F("s2ty","Track y projected angle on S2",50,-20.,20.);
24 TH1F* s3tx = new TH1F("s3tx","Track x projected angle on S3",50,-20.,20.);
25 TH1F* s3ty = new TH1F("s3ty","Track y projected angle on S3",50,-20.,20.);
27 TH1F* trl = new TH1F("trl","Track length",100,0.,100.);
28 TH1F* trl12 = new TH1F("trl12","Track length S1-S2",100,0.,100.);
29 TH1F* trl23 = new TH1F("trl23","Track length S2-S3",100,0.,100.);
32 //
33 PamLevel2* pam_event = new PamLevel2(); // << create pamela event
34 //
35 TFile f(file);
36 //
37 TTree *T = pam_event->GetPamTree(&f); // << get Pamela trees from file f
38 Int_t nevent = T->GetEntries();
39 // ********************
40 // load magnetic field
41 // ********************
42 pam_event->LoadField("./magnetic-field/"); //
43 // ********************
44 // initialize some trajectories
45 // ********************
46 // << default trajectory is created with 10 points between the upper and lower tracker planes
47 Trajectory *tr1 = new Trajectory() ; // << create a default trajectory
48 // << the number of points can be set by the user
49 Trajectory *tr2 = new Trajectory(100) ; // << create a trajectory with 100 points
50 // << and also the z-coordinates can be set by the user.
51 // << for example if we want to evaluate the track intersection points in the TOF planes
52 // << we can define the following trajectory
53 Int_t nz = 6; Float_t zin[6]; // << define TOF z-coordinates
54 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<nz; ip++)
55 zin[ip] = pam_event->GetZTOF(pam_event->GetToFPlaneID(ip)); // << read ToF plane z-coordinates
56 Trajectory *tr = new Trajectory(nz,zin); // << create a trajectory in the apparatus
57 //
58 cout << endl<< " Start loop over events ";
59 for (Int_t i=0; i<nevent;i++){
60 //
61 T->GetEntry(i);
62 //
63 if(pam_event->GetNTracks()==1){ // << select events with only one track
64 //
65 TrkTrack *track = pam_event->GetTrack(0); // << retrieve the track
66 //
67 // << perform some track selection
68 //
69 if(
70 track->chi2 > 0 &&
71 track->chi2 < 100 &&
72 track->GetNX() >= 4 &&
73 track->GetNY() >= 3 &&
74 true
75 ){
77 cout << endl<< "***** First trajectory"<< endl;
78 track->DoTrack2(tr1); // << calculate the first trajectory in magnetic field
79 // tr1->Dump(); // dump the trajectory
80 cout << "Length: "<< tr1->GetLength()<<endl; // << get the track length
81 //
82 cout << endl<< "***** Second trajectory"<< endl;
83 track->DoTrack2(tr2); // << calculate trajectory in magnetic field
84 cout << "Length: "<< tr2->GetLength()<<endl; // << get the track length
85 //
86 cout << endl<< "***** Third trajectory"<< endl;
87 track->DoTrack2(tr); // << calculate trajectory in magnetic field
88 // tr->Dump();
89 cout << "Length (S11-S32): "<< tr->GetLength()<<endl;
90 // << The length can be evaluated also bewteen two planes set by the user
91 cout << "Length between S11-S21: "<< tr->GetLength(0,2)<< endl;
92 cout << "Length between S21-S31: "<< tr->GetLength(2,4)<< endl;
93 cout << "Length between S11-S31: "<< tr->GetLength(0,4)<< endl;
94 // now fills some histos:
95 // store calculated coordinates
96 s1x->Fill( tr->x[0] );
97 s1y->Fill( tr->y[0] );
98 s2x->Fill( tr->x[1] );
99 s2y->Fill( tr->y[1] );
100 s3x->Fill( tr->x[2] );
101 s3y->Fill( tr->y[2] );
102 // store calculated projected angles
103 s1tx->Fill( tr->thx[0] );
104 s1ty->Fill( tr->thy[0] );
105 s2tx->Fill( tr->thx[1] );
106 s2ty->Fill( tr->thy[1] );
107 s3tx->Fill( tr->thx[2] );
108 s3ty->Fill( tr->thy[2] );
110 // store calculated track lengths
111 trl->Fill( tr->GetLength() );
112 trl12->Fill( tr->GetLength(0,1) );
113 trl23->Fill( tr->GetLength(1,2) );
114 };
115 };
116 };
117 cout << endl << " Done "<< endl<<endl;
118 //
119 // close file
120 //
121 f.Close();
122 //
123 // plot histos
124 //
125 }

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