/[PAMELA software]/PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/README.txt
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Contents of /PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/README.txt

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jan 3 13:28:50 2007 UTC (18 years, 2 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r02, v2r02
Changes since 1.3: +26 -3 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
new example with selection cuts

1 This directory contains some very simple macros, just to show how to use the PamLevel2 class.
2 The macros need as input the name of a Level2 .root file produced by DarthVader
3 (example1 and example2) or a list of files (see example3).
5 example1 - Example to integrate all detector info and solve the y-view tracks ambiguity
6 example2 - Example to get pamela tracks and integrate the trajectory in the apparatus
7 example3 - Example to loop over events, reading more than one file
8 Loop - Example to loop over events, apply some selection cuts (My-Selection.cpp) and filling an
9 output file with histograms (My-Histos.cpp) and/or trees.
11 In order to run the scripts:
13 1) Copy the magnetic field maps into the magnetic-field/ directory.
14 You can find them in the CVS repository, inside DarthVader/param/trk-param/field_param-0/
16 2) Add the path of the directory containing the DarthVader libraries and the PamLevel2 library to the
17 shell variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
19 3) Open a root session and execute the following commands:
21 [] .x load.C
22 [] .L example1.C
23 [] example1("level2-data-path/level2-file, execute the command.root")
24 Tracker : set branch address TrkLevel2
25 Calorimeter : set branch address CaloLevel2
26 ToF : set branch address ToFLevel2
27 Trigger : set branch address TrigLevel2
28 S4 : set branch address S4Level2
29 NeutronD : set branch address NDLevel2
30 Anticounter : set branch address AcLevel2
32 Start loop over events
34 Done
36 4) Macros example1 and example2 produce some histograms. Example3 just loop over events and tracks and
37 counts time. It is usefull to check processing time.
40 5) To create Loop.exe execute the command (you need the PAMELA environment variables):
42 > make Loop.exe
44 The executable is create by compiling and linking the files:
46 Loop.cpp
47 My-Selection.cpp
48 My-Histos.cpp
50 You can use My-Selection.cpp and My-Histos.cpp as a template to inplement your own
51 selection cuts and analysis.
52 More generally, you can compile and link Loop.cpp with your own source files (you need
53 to edit also the Makefile), where you should implement at least the following functions:
55 bool Select(PamLevel2*);
56 void CreateHistos(TFile*);
57 void FillHistos(PamLevel2*);
58 void SaveHistos(TFile*);
60 To know how to use Loop.exe, issue:
61 ./Loop.exe --help
63 (If you execute "make Loop-0.exe" the old example code, previously posted on the cvs,
64 is compiled and linked. This is not a very general example, better use the new one)

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