======================================================= January 2007 (versions v3r00 and above) ======================================================= The definition of the classes PamLevel2 and PamTrack has been basically changed, in order to solve some memory leaks. In order to use the new library (which is recommended) YOU HAVE TO ADAPT YOUR CODE. In order to access the members of the detector classes from a PamLevel2 object you have now to call the methods TrkLevel2* PamLevel2::GetTrkLevel2() CaloLevel2* PamLevel2::GetCaloLevel2() OrbitalInfo* PamLevel2::GetOrbitalInfo() ecc... For example: PamLevel2* pam_event = new PamLevel2(); cout << pam_event->GetCaloLevel2()->qtot << endl; The same is for the track. The class PamTrack combines the track-related info from tracker, calorimeter and TOF. To access the members of these detector track-related members you have to call the methods: TrkTrack* PamTrack::GetTrkTrack() CaloTrkVar* PamTrack::GetCaloTrack() ToFTrkVar* PamTrack::GetToFTrack() For example: PamTrack *track = pam_event->GetTrack(0); if(track){ cout<< track->GetTrkTrack()->GetRigidity()<GetToFTrack()->beta[12]<GetCaloTrack()->ncore<GetTrkLevel2()->GetTrack(0); if(trk_track) cout<< trk_track->GetRigidity()<