/[PAMELA software]/PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/CaloAxis.h
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Contents of /PamelaLevel2/doc/examples/CaloAxis.h

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Jan 15 11:51:39 2007 UTC (18 years, 2 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v5r00, v3r03, v4r00, v10RED, v6r00, v9r00, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +3 -4 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
v3r00 **NEW**

1 #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
4 #include <TString.h>
5 #include <TH1F.h>
6 #include <TH2F.h>
7 #include <TMath.h>
8 #include <TLine.h>
9 #include <TPolyMarker.h>
10 #include <TSelector.h>
11 #include <TFile.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <iostream>
15 using namespace std;
17 #include <PamLevel2.h>
19 #endif
20 //===============================================================================
21 //
22 //
23 //
24 //
25 //===============================================================================
26 class CaloAxis {
28 public:
29 vector<float> x;// independent coordinates (z)
30 vector<float> y;// dependente coordinate (x/y)
31 vector<float> w;// fit weight
32 vector<float> q;// signal
34 Float_t par[2];
35 Float_t covpar[2][2];
37 TPolyMarker *sel;
38 TLine *axis;
40 CaloAxis(){
41 for(Int_t i=0; i<2;i++){
42 par[i]=0;
43 for(Int_t j=0; j<2;j++)covpar[i][j]=0;
44 };
45 sel = 0;
46 axis = 0;
47 };
49 CaloAxis(Int_t nin, float* xin, float *yin){
50 for(Int_t i=0; i<nin; i++){
51 x.push_back(*xin++);
52 y.push_back(*yin++);
53 w.push_back(1.);
54 q.push_back(0.);
55 };
56 if(nin>2)Fit();
57 sel = 0;
58 axis = 0;
59 };
60 CaloAxis(Int_t nin, float* xin, float *yin, float* qin){
61 for(Int_t i=0; i<nin; i++){
62 x.push_back(*xin++);
63 y.push_back(*yin++);
64 q.push_back(*qin++);
65 w.push_back(1.);
66 };
67 if(nin>2)Fit();
68 sel = 0;
69 axis = 0;
70 };
71 CaloAxis(Int_t nin, float* xin, float *yin, float* qin, float* win){
72 for(Int_t i=0; i<nin; i++){
73 x.push_back(*xin++);
74 y.push_back(*yin++);
75 w.push_back(*win++);
76 q.push_back(*qin++);
77 };
78 if(nin>2)Fit();
79 sel = 0;
80 axis = 0;
81 };
83 void Add(float xin, float yin){
84 x.push_back(xin);
85 y.push_back(yin);
86 w.push_back(1.);
87 q.push_back(0.);
88 Int_t nin = x.size();
89 if(nin>2)Fit();
90 };
91 void Add(float xin, float yin, float qin){
92 x.push_back(xin);
93 y.push_back(yin);
94 q.push_back(qin);
95 w.push_back(1.);
96 Int_t nin = x.size();
98 if(nin>2)Fit();
99 };
100 void Add(float xin, float yin, float qin, float win){
101 x.push_back(xin);
102 y.push_back(yin);
103 w.push_back(win);
104 q.push_back(qin);
105 Int_t nin = x.size();
106 if(nin>2)Fit();
107 };
109 Int_t Fit(){
111 Float_t SSS = 0;
112 Float_t SSX = 0;
113 Float_t SXX = 0;
115 Float_t SSY = 0;
116 Float_t SXY = 0;
118 Int_t np=0;
119 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(x.size()); i++){
120 SSS += w[i]*w[i];
121 SSX += x[i]*w[i]*w[i];
122 SXX += x[i]*x[i]*w[i]*w[i];
123 SSY += y[i]*w[i]*w[i];
124 SXY += x[i]*y[i]*w[i]*w[i];
125 if(w[i])np++;
126 }
127 Float_t det = SSS*SXX-SSX*SSX;
128 if(det==0)return 0;
129 if(np<3)return 0;
130 // cout << np << "points fitted -- ok "<<endl;
131 par[0] = (SSY*SXX-SXY*SSX)/det;
132 par[1] = (SXY*SSS-SSY*SSX)/det;
133 return 1;
134 };
136 void Reset(){
137 for(Int_t i=0; i<2;i++){
138 par[i]=0;
139 for(Int_t j=0; j<2;j++)covpar[i][j]=0;
140 };
141 x.clear();
142 y.clear();
143 w.clear();
144 q.clear();
145 if(sel)sel->Delete();
146 if(axis)axis->Delete();
148 }
150 void Delete(){
151 Reset();
152 if(sel)delete sel;
153 if(axis)delete axis;
155 }
157 void Print(){
158 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(x.size()); i++)if(w[i])cout << x[i] << " - "<<y[i]<<endl;
159 }
161 float GetPar(Int_t i){return par[i];};
163 int GetN(){return (int)(x.size());};
165 float* GetX(){
166 float *xout = new float[(int)(x.size())];
167 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(x.size()); i++)xout[i]=x[i];
168 return xout;
169 }
171 float* GetY(){
172 float *yout = new float[(int)(y.size())];
173 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(y.size()); i++) yout[i]=y[i];
174 return yout;
175 }
177 float* GetQ(){
178 float *qout = new float[(int)(q.size())];
179 for(int i=0; i<(int)(q.size()); i++) qout[i]=q[i];
180 return qout;
181 }
183 float GetChi2(){
184 float chi2=0;
185 int nchi=0;
186 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(y.size()); i++){
187 chi2 += w[i]*w[i]*(y[i]-par[0]-par[1]*x[i])*(y[i]-par[0]-par[1]*x[i]);
188 nchi += (int)w[i];
189 };
190 if(nchi<3)return -999;
191 chi2=chi2/(nchi-2);
192 return chi2;
193 }
195 float GetQaxis(){
196 float qaxis=0;
197 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(q.size()); i++) qaxis +=q[i];
198 // for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(q.size()); i++) cout<<q[i]<<endl;
199 return qaxis;
200 }
202 float GetQstrip(){
204 float qaxis=0;
205 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(q.size()); i++) qaxis +=q[i];
206 if(q.size()==0) return 0.;
207 return qaxis/q.size();
208 }
210 float GetXmin(){
211 float zmin=9999;
212 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(x.size()); i++) if(x[i]<zmin) zmin = x[i];
213 return zmin;
214 }
215 float GetXmax(){
216 float zmax=-9999;
217 for(Int_t i=0; i<(int)(x.size()); i++) if(x[i]>zmax) zmax = x[i];
218 return zmax;
220 }
223 void Draw(){
225 if(GetN()<3)return;
227 sel = new TPolyMarker(GetN(),GetY(),GetX());
228 sel->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
229 sel->SetMarkerColor(5);
231 axis = new TLine( par[0]+GetXmin()*par[1], GetXmin(), par[0]+GetXmax()*par[1], GetXmax() );
232 axis->SetLineWidth(1);
233 axis->SetLineColor(5);
235 sel->Draw();
236 axis->Draw();
237 }
239 Int_t FitAxis( CaloLevel1* calo , Int_t view , Float_t toll ){
241 CaloStrip* cstrip = new CaloStrip(calo);
243 // ---------------------------
244 // first : all hits included
245 // ---------------------------
246 // CaloAxis *axis = new CaloAxis();
247 for(int ih=0;ih<calo->istrip;ih++){
248 int iv=-1;
249 int ip=-1;
250 int is=-1;
251 calo->DecodeEstrip(ih,iv,ip,is);
252 if(iv==view){
253 // cout<<ip<<" "<<is<<" "<< calo->DecodeEstrip(ih,iv,ip,is)<<" "<<endl;
254 // float x = GetCoordXY(view,ip,is) ;
255 // float z = GetCoordZ(view,ip) ;
256 // float q = calo->GetEstrip(view,ip,is);
257 cstrip->Set(view,ip,is);
258 float x = 0;
259 if( !view ) x = cstrip->GetX();
260 else x = cstrip->GetY();
261 float z = cstrip->GetZ();
262 float q = cstrip->GetE();
263 // if(view==0 && ip==21)q=0;
264 if(q>0)this->Add(z,x,q);
265 }
267 }
268 // cout << "(1) hits "<<this->GetN()<<endl;
269 if(this->GetN()<3){
270 delete cstrip;
271 return 0;
272 }
273 float P0;
274 float P1;
275 int dof;
276 bool missing = false;
277 int nmissing = 0;
279 // ---------------------------
280 // second : iteration
281 // ---------------------------
282 int niter=0; // number of iterations
283 do{
284 niter++;
285 float ttoll = toll; //tolerance (cm)
286 if(niter==1)ttoll = 10.*toll;
287 dof = this->GetN(); //previous fit
288 P0 = this->par[0];
289 P1 = this->par[1];
290 this->Reset(); //fit reset
291 // cout << "previous fit "<<dof<<" "<<P0<<" "<<P1<<endl;
292 // cout << "(reset) hits "<<this->GetN()<<endl;
293 missing = false;
294 nmissing = 0;
295 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<22; ip++){
296 // break the track if more than 2 planes are missing
297 if(missing)nmissing++;
298 if(nmissing==3)break;
299 missing=true;
300 // float z = GetCoordZ(view,ip) ;
301 for(Int_t is=0; is<96; is++){
303 cstrip->Set(view,ip,is);
304 float x = 0;
305 if( !view ) x = cstrip->GetX();
306 else x = cstrip->GetY();
307 float z = cstrip->GetZ();
308 float q = cstrip->GetE();
310 if( q ){
311 // float x = GetCoordXY(view,ip,is) ;
312 // float q = calo->GetEstrip(view,ip,is);
313 // if(view==0 && ip==21)q=0;
314 float d = fabs(x-P0-P1*z)/sqrt(P1*P1+1);
315 // cout << d << " "<<ttoll<<endl;
316 // if( q>0 && d < ttoll ){
317 if( d < ttoll ){
318 this->Add(z,x,q);
319 // cout << "(-) hits "<<this->GetN()<<endl;
320 missing=false;
321 nmissing=0;
322 }
323 }
324 }
325 }
326 // cout << "(2) hits "<<this->GetN()<<endl;
327 if(niter==100)break;
328 if(this->GetN()==0)break;
329 }while(niter==1 || this->GetN() != dof);
330 if(this->GetN()<3){
331 delete cstrip;
332 return 0;
333 }
334 // ---------------------------------------------
335 // third : selecting only closest strip-clusters
336 // ---------------------------------------------
337 P0 = this->par[0];
338 P1 = this->par[1];
339 this->Reset();
340 missing = false;
341 nmissing = 0;
342 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<22; ip++){
343 if(missing)nmissing++;
344 if(nmissing==3)break;
345 missing=true;
346 int isclose = -1;
347 float dmin = 999;
348 // float z = GetCoordZ(view,ip) ;
349 //search for closest hit strip
350 for(Int_t is=0; is<96; is++){
351 cstrip->Set(view,ip,is);
352 float x = 0;
353 if( !view ) x = cstrip->GetX();
354 else x = cstrip->GetY();
355 float z = cstrip->GetZ();
356 float q = cstrip->GetE();
357 if( q ){
358 // float x = GetCoordXY(view,ip,is) ;
359 float d = fabs(x-P0-P1*z)/sqrt(P1*P1+1);
360 // cout << x <<" "<<z<<" "<<P0+P1*z<<" "<<d << endl;
361 if(d<dmin && d<toll){
362 isclose =is;
363 dmin =d;
364 }
365 }
366 }
367 if( isclose != -1 ){
368 Int_t isfrom = isclose-1;
369 if(isfrom<0) isfrom=0;
370 Int_t isto = isclose+2;
371 if(isto>96) isto=96;
372 for(Int_t is=isfrom; is< isto; is++){
373 cstrip->Set(view,ip,is);
374 float x = 0;
375 if( !view ) x = cstrip->GetX();
376 else x = cstrip->GetY();
377 float z = cstrip->GetZ();
378 float q = cstrip->GetE();
379 // float x = GetCoordXY(view,ip,is) ;
380 // float q = calo->GetEstrip(view,ip,is);
381 // if(view==0 && ip==21)q = 0; //mask last plane
382 if(q){
383 this->Add(z,x,q);
384 missing = false;
385 nmissing = 0;
386 }
387 }
388 }
389 }
391 // cout << " n. hits :"<<this->GetN()<<endl;
392 // cout << " P0 P1 :"<<this->par[0]<< " "<<this->par[1]<<endl;
393 // cout << " Chi2 :"<<this->GetChi2()<<endl;
394 // cout << " Q axis :"<<this->GetQaxis()<<endl;
395 // cout << " Q strip :"<<this->GetQstrip()<<endl;
396 delete cstrip;
397 return 1;
398 }
399 };
400 //===============================================================================
401 //
402 //
403 //
404 //
405 //===============================================================================

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