/[PAMELA software]/PamelaDigitizer/Pamelagp2Digits.cxx
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Contents of /PamelaDigitizer/Pamelagp2Digits.cxx

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Sep 13 11:00:53 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by silvio
Branch: MAIN
Branch point for: PamelaDigitizer/
Initial revision

1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Program to convert an gpamela ntuple to pamela raw data (.pam).
3 // A root file containing the ntuple is also produced.
4 // The conversion is done using a slightly patched version of
5 // Rene Brun's h2root.
6 //
7 // Created : Jan Conrad (conrad@particle.kth.se)
8 // Modified: Silvio Orsi (silvio.orsi@roma2.infn.it)
9 //
10 //
12 // ./ Pamelagp2Digits filename.his
13 // It generates filename.pam (PAMELA raw data) and filename.gp.root (sim info)
14 //
15 // HOWTO (EXPERT, only for testing purposes)
16 // Pamelagp2Digits hbook_filename root_filename raw_filename compress tolower
17 // - If the 2nd and 3rd parameters are missing the names are generated from the hbook file name.
18 // - The following flags are from h2root and default values are used:
19 // if compress is missing (or = 1) the ROOT file will be compressed
20 // if compress = 0 the ROOT file will not be compressed.
21 // if tolower is missing (or = 1) ntuple column names are converted to lower case
22 // but the first character is converted to upper case.
23 // if tolower = 2 same as tolower=1 except that the first character is also
24 // convertex to lower case
25 //
27 // v. 1.0 (S.Orsi, September 2007)
28 // - trigger (dummy), tof (preliminary, adc only), ND (preliminary) inserted
29 // - various changes and bug fixes
30 // - padding increased (fPADbuffer=64, fPadding = padbytes+64)
31 //
32 // v. beta (J.Conrad)
33 // - compiles; includes pscu, calo, trk, ac
34 //
35 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <ctype.h>
40 #include "Riostream.h"
41 #include "TFile.h"
42 #include "TDirectory.h"
43 #include "TTree.h"
44 #include "TLeafI.h"
45 #include "TH1.h"
46 #include "TH2.h"
47 #include "TProfile.h"
48 #include "TGraph.h"
49 #include "TMath.h"
50 #include "Digitizer.h"
52 int Error; //to be removed soon
54 // Define the names of the Fortran common blocks for the different OSs
56 #ifndef WIN32
57 #define PAWC_SIZE 5000000
58 # define pawc pawc_
59 # define quest quest_
60 # define hcbits hcbits_
61 # define hcbook hcbook_
62 # define rzcl rzcl_
63 int pawc[PAWC_SIZE];
64 int quest[100];
65 int hcbits[37];
66 int hcbook[51];
67 int rzcl[11];
68 #else
69 // on windows /pawc/ must have the same length as in libPacklib.a !!
70 #define PAWC_SIZE 2000000
71 # define pawc PAWC
72 # define quest QUEST
73 # define hcbits HCBITS
74 # define hcbook HCBOOK
75 # define rzcl RZCL
76 extern "C" int pawc[PAWC_SIZE];
77 extern "C" int quest[100];
78 extern "C" int hcbits[37];
79 extern "C" int hcbook[51];
80 extern "C" int rzcl[11];
81 #endif
83 int *iq, *lq;
84 float *q;
85 char idname[128];
86 int nentries;
87 char chtitl[128];
88 int ncx,ncy,nwt,idb;
89 int lcont, lcid, lcdir;
90 float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;
91 const Int_t kMIN1 = 7;
92 const Int_t kMAX1 = 8;
94 #if defined __linux
95 //On linux Fortran wants this, so we give to it!
96 int xargv=0;
97 int xargc=0;
98 void MAIN__() {}
99 #endif
101 // Define the names of the Fortran subroutine and functions for the different OSs
103 #ifndef WIN32
104 # define hlimit hlimit_
105 # define hropen hropen_
106 # define hrin hrin_
107 # define hnoent hnoent_
108 # define hgive hgive_
109 # define hgiven hgiven_
110 # define hprntu hprntu_
111 # define hgnpar hgnpar_
112 # define hgnf hgnf_
113 # define hgnt hgnt_
114 # define rzink rzink_
115 # define hdcofl hdcofl_
116 # define hmaxim hmaxim_
117 # define hminim hminim_
118 # define hdelet hdelet_
119 # define hntvar2 hntvar2_
120 # define hbname hbname_
121 # define hbnamc hbnamc_
122 # define hbnam hbnam_
123 # define hi hi_
124 # define hie hie_
125 # define hif hif_
126 # define hij hij_
127 # define hix hix_
128 # define hijxy hijxy_
129 # define hije hije_
130 # define hcdir hcdir_
131 # define zitoh zitoh_
132 # define uhtoc uhtoc_
134 # define type_of_call
135 # define DEFCHAR const char*
136 # define PASSCHAR(string) string
137 #else
138 # define hlimit HLIMIT
139 # define hropen HROPEN
140 # define hrin HRIN
141 # define hnoent HNOENT
142 # define hgive HGIVE
143 # define hgiven HGIVEN
144 # define hprntu HPRNTU
145 # define hgnpar HGNPAR
146 # define hgnf HGNF
147 # define hgnt HGNT
148 # define rzink RZINK
149 # define hdcofl HDCOFL
150 # define hmaxim HMAXIM
151 # define hminim HMINIM
152 # define hdelet HDELET
153 # define hntvar2 HNTVAR2
154 # define hbname HBNAME
155 # define hbnamc HBNAMC
156 # define hbnam HBNAM
157 # define hi HI
158 # define hie HIE
159 # define hif HIF
160 # define hij HIJ
161 # define hix HIX
162 # define hijxy HIJXY
163 # define hije HIJE
164 # define hcdir HCDIR
165 # define zitoh ZITOH
166 # define uhtoc UHTOC
167 # define type_of_call _stdcall
168 # define DEFCHAR const char*, const int
169 # define PASSCHAR(string) string, strlen(string)
170 #endif
172 extern "C" void type_of_call hlimit(const int&);
173 #ifndef WIN32
174 extern "C" void type_of_call hropen(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,
175 const int&,const int&,const int,const int,const int);
176 #else
177 extern "C" void type_of_call hropen(const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,
178 const int&,const int&);
179 #endif
181 extern "C" void type_of_call hrin(const int&,const int&,const int&);
182 extern "C" void type_of_call hnoent(const int&,const int&);
183 #ifndef WIN32
184 extern "C" void type_of_call hgive(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const float&,const float&,
185 const int&,const float&,const float&,const int&,const int&,const int);
186 #else
187 extern "C" void type_of_call hgive(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const float&,const float&,
188 const int&,const float&,const float&,const int&,const int&);
189 #endif
191 #ifndef WIN32
192 extern "C" void type_of_call hgiven(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,
193 const float&,const float&,const int,const int);
194 #else
195 extern "C" void type_of_call hgiven(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,
196 const float&,const float&);
197 #endif
199 #ifndef WIN32
200 extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar2(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,const int,const int, const int);
201 #else
202 extern "C" void type_of_call hntvar2(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&);
203 #endif
205 #ifndef WIN32
206 extern "C" void type_of_call hbnam(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,const int, const int);
207 #else
208 extern "C" void type_of_call hbnam(const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&,DEFCHAR,const int&);
209 #endif
211 extern "C" void type_of_call hprntu(const int&);
212 extern "C" void type_of_call hgnpar(const int&,const char *,const int);
213 extern "C" void type_of_call hgnf(const int&,const int&,const float&,const int&);
214 extern "C" void type_of_call hgnt(const int&,const int&,const int&);
215 extern "C" void type_of_call rzink(const int&,const int&,const char *,const int);
216 extern "C" void type_of_call hdcofl();
217 extern "C" void type_of_call hmaxim(const int&,const float&);
218 extern "C" void type_of_call hminim(const int&,const float&);
219 extern "C" void type_of_call hdelet(const int&);
220 extern "C" float type_of_call hi(const int&,const int&);
221 extern "C" float type_of_call hie(const int&,const int&);
222 extern "C" float type_of_call hif(const int&,const int&);
223 extern "C" float type_of_call hij(const int&,const int&,const int&);
224 extern "C" void type_of_call hix(const int&,const int&,const float&);
225 extern "C" void type_of_call hijxy(const int&,const int&,const int&,const float&,const float&);
226 extern "C" float type_of_call hije(const int&,const int&,const int&);
227 #ifndef WIN32
228 extern "C" void type_of_call hcdir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR ,const int,const int);
229 #else
230 extern "C" void type_of_call hcdir(DEFCHAR,DEFCHAR);
231 #endif
233 extern "C" void type_of_call zitoh(const int&,const int&,const int&);
234 #ifndef WIN32
235 extern "C" void type_of_call uhtoc(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,int&,const int);
236 #else
237 extern "C" void type_of_call uhtoc(const int&,const int&,DEFCHAR,int&);
238 #endif
240 extern void convert_directory(const char*, char* file_raw);
241 extern void convert_1d(Int_t id);
242 extern void convert_cwn(Int_t id,char* file_raw);
245 Int_t golower = 1;
246 Int_t bufsize = 64000;
247 Int_t optcwn = 1;
250 int main(int argc, char **argv)
252 {
253 if (argc < 2) {
254 printf("Error: Pamelagp2Digits \n");
255 printf("Pamelagp2Digits file.hbook file.root file.pam [compress] [tolower] [lrecl] [bufsize] [optcwn] \n");
256 printf(" if file.root is not given it will be = file.root\n");
257 printf(" compress = 1 by default (use 0 for no compression)\n");
258 printf(" tolower = 1 by default (use 0 to keep case of column names)\n");
259 printf(" lrecl =0 by default (must be specified if >8092)\n");
260 printf(" bufsize = 8000 by default (branch buffer size)\n");
261 printf(" for cwn ntuple only: optcwn = 1 (default) 1-byte int -> char, 2-byte int -> short, (use 0 to keep 4-byte int) \n");
262 return 1;
263 }
265 lq = &pawc[9];
266 iq = &pawc[17];
267 void *qq = iq;
268 q = (float*)qq;
269 char *file_in=argv[1];
270 char *file_out = " ";
271 char *file_raw;
273 Int_t compress = 1;
274 int ier=0, record_size=0;
276 if (argc > 8) {
277 optcwn = atoi(argv[8]);
278 }
279 if (argc > 7) {
280 bufsize = atoi(argv[7]);
281 }
282 if (argc > 6) {
283 record_size = atoi(argv[6]);
284 }
285 if (argc > 5) {
286 golower = atoi(argv[5]);
287 }
288 if (argc > 4) {
289 compress = atoi(argv[4]);
290 }
292 if (argc > 3) {
293 file_raw=argv[3];
294 } else {
295 file_raw= new char[2000];
296 strcpy(file_raw,file_in);
297 char *dot = strrchr(file_raw,'.');
298 if (dot) strcpy(dot+1,"pam");
299 else strcat(file_out,".pam");
300 }
302 if (argc > 2) {
303 file_out=argv[2];
304 } else {
305 file_out= new char[2000];
306 strcpy(file_out,file_in);
307 char *dot = strrchr(file_out,'.');
308 if (dot) strcpy(dot+1,"gp.root"); //modified S.Orsi 09/'07
309 else strcat(file_out,".gp.root");
310 }
314 #if defined(_HIUX_SOURCE) && !defined(__GNUC__)
315 hf_fint((char *)NULL);
316 #endif
319 int pawc_size = PAWC_SIZE;
320 hlimit(pawc_size);
322 int lun = 10;
323 #ifndef WIN32
324 hropen(lun,PASSCHAR("example"),PASSCHAR(file_in),PASSCHAR("p"),record_size,ier,7,strlen(file_in),1);
325 #else
326 hropen(lun,PASSCHAR("example"),PASSCHAR(file_in),PASSCHAR("p"),record_size,ier);
327 #endif
329 if (ier) printf (" Error on hropen was %d \n", ier);
330 if (quest[0]) {
331 printf("Error cannot open input file: %s\n",file_in);
332 return 1;
333 }
335 char root_file_title[2000];
337 TFile* hfile= TFile::Open(file_out,"RECREATE",root_file_title,compress);
339 if (!hfile) {
340 printf("Error: can't open output file: %s \n",file_out);
341 return 1;
342 }
344 convert_directory("//example",file_raw);
346 //hfile->Write();
347 //hfile->ls();
349 hfile->Close();
350 delete hfile;
351 return(0);
352 }
355 //____________________________________________________________________________
356 void convert_directory(const char *dir, char* file_raw)
357 {
360 printf(" Converting directory %s\n",dir);
361 Int_t id;
362 // Int_t nastycase=0;
363 // Int_t nastyprint=0;
364 // Int_t idold = 0;
365 for (Int_t key=1;key<1000000;key++) {
366 int z0 = 0;
367 rzink(key,z0,"S",1);
368 if (quest[0]) break;
369 if (quest[13] & 8) {
370 continue;
371 // if (!nastyprint) {
372 // printf("Found nasty Hbook case!! You had an Hbook error message\n");
373 // printf(" when creating the file (too many records)\n");
374 // printf(" Hbook file should have been created with a bigger LRECL\n");
375 // printf(" ROOT will try to recover\n");
376 // nastyprint = 1;
377 // }
378 // nastycase = 1;
379 }
380 id = quest[20];
381 // if (id == idold && nastycase) continue;
382 // nastycase = 0;
383 // idold = id;
384 int i999 = 999;
385 hrin(id,i999,0);
386 if (quest[0]) {
387 printf("Error cannot read ID = %d\n",id);
388 break;
389 }
390 hdcofl();
391 lcid = hcbook[10];
392 lcont = lq[lcid-1];
393 if (hcbits[3]) {
394 convert_cwn(id,file_raw);
395 hdelet(id);
396 continue;
397 }
399 if (hcbits[0]) {
400 convert_1d(id);
401 hdelet(id);
402 continue;
403 }
405 }
407 // converting subdirectories of this directory
408 const Int_t kKLS = 26;
409 const Int_t kKNSD = 23;
410 lcdir = rzcl[2];
411 Int_t ls = iq[lcdir+kKLS];
412 Int_t ndir = iq[lcdir+kKNSD];
413 Int_t nch=16;
414 Int_t ihdir[4];
415 Int_t ncw = 4;
416 TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
417 Int_t i;
418 char chdir[17];
419 char hbookdir[17];
420 for (Int_t k=0;k<ndir;k++) {
421 lcdir = rzcl[2];
422 zitoh(iq[lcdir+ls+7*k],ihdir[0],ncw);
423 for (i=0;i<17;i++) chdir[i] = 0;
424 #ifndef WIN32
425 uhtoc(ihdir[0],ncw,chdir,nch ,16);
426 #else
427 uhtoc(ihdir[0],ncw,chdir,16,nch);
428 #endif
429 strcpy(hbookdir,chdir);
430 for (i=16;i>0;i--) {
431 if (chdir[i] == 0) continue;
432 if (chdir[i] != ' ') break;
433 chdir[i] = 0;
434 }
435 #ifndef WIN32
436 hcdir(PASSCHAR(hbookdir),PASSCHAR(" "),16,1);
437 #else
438 hcdir(PASSCHAR(hbookdir),PASSCHAR(" "));
439 #endif
440 TDirectory *newdir = new TDirectory(chdir,chdir);
441 newdir->cd();
442 convert_directory(chdir, file_raw);
443 #ifndef WIN32
444 hcdir(PASSCHAR("\\"),PASSCHAR(" "),1,1);
445 #else
446 hcdir(PASSCHAR("\\"),PASSCHAR(" "));
447 #endif
448 newdir->Write();
449 cursav->cd();
450 }
451 }
453 //____________________________________________________________________________
454 void convert_1d(Int_t id)
455 {
456 if (id > 0) sprintf(idname,"h%d",id);
457 else sprintf(idname,"h_%d",-id);
458 hnoent(id,nentries);
459 #ifndef WIN32
460 hgive(id,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb,80);
461 #else
462 hgive(id,chtitl,80,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb);
463 #endif
464 chtitl[4*nwt] = 0;
465 TH1F *h1;
466 Int_t i;
467 if (hcbits[5]) {
468 Int_t lbins = lq[lcid-2];
469 Double_t *xbins = new Double_t[ncx+1];
470 for (i=0;i<=ncx;i++) xbins[i] = q[lbins+i+1];
471 h1 = new TH1F(idname,chtitl,ncx,xbins);
472 delete [] xbins;
473 } else {
474 h1 = new TH1F(idname,chtitl,ncx,xmin,xmax);
475 }
476 if (hcbits[8]) h1->Sumw2();
477 TGraph *gr = 0;
478 if (hcbits[11]) {
479 gr = new TGraph(ncx);
480 h1->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(gr);
481 }
483 Float_t x;
484 for (i=0;i<=ncx+1;i++) {
485 x = h1->GetBinCenter(i);
486 h1->Fill(x,hi(id,i));
487 if (hcbits[8]) h1->SetBinError(i,hie(id,i));
488 if (gr && i>0 && i<=ncx) gr->SetPoint(i,x,hif(id,i));
489 }
490 Float_t ymin, ymax;
491 if (hcbits[19]) {
492 ymax = q[lcid+kMAX1];
493 h1->SetMaximum(ymax);
494 }
495 if (hcbits[20]) {
496 ymin = q[lcid+kMIN1];
497 h1->SetMinimum(ymin);
498 }
499 h1->SetEntries(nentries);
500 h1->Write();
501 delete h1;
502 }
503 //____________________________________________________________________________
504 void convert_cwn(Int_t id,char* file_raw)
505 {
506 const int kNchar=9;
507 int nvar;
508 int ier=0;
509 int i,j;
510 int nsub,itype,isize,ielem;
511 char *chtag_out;
512 float *x;
513 float rmin[1000], rmax[1000];
515 if (id > 0) sprintf(idname,"h%d",id);
516 else sprintf(idname,"h_%d",-id);
517 hnoent(id,nentries);
518 printf(" Converting CWN with ID= %d, nentries = %d\n",id,nentries);
519 nvar=0;
520 #ifndef WIN32
521 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0],80,0);
522 #else
523 hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,PASSCHAR(""),rmin[0],rmax[0]);
524 #endif
527 chtag_out = new char[nvar*kNchar+1];
528 Int_t *charflag = new Int_t[nvar];
529 Int_t *lenchar = new Int_t[nvar];
530 Int_t *boolflag = new Int_t[nvar];
531 Int_t *lenbool = new Int_t[nvar];
532 UChar_t *boolarr = new UChar_t[10000];
533 x = new float[nvar];
534 char *bigbuf = new char[2500000];
536 chtag_out[nvar*kNchar]=0;
537 for (i=0;i<80;i++)chtitl[i]=0;
538 #ifndef WIN32
539 hgiven(id,chtitl,nvar,chtag_out,rmin[0],rmax[0],80,kNchar);
540 #else
541 hgiven(id,chtitl,80,nvar,chtag_out,kNchar,rmin[0],rmax[0]);
542 #endif
543 #ifndef WIN32
544 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(" "),bigbuf[0],PASSCHAR("$CLEAR"),0,1,6);
545 #else
546 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(" "),bigbuf[0],PASSCHAR("$CLEAR"),0);
547 #endif
549 Int_t bufpos = 0;
550 Int_t isachar = 0;
551 Int_t isabool = 0;
552 char fullname[1024];
553 char name[512];
554 char block[512];
555 char oldblock[512];
556 Int_t nbits = 0;
557 strcpy(oldblock,"OLDBLOCK");
558 Int_t oldischar = -1;
559 for (i=80;i>0;i--) {if (chtitl[i] == ' ') chtitl[i] = 0; }
560 TTree *tree = new TTree(idname,chtitl);
561 for(i=0; i<nvar;i++) {
562 memset(name,' ',sizeof(name));
563 name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0;
564 memset(block,' ',sizeof(block));
565 block[sizeof(block)-1] = 0;
566 memset(fullname,' ',sizeof(fullname));
567 fullname[sizeof(fullname)-1]=0;
568 #ifndef WIN32
569 hntvar2(id,i+1,PASSCHAR(name),PASSCHAR(fullname),PASSCHAR(block),nsub,itype,isize,nbits,ielem,512,1024,512);
570 #else
571 hntvar2(id,i+1,PASSCHAR(name),PASSCHAR(fullname),PASSCHAR(block),nsub,itype,isize,nbits,ielem);
572 #endif
574 for (j=510;j>0;j--) {
575 if(golower) name[j] = tolower(name[j]);
576 if (name[j] == ' ') name[j] = 0;
577 }
578 if (golower == 2) name[0] = tolower(name[0]);
580 for (j=1022;j>0;j--) {
581 if(golower && fullname[j-1] != '[') fullname[j] = tolower(fullname[j]);
582 // convert also character after [, if golower == 2
583 if (golower == 2) fullname[j] = tolower(fullname[j]);
584 if (fullname[j] == ' ') fullname[j] = 0;
585 }
586 // convert also first character, if golower == 2
587 if (golower == 2) fullname[0] = tolower(fullname[0]);
588 for (j=510;j>0;j--) {
589 if (block[j] == ' ') block[j] = 0;
590 else break;
591 }
592 if (itype == 1) {
593 if( isize == 4 ) strcat(fullname,"/F");
594 else if( isize == 8) strcat(fullname,"/D");
595 }
598 // add support for 1-byte (Char_t) and 2-byte (Short_t) integers
599 Int_t nBytesUsed = 4; // default for integers
601 if( itype == 2 )
602 {
603 if( optcwn == 1 )
604 {
605 if( nbits > 16 )
606 {
607 strcat(fullname,"/I");
608 }
609 else
610 {
611 if( nbits > 8 )
612 {
613 strcat(fullname,"/S");
614 nBytesUsed = 2;
615 }
616 else
617 {
618 strcat(fullname,"/B");
619 nBytesUsed = 1;
620 }
621 }
622 }
623 else
624 {
625 strcat(fullname,"/I");
626 }
627 }
629 // add support for 1-byte (UChar_t) and 2-byte (UShort_t) integers
630 if ( itype == 3 )
631 {
632 if( optcwn == 1 )
633 {
634 if( nbits > 16)
635 {
636 strcat(fullname,"/i");
637 }
638 else
639 {
640 if( nbits > 8 )
641 {
642 strcat(fullname,"/s");
643 nBytesUsed = 2;
644 }
645 else
646 {
647 strcat(fullname,"/b");
648 nBytesUsed = 1;
649 }
650 }
651 }
652 else
653 {
654 strcat(fullname,"/i");
655 }
656 }
661 // if (itype == 4) strcat(fullname,"/i");
662 if (itype == 4) strcat(fullname,"/b");
663 if (itype == 5) strcat(fullname,"/C");
664 //printf("Creating branch:%s, block:%s, fullname:%s, nsub=%d, itype=%d, isize=%d, ielem=%d\n",name,block,fullname,nsub,itype,isize,ielem);
665 Int_t ischar;
666 if (itype == 5) ischar = 1;
667 else ischar = 0;
668 if (ischar != oldischar || strcmp(oldblock,block) != 0) {
669 strcpy(oldblock,block);
670 oldischar = ischar;
671 Int_t lblock = strlen(block);
672 Long_t add= (Long_t)&bigbuf[bufpos];
673 #ifndef WIN32
674 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(block),add,PASSCHAR("$SET"),ischar,lblock,4);
675 #else
676 hbnam(id,PASSCHAR(block),add,PASSCHAR("$SET"),ischar);
677 #endif
679 }
680 TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(name,(void*)&bigbuf[bufpos],fullname,bufsize);
681 boolflag[i] = -10;
682 charflag[i] = 0;
683 if (itype == 4) {isabool++; boolflag[i] = bufpos; lenbool[i] = ielem;}
684 bufpos += isize*ielem;
685 if (ischar) {isachar++; charflag[i] = bufpos-1; lenchar[i] = isize*ielem;}
686 TObjArray *ll= branch->GetListOfLeaves();
687 TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)ll->UncheckedAt(0);
688 if (!leaf) continue;
689 TLeafI *leafcount = (TLeafI*)leaf->GetLeafCount();
690 if (leafcount) {
691 if (leafcount->GetMaximum() <= 0) leafcount->SetMaximum(ielem);
692 }
693 }
694 Int_t cf,l;
695 for(i=1;i<=nentries;i++) {
696 hgnt(id,i,ier);
697 if (isabool) { // if column is boolean
698 for (j=0;j<nvar;j++) {
699 cf = boolflag[j];
700 if (cf >-1) {
701 for (l=0;l<lenbool[j];l++) {
702 #ifdef R__BYTESWAP
703 boolarr[l] = (UChar_t)bigbuf[cf+4*l];
704 #else
705 boolarr[l] = (UChar_t)bigbuf[cf+4*l+3];
706 #endif
707 }
708 memcpy(&bigbuf[cf],boolarr,lenbool[j]);
709 }
710 }
711 }
712 if (isachar) { // if column is character, set terminator
713 for (j=0;j<nvar;j++) {
714 cf = charflag[j];
715 if (cf) {
716 bigbuf[cf] = '\0';
717 if (bigbuf[cf-1] != ' ') continue;
718 bigbuf[cf-1] = '\0';
719 if (bigbuf[cf-2] != ' ') continue;
720 bigbuf[cf-2] = '\0';
721 }
722 }
723 }
725 // if optimizing cwn ntuple then look up bufpos and adjust integers to be shorts or chars
726 if( optcwn == 1 )
727 {
728 bufpos = 0;
729 for(int k=0; k<nvar;k++)
730 {
731 #ifndef WIN32
732 hntvar2(id,k+1,PASSCHAR(name),PASSCHAR(fullname),PASSCHAR(block),nsub,itype,isize,nbits,ielem,32,64,32);
733 #else
734 hntvar2(id,k+1,PASSCHAR(name),PASSCHAR(fullname),PASSCHAR(block),nsub,itype,isize,nbits,ielem);
735 #endif
737 Int_t nBytesUsed = 4; // default for integers
739 if ( itype == 2 || itype == 3)
740 {
741 if( nbits > 16)
742 {
743 // do nothing for integers of 4 byte
744 }
745 else
746 {
747 if( nbits > 8 )
748 {
749 nBytesUsed = 2;
750 }
751 else
752 {
753 nBytesUsed = 1;
754 }
755 }
756 }
758 if(nBytesUsed == 1)
759 {
761 for(Int_t index = 0; index < ielem; index++)
762 {
763 // shift all chars with data to be one after another
764 bigbuf[bufpos + index*nBytesUsed ] = bigbuf[bufpos + index * isize];
765 }
766 }
767 else
768 {
769 if(nBytesUsed == 2)
770 {
772 for(Int_t index = 0; index < ielem; index++)
773 {
774 // shift all shorts ( 2 chars) with data to be one after another
775 bigbuf[bufpos + index*nBytesUsed ] = bigbuf[bufpos + index * isize];
776 bigbuf[bufpos + index*nBytesUsed+1 ] = bigbuf[bufpos + index * isize+1];
777 }
778 }
779 }
780 bufpos += isize*ielem;
781 }
782 }
784 tree->Fill();
785 }
787 tree->Write();
789 std::cout << "Invoking Digitizer" << endl << flush;
791 Digitizer* dig = new Digitizer(tree,file_raw);
792 dig->Loop();
793 dig->Close();
795 std::cout << "Finished" << endl << flush;
797 }

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