# PamelaDigitizer # SOFTWARE VERSION VER= v2r01 # An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository # Let's start with some useful definition to make the echo colored RED='\E[1;31;40m' GREEN='\E[1;32;40m' YELLOW='\E[1;33;40m' BLUE='\E[1;34;40m' WHITE='\E[1;37;40m' VIOLET='\E[1;35;40m' CYAN='\E[1;36;40m' # Here the echo definition to use them EVIOLET=echo -e ${VIOLET} ECYAN=echo -e ${CYAN} ERED=echo -e ${RED} EGREEN=echo -e ${GREEN} EYELLOW=echo -e ${YELLOW} EBLUE=echo -e ${BLUE} EWHITE=echo -e ${WHITE} # Reset the terminal RESET=tput sgr0 # Here the variables used to override the standard make flags #MAKE MAKE=make # C CC=gcc #CFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread -g CFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread # Enviroment: GCCVER=`gcc --version | head -1` UNAMEA=`uname -a` TODAY=`date` # F77 F77=g77 #F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -g -extend_source -static -fno-backslash F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -extend_source -static -fno-backslash # C++ CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread # ROOTCINT ROOTCINT=rootcint # Here the variables defining the local directories # ... not used ... # Here the PAMELA environmental variables to be checked # ... not used ... # Here the local variables used to build the targets # Compilers settings ROOTCFLAGS =`root-config --cflags` ROOTLDFLAGS =`root-config --ldflags` ROOTLIBS =`root-config --libs` -lHbook CERNLIBS =`cernlib_noshift kernlib,packlib,genlib` F77LIBS =-lg2c -lnsl SYSLIBS =-lm -ldl -rdynamic LD =g++ CXXFLAGS=-g -O -Wall -fPIC ${ROOTCFLAGS} #CXXFLAGS= -g -Wall -O ${ROOTCFLAGS} # flags needed on the pamelatov's: LDFLAGS = -g -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -llapack -lg2c -lm -lnsl -lcrypt -L/cern/2005/lib #LDFLAGS = -g -llapack -lg2c -lm -lnsl -lcrypt -L/cern/2005/lib HEAS =$(SRCS:.cpp=.h) OBJS =$(SRCS:.cpp=.o) DEPS =$(SRCS:.cpp=.d) CLAS =$(DICS:.cpp= ) CLASH=$(DICS:.cpp=.h) JUNK =$(addsuffix ~,${SRCS}) $(addsuffix ~,${HEAS}) DICO =$(addsuffix Dict.o, ${CLAS}) DICH =$(addsuffix Dict.h, ${CLAS}) all: mkverpath Pamelagp2Digits @echo -e ${GREEN} "" @(${EGREEN} " Finished, now you can install the package \n (use: make install) "; ${RESET}) @echo -e ${GREEN} "" @${RESET} Pamelagp2Digits: DigitVersion.o CRC.o calcrc.o Pamelagp2Digits.o Digitizer.o ${OBJS} ${DICO} # @(${EWHITE} " Compiling Pamelagp2Digits... \n ") $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ ${ROOTLIBS} ${CERNLIBS} ${F77LIBS} ${SYSLIBS} ${PAM_LIB}/libGLTables.so ${PAM_LIB}/libsgp4.so ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so # ${RESET} Digitizer: Digitizer.o ${OBJS} ${DICO} $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ ${ROOTLIBS} ${CERNLIBS} ${F77LIBS} ${SYSLIBS} depend: ${DEPS} %.d: %.cpp @echo Creating dependencies for $< @$(CXX) -MM $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ .SUFFIXES: .cxx .cxx.o: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< `root-config --cflags` -I${PAM_YODA}/include/yoda/ -I${PAM_INC}/ .PHONY: clean mkverpath: @(${EGREEN} creating file DigitVersion.cpp; ${RESET}) @echo '#include ' > DigitVersion.cpp; echo ' char *DigitizerInfo(bool print){ if ( print ) printf("\nPAMELA PamelaDigitizer version: ${VER}\n\nCompiled on '${TODAY}' with: '${GCCVER}'\n\nOn: '${UNAMEA}'\n\n"); return("${VER}"); }' >> DigitVersion.cpp @sleep 0.8 clean: @(${EGREEN} Removing object files .....) @rm -f ${OBJS} ${DICO} *.o @echo Removing dependencies files ..... @rm -f ${DEPS} @echo Removing dictionary files ..... @rm -f ${JUNK} ${DICH} @echo Removing temporary files ..... @rm -f ${JUNK} @rm -f DigitVersion.cpp; ${RESET} install: # @echo "TEST: copying the executable in the PAM_BIN directory"; @(${EGREEN} "copying the executable in the PAM_BIN directory"; ${RESET}) cp Pamelagp2Digits ${PAM_BIN}/. cp TrigCalibParam.txt ${PAM_BIN}/.