--- PamelaDigitizer/HOW-TO-DIGIT.TXT 2007/10/11 17:37:59 1.1 +++ PamelaDigitizer/HOW-TO-DIGIT.TXT 2007/10/31 18:17:59 1.2 @@ -64,12 +64,25 @@ In case is not possible to use the CVS version after 9/10/2007 you must force DarthVader to use alignment and eta parameters needed by the tracker. This is also possible if for some reason you want to test other sets of parameters. To do this simply write : -DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +TRK [ -4 /path-to-eta-parameter-for-simulation/ -...... -(Elena per favore completa questa parte con le varie opzioni] +DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +TRK [ -4 /path-to-eta-parameter-for-simulation/ -5 /path-to-] ... +To load different parameter types you have to use different numbers, according to the same notation of the DB: -******* NB: +1 field map +2 adc-to-mip +3 charge correlation +4 position-finding +5 alignment +6 VA1 mask + +The default parameters for the simulation are now in the CVS repository under the directory: + +DarthVader/param/trk-param/align_param_GP-0/ +DarthVader/param/trk-param/eta_param_GP-0/ + + + ********* NB: ********** On the machines pamelatov in Roma2 the flags "-lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib" must be present in the Make file: LDFLAGS = -g -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -llapack -lg2c -lm -lnsl -lcrypt -L/cern/2005/lib On other machines (for example pamelaws02 in Naples) the digitizer does not compile if the same flags are speficied, so they should be removed.