/[PAMELA software]/PamelaDigitizer/HOW-TO-DIGIT.TXT
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Contents of /PamelaDigitizer/HOW-TO-DIGIT.TXT

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed May 21 09:50:45 2008 UTC (16 years, 9 months ago) by pamelats
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v3r04, v3r05, v3r00, v3r01, v3r02, v3r03, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +24 -11 lines
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1 - HOW-TO-DIGIT, or "how to learn the PAMELA Digitizer in 5 minutes"
2 - Creation: October 2007
3 - main contribution: S. Bottai
4 - author: S. Orsi
6 1) Install a database dedicated to simulation (if not already installed) :
7 Set the PAMELA enviroment variable. Then set variable for the dedicated
8 database :
9 unset PAM_DBHOST
10 unset PAM_DBUSER
11 unset PAM_DBPSW
13 export PAM_DBHOST=mysql://nameofmachine/namedatabase
14 (example : PAM_DBHOST=mysql://srv-g2-01.ts.infn.it/pameladigit)
15 export PAM_DBUSER=root
16 export PAM_DBPSW=pameladb
18 2) Create the database for simulation with the script install_GPAMELADB.sh, which is in Profiler
19 directory under docs (you must run it in the dierectory itself or copy in the directory where the sql
20 files are present ). The script will create the database and fill it with the approprate reference to
21 the calibrations files for the simulation.
22 (This is possible only for CVS version after 9/10/2007 , when the calibration files and their link have
23 been put on the repository.)
25 3) Fill the GL_TLE table with "YodaProfiler -tle tle.txt" where the tle.txt file can be found in the
26 Profiler directory under docs
28 4) Run the digitizer :
30 ./Pamelagp2Digits namegpamelafile.his
32 It creates the files :
33 namegpamelafile.pam (input for Yoda)
34 namegpamelafile.gp.root (root conversion of namegpamelafile.his)
36 5) Run yoda :
37 yoda namegpamelafile.pam
39 this will produce the file namegpamelafile.root
41 6) Run the Profiler with the option -gpamela
42 YodaProfiler -gpamela -yodaFile namegpamelafile.root
43 It determines automatically the timesync and boot number and fills the database
45 7) You can check the entry in the database with the
46 R2-D2 -filename nomegpamelafile.root
47 which tells you the idRun automatically associated
49 8) Run DarthVader.
50 Some examples of usage:
52 DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +CAL [ --no-crosstalk ] +TRK +TOF +AC +TRG +ND
53 DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 +CAL [ --no-crosstalk ] -S4
55 The previous 2 commands have the same output, i.e. all detectors are included except S4 (the default
56 behaviour includes the option "+ALL").
57 If the TRK is not present the option --no-tracker must be specified:
58 c) DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +CAL [ --no-crosstalk --no-tracker] +AC
60 It is recommended to run DarthVader specifying as output the file namegpamelafile.gp.root (file created
61 by the digitizer, containing the gpamela data in root [see above]).
62 The option "--no-crosstalk" (and "--no-tracker") can be omitted in this case
64 DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +CAL +TRK ... -processFile namegpamelafile.gp.root
66 In this way all gpamela info and Level2 info are contained in the same file (namegpamelafile.gp.root).
68 With the latest DarthVader you can also include S4 and ORB without errors (but S4 data will be empty
69 until fully implemented in the Digitizer code).
71 9) Default parameters for simulation are included in DarthVader since 9/10/2007.
72 In case is not possible to use the CVS version after 9/10/2007 you must force DarthVader to use
73 alignment and eta parameters needed by the tracker.
74 This is also possible if for some reason you want to test other sets of parameters.
75 To do this simply write :
77 DarthVader -zerofill -idRun 1 -ALL +RUN +TRK [ -4 /path-to-eta-parameter-for-simulation/ -5 /path-to-]
78 ...
80 To load different parameter types you have to use different numbers, according to the same notation of
81 the DB:
83 1 field map
84 2 adc-to-mip
85 3 charge correlation
86 4 position-finding
87 5 alignment
88 6 VA1 mask
90 The default parameters for the simulation are now in the CVS repository under the directory:
92 DarthVader/param/trk-param/align_param_GP-0/
93 DarthVader/param/trk-param/eta_param_GP-0/
96 ********* NB: **********
97 On the machines pamelatov in Roma2 the flags "-lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib" must be present in the
98 Make file:
99 LDFLAGS = -g -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -llapack -lg2c -lm -lnsl -lcrypt -L/cern/2005/lib
100 On other machines (for example pamelaws02 in Naples) the digitizer does not compile if the same flags
101 are speficied, so they should be removed.

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