/[PAMELA software]/PamelaDigitizer/DigitizePSCU.cxx
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Contents of /PamelaDigitizer/DigitizePSCU.cxx

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed May 6 05:18:40 2009 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by pamelats
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v3r05, HEAD
Version of digitizer compatible with chebacca: added DigitizePSCU.cxx, removed DigitizeRunHeader.cxx, changed DigitizeTOF.cxx

1 #include "Digitizer.h"
4 void Digitizer::DigitizePSCU(UInt_t length, UChar_t type, UShort_t *pPSCU) {
5 //
6 UChar_t buff[16];
7 //
8 // CPU signature
9 //
10 buff[0] = 0xFA;
11 buff[1] = 0xFE;
12 buff[2] = 0xDE;
13 //
14 // packet type (twice)
15 //
16 buff[3] = type;
17 buff[4] = type;
18 //
19 // counter
20 //
21 fCounter++;
22 while ( fCounter > 16777215 ){
23 fCounter -= 16777215;
24 };
25 //
26 buff[5] = (UChar_t)(fCounter >> 16);
27 buff[6] = (UChar_t)(fCounter >> 8);
28 buff[7] = (UChar_t)fCounter;
29 //
30 // on board time
31 //
32 ULong64_t obt = fOBT + 30LL;
33 //
34 while ( obt > 4294967295LL ){
35 obt -= 4294967295LL;
36 };
37 fOBT = (UInt_t)obt;
38 //
39 buff[8] = (UChar_t)(fOBT >> 24);
40 buff[9] = (UChar_t)(fOBT >> 16);
41 buff[10] = (UChar_t)(fOBT >> 8);
42 buff[11] = (UChar_t)fOBT;
43 //
44 // Packet length
45 //
46 fLen = length;
47 //
48 buff[12] = (UChar_t)(fLen >> 16);
49 buff[13] = (UChar_t)(fLen >> 8);
50 buff[14] = (UChar_t)fLen;
51 //
52 // CPU header CRC
53 //
54 buff[15] = (BYTE)CM_Compute_CRC16((UINT16)0, (BYTE*)&buff, (UINT32)15);
55 //
56 //memcpy(fDataPSCU,buff,16*sizeof(UChar_t));
57 memcpy(pPSCU,buff,16*sizeof(UChar_t));
58 //
59 };
60 void Digitizer::AddPadding(){
61 //
62 Float_t pd0 = (fLen+16)/64.;
63 Float_t pd1 = pd0 - (Float_t)int(pd0);
64 Float_t padfrac = 64. - pd1 * 64.;
65 //
66 UInt_t padbytes = (UInt_t)padfrac;
67 if ( padbytes > 0 && padbytes < 64 ){
68 //
69 // here the padding length
70 //
71 fPadding = padbytes+64;
72 //
73 // random padding bytes
74 //
75 for (Int_t ur=0; ur<32; ur++){
76 fDataPadding[ur] = (UShort_t)rand();
77 };
78 };
79 };

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