/[PAMELA software]/PamelaDigitizer/DigitizeAC.cxx
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Contents of /PamelaDigitizer/DigitizeAC.cxx

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Jun 8 06:33:44 2008 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by pamelats
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v3r02
Changes since 1.1: +4 -56 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 #include <sstream>
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <string.h>
6 #include <ctype.h>
7 #include <time.h>
8 #include "Riostream.h"
9 #include "TFile.h"
10 #include "TDirectory.h"
11 #include "TTree.h"
12 #include "TLeafI.h"
13 #include "TH1.h"
14 #include "TH2.h"
15 #include "TF1.h"
16 #include "TMath.h"
17 #include "TRandom.h"
18 #include "TSQLServer.h"
19 #include "TSystem.h"
20 #include "CalibTrk1Event.h"
21 #include "CalibTrk2Event.h"
22 //
23 #include "Digitizer.h"
24 #include "CRC.h"
25 //
26 #include <PamelaRun.h>
27 #include <physics/calorimeter/CalorimeterEvent.h>
28 #include <CalibCalPedEvent.h>
29 #include "GLTables.h"
32 void Digitizer::DigitizeAC(TF1 *attenAC) {
33 // created: J. Conrad, KTH
34 // modified: S. Orsi, INFN Roma2
35 // fDataAC[0-63]: main AC board
36 // fDataAC[64-127]: extra AC board (identical to main board, for now)
38 // We activate all branches. Once the digitization algorithm is determined
39 // only the branches that involve needed information will be activated
41 fDataAC[0] = 0xACAC;
42 fDataAC[64]= 0xACAC;
43 fDataAC[1] = 0xAC11;
44 fDataAC[65] = 0xAC22;
46 // the third word is a status word (dummy: "no errors are present in the AC boards")
47 fDataAC[2] = 0xFFFF; //FFEF?
48 fDataAC[66] = 0xFFFF;
50 const UInt_t nReg = 6;
52 // FPGA Registers (dummy)
53 for (UInt_t i=0; i<=nReg; i++){
54 fDataAC[i+4] = 0xFFFF;
55 fDataAC[i+68] = 0xFFFF;
56 }
58 // the last word is a CRC
59 // Dummy for the time being, but it might need to be calculated in the end
60 fDataAC[63] = 0xABCD;
61 fDataAC[127] = 0xABCD;
63 // shift registers (moved to the end of the routine)
65 //Int_t evntLSB=Ievnt%65536;
66 //Int_t evntMSB=(Int_t)(Ievnt/65536);
67 Int_t evntLSB=(UShort_t)Ievnt;
68 Int_t evntMSB=Ievnt >> 16;
70 // singles counters are dummy
71 for (UInt_t i=0; i<=15; i++){ //SO Oct '07: // for (UInt_t i=0; i<=16; i++){
72 // fDataAC[i+26] = 0x0000;
73 // fDataAC[i+90] = 0x0000;
74 fDataAC[i+26] = evntLSB;
75 fDataAC[i+90] = evntLSB;
76 };
78 for (UInt_t i=0; i<=7; i++){
79 fDataAC[i+42] = evntLSB;
80 fDataAC[i+106] = evntLSB;
81 };
83 // increments for every trigger might be needed at some point.
84 // dummy for now
85 fDataAC[50] = 0x0000;
86 fDataAC[114] = 0x0000;
88 // dummy FPGA clock (increment by 1 at each event)
89 if (Ievnt<=0xFFFF) {
90 fDataAC[51] = 0x0000;
91 fDataAC[52] = Ievnt;
92 fDataAC[115] = 0x0000;
93 fDataAC[116] = Ievnt;
94 } else {
95 fDataAC[51] = evntMSB;
96 fDataAC[52] = evntLSB;
97 fDataAC[115] = fDataAC[51];
98 fDataAC[116] = fDataAC[52];
99 }
101 // dummy temperatures
102 fDataAC[53] = 0x0000;
103 fDataAC[54] = 0x0000;
104 fDataAC[117] = 0x0000;
105 fDataAC[118] = 0x0000;
108 // dummy DAC thresholds
109 for (UInt_t i=0; i<=7; i++){
110 fDataAC[i+55] = 0x1A13;
111 fDataAC[i+119] = 0x1A13;
112 }
114 // In this simpliefied approach we will assume that once
115 // a particle releases > 0.5 mip in one of the 12 AC detectors it
116 // will fire. We will furthermore assume that both cards read out
117 // identical data.
119 // If you develop your digitization algorithm, you should start by
120 // identifying the information present in level2 (post-darth-vader)
121 // data.
123 Float_t SumEcat[5];
124 Float_t SumEcas[5];
125 Float_t SumEcard[5];
126 for (Int_t k= 0;k<5;k++){
127 SumEcat[k]=0.;
128 SumEcas[k]=0.;
129 SumEcard[k]=0.;
130 };
132 if (Nthcat>50 || Nthcas>50 || Nthcard>50)
133 printf("*** ERROR AC! NthAC out of range!\n\n");
135 // energy dependence on position (see file AcFitOutputDistancePmt.C by S.Orsi)
136 // based on J.Lundquist's calculations (PhD thesis, page 94)
137 // function: [0]+[1]*atan([2]/(x+1)), where the 3 parameters are:
138 // 8.25470e-01 +- 1.79489e-02
139 // 6.41609e-01 +- 2.65846e-02
140 // 9.81177e+00 +- 1.21284e+00
141 // hp: 1 minimum ionising particle at 35cm from the PMT releases 1mip
143 //TF1 *attenAC = new TF1("fAttAC",".825+.64*atan(9.8/x)",0.,45.);
145 // PMT positions: x,y,z: (average position of the 2 PMTs)
146 Float_t posCasPmt[4][3]={{28.308, -17.168, 63.644}, // 1 - CAS CPU: x,y,z
147 {18.893, 24.913, 63.644}, // 2 - CAS DCDC
148 {-24.307, 17.162, 63.644}, // 3 - CAS VME
149 {-17.765, -28.300, 63.644}}; // 4 - CAS IPM
151 Float_t dAC=0.; // distance from PMT
153 // look in CAT
154 // for (UInt_t k= 0;k<50;k++){
155 for (Int_t k= 0;k<Nthcat;k++){
156 if (Erelcat[k] > 0)
157 SumEcat[Icat[k]] += Erelcat[k];
158 };
160 // look in CAS
161 for (Int_t k= 0;k<Nthcas;k++){
162 if (Erelcas[k] >0) {
163 dAC=sqrt(pow((Xincas[k]+Xoutcas[k])/2 - posCasPmt[Icas[k]-1][0],2) + pow((Yincas[k]+Youtcas[k])/2 - posCasPmt[Icas[k]-1][1],2) + pow((Zincas[k]+Zoutcas[k])/2 - posCasPmt[Icas[k]-1][2],2));
164 SumEcas[Icas[k]] += Erelcas[k]*attenAC->Eval(dAC);
165 }
166 };
167 // attenAC->Delete();
168 // look in CARD
169 for (Int_t k= 0;k<Nthcard;k++){
170 if (Erelcard[k] >0)
171 SumEcard[Icard[k]] += Erelcard[k];
172 };
174 // channel mapping Hit Map
175 // 1 CARD4 0 LSB
176 // 2 CAT2 0
177 // 3 CAS1 0
178 // 4 NC 0
179 // 5 CARD2 0
180 // 6 CAT4 1
181 // 7 CAS4 0
182 // 8 NC 0
183 // 9 CARD3 0
184 // 10 CAT3 0
185 // 11 CAS3 0
186 // 12 NC 0
187 // 13 CARD1 0
188 // 14 CAT1 0
189 // 15 CAS2 0
190 // 16 NC 0 MSB
192 // In the first version only the hit-map is filled, not the SR.
194 // Threshold: 0.8 MeV.
196 Float_t thr = 8e-4;
198 fDataAC[3] = 0x0000;
200 if (SumEcas[0] > thr) fDataAC[3] = 0x0004;
201 if (SumEcas[1] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x4000;
202 if (SumEcas[2] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0400;
203 if (SumEcas[3] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0040;
205 if (SumEcat[0] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x2000;
206 if (SumEcat[1] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0002;
207 if (SumEcat[2] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0200;
208 if (SumEcat[3] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0020;
210 if (SumEcard[0] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x1000;
211 if (SumEcard[1] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0010;
212 if (SumEcard[2] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0100;
213 if (SumEcard[3] > thr) fDataAC[3] += 0x0001;
215 fDataAC[67] = fDataAC[3];
217 // shift registers
218 // the central bin is equal to the hitmap, all other bins in the shift register are 0
219 for (UInt_t i=0; i<=15; i++){
220 fDataAC[i+11] = 0x0000;
221 fDataAC[i+75] = 0x0000;
222 }
223 fDataAC[18] = fDataAC[3];
224 fDataAC[82] = fDataAC[3];
226 // for (Int_t i=0; i<fACbuffer; i++){
227 // printf("%0x ",fDataAC[i]);
228 // if ((i+1)%8 ==0) cout << endl;
229 // }
230 };

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