/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC_update/trk/src/PamVMCDetTrk.cxx
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Contents of /PamVMC_update/trk/src/PamVMCDetTrk.cxx

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Tue Oct 15 15:51:23 2013 UTC (11 years, 3 months ago) by formato
Branch: MAIN, rel
CVS Tags: reltag, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
PamVMC update

1 #include <fstream>
2 #include "TMath.h"
3 #include "TGeoBBox.h"
4 #include "PamVMCDetTrk.h"
6 using TMath::RadToDeg;
8 ClassImp(PamVMCDetTrk)
10 void PamVMCDetTrk::DefineGeometry(){
12 TGeoMaterial *m=0;
13 TGeoMixture *mx =0;
14 TString s = "ALUMINIUM";
15 m = GetMat(s);
16 if(!m){
17 m = new TGeoMaterial(s,26.98,13,2.7);
18 m->SetUniqueID( 9);
19 }
21 s = "IRON";
22 m = GetMat(s);
23 if(!m){
24 m = new TGeoMaterial(s,55.85,26,7.87);
25 m->SetUniqueID( 10);
26 }
29 s = "N2GAS";
30 m = GetMat(s);
31 if (!m){
32 m = new TGeoMaterial(s,14.01,7,0.1250000E-02);
33 m->SetUniqueID( 19);
34 }
36 s = "SILICON TR";
37 m= GetMat(s);
38 if(!m){
39 m = new TGeoMaterial(s,28.09,14,2.33);
40 m->SetUniqueID( 20);
41 }
43 s = "G10C";
44 mx = (TGeoMixture*)GetMat(s);
45 if(!mx){
46 mx = new TGeoMixture(s,4, 1.70000 );
47 mx->SetUniqueID( 27);
48 mx->DefineElement(0,28.09,14,0.53);
49 mx->DefineElement(1,16,8,0.3);
50 mx->DefineElement(2,12.01,6,0.15);
51 mx->DefineElement(3,1.01,1,0.2000000E-01);
52 }
54 s = "SBAR";
55 mx = (TGeoMixture*)GetMat(s);
56 if(!mx){
57 mx = new TGeoMixture(s,3, 1.49000 );
58 mx->SetUniqueID( 40);
59 //Carbon fiber 90%, Resin 10%
60 mx->DefineElement(0,12.01,6,0.845*0.9+0.545*0.1); //C
61 mx->DefineElement(1,1.01,1,0.043*0.9+0.092*0.1); //H
62 mx->DefineElement(2,16.0,8,0.112*0.9+0.363*0.1); //O
63 }
66 TGeoMedium * n = 0;
69 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s): new TGeoMedium(s,1,9,-1,1,40,1,100,0.5000000E-01,0.136283,0.5000000E-03);
71 s = "N2 GAS";
72 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s): new TGeoMedium(s,3,19,-1,1,40,1,0.5000000E-01,0.5000000E-01,0.1000000E-02,0.5000000E-03);
74 s = "IRONTR";
75 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s): new TGeoMedium(s,5,10,-1,1,40,1,0.5000000E-01,0.5000000E-01,0.8000000E-01,0.5000000E-03);
77 s = "FIBER+RESIN";
78 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s): new TGeoMedium(s,29,40,-1,1,40,1,100,0.5000000E-01,0.5000000E-02,0.5000000E-03);
80 s = "SITRACKER";
81 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s): new TGeoMedium(s,12,20,1,1,40,1,0.1000000E-02,0.5000000E-01,0.5000000E-04,0.1569056E-01);
83 s = "G10C";
84 n = (GetMed(s))?GetMed(s):new TGeoMedium(s,17,27,-1,1,40,1,100,0.5000000E-01,0.1200000E-02,0.5000000E-03);
86 TGeoVolume *v = 0;
89 s = "SPEB";
90 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s):gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),15.,14.4,22.615);
91 for(Int_t i = 1; i<=5; i++){
92 s = "MGF";
93 s += i;
94 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s):gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("ALUMINIUM"),15.,14.4,4.45);
95 }
96 s = "MGPL";
97 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("IRONTR"),12.,11.4,4.);
98 s = "MGPI";
99 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),8.07,6.57,4.);
100 for(Int_t i = 1; i<=6; i++){
101 s = "TRP";
102 s += i;
103 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s):gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("ALUMINIUM"),10.49,12.15,0.365);
104 }
105 for(Int_t i = 1; i<=6; i++){
106 s = "TPA";
107 s += i;
108 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s):gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),8.2,9.9,0.365);
109 }
110 s = "TPAI";
111 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("ALUMINIUM"),8.144,1.25,0.5E-01);
112 s = "TRSL";
113 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("SITRACKER"),2.6665,3.5,0.15E-01);
114 s = "THBP";
115 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("G10C"),2.6665,2.75,0.15E-01);
116 s = "TSPA";
117 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("SITRACKER"),2.596,3.413,0.15E-01);
118 s = "TRCP";
119 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("FIBER+RESIN"),0.35E-01,9.9,0.25);
120 s = "TBAL";
121 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("ALUMINIUM"),1.49,2.25,0.365);
122 s = "MGPA";
123 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("ALUMINIUM"),8.1,6.6,4.);
124 s = "TPGA";
125 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),10.29,10.65,0.4E-01);
126 s = "TPGI";
127 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),8.07,6.57,0.15E-01);
128 s = "TPGU";
129 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),10.49,12.15,0.1E-01);
130 s = "TPGD";
131 v = (GetVol(s))?GetVol(s): gGeoManager->MakeBox(s,GetMed("N2 GAS"),12.,11.4,0.5E-02);
134 ReadPaddlesPos();
136 //Original, not shifted positions of the paddles TRSL respect to TPAs volumes.
137 Double_t x14,x36,x25, y123, y456, za;
138 x36 = 5.405;
139 x14 = -x36;
140 x25 = 0.;
141 y123 = 6.252;
142 y456 = -0.75;
143 za = 0.15E-01;
144 Double_t xp[6] = {x14, x25, x36, x14, x25, x36};
145 Double_t yp[6] = {y123, y123, y123, y456, y456, y456};
146 Double_t x,y,z;
149 GetVol("TRSL")->AddNode(GetVol("TSPA"),1,gGeoIdentity); //adding sensetive detector first
150 GetVol("MGPL")->AddNode(GetVol("MGPA"),1,gGeoIdentity);
151 GetVol("MGPA")->AddNode(GetVol("MGPI"),1,gGeoIdentity);
153 Double_t zMGF = ((TGeoBBox*)GetVol("SPEB")->GetShape())->GetDZ();
154 for(Int_t i = 1; i<=6; i++){
155 Int_t rot_id, j;
156 TString ss="TRP";
157 if( i<6 ){
158 s = "MGF";
159 s += i;
160 zMGF -= ((TGeoBBox*)GetVol(s)->GetShape())->GetDZ();
161 GetVol("SPEB")->AddNode(GetVol( s ),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0., zMGF ));
162 zMGF -= ((TGeoBBox*)GetVol(s)->GetShape())->GetDZ();
163 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TPGD"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0.,-4.445));
164 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TPGI"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0.,-4.425));
165 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("MGPL"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0.,-0.41));
166 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TPGI"),2,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0.,3.605));
167 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TPGA"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,-0.75,3.66));
168 ss += i;
169 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol( ss ),1,new TGeoTranslation(dxflo[i-1], -2.25 + dyflo[i-1], 4.065));
170 } else {
171 s = "SPEB";
172 ss += i;
173 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol( ss ),1,new TGeoCombiTrans(dxflo[i-1], 2.25 + dyflo[i-1], -22.25, GetRot("rot10")));
174 }
175 s = "TPA";
176 s += i;
177 GetVol( ss )->AddNode(GetVol( s ),i,new TGeoTranslation(0.,-0.75,0.));
178 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("TRCP"),1,new TGeoTranslation(-8.1075,0.,0.15E-01));
179 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("TRCP"),2,new TGeoTranslation(-2.7025,0.,0.15E-01));
180 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("TRCP"),3,new TGeoTranslation(2.7025,0.,0.15E-01));
181 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("TRCP"),4,new TGeoTranslation(8.1075,0.,0.15E-01));
182 //paddles//
183 j = (i-1)*NP_TRK + 1;
184 Int_t kk;
186 for(Int_t pad = 0; pad<6; pad++){
187 ss = "rot_";
188 rot_id = 50 + j;
189 ss += rot_id;
190 if(i<6) kk = pad;
191 else{
192 j = (i-1)*NP_TRK + pad + 1;
193 if(pad<=2)
194 kk= 3+pad;
195 else
196 kk = pad-3;
198 ss = "rot_";
199 rot_id = 50 + kk + (i-1)*NP_TRK + 1;
200 ss += rot_id;
201 (fctmap.find(rot_id - 50)->second)->fdy *=-1.;
202 (fctmap.find(rot_id - 50)->second)->fdz *=-1.;
203 //cout<<"kk+1="<<kk+1<<"j="<<j<<endl;
204 }
205 x = xp[pad] + (fctmap.find(rot_id - 50)->second)->fdx;
206 y = yp[pad] + (fctmap.find(rot_id - 50)->second)->fdy;
207 z = za + (fctmap.find(rot_id - 50)->second)->fdz;
209 //cout<<"plane ="<<i<<" TRSL="<<j<<"x,y,z"<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<"RotName"<<ss<<endl;
210 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TRSL"),j ,new TGeoCombiTrans( x,y,z, GetRot( ss )));
211 j++;
212 }
214 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("THBP"),1,new TGeoTranslation(-5.405,-7.0015,0.15E-01));
215 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("THBP"),2,new TGeoTranslation(0.,-7.0015,0.15E-01));
216 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("THBP"),3,new TGeoTranslation(5.405,-7.0015,0.15E-01));
217 GetVol( s )->AddNodeOverlap(GetVol("TPAI"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,-8.65,0.315));
219 if(i<6){
220 s = "MGF";
221 s += i;
222 GetVol( s )->AddNode(GetVol("TPGU"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,-2.25,4.44));
223 }
224 }
226 GetVol("SPEB")->AddNode(GetVol("TBAL"),1,new TGeoTranslation(5.4,-12.15,-22.25));
227 GetVol("SPEB")->AddNode(GetVol("TBAL"),2,new TGeoTranslation(-5.4,-12.15,-22.25));
230 SetMotherProp(GetVol("SPEB"),1,new TGeoTranslation(0.,0.,49.274));
231 };
233 void PamVMCDetTrk::DefineCuts(){
235 TString s ="ALUMINIUM"; // default GPAMELA parameters
236 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s))
237 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001,
238 0.001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 4., 1., 1., 1., 1.));
239 s ="N2 GAS";
240 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s))
241 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001,
242 0.001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 4., 1., 1., 2., 1.));
243 s = "IRONTR"; // default GPAMELA parameters
244 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s))
245 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001,
246 0.001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 4., 1., 1., 1., 1.));
247 s = "SITRACKER";
248 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s))
249 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.0001, 0.001, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.00001,
250 0.001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2.));
251 s = "FIBER+RESIN";
252 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s)) // default GPAMELA parameters
253 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001,
254 0.001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.));
256 s = "G10C";
257 if (GetMed(s) && !GetCC(s))
258 SetCC(s, new pCutControl(GetMedID(s), 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.00001,
259 0.00001, 0.01, 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2.));
260 }
262 void PamVMCDetTrk::ReadPaddlesPos(){
263 //This method reads from file rotations and shifts of the paddles
264 //The format is: Omega, Beta, Gamma, dx, dy, dz
266 cout<<"Loading POS files for TRK sensors..."<<endl;
267 ifstream fcfile;
268 TString PAM_VMC=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_VMC");
269 TString PLATFORM=gSystem->Getenv("PLATFORM");
270 TString PATH=PAM_VMC+"/lib/tgt_"+PLATFORM+"/parameters_l";
271 Int_t ls, ss;
273 TMap rotshiftmap;
275 for(Int_t ik = 1; ik<=NP_TRK; ik++){
276 TString filename = PATH;
277 if( ik < 4 ){
278 ls = ik;
279 ss = 2;
280 } else{
281 ls = ik-3;
282 ss = 1;
283 }
284 filename += ls;
285 filename += "s";
286 filename += ss;
287 filename += ".dat";
288 cout<<" loading: "<<filename<<endl;
289 fcfile.open(filename);
290 if(!fcfile){
291 cout<<" !!! ERROR, file "<<filename<<" is missed...exiting"<<endl;
292 exit(-1);
293 }
294 //reading from file, create structures and put them in array
296 Double_t om, be, ga, dx, dy, dz;
297 for (Int_t ih = 1; ih <= NP_TRK; ih++){
298 fcfile >> om;
299 fcfile >> be;
300 fcfile >> ga;
301 fcfile >> dx;
302 fcfile >> dy;
303 fcfile >> dz;
305 Int_t ii = (6-ih)*6 +ik;
306 fctmap[ii] = new pCombTrans( om, be, ga, dx, dy, dz );
307 }
308 fcfile.close();
309 }
311 for (Int_t ij = 1; ij<=6; ij++){
312 dxflo[ij-1] = dyflo[ij-1] = 0.;
313 for (Int_t il = 1; il<=6; il++){
314 Int_t ii = (ij-1)*6+il;
315 dxflo[ij-1] += (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdx;
316 dyflo[ij-1] += (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdy;
317 }
318 dxflo[ij-1] /=6.;
319 dyflo[ij-1] /=6.;
320 }
322 for (Int_t ij = 1; ij<=6; ij++){
323 for (Int_t il = 1; il<=6; il++){
324 Int_t ii = (ij-1)*6+il;
325 (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdx = ( (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdx - dxflo[ij-1] )*1.E-4;
326 (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdy = ( (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdy - dyflo[ij-1] )*1.E-4;
327 (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdz = ( (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fdz - 100. )*1.E-4;
328 }
329 dxflo[ij-1] *= 1.E-4;
330 dyflo[ij-1] *= 1.E-4;
331 }
333 for (Int_t ij = 1; ij<=6; ij++){
334 for (Int_t il = 1; il<=6; il++){
335 Int_t ii = (ij-1)*6+il;
337 Double_t om_1 = (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fomega * 1.E-6;
338 Double_t be_1 = (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fbeta * 1.E-6;
339 Double_t ga_1 = (fctmap.find(ii)->second)->fgamma * 1.E-6;
341 if(ij==6){
342 om_1 = -om_1;
343 ga_1 = -ga_1;
344 }
346 TVector3 rot1(1.,om_1, -ga_1), rot2(-om_1,1.,be_1), rot3(ga_1,-be_1,1.);
347 Int_t rot_no = 50 + ii;
348 TString nmrot = "rot_";
349 nmrot += rot_no;
351 AddRot(nmrot.Data(), new TGeoRotation( nmrot.Data(),
352 rot1.Theta()*RadToDeg(),rot1.Phi()*RadToDeg(),
353 rot2.Theta()*RadToDeg(),rot2.Phi()*RadToDeg(),
354 rot3.Theta()*RadToDeg(),rot3.Phi()*RadToDeg() ));
355 //cout<<"plno:"<<ij<<" padno:"<<il
356 // <<" t1:"<<rot1.Theta()*RadToDeg()<<" p1:"<<rot1.Phi()*RadToDeg()
357 // <<" t2:"<<rot2.Theta()*RadToDeg()<<" p2:"<<rot2.Phi()*RadToDeg()
358 // <<" t3:"<<rot3.Theta()*RadToDeg()<<" p3:"<<rot3.Phi()*RadToDeg() <<endl;
359 }
360 }
361 }

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