/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC_update/trk/include/f77/gpspe.inc
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Contents of /PamVMC_update/trk/include/f77/gpspe.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Tue Oct 15 15:51:28 2013 UTC (11 years, 4 months ago) by formato
Branch: MAIN, rel
CVS Tags: reltag, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
PamVMC update

1 *
2 * $Id: gpspe.inc,v 1.5 2009-06-12 18:39:54 pam-rm2 Exp $
3 *
4 * $Log: gpspe.inc,v $
5 * Revision 1.5 2009-06-12 18:39:54 pam-rm2
6 * - Introduced user-defined names of output files and random seeds number.
7 * Users can do it use options of PamVMCApplication constructor:
8 * PamVMCApplication(const char* name, const char *title, const char*
9 * filename="pamtest", Int_t seed=0).
10 * The Random object that I use is TRandom3 object which has astronomical
11 * large period (in case of default initialization 0). All random generators
12 * in the code use this object by calling of gRandom singleton which keeps
13 * it.
14 *
15 * - Corrected TOF digitization routine. No problems with TDC hits due to
16 * hadronic interactions anymore.
17 *
18 * - Some small changes was done to compile code under Root 5.23. +
19 * geant4_vmc v. 2.6 without any warnings
20 *
21 * - Some classes of PamG4RunConfiguartion was changed for geant4_vmc v.
22 * 2.6.Some obsolete classes was deleted as soon as developers implemented
23 * regions.
24 *
25 * - Navigation was changed from "geomRootToGeant4" to "geomRoot", because on
26 * VMC web page written that as soon as Geant4 has no option ONLY/MANY
27 * translation of overlapped geometry to Geant4 through VGM could be wrong.
28 * I'd like to stay with Root navigation:
29 * http://root.cern.ch/root/vmc/Geant4VMC.html. This should be default
30 * option.
31 *
32 * - New Tracker digitization routine written by Sergio was implemented
33 *
34 * - PamVMC again became compatible with geant4_vmc v.2.5 and ROOT 5.20.
35 * The problem was that ROOT developers introduced in TVirtualMC class a new
36 * method SetMagField and new base class:TVirtualMagField from which
37 * user-defined classes shoukd be derived
38 *
39 * Revision 1.1 2009-02-19 17:46:24 nikolas
40 * Cleaning up before releasing
41 *
42 * Revision 3.2 2006/01/24 13:52:57 bottai
43 * add the multiplicity variables to common
44 *
45 * Revision 2002/07/11 16:02:00 cafagna
46 * First GPAMELA release on CVS
47 *
48 *
49 *
50 * gpspe.inc
51 *
52 *CMZ : 2.01/00 05/04/2000 14.35.17 by Marialuigia Ambriola
53 *CMZ : 2.00/00 03/03/2000 15.39.05 by Francesco Cafagna
54 *CMZ : 1.02/00 22/10/99 16.14.09 by Francesco Cafagna
55 *CMZ : 1.01/00 15/05/96 14.49.00 by Francesco Cafagna
56 *CMZ : 1.00/02 13/03/96 17.29.06 by Francesco Cafagna
57 *-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 14/02/96
58 *
59 * Common with CWN variable for TSPA
60 *
65 *

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