/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC_update/include/PamVMCOptions.h
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Contents of /PamVMC_update/include/PamVMCOptions.h

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Oct 15 15:52:29 2013 UTC (11 years, 5 months ago) by formato
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Initial revision

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "TObject.h"
4 using namespace std;
6 #ifndef OPT_INIT_MODE_H
7 #define OPT_INIT_MODE_H
10 #include "TSystem.h"
12 struct pInitModeOpt : public TObject {
13 TString fg4Config_path, fg4Config_C_name, fg4Config_in_name;
14 Bool_t fuse_pbs_jobcookie, fuse_nocalo;
15 TString fout_tmp_dir, fout_path, fout_file_pattern;
17 pInitModeOpt( TString g4Config_path, TString g4Config_C_name, TString g4Config_in_name, Bool_t use_pbs_jobcookie, Bool_t use_nocalo,
18 TString out_tmp_dir, TString out_path, TString out_file_pattern):
19 fg4Config_path(g4Config_path), fg4Config_C_name(g4Config_C_name), fg4Config_in_name(g4Config_in_name), fuse_pbs_jobcookie(use_pbs_jobcookie), fuse_nocalo(use_nocalo),
20 fout_tmp_dir(out_tmp_dir), fout_path(out_path), fout_file_pattern(out_file_pattern) {};
22 virtual void Print(const Option_t* = "") const {
23 cout<<"--->Init Options: "<<endl;
24 cout<<" g4Config macro: "<<fg4Config_path<<"/"<<fg4Config_C_name<<endl;
25 cout<<" G4 extra macro: "<<fg4Config_path<<"/"<<fg4Config_in_name<<endl;
26 cout<<" use PBS cookie: "<<fuse_pbs_jobcookie<<endl;
27 if ( fuse_pbs_jobcookie ) cout <<" temp path: "<< fout_tmp_dir<<endl;
28 cout<<" use NoCalo: "<<fuse_nocalo<<endl;
29 cout<<" output ROOT-file: "<<fout_path<<"/"<<fout_file_pattern<<".root"<<endl;
30 cout<<" output PAM-file: "<<fout_path<<"/"<<fout_file_pattern<<".pam"<<endl;
31 };
32 };
34 #endif //OPT_INIT_MODE_H
37 #ifndef OPT_RND_MODE_H
38 #define OPT_RND_MODE_H
42 struct pRandomModeOpt : public TObject {
43 Bool_t fread_from_file_mode; /* 0 - generate, 1 - read from file */
44 TString fread_g4_seed_path; /* full path to root-file with g4random engine snapshots */
45 Bool_t fgenerate_g4_seed_user; /* 1 - generate random use user-defined seeds, 0 - autogenerate them */
46 Int_t fseed1, fseed2;
47 Bool_t fwrite_to_file_mode; /* 0 - don't save g4 random snapshots into root-file, 1 - do it */
48 TString fwrite_g4_rnd_path, fwrite_g4_rnd_filename; /* path and filename with g4 random snapshots */
51 pRandomModeOpt( Bool_t read_from_file_mode, TString read_g4_seed_path, Bool_t generate_g4_seed_user,
52 Int_t seed1, Int_t seed2, Bool_t write_to_file_mode,
53 TString write_g4_rnd_path, TString write_g4_rnd_filename ):
54 fread_from_file_mode( read_from_file_mode), fread_g4_seed_path(read_g4_seed_path), fgenerate_g4_seed_user(generate_g4_seed_user),
55 fseed1(seed1), fseed2(seed2), fwrite_to_file_mode(write_to_file_mode),fwrite_g4_rnd_path(write_g4_rnd_path), fwrite_g4_rnd_filename(write_g4_rnd_filename) {};
57 virtual void Print(const Option_t* = "") const {
58 TString tt;
59 if ( fread_from_file_mode ) tt = "read from file: "; else tt = "generate ";
60 cout<<"--->Random Options: "<<endl;
61 cout<<" G4Random numbers will "<<tt;
62 if ( fread_from_file_mode ){
63 cout << fread_g4_seed_path <<endl;
64 } else {
65 if ( fwrite_to_file_mode ) cout<<"and written in file: "<<fwrite_g4_rnd_path<<"/"<<fwrite_g4_rnd_filename<<endl; else cout<<endl;
66 }
67 if( fgenerate_g4_seed_user ){
68 tt = "user-defined random seed numbers: ";
69 tt += fseed1;
70 tt += ", ";
71 tt += fseed2;
72 } else tt = " random seed numbers will be generated automatically via TRandom3(0) object";
73 if (!fread_from_file_mode ) cout<<" Generation mode: "<<tt<<endl;
74 };
75 };
77 #endif //OPT_RND_MODE_H
81 #ifndef OPT_RUN_MODE_H
82 #define OPT_RUN_MODE_H
84 enum Save_mode { ALL_DETECTORS, ONLY_PRIMARIES };
86 struct pRuntimeModeOpt : public TObject {
87 Int_t fverbose_lev; //verbose level
88 Int_t fmaxstep; //maximum number of allowed steps for a given particle
89 Save_cond fsv_c; //condition to save given event
90 Save_mode fsv_m; //what information I wish to save
92 pRuntimeModeOpt(Int_t verbose_lev, Int_t maxstep, Save_cond sv_c, Save_mode sv_m): fverbose_lev(verbose_lev), fmaxstep(maxstep), fsv_c(sv_c), fsv_m(sv_m){; };
94 virtual void Print(const Option_t* = "") const {
95 cout<<"--->Runtime Options: "<<endl;
96 cout<<" Verbose level: "<<fverbose_lev<<endl;
97 cout<<" Max number of steps: "<<fmaxstep<<endl;
98 TString tt="";
99 if(fsv_c == EVERYTHING) tt = "EVERYTHING";
100 if(fsv_c == TRIG_ONLY) tt = "TRIG_ONLY";
101 if(fsv_c == ACCEPT_ONLY) tt = "ACCEPT_ONLY";
102 cout<<" Save condition: "<<tt<<endl;
103 tt="";
104 if(fsv_m == ALL_DETECTORS) tt = "ALL_DETECTORS";
105 if(fsv_m == ONLY_PRIMARIES) tt = "ONLY_PRIMARIES";
106 cout<<" Save mode: "<<tt<<endl;
107 };
109 };
110 #endif //OPT_RUN_MODE_H
113 #ifndef OPT_PRIMARY_MODE_H
114 #define OPT_PRIMARY_MODE_H
116 enum Momentum_mode{ FIXED, FLAT, POWERLAW};
117 enum Momentum_units{ GV_p, GV_R, GeV_T};
118 enum Nevents_mode { NEV_TOT, NEV_ACCEPT, NEV_TRIGG };
120 struct pPrimaryModeOpt : public TObject {
121 Bool_t fread_mode; // 0 - generate primary kinematics, 1 -read from file;
122 TString fread_path; // path to file with primary kinematics
123 Int_t fpdg; //PDG code of primary
124 Bool_t fspt_mode; // 0 - dome; 1 - user defined angles and vertex point
125 Bool_t fvert_mode; //0 - fixed point, 1 - vertex box
126 Bool_t fang_mode; // 0 - fixed angle, 1 - isotropic
127 Momentum_mode fmom_mode; // fixed, flat, powerlaw
129 Momentum_units funits; // GV_p, GV_R, GeV
130 Double_t fmom_fix; //Momentum, Rig, Kine
131 Double_t fmom_min, fmom_max, fgamma; //momentum for flat case
133 Nevents_mode fnv_m; //Total, accept, trigg
134 Int_t fnevents; //number of events
136 //Spatial and angular coordinates for fixed-isotropic case
137 Double_t fx0, fy0, fz0, fx0_min, fx0_max, fy0_min, fy0_max, fz0_min, fz0_max;
138 Double_t ftheta, fphi, ftheta_min, ftheta_max, fphi_min, fphi_max;
140 pPrimaryModeOpt(Bool_t read_mode, TString read_path, Int_t pdg, Bool_t spt_mode, Bool_t vert_mode, Bool_t ang_mode,
141 Momentum_mode mom_mode, Momentum_units units, Double_t mom_fix, Double_t mom_min, Double_t mom_max,
142 Double_t gamma, Nevents_mode nv_m, Int_t nevents, Double_t x0, Double_t y0, Double_t z0,
143 Double_t x0_min, Double_t x0_max, Double_t y0_min, Double_t y0_max, Double_t z0_min, Double_t z0_max,
144 Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t theta_min, Double_t theta_max, Double_t phi_min, Double_t phi_max):
145 fread_mode(read_mode), fread_path(read_path), fpdg(pdg), fspt_mode(spt_mode), fvert_mode(vert_mode), fang_mode(ang_mode),
146 fmom_mode(mom_mode), funits(units), fmom_fix(mom_fix), fmom_min(mom_min), fmom_max(mom_max), fgamma(gamma),
147 fnv_m(nv_m), fnevents(nevents), fx0(x0), fy0(y0), fz0(z0), fx0_min(x0_min), fx0_max(x0_max), fy0_min(y0_min), fy0_max(y0_max),
148 fz0_min(z0_min),fz0_max(z0_max), ftheta(theta), fphi(phi), ftheta_min(theta_min), ftheta_max(theta_max),
149 fphi_min(phi_min), fphi_max(phi_max){ ; }
151 virtual void Print(const Option_t* = "") const {
152 cout<<"--->Primary Options: "<<endl;
153 if( fread_mode ){
154 cout<<" Reading kinematics from file: "<<fread_path<<endl;
155 cout<<" NEVENTS to process: all events from file"<<endl;
156 } else {
157 cout<<" PDG: "<<fpdg<<endl;
158 if(! fspt_mode ) {
159 cout<<" Spatial distribution: Generation Over the Dome (GOD mode) "<<endl;
160 } else {
161 cout<<" Spatial distribution: User-defined "<<endl;
162 if( fvert_mode ){
163 cout<<" Vertex distribution: Parallelepiped ( x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max) = ("
164 <<fx0_min<<", "<<fx0_max<<", "<<fy0_min<<", "<<fy0_max<<", "<<fz0_min<<", "<<fz0_max<<" ) (cm)"<<endl;
165 } else {
166 cout<<" Vertex distribution: Fixed Point ( "<<fx0<<", "<<fy0<<", "<<fz0<<" ) (cm)"<<endl;
168 }
169 if( fang_mode ){
170 cout<<" Angular distribution: Isotropic (theta_min, theta_max, phi_min, phi_max) = ( "
171 <<ftheta_min<<", "<<ftheta_max<<", "<<fphi_min<<", "<<fphi_max<<" ) (rad)"<<endl;
172 } else {
173 cout<<" Angular distribution: Fixed Angles (theta, phi) = ( "<<ftheta<<", "<<fphi<<" ) (rad)"<<endl;
174 }
175 }
176 TString un;
177 TString un_det;
178 if (funits == GV_p){
179 un = "GV (p)";
180 un_det = "Momentum";
181 }
182 if (funits == GV_R){
183 un = "GV (R)";
184 un_det = "Rigidity";
185 }
186 if (funits == GeV_T){
187 un = "GeV_T";
188 un_det = "Kinetic energy";
189 }
190 if( fmom_mode == FIXED ){
191 cout<<" "<<un_det<<" distribution: Fixed "<< fmom_fix<<" "<<un<<endl;
192 }
193 if( fmom_mode == FLAT ){
194 cout<<" "<<un_det<<" distribution: Flat ( "<<fmom_min<<", "<<fmom_max<<" ) "<<un<<endl;
195 }
196 if( fmom_mode == POWERLAW ){
197 cout<<" "<<un_det<<" distribution: Power-law ( "<<fmom_min<<", "<<fmom_max<<" ) "<<un<<" gamma: "<<fgamma<<endl;
198 }
200 TString nev_cond;
201 if( fnv_m == NEV_TOT ) nev_cond = " TOTAL";
202 if( fnv_m == NEV_ACCEPT ) nev_cond = " IN ACCEPTANCE";
203 if( fnv_m == NEV_TRIGG ) nev_cond = " TRIGGERED";
204 cout<<" NEVENTS to process: "<<fnevents<<nev_cond<<endl;
205 }
206 }
207 };
208 #endif //OPT_PRIMARY_MODE_H

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