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This application produce root-file with TList of VKmask (see PamCut/aux/VKmask) objects. Last object in list is TH2D - live time and rigidity profile, LTs for different masks and rigidities. X - rigidity cutoffs, binned according textfile ( option --rigbin_file ), Y - mask ID (not global, but local for given bunch), Z is LT in seconds. |
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Options are: |
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option: --inp_dir directory where input files with tree "mask_vk_tree" stored. |
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Contains VKmask[12] array, abstime, cutoff, babs, ltime and produced by PamCut/CollectionActions/MaskVKTreeAction |
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option: --inp_pattern pattern to select files in inp_dir. Could contain wildcards. |
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option: --out_dir output directory where out_ root files will be stored. One file per each timebunch |
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option: --rigbin_file full path to textfile with binning. 1 coulumn with left edges of rigidity bins |
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option: --bunch_file full path to textfile with time bunches. 2 coulumns: start and stop abstimes. |
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Example: |
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./mask_profiler --inp_dir /gpfs/wizard/01/nikonov/HE_TOOLS/EFF_PROD_9RED_28_10_10/mask_VK_all/ --inp_pattern L2PAM10*MaskVK.root --bunch_file /gpfs/wizard/01/nikonov/HE_TOOLS/HE_EFF_9RED_28_10_10/mask_profiler/time_bunches_test.txt --out_dir /gpfs/wizard/01/nikonov/HE_TOOLS/HE_EFF_9RED_28_10_10/mask_profiler --rigbin_file /gpfs/wizard/01/nikonov/HE_TOOLS/HE_EFF_9RED_28_10_10/mask_profiler/riglist_basic_v9_orig.txt |