/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC_update/HOWTO_VMC_and_PAMELA
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Contents of /PamVMC_update/HOWTO_VMC_and_PAMELA

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Feb 27 08:33:55 2014 UTC (10 years, 11 months ago) by formato
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +3 -1 lines
Updated Instructions

1 Last update: V. Formato
4 This text will help you in installation of PamVMC simulator. This document will be
5 updated after next release of tools.
6 Installation was done on a SL5 machine, kernel 2.6.18-348.18.1.el5,
7 gcc version 4.7.0
8 Everything was compiled under ROOT v. 5.34. PAMELA software (9th reduction) was corrected
9 to be compiled (see list of changes below). PAMELA libraries were compiled, but executables,
10 like chewbacca still doesn't work (need to be corrected). Anyway, PamVMC needs only the libraries
11 to get information about the magnetic field. To proceess data, you should have
12 a standard PAMELA SW installaton under previous version of ROOT (5.26). @
14 This is a list of tools for the installation:
15 GEANT 4.9.6.p01
16 ROOT v. 5.34
17 VGM v.3.06
18 xerces-c-3.1.1
19 PAMELA 9th reduction software (should be corrected by yourself if any problems)
21 In /scripts directory you will find examples of scripts that does an export of
22 ALL enviroment variables for this installation. Please check them with yours.
24 1) @install GEANT 4.9.6.p01@ (also includes CHLEP)
25 mkdir cern
26 cd /cern
27 tar -xvf geant4.9.6.p01.tar.gz
28 mkdir geant4.9.6.p01-build
29 mkdir geant4.9.6.p01-install
30 ln -s geant4.9.6.p01-install G4
31 cd geant4.9.6.p01-build
32 export CFLAGS=-m32
33 export CXXFLAGS=-m32
34 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../geant4.9.6.p01-install/ -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON ../geant4.9.6.p01
35 ccmake ../geant4.9.6.p01
36 @@@ Enable the following flags:
41 make -j4
42 make install
43 cd geant4.9.6.p01-install
44 ln -s bin/geant4.sh env.sh
45 cd ..
46 1a)@source the geant4 environmental variables!
47 source G4/env.sh
49 2) @ installation of ROOT v. 5.34 @
50 @ put root_v5.34.04.source.tar.gz in /cern @
51 cd /cern
52 tar -zxvf root_v5.34.04.source.tar.gz
53 mv root root_v5.34
54 ln -s root_v5.34 root
55 source G4/env.sh
56 export ROOTSYS=$PWD/root
57 ./configure linux --all --enable-builtin-pcre --disable-castor
58 make
60 3) @installation of xerces v.3.1.1@
61 tar -xvf xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz
62 ./configure --build=i686 --prefix $PWD
63 make
64 make install
66 4) @installation of VGM v.3.06@
67 @Note: VGM is needed to convert ROOT-defined geomery in GEANT4. So, you need
68 install VGM only if you plan to use in RunConfiguration of your application
69 an option "geomRootToGeant4" - geometry defined in Root, but GEANT4 navigation.
70 By default, in PamVMC option "geomRoot" was defined because GEANT4 has no
71 option ONLY/MANY, so if I use "geomRootToGeant4" translation could be wrong (WARNING!).
72 But if you wish to do some run-time visualization, like showers, you should use
73 VGM libraries and option "geomRootToGeant4" in PamVMC Run configuration.@
75 @ get archive from http://ivana.home.cern.ch/ivana/VGM.html and put in in /cern @
76 cd /cern
77 tar zxf v3-06.tar.gz
78 mkdir vgm.3.06-build
79 mkdir vgm.3.06-install
80 ln -s vgm.3.06-install VGM
81 emacs -nw VGM/config/geant4.gmk
82 @ correct line 23: CPPFLAGS += -I$(G4INCLUDE) on some machines @
83 cd VGM
84 ./autoconf/configure --with-clhep-include=$PWD/../geant4.9.6.p01-install/include/Geant4/ --with-clhep-libdir=$PWD/../geant4.9.6.p01-install/lib/ --with-geant4=/$PWD/../geant4.9.6.p01-install/ --with-xerces=$PWD/../xerces-c-3.1.1/ --with-root=$PWD/../root/
85 make
87 5) Installation of PAMELA software
89 @ Follow the standard instructions for the installation of PAMELA software and source the enviroment @
92 6) Installation of geant4_vmc
94 @get source ftp://root.cern.ch/root/vmc/geant4_vmc.2.14a.tar.gz and put in /cern @
95 cd /cern
96 tar -zxvf geant4_vmc.2.14a.tar.gz
97 cd geant4_vmc
98 @edit `root-config --etcdir`/vmc/Makefile.linux and add the -m32 flag to the OPT variable and empty the variable SHLIB@
99 make
101 7) Installation of PamVMC
103 @Before you start, do an export of PAM_VMC env. variable to the source directory
104 In case if you wish to use PamVMC with GEANT4 you should go to $(PAM_VMC)/PamG4RunConfiguration @
105 make clean
106 make
107 @ this will produce a libPamG4RunConfiguration.so library in $(PAM_VMC)/lib/tgt_$(PLATFORM) @
108 cd $(PAM_VMC)
109 make
110 @ after this step an application library $(PAM_VMC)/lib/tgt_$(PLATFORM)/libPamVMC_fc.so will be compiled
111 and some calibration files will be copied from $(PAM_VMC)/aux@
112 @ do an export
115 @ in $(PAM_VMC)/examples you can find an example of usage @
116 @ For more details please look inside $(PAM_VMC)/include PamVMCPrimaryGenerator.h and PamVMCDetectorHit.h @
119 @From here on old instructions:
121 /////////////EXTERNAL DIGITIZER/////////////////
122 In aux/PamVMVDigitizer you can find a source code of stand-alone digitizer. Just do make.
123 There are only 3 parameters: input root-file name, output raw-filename and integer random seed.
124 If you specify 0, then TRandom3(0) object will be created. All digitizers use this object.
125 Please note, that current version of digidaizer could be not compatible with root-files generated
126 with previous versions of PamVMC due to addtitonal variables in PamVMCDetectorHit class
129 /////////////SPGECTRA GENERATOR/////////////////
130 @ spectra_generator is a tool which allow you to generate tracks above the apparatus
131 isotropically and save initial kinematic parameters (X0,Y0,Z0=110., P, Theta, Phi)
132 "good" tracks in output root-file. After this, file could be used to do simulations.
133 The condition to accept tracks is satisfaction to 14 acceptance planes, defined by
134 TrkParams in Level2. This tool is based on DoTrack method of Level2.
135 To save data in root-file PrimaryInfo class was developed and compiled in library.
136 If later you wish to develop your own script to work with data stored threre,
137 you need just load libPrimaryInfo.so shared library @
139 1) @ To compile library you need change your .rootlogon.C file. One example is provided
140 in directory /aux/spectra_generator. Please check your enviroment variables. All pathes
141 in this file completetly dependent on your enviroment @
142 2) cd /aux/spectra_generator
143 make clean
144 make
145 @ After this you should find a library: libPrimaryInfo.so, and executable: sp_gen @
148 @ There are 3 different regimes in which sp_gen could work, and application recognize in
149 which way you wish it work by number and type of parameters which you specify to launch it:
151 1) Fixed rigidity mode: Shooting isotropically with fixed rigitity tracks
153 (INTEGER) Number of "good" track that you wish to have finally
154 (INTEGER) Charge of particle in (e+ units)
155 (INTEGER) PDG of particle, see NOTE below
156 (DOUBLE) Fiducial value (cm) that you wish to cut each side from all of
157 14 acceptance planes. (0. - nominal acceptance)
158 (DOUBLE) Rigidity (GV) of tracks.
159 (STRING) Name of output file (ex. out.root) where you wish to store your
160 "good" tracks.
162 exampale: ./sp_gen 10000 1 2212 0.15 2.0 out.root
163 Generates 10000 monoenergetic protons with rigidity 2 GV in fiducial acceptance
164 cutting 0.15 cm on each side. Result will be put into out.root file.
166 2) Flat spectra mode: Shooting isotropically with uniform distributed [Rmin, Rmax]
167 rigitity tracks
169 (INTEGER) Number of "good" track that you wish to have finally
170 (INTEGER) Charge of particle in (e+ units)
171 (INTEGER) PDG of particle, see NOTE below
172 (DOUBLE) Fiducial value (cm) that you wish to cut each side from all of
173 14 acceptance planes. (0. - nominal acceptance)
174 (DOUBLE) Minimal Rigidity (GV) of tracks.
175 (DOUBLE) Maximal Rigidity (GV) of tracks.
176 (STRING) Name of output file (ex. out.root) where you wish to store your
177 "good" tracks.
179 example: /sp_gen 10000 1 2212 0.15 2.0 3.0 out.root
180 Generates 10000 protons with flat spectra and with rigidity 2-3
181 GV in fiducial acceptance cutting 0.15 cm on each side. Result will be put into out.root file
183 3) Full spectra mode: Shooting isotropically with all spectra which differrential
184 profile defined in input file.
186 (INTEGER) Number of "good" track that you wish to have finally
187 (INTEGER) Charge of particle in (e+ units)
188 (INTEGER) PDG of particle, see NOTE below
189 (DOUBLE) Fiducial value (cm) that you wish to cut each side from all of
190 14 acceptance planes. (0. - nominal acceptance)
191 (STRING) Name of INPUT file (ex. input.root) where you stored your
192 TGraphAsymmErrors object with diffrerntial spectra profile.
193 Please note, that application suppose that name of graph is
194 "gflux". Of course, you can define your own. See sp_gen.C, line 170.
195 (STRING) Name of output file (ex. out.root) where you wish to store your
196 "good" tracks.
198 example: /sp_gen 10000 1 2212 0.15 input_flux.root out.root
199 Generates 10000 protons with rigidity distributed accroding TGrapAsymmErorrs
200 in input_flux.root in fiducial acceptance cutting 0.15 cm on each side.
201 Result will be putt into out.root file
203 !!!NOTE: Use http://pdg.lbl.gov/2007/reviews/montecarlorpp.pdf document to define your
204 particle according PDG numeration scheme.

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