/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC/trk/include/f77/gpdgeo.inc
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Contents of /PamVMC/trk/include/f77/gpdgeo.inc

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Jun 12 18:39:52 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by pam-rm2
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r0, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +4 -1 lines
- Introduced user-defined names of output files and random seeds number.
Users can do it use options of PamVMCApplication constructor:
PamVMCApplication(const char* name,  const char *title, const char*
filename="pamtest", Int_t seed=0).
The Random object that I use is TRandom3 object which has astronomical
large period (in case of default initialization 0). All random generators
in the code use this object by calling of gRandom singleton which keeps

- Corrected TOF digitization routine. No problems with TDC hits due to
hadronic interactions anymore.

- Some small changes was done to compile code under Root 5.23. +
geant4_vmc v. 2.6 without any warnings

- Some classes of PamG4RunConfiguartion was changed for geant4_vmc v.
2.6.Some obsolete classes was deleted as soon as developers implemented

- Navigation was changed from "geomRootToGeant4" to "geomRoot", because on
VMC web page written that as soon as Geant4 has no option ONLY/MANY
translation of overlapped geometry to Geant4 through VGM could be wrong.
I'd like to stay with Root navigation:
http://root.cern.ch/root/vmc/Geant4VMC.html. This should be default

- New Tracker digitization routine written by Sergio was implemented

- PamVMC again became compatible with geant4_vmc v.2.5 and ROOT 5.20.
 The problem was that ROOT developers introduced in TVirtualMC class a new
method SetMagField and new base class:TVirtualMagField from which
user-defined classes shoukd be derived

1 *
2 * $Id: gpdgeo.inc,v 1.1 2009-02-19 17:46:24 nikolas Exp $
3 *
4 * $Log: gpdgeo.inc,v $
5 * Revision 1.1 2009-02-19 17:46:24 nikolas
6 * Cleaning up before releasing
7 *
8 * Revision 3.23 2008/01/29 18:25:16 pamela
9 * Review of the shell and TOF geometries. New materials around the shell
10 * added to simulate the insulation.
11 *
12 * Revision 3.22 2006/12/17 14:53:11 cafagna
13 * Full review of the CARD geometry. S1 table added
14 *
15 * Revision 3.21 2006/11/30 12:29:14 cafagna
16 * CARD geometry updated. New S1 "table", legs included, added. Top magnetic screen has been added as well.
17 *
18 * Revision 3.20 2006/11/28 10:26:14 pam-ba
19 * S3 positioning completed
20 *
21 * Revision 3.19 2006/11/16 18:45:29 pam-ba
22 * Simulated an aluminum container for S4
23 *
24 * Revision 3.18 2006/11/16 12:01:13 pam-ba
25 * S4 dimensions corrected.
26 *
27 * Revision 3.17 2006/11/10 11:39:34 pam-ba
28 * S2 and S1 z-positions corrected, He3 and plystyrene mixture added, Top Plate geometry simulated and titanium mixture added.
29 *
30 * Revision 3.16 2006/10/12 11:11:21 pam-ba
31 * ND geometry updated.
32 *
33 * Revision 3.15 2006/06/30 15:38:16 pam-ba
34 * S22 and S12 heights positioned in GPAMELA at the nominal heights in PAMELA (see document: Main geometrical parameters of the PAMELA sub-detectors, 20 December 2005)
35 *
36 * Revision 3.14 2006/05/18 10:52:31 pam-ba
37 * TOF geometry completed and a new material, the polystyrene (density 35 g/l), added
38 *
39 * Revision 3.13 2006/05/09 12:01:16 cafagna
40 * Calo geometry updated
41 *
42 * Revision 3.12 2006/05/02 12:30:02 bottai
43 * change in trcp dimension in order to not overlap with its mother
44 *
45 * Revision 3.11 2006/05/02 11:32:14 pam-ba
46 * TOF geometry and position updated and a new material, the mylar, added
47 *
48 * Revision 3.10 2006/04/09 23:28:54 cafagna
49 * Several new things, among this: ND and CARD
50 *
51 * Revision 3.9 2005/12/20 12:21:04 cafagna
52 * gpnd directory added along with ND files
53 *
54 * Revision 3.8 2005/12/16 10:20:18 cafagna
55 * Bug fixed in the new update
56 *
57 * Revision 3.7 2005/12/16 09:13:55 cafagna
58 * New small valume added to the tracker frame
59 *
60 * Revision 3.6 2005/12/13 10:31:29 pam-ba
61 * added a new volume, TPGI, in the spectrometer
62 *
63 * Revision 3.5 2005/12/05 12:15:20 pam-ba
64 * new spectrometer geometry and internal magnetic field
65 *
66 * Revision 3.4 2005/07/25 11:53:21 cafagna
67 * Several updates. See history for details
68 *
69 * Revision 3.3 2005/06/21 02:42:08 cafagna
70 * Major modification to the geometry and to the random number chain
71 *
72 * Revision 3.2 2002/12/05 10:17:42 pamela
73 * Update CAS and CALO geometries and positions. Makefile updated as well
74 *
75 * Revision 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna
76 * First GPAMELA release on CVS
77 *
78 *
79 *
80 * gpdgeo.inc
81 *
82 * 16/07/2004 16.44.06 by Alexey Bakaldin
83 * 17/10/2002 22.31.45 by Jens Lund
84 *CMZ : 3.00/00 14/11/2000 09.13.05 by Emiliano Mocchiutti
85 *CMZ : 2.02/00 12/10/2000 18.43.21 by Francesco Cafagna
86 *CMZ : 2.01/00 05/04/2000 14.35.17 by Marialuigia Ambriola
87 *CMZ : 2.00/00 03/03/2000 15.39.05 by Francesco Cafagna
88 *CMZ : 1.02/00 04/02/2000 18.40.04 by Francesco Cafagna
89 *CMZ : 1.01/00 06/05/96 11.40.48 by Francesco Cafagna
90 *CMZ : 1.00/02 02/04/96 16.44.16 by Francesco Cafagna
91 *-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 05/12/95
92 DATA PAME/0.,53.,130./
93 * AB:
94 C DATA SHEL/69.8,70.,75./
95 cml DATA SHEL/40.6,52.35,52.5,43.62253,43.77253/
96 cml DATA MSHE/52.25,52.5,20./
97 cml DATA BSPH/52.25,52.5,90.,180.,0.,360./
98 cml:
99 * ab mod DATA SHEL/38.25,52.5,52.65,43.77,43.92/
100 * ab mod DATA MSHE/52.5,52.75,20./
101 * ab mod DATA BSPH/52.5,52.75,90.,180.,0.,360./
102 c end ml
103 * END: AB.
104 C DATA TFLA/126.8,127.,0.,33.45,0.,360./
105 DATA TFLA/0.,43.77253,0.125/
106 * AB:
107 C DATA TSPH/0., 150.,0.,0.,0.,360./
108 cml DATA TSPH/239.83,240.,0.,0.,0.,360./
109 cml:
110 c ab mod DATA TSPH/240.,240.17,0.,10.5062,0.,360./
111 * pressurized container upgrated by ab:
112 DATA SHEL/38.8717,52.5,52.651,43.6423,43.7932/
113 DATA MSHE/52.5,52.75,19.95/
114 DATA BSPH/52.5,52.75,90.,180.,0.,360./
115 DATA TSPH/240.,240.17,0.,10.5062,0.,360./
116 DATA COV1/240.17,240.1715,0.,10.5062,0.,360./
117 DATA COV2/240.1715,240.2165,0.,10.5062,0.,360./
118 DATA COV3/240.2165,240.2315,0.,10.5062,0.,360./
119 DATA ZTSPH/-130.716/
120 DATA ZSHEL/66.5559/
121 DATA ZMSHE/7.7342/
122 DATA ZBSPH/-12.2158/
123 c end ml.
124 * END: AB.
126 c ml:26/10/04
127 c DATA S1/20.4,16.5,.375/
128 c DATA S2/20.4,16.5,.375/
129 c DATA S1A/9.,7.5,.375/
130 c DATA S2A/9.,7.5,.375/
131 DATA S3/0.,0.,0./
132 c DATA S4/18.,16.,.5/
133 DATA S4/24.1,24.1,0.5/
134 DATA S4AL/24.2,24.2,0.6/
135 DATA S11M/0.,0.,0./
136 DATA S12M/0.,0.,0./
137 DATA S21M/0.,0.,0./
138 DATA S22M/0.,0.,0./
139 DATA S31M/0.,0.,0./
140 DATA S32M/0.,0.,0./
141 DATA POL1/0.,0.,0./
142 DATA POL2/0.,0.,0./
143 DATA POLY/0.,0.,0./
144 DATA S11Y/2.55,16.5,0.35/
145 DATA S12X/20.4,2.75,0.35/
146 DATA S21X/9.,3.75,0.25/
147 DATA S22Y/4.5,7.5,0.25/
148 DATA S31Y/3.,7.5,0.35/
149 DATA S32X/9.,2.5,0.35/
150 c DATA HMYLTOF/0.0025/
151 DATA HMYLTOF/0.0023/
152 DATA HGLUTOF/0.01/
155 DATA HALTOF/0.033/
156 DATA HAIRS3/0.15/
157 DATA HTABLE/24.7/
159 DATA XTPLA/23.2/
160 DATA YTPLA/22.1/
161 c ml: 28/10/04:
162 c dimensions of top plate. At the moment, it is a reduced version,
163 c i.e. a gap of gas with a surface equal to S21.
164 c DATA TPLA/9.,7.5,.25/
165 c dimensions of top plate from CAD draws:
166 c DATA TPLA/21.9,21.1,1.6/
167 DATA TPLA/28.,27.165,1.6/
168 C DATA TPCA/18.1,18.2,0.6/
169 C DATA TPS2/10.,8.1,0.75/
170 DATA TPCV/8.5,7.,0.25/
171 DATA TPTU/2.55,1.95,0.6/
172 DATA TPTM/3.45,3.3,0.75/
173 DATA TPTL/21.9,21.1,.25/
174 c end ml.
175 c DATA SCTIC/0.025/
176 c ml:26/10/04:
177 DATA NS11Y/8/
178 DATA NS12X/6/
179 DATA NS21X/2/
180 DATA NS22Y/2/
181 DATA NS31Y/3/
182 DATA NS32X/3/
183 c end ml.
184 C ml 28/03/06: official z coordinates in the PAMELA reference system with
185 c origin in the centre of the central plane of the central magnetic module:
186 c DATA ZPAMS31,ZPAMS32/-23.49,-24.34/
187 DATA DTPS3/0.845/
188 c DATA ZS11,ZS12,ZS21,ZS22,ZS31,ZS32,ZS4
189 c ml 22/10/04:
190 c + /107.8,106.8,74.9,74.1,27.1,26.3,2.3/
191 c ml 28/10/04: introducing the top plate and calculating the zpos of S21, S22
192 c starting from the zpos of CATA:
193 c + /106.66,105.66,74.9,74.1,27.1,26.3,2.3/
194 c + /106.66,105.66,74.875,74.125,27.1,26.3,2.3/
195 c DATA ZTPLA/73.5/
196 C HORMG is the distance beteween the bottom the tracker and the center of
197 c the third magnetic module.
198 DATA HORMG/22.57/
199 c end ml 28/10/04
200 c end ml 22/10/04:
201 C CAT data
202 *EM:
203 *JeL:
204 DATA CATA/28.0,0.6,27.165/
205 *END: JeL.
206 c DATA CATB/22.05,21.05,0.55/
207 DATA CATB/22.2,21.3,0.5/
208 c DATA CATL/15.75,6.675,0.55/
209 c DATA CATT/6.3,14.375,0.55/
210 DATA CATL/2.6,14.9,0.4/
211 DATA CATT/8.45,21.2,0.4/
212 DATA CATH/9.4,7.7,0.5/
213 DATA CATF/2.6,3.15,0.4/
214 DATA CATO/9.3,0.05,0.5/
215 DATA CATP/0.05,7.7,0.5/
216 c DATA ZCAT/75.85/
217 C CAS data
218 *EM:
219 *JeL:
220 DATA CASA/21.45,0.6,20.55/
221 *END: JeL.
222 C DATA CASX/15.25,0.55,23./
223 C DATA CASY/0.55,14.75,23./
224 DATA CSSX/15.7,0.5,21.6/
225 DATA CSSY/0.5,15.7,21.6/
226 DATA CASX/15.6,0.4,21.5/
227 DATA CASY/0.4,15.6,21.5/
228 DATA CASXD/2.4/
229 DATA CASYD/2.2/
230 C DATA ZCAS/51.25/
231 *END: EM.
232 C CARD data
233 DATA CARDB/27.,22.8,12.35/,
234 + CAR/18.15,4.8,1.8,3.6,5.8,0.4,76.,19.45/,
235 + ATZ/1.1/, ! aluminium box thickness
236 + ATY/0.15/, ! aluminium box thickness
237 + PT/0.9/, ! plastic box thickness
238 + CARA/31.98273,17.45,20.,19.123,16.80,47.358,30.4/,
239 + CARB/37.18273,20.95,17.,18.67,16.014,47.661,35.6/,
240 + LEGB/2.15,3.575,11.85/,
241 + LEG1/0.65,0.,0.,0.15,6.85,6.85,0.,0.15,10.85,10.85,0./,
242 + LEG2/0.65,1.65,11.35/,
243 + LEG3/0.1,1.3,0.325/,
244 + LEG4/0.65,1.625,11.85/,
245 + LEG5/1.125,2.575,11.85/,
246 + LEG6/0.1,0.55,11.2/,
247 + LEG7/1.1,0.75,3.25/,
248 + LEG8/1.1,0.75,4.35/,
249 + LEG9/1.1,0.75,3.25/,
250 + LEGP/1.95,0.65,1.125,0.375,11.85,3.8,0.7,0.6/,
251 + TPLT/27.,22.8,0.5/,
252 + TOPC/20.4,16.,0.5/,
253 + TOPT/0.5,0.,0.,2.25,2.25,0.,-26.565,2.25,2.25,0.,-26.565/,
254 + TOHO/0.,0.7,0.5/,
255 + TH11/2.8,3.2,0.5/,
256 + TH12/2.8,5.3,0.5/,
257 + TH21/1.7,3.,0.5/,
258 + TH22/4.9,3.,0.5/,
259 + TOPP/23.6,14.4,5.5,17.2,19.4,10.2,4.5,6.2,4.1/,
260 + MGSC/16.,15.4,0.12456/,
261 + MGSH/9.8,8.,0.12456/
262 C TRD data
263 c ml: 11/11/04
264 c DATA TRFR/19,17.5,.2/
265 DATA TRFR/21.1,19.0,.275/
266 DATA TRFD/19.75,13.9,.2425/
267 DATA TRFU/19.4,13.55,.2425/
268 DATA TRFM/21.1,19.0,0.1375/
269 DATA TRFL/20.175,14.325,1.13/
270 c DATA TRFI/15.5,14.,.2/
271 DATA TRR0/21.1,38.5,.25/
272 DATA TRI0/10.65,8.85,.15/
273 DATA TRRF/16.0,15.4,0.1/
274 DATA TRRI/9.8,8.0,0.1/
275 c end ml.
276 DATA TRBS/3.3,18.3,1./
277 *ml: 10/11/66:
278 DATA TRAL/3.3,2.15,1./
279 DATA TRR2/19.025,13.175,1.51/
280 *end ml.
281 DATA TRDS/24.,24.5,13.5/
282 DATA TRDT/3.,3.,.25/
283 DATA TRDB/17.7,18.5,0/
284 DATA TRSO/0.197,0.2,14./
285 C DATA TRSI/0.,0.197,14./
286 DATA TRSI/0.,0.2,14./
287 *ml: 12/11/04:
288 c DATA TRRA/13.2,14.,0/
289 DATA TRRA/18.25,12.4,0.76/
290 *end ml.
291 *ml: 17/11/04:
292 c DATA TRAN/1.75,1.75,1.0/
293 c DATA TRAI/1.75,1.65,0.9/
294 DATA TRAN/1.8,1.8,1.0/
295 DATA TRAI/1.0,1.0,1.0/
296 *end ml.
297 DATA ZTRD/90.55/
298 DATA GAPTRD/1.5/
299 C Spectrometer data, mod by Caf on 20 Jul 2005
300 DATA SPEB/15.,14.4,22.615/
301 c ml: 31/10/05:
302 c DATA MGFR/14.,13.4,4.0/
303 DATA MGFR/15.,14.4,4.45/
304 c end ml.
305 c ml: 26/10/04:
306 c DATA MGPL/12.,11.4,4.05/
307 DATA MGPL/12.,11.4,4.0/
308 DATA MGPA/8.1,6.6,4.0/
309 c DATA MGPI/8.05,6.55,4.05/
310 c ml: 31/10/05:
311 c DATA MGPI/8.1,6.6,4.0/
312 C DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4./
313 C DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4.03/
314 DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4./
315 C end ml.
316 c ml:31/10/05:
317 c new volumes:
318 C DATA TPGA/10.5,10.65,0.055/
319 DATA TPGA/10.29,10.65,0.04/
320 DATA TPGU/10.49,12.15,0.01/
321 DATA TPGD/12.,11.4,0.005/
322 DATA TPGI/8.07,6.57,0.015/
323 c end ml.
324 c ml:17/12/04:
325 c DATA TRPB/12.,11.4,0.4/
326 c$$$ mod by Caf on 20 Jul 2005
327 c$$$ DATA TRPB/10.49,12.15,0.365/
328 c ml 31/10/05:
329 c DATA TRPB/15.,14.4,0.365/
330 DATA TRPB/10.49,12.15,0.365/
331 c end ml.
332 ccc ml: 20/04/05:
333 cc DATA TRPL/0.,7.,0.4/
334 C # DATA TPAI/8.0995,8.5,0.055/
335 C # DATA TPAS/8.0995,9.75,0.06/
336 C # Mod by CAF on 15 Jul 2005
337 c DATA TPAI/8.0995,1.25,0.055/
338 c DATA TPAS/8.0995,9.75,0.365/
339 c ml: 15/12/05:
340 c ml 19/9/05:
341 c DATA TPAS/8.144,9.9,0.365/
342 DATA TPAS/8.2,9.9,0.365/
343 DATA TPAI/8.144,1.25,0.05/
344 C # End mod
345 c DATA TRSL/0.,7.,0./
346 C # DATA TRSL/2.6665,7.,0.015/
347 DATA TRSL/2.6665,3.5,0.015/
348 c DATA TSPA/2.666,3.5,0.015/
349 DATA TSPA/2.596,3.413,0.015/
350 DATA THBP/2.6665,2.75,0.015/
351 c DATA TRCP/0.005,7.,0.3/
352 c DATA TRCP/0.025,10.125,0.25/
353 c ml: 19/9/05: (based on the measure of the final version of the tracker plane)
354 c DATA TRCP/0.035,10.125,0.25/
355 c change TRCP in order to not overla with mother
356 DATA TRCP/0.035,9.9,0.25/
357 DATA TBAL/1.49,2.25,0.365/
358 c ml:16/11/05: distance between the bottom of the tracker and the bottom of
359 c the base plate.
360 DATA ZSPEBP/2.97/
361 c DATA ZSPEC/50.6/
362 C ml: 15/12/05: xglue is the dimension along x of the glue between each carbon
363 c fiber barrel and the TRSL volume
364 DATA XGLUE/0.0015/
365 C # DATA NTRSL/3/
368 c end ml.
369 C Calorimeter data
370 *EM:
371 * DATA CASI/3.9,3.9,0.019/
372 DATA CASI/3.904,3.904,0.019/
373 *F.V.&ML:
374 C DATA CG10/12.1,12.1,0.0875/
375 C DATA C10C/12.1,12.1,0.08/
376 C DATA CAAB/12.1,12.1,0.133/
377 C DATA CAPL/12.1,12.1,0./
378 C DATA CAAD/12.1,12.1,0.133/
379 C DATA CAPD/12.1,12.1,0./
380 C DATA CALB/19.7,19.7,10.2/
381 *MA
382 DATA DZM0/0.19/, DZST/0.390/
383 DATA CG10/12.3,12.3,0.0875/
384 C # DATA C10C/12.3,12.3,0.08/
385 C # DATA CAAB/12.3,12.3,0.1315/
386 DATA C10C/12.3,12.3,0.06/
387 DATA CAAB/12.3,12.3,0.1315/
388 * end MA
389 DATA CAPL/12.3,12.3,0./
390 DATA CANS/12.3,12.3,0./
391 DATA CAAD/12.3,12.3,0.133/
392 DATA CAPD/12.3,12.3,0./
393 *ML:
394 * DATA CALB/19.7,19.7,10.45/
395 DATA CALB/23.2,23.2,10.589/
396 *END ML.
397 *END F.V.&ML.
398 *ML:
399 * DATA CALS/20.,20.,10.5/
400 DATA CALS/24.2,24.2,10.639/
401 DATA ZCAL/13.05/
402 C with ZCAL=13.03 the distance between the bottom of the magnet and
403 C the top of the top silicon strips is about 44.24 mm, as it has to be
404 C if 37 mm is the height of the base plate and 7.24 mm is the distance
405 C between the bottom of the end of the base plate and the top silicium
406 C strips. Because of the difference is small and the height of the base
407 C plate could be approximate, I left ZCAL=13.05.
408 C DATA ZCAL/13.03/
409 *END ML.
410 * DATA CALSTWID/0.36/
411 DATA CALSTWID/0.244/
412 *
413 * NOTE: IF you change NCAPL, remember to modify the NCPL, NCSI, NOCAPL,
414 * NOCASI array dimentions in $GPKEY, $GPDKEY common and data block.
415 * The corresponding FFKEY call in GPFFR must be changed as well.
416 * The GPDAT loop on these arrays should be checked too.
417 *
418 DATA NCAPL/22/
420 DATA DCASIX/0.242/
421 DATA DCASIY/0.242/
422 DATA DCASIZ/0.694/
424 DATA CAKA/12.3,12.3,0.0025/
425 DATA CAGL/12.3,12.3,0.005/
426 DATA CAKP/12.3,12.3,0.0025/
427 C
428 ***** Neutron detector
429 DATA NDBI/21.2,21.2,6.875/,NDTU/0.,0.925,10./,NDTI/0.,0.92,10./,
430 + NDPB/21.2,21.2,1.0/,NDCD/21.25,21.25,6.9/
431 DATA NDBX/21.45,21.45,7./
432 DATA NDCO/27.5,30.,0.5/
433 DATA NDBO/27.5,30.,7.5/
434 DATA NDBS/15.,4.275,7./
435 DATA NDSS/14.8,4.075,6.8/
436 DATA NDCI/21.2,11.3,0.325/
437 DATA NDCM/21.2,4.25,0.325/
438 DATA NDCE/14.6,2.875,0.325/
439 DATA NDSI/1.,7.26,0.325/
440 DATA NDSM/1.,5.8,0.325/
441 DATA NDSE/4.2,1.05,0.325/
442 DATA TNDBX/0.2/
443 DATA TNDCD/0.05/
444 DATA GNDTU/0.5/

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