#ifndef PAMVMC_DETECTOR_H #define PAMVMC_DETECTOR_H #include #include #include #include #include "PamVMCSDMgr.h" #include "pCutControl.h" #include "PamVMCCutContMgr.h" #include "PamVMCDetectorSD.h" #include "PamVMCDetGeom.h" #include "PamVMCGeoRotMgr.h" class PamVMCDetGeom; class PamVMCDetector : public TObject { protected: TString fdname; TMap fdetSD; //map of pointers to SD collection TMap fsubdet; //map of pointers to subdetectors; PamVMCDetGeom *fdetgeom; //geometry // TObjArray fdetmother; //array of pointers to mother volumes and matrix public: PamVMCDetector(const char *dname="NoDetector" ): fdname(dname), fdetgeom(0) { fdetgeom = new PamVMCDetGeom(dname); }; virtual ~PamVMCDetector() { fdetSD.DeleteAll(); fsubdet.DeleteAll(); delete fdetgeom; } virtual void DefineGeometry() = 0; virtual void DefineCuts() = 0; void SetCuts() { PamVMCCutContMgr::Instance()->SetCuts(); }; virtual void ConstructGeometry(){ TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fsubdet.MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { ((PamVMCDetector*)fsubdet.GetValue(o))->ConstructGeometry(); } DefineGeometry(); AddMotherProp(); if(GetMotherVol()){ fdetgeom->SetMotherVol(GetMotherVol()); fdetgeom->RegisterNodes(); } } //will be mobydyed o register all cuts, defined in map of CCManager virtual void ConstructCuts(){ TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fsubdet.MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { ((PamVMCDetector*)fsubdet.GetValue(o))->ConstructCuts(); } DefineCuts(); } virtual void InitGeometry(){ TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fsubdet.MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { ((PamVMCDetector*)fsubdet.GetValue(o))->InitGeometry(); } SetCuts(); } virtual TGeoVolume* GetMotherVol(){ return 0; }; virtual void InitMC(){ TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fsubdet.MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { ((PamVMCDetector*)fsubdet.GetValue(o))->InitMC(); } }; TGeoRotation* GetRot(const char*name){ return PamVMCGeoRotMgr::Instance()->GetRot(name); } void AddMotherProp(TObjArray *mp) { fdetgeom->AddMotherProp(mp); } void AddMotherProp() { TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fsubdet.MakeIterator(); TObject *o=0; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { AddMotherProp( ((PamVMCDetector*)(fsubdet.GetValue(o)))->GetMotherProp() ); } } void SetMotherProp(TGeoVolume *mv, Int_t cn, TGeoMatrix* mx){ fdetgeom->SetMotherProp(mv,cn,mx); } void SetCC(const char *medname, pCutControl * pCC) { PamVMCCutContMgr::Instance()->SetCutCont(medname, pCC); } pCutControl * GetCC(const char *medname) { return PamVMCCutContMgr::Instance()->GetCutCont(medname); } TObjArray* GetMotherProp(){ return fdetgeom->GetMotherProp(); } void SetMotherVol(TGeoVolume *mv) { fdetgeom->SetMotherVol(mv); } void RegisterNodes() { fdetgeom->RegisterNodes(); } Int_t GetMedID(const char* name){ return fdetgeom->GetMedID(name); } TGeoMaterial* GetMat(const char* name){ return fdetgeom->GetMat(name); } TGeoMedium* GetMed(const char* name){ return fdetgeom->GetMed(name); } TGeoVolume* GetVol(const char* name){ return fdetgeom->GetVol(name); } virtual void PrintMediumCuts(const Option_t* =""){ PamVMCCutContMgr::Instance()->Print(); } virtual void Print(const Option_t* ="") const { std::cout<<"DETECTOR "<MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( (o=(TObject *) n->Next())) { ((PamVMCDetectorSD *)tm->GetValue(o))->Print(); } } virtual void PrintHitColl(const Option_t* = "") const { PrintColl(&fdetSD," HIT COLLECTION: "); } virtual void PrintGeoColl(const Option_t* = "") const { PrintColl(&fsubdet," SUBDETECTOR COLLECTION: "); } ClassDef(PamVMCDetector,1) }; #endif //PAMVMC_DETECTOR_H