1 |
// $Id: run_g4.C,v 1.0 2007/06/01 |
void run_g4_test() { |
2 |
// |
3 |
// Macro for running G4PAM_VMC with Geant4. |
TString PAM_VMC=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_VMC"); |
4 |
void run_g4_test(const TString& configMacro = "g4Config.C") { |
TString PLAT=gSystem->Getenv("PLATFORM"); |
5 |
6 |
// Load basic libraries |
// Load basic libraries |
7 |
gROOT->LoadMacro("../macro/basiclibs.C"); |
gROOT->LoadMacro(PAM_VMC+"/macro/basiclibs.C"); |
8 |
basiclibs(); |
basiclibs(); |
9 |
10 |
// Load PAMELA libs |
// Load PAMELA libs |
14 |
gSystem->Load(PAMLIB+"/libPamLevel2.so"); |
gSystem->Load(PAMLIB+"/libPamLevel2.so"); |
15 |
16 |
// Load Geant4 libraries |
// Load Geant4 libraries |
17 |
gROOT->LoadMacro(PAM_VMC+"/macro/PamG4Libs.C"); |
gROOT->LoadMacro("../macro/PamG4Libs.C"); |
18 |
PamG4Libs(); |
PamG4Libs(); |
19 |
20 |
// Load this example libraries |
// Load application library |
21 |
TString G4WD=gSystem->Getenv("G4WORKDIR"); |
gSystem->Load(PAM_VMC+"/lib/tgt_"+PLAT+"/libPamVMC_fc"); |
22 |
TString PLAT=gSystem->Getenv("PLATFORM"); |
gSystem->Load(G4WD+"/lib/tgt_"+PLAT+"/libPamVMC_fc"); |
23 |
// MC application |
// MC application |
24 |
PamVMCApplication* appl |
PamVMCApplication* appl |
25 |
= new PamVMCApplication("PAMG4_VMC", "PAMELA GEANT4 VMC application"); |
= new PamVMCApplication("PAMG4_VMC", "PAMELA GEANT4 VMC application","nik1"); |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetNofPrimaries(1); |
// Initialize MC |
appl->InitMC(configMacro); |
((TGeant4*)gMC)->ProcessGeantMacro("../macro/g4config2.in"); |
#define EVENTS 5000 |
26 |
27 |
#define RMIN 1.0 |
//verbose level (0-4), 0 means no verbose |
28 |
#define RMAX 2.0 |
appl->SetVerboseLevel(0); |
29 |
30 |
//initialise physycs with specific RunConfiguration, defined in macro |
31 |
appl->InitMC(PAM_VMC+"/config/g4Config.C"); |
32 |
#define X0 0. |
#define Y0 0. |
#define Z0 110. |
#define DX 10.0 |
#define DY 10.0 |
#define PX 0. |
#define PY 0. |
//#define PEEE -1. |
#define DPX 0.1 |
#define DPY 0.1 |
#define DPZ 0.1 |
33 |
34 |
TRandom3 r(123456); |
//additional flags and controls related to G4 core |
35 |
TRandom3 dprx(123); |
((TGeant4*)gMC)->ProcessGeantMacro(PAM_VMC+"/config/g4config2.in"); |
36 |
TRandom3 dpry(456); |
37 |
TRandom3 dprz(321); |
38 |
TRandom3 drx(132); |
//maximum allowed steps per track, default 30000 |
39 |
TRandom3 dry(465); |
((TGeant4*)gMC)->SetMaxNStep(50000); |
40 |
41 |
for (Int_t i=0; i<EVENTS; i++){ |
//define particle. Important. Is shold be done before any |
42 |
Double_t rig = r.Uniform(RMIN,RMAX); |
//definition of energy or momentum |
43 |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetRigidity(rig); |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetParticle(1000020040); |
44 |
45 |
Double_t dpx = dprx.Uniform(-DPX,DPX); |
//define direction, theta, phi (radians) |
46 |
Double_t dpy = dpry.Uniform(-DPY,DPY); |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetDirection(-TMath::Pi()/180.*0., |
47 |
Double_t dpz = dprz.Uniform(-DPZ,DPZ); |
TMath::Pi()/90.*0.); |
48 |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetDirection(PX+dpx,PY+dpy,-1.0+dpz); |
49 |
//define total kinetic energy (GeV) |
50 |
Double_t dx = drx.Uniform(-DX,DX); |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetKinEnergy(8.); |
51 |
Double_t dy = dry.Uniform(-DY,DY); |
52 |
//define initial position in PAMELA reference system |
53 |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetPosition(X0+dx,Y0+dy,Z0); |
appl->GetPrimaryGenerator()->SetPosition(2.,2.,120.); |
54 |
appl->RunMC(1); |
55 |
56 |
//run MC in loop and visualize for 1 evnent |
57 |
for (Int_t i=0; i<11; i++){ |
58 |
if (i==10) ((TGeant4*)gMC)->ProcessGeantMacro(PAM_VMC+"/config/g4vis.in"); |
59 |
appl->RunMC(1); |
60 |
} |
} |
// Visualization settings |
// ((TGeant4*)gMC)->ProcessGeantMacro("../macro/g4vis.in"); |
// Run MC |
// appl->RunMC(1000); |
appl->FinishRun(); |
// ((TGeant4*)gMC)->StartGeantUI(); |
// delete appl; |
61 |
62 |
} |
//Starting Geant-4 interface if needed |
63 |
//((TGeant4*)gMC)->StartGeantUI(); |
64 |
65 |
// finish run, write output files |
66 |
appl->FinishRun(); |
67 |
delete appl; |
68 |
} |