/[PAMELA software]/PamVMC/aux/old.seed
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Contents of /PamVMC/aux/old.seed

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Jun 12 18:39:08 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by pam-rm2
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r0, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
- Introduced user-defined names of output files and random seeds number.
Users can do it use options of PamVMCApplication constructor:
PamVMCApplication(const char* name,  const char *title, const char*
filename="pamtest", Int_t seed=0).
The Random object that I use is TRandom3 object which has astronomical
large period (in case of default initialization 0). All random generators
in the code use this object by calling of gRandom singleton which keeps

- Corrected TOF digitization routine. No problems with TDC hits due to
hadronic interactions anymore.

- Some small changes was done to compile code under Root 5.23. +
geant4_vmc v. 2.6 without any warnings

- Some classes of PamG4RunConfiguartion was changed for geant4_vmc v.
2.6.Some obsolete classes was deleted as soon as developers implemented

- Navigation was changed from "geomRootToGeant4" to "geomRoot", because on
VMC web page written that as soon as Geant4 has no option ONLY/MANY
translation of overlapped geometry to Geant4 through VGM could be wrong.
I'd like to stay with Root navigation:
http://root.cern.ch/root/vmc/Geant4VMC.html. This should be default

- New Tracker digitization routine written by Sergio was implemented

- PamVMC again became compatible with geant4_vmc v.2.5 and ROOT 5.20.
 The problem was that ROOT developers introduced in TVirtualMC class a new
method SetMagField and new base class:TVirtualMagField from which
user-defined classes shoukd be derived

1 12AF7A 0 181CD 3039B6698493
2 37 585F02600A3FE7347A
3 D82503A03FC2C85EC0E102463FE7F6F7E34F6A373FEB6A992F0CAC483FE8D4EA
4 328563413FEDEBE436AC03ED3FE9D6A3B83DFAF43FDED1E99AAF1E283FB457E2
5 9FBFE23FECAA8CAA8504203FE15EC86D65B6173FE48CF5C0D22B543FE0E710
6 AFE844323FE3AFED552CCEA73FEF7C17305327603FE01DDFD5E45BF83FEF2B2E
7 D0E2F9F63FE2B66E5C154E703FB02923FA3EA0873FE00B49BFD94A403FC729AA
8 721609943FEE42DE66BFC3803F72077894394CE43FC1342F B39C1783FDAA800
9 7DAEE1043FCA2B1D14B064E63FDF6F8294671ABB3FEBAA41A851E7F63FE85738
10 EFB62A883FB584BE2A8E29483FCABEA592E664A03F99348FD0AE9C823FDF0ABF
11 5999DDE03FBF8E0D38B491773FE206C485FF47803F948962EC1FDCA53FE9E4E7
12 D2B36F203FBD1CECC29911503FEC54C75A32DD663FDD4DA44B4922183FE5D0A5
13 3E4C66803FBEA816ED8954DC3FD3392593343E303FEDC00E1C00A2603FB36F68
14 6400F4443FCC6B8F101177F43FCEBBE7CD6886A43FEE509DF1FCBC573FE6AFF4
15 12ACA7FC3FEAB3C9B0DCF20E3FDA8E69B283CB403F91AFEB8A1E3E583FE10072
16 285398063FE40589EB36E0903FCA48663B7867903FCCF4B63E6CC0C63FE3E357
17 C91A50303FC3FBFA11EC4A853FED82598C0C9D803FAFA3DB39908C223FE3CE9B
18 F64ED1D83FBC544B70B7EE3E3FE55961F5EDBE583FCEB555C96F05813FEB3A8C
19 53AD8E583FDE0656C74908683FDF3DB46E75AA1A3FE8078263F013BA3FE90178
20 DDF4E84F3FE1BBA45FFD5DAE3FEAF5FF36390B2D3FE0469D4C1796503FB89FC6
21 F43C52303FD9129F6F99D27C3FDC22F88E7804E43FC0B3181C9653E83FD01E2F
22 4F6224583FB968041FD5690D3FEB124EC5FB53323FDAC18382B041B33FEEB577
23 B687F9493FE2ECB9AED799BC3FCAC01BD8204D903FB169765BF91CAE3FE39077
24 3A17BD803FE3FA633FFBCAEC3FDAFE594667B1223FE6E071179ED2563FD6726D
25 976234293FE68E9E3D339D223FDAA6F2CA1BE0303FA3783F559163473FE87253
26 DE9E413C3FD86011402BD52D3FE804D6AAF0DF983FB65DBB3D2D77703FA50B93
27 5173FF4F3FEFBA7A

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