/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/makefile
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Contents of /PamCut/makefile

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Aug 14 10:29:33 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +10 -11 lines
Some slight modifications to output format.

1 #
2 # ************ PamCut makefile ************
3 #
4 # Author: Nicola Mori
5 #
6 # This makefile will produce a cut library libPamCut.so. In the "Build options"
7 # section the various compilation options can be set; they will propagate to the
8 # whole project.
9 #
12 # ------------------------------- Build options ----------------------------#
13 #
14 # Normally you will not have the necessity to modify what lies below, if you
15 # correctly specified the names for the submakefiles in include.mk. Modify
16 # the options below to set optimization flags, compiler name and so on.
17 #
19 # C++ compiler and linker
20 C++ = g++
22 # Optimization flags.
23 # 1) Use -O, -O1, -O2, -O3 to optimize for speed or -g, -g1, -g2, -g3
24 # for debugging (slower execution).
25 # 2) Uncomment -DDEBUGPAMCUT to enable debug sections in the .cpp code (these sections must be included between
26 # "#ifdef DEBUGPAMCUT" and "#endif"). Note that if you
27 # use debug instructions also in the .h code (headers) you will also have to add -DDEBUGPAMCUT
28 # to the compiler options for the main analysis program.
32 # Library flags
33 # Pamela software is modular, so some libraries may not be available in some istallations.
34 # To avoid linking problems, here you can define flags to exclude those parts of the
35 # PamCut software which make use of unavailable libraries. Remember to place
36 # the code to be excluded between proper preprocessor directives. See the documentation or the cut
37 # TofNucleiZCut for an example.
42 # Put below the files on which every .cpp must depend on, ie., those files that,
43 # if modified, will trigger a complete recompilation of the project.
44 COMMONDEPS = makefile
46 # The file include.mk contains the inclusion of all the sub-makefiles (subdir.mk)
47 # in the project. Includes for new cuts must be added there and not below...
48 -include include.mk
50 #-------------------------------- Make body --------------------------------#
51 #
52 # Below the make commands are defined. There are no options to set in this section,
53 # so it has to be modified only in case of radical changes to the make procedure.
55 # Remove command for clean
56 RM := rm -rf
58 # Additional dependencies from headers of other software (PAMELA, ROOT)
59 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
60 ifneq ($(strip $(CPP_DEPS)),)
61 -include $(CPP_DEPS)
62 endif
63 endif
65 # All Target
66 all: libPamCut.so
67 @echo
68 @echo "**** Compiler version and compilation host ****"
69 @$(C++) --version | grep GCC
70 @hostname
71 @echo
73 # Tool invocations
74 libPamCut.so: $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS)
75 @echo 'Building target: $@'
76 @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Linker'
77 $(C++) -shared -o"libPamCut.so" $(OBJS)
78 @echo 'Finished building target: $@'
79 @echo ' '
81 # Other Targets
82 clean:
83 -$(RM) $(CPP_DEPS) $(OBJS) libPamCut.so
84 -@echo ' '
86 distclean:
87 @rm -f ${PAM_LIB}/libPamCut.so
88 @rm -rf ${PAM_INC}/PamCut
89 @echo Installed files successfully removed.
91 install:
92 @if [[ "${PAM_INC}" == "" || "${PAM_LIB}" == "" ]]; then \
93 echo Pamela environment not set. ; \
94 else \
95 rootdir=`pwd`; \
96 for file in `find -name "*.h"`; do \
97 dir=`dirname $${file} | sed 's/.\///'`; \
98 mkdir -p ${PAM_INC}/PamCut/$${dir}; \
99 cp -u $${file} ${PAM_INC}/PamCut/$${dir}; \
100 done; \
101 cp -u libPamCut.so ${PAM_LIB}; \
102 fi
103 @echo PamCut installed.
105 .PHONY: all clean distclean install

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