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1 pam-fi 1.1 \documentclass{article}
3     \title{PamCut Developer's Guide}
4     \author{Nicola Mori}
6     \begin{document}
7     \maketitle
8     \tableofcontents
9     \section{The philosophy}
11     {\bf PamCut} is an abstract class, defining the interface for a cut object used
12     in the analysis of PAMELA data. The main idea beyond the development is that a
13     cut object must be capable of saying if an event is good or not, ie., if it
14     satisfies some selection criteria. This criteria have to be implemented from
15     scratch every time a specific cut is needed, by defining a concrete class which
16     inherits form {\bf PamCut} and provides an implementation for the pure virtual
17     method {\bf Check}.
18     A special derived class is {\bf PamCutCollection}. This is a sort of a
19 pam-fi 1.5 container for basic cuts, and is considered as a single cut. It has an {\bf
20     AddCut} method which will add a cut to the collection. Its {\bf Check}
21 pam-fi 1.1 implementation simply invokes all the {\bf Check}s of the single cuts, and it
22 pam-fi 1.5 is successful if all the single cuts are succesful. {\bf PamCut} also provides
23     the interface for two methods for post-processing: {\bf OnGood} and {\bf
24     OnBad}. In derived classes these can contain specific tasks to be performed
25     whenever an event satisfy the {\bf Check} condition or not. The method {\bf
26     ApplyCut} takes care of invoking {\bf Check} and subsequently calls {\bf
27     OnGood} or {\bf OnBad} according to the result of {\bf Check}. Summarizing,
28     {\bf Check}ing an event simply means to ask the object if the event satisfy
29     the selection criteria; applying a cut means to check and then perform
30     post-selection tasks. The cut can be applied to a bunch of events by means of
31     the {\bf Process} method.
32 pam-fi 1.1
33     \subsection{More on collections}
34     A collection is an object which inherits from {\bf PamCutCollection}, which in
35     turn inherits from {\bf PamCut}. So a collection is a cut itself, meaning that
36     its interface contains a {\bf Check} method, an {\bf ApplyCut} method and so
37     on. Logically, this is in agreement with the fact that a bunch of cuts can be
38     thought of as a single cut whose result is the logical AND of all the basic
39     cuts. More specifically, the implementation chosen for {\bf PamCutCollection}
40     methods consists in simply performing a cyclic call of the corresponding
41     methods in basic cuts. So {\bf PamCutCollection::Check} will subsequently call
42     all the {\bf Check} methods of the basic cuts it contains, and {\bf
43     PamCutCollection::ApplyCut} will call the basic {\bf ApplyCut}s. This last
44     feature deserves some more words. When the collection calls a basic {\bf
45     ApplyCut}, the basic cut will also perform its specific post-selection tasks as
46     defined in its implementations of {\bf OnGood} and {\bf OnBad}. If all the
47     basic cuts result to be satisfied, then {\bf PamCutCollection::ApplyCut} will
48     call {\bf PamCutCollection::OnGood}, allowing for the execution of a
49     post-processing task which occurs only if all the basic selection criteria are
50     satisfied. Indeed, as said above a collection is a cut, so it behaves exactly
51     like a cut: when you apply it, you will also do the apprpriate post-processing.
52     We have then two levels of post-processing: the first is triggered by success
53     of a basic cut, the second by the success of the whole sequence of basic cuts.
54     This modular behaviour achieved with collections allow for a definition of a
55     hierarchy of cuts: a collection can contain other collections, which in turn
56     can contain other collections or basic cuts, in a tree-like hierarchy. Each
57     level has its own post-selection tasks, allowing for a fine control of the
58     post-processing procedure.
60     To perform some tests it could be useful to have a collection which applies
61     the whole bunch cuts to all the events, regardless if some cuts are not
62     satisfied for a specific event ({\bf PamCutCollection} stop the evaluation for
63     the current event as soon as a cut is not satisfied). This is achieved with the
64     {\bf BlindCutCollection} class, which blindly checks all the cuts for all the
65     events. This will lead to a call to {\bf OnGood} or {\bf OnBad} for all the
66     cuts for each event; the collection will the call its own {\bf OnGood} or {\bf
67     OnBad} if all the cuts have been satisfied or not, much like in
68     {\bf PamCutCollection}. See the Doxygen html documentation for more info about
69     {\bf BlindCutCollection} and other specific cut implementations.
71 pam-fi 1.5 \subsection{Collections and memory management}
73     Regarding to cuts ownership, a collection will by default own its cuts. This
74     means that when you add a cut to a collection calling {\bf AddCut} with a
75     pointer to the cut as argument, the collection will store this pointer and
76     will take charge of deleting it. This is done by the collection's destructor.
77     This way, a user can simply add a cut to a collection and forget about
78     deleting it. However, sometimes this feature is not desirable, so it can be
79     turned off by passing a proper value to the collection's constructor. In this
80     case, the user is in charge of managing the memory allocated for the cuts.
83 pam-fi 1.1 \section{Actions and the SmartCollection}
84     When performing an analysis, each time an event is selected as good some
85     actions are likely to be performed, like filling histograms or writing a
86     report. To automate these tasks, the class {\bf CollectionAction} has been
87     designed. A {\bf CollectionAction} object has a {\bf Setup} method which
88     may contain the initialization procedures, like reading parameters from a file.
89     Also the constructor can contain some initializations. The finalization, like
90     writing histograms on a file, is in the {\bf Finalize} method. The specific
91     actions for good and bad events are to be defined in the {\bf OnGood} and {\bf
92     OnBad} methods, much like in collections. {\bf CollecionAction} is an abstract
93     class, which does nothing but defining the interface. Its concrete
94     implementations will be called actions.\\
95     Actions are automatically handled by the {\bf SmartCollection} class. It
96     inherits from {PamCutCollection}, and contains a vector of {\bf
97 pam-fi 1.5 CollectionAction} objects. These actions can be added calling {\bf
98 pam-fi 1.1 SmartCollection::AddAction}; for each of them, the collection will take care of
99     calling {\bf Setup} at the beginning of the analysis, {\bf OnGood} and {\bf
100     OnBad} for every event (depending on the selection result), and {\bf Finalize}
101     at the end of the analysis. In all other aspects, it behaves exactly as {\bf
102 pam-fi 1.2 PamCutCollection}. The handling of the actions depend on their position with
103     respect to cuts. In the main analysis code, cuts can be added to the
104     collection; then, an action or more can be added. This sequence of cuts and the
105     actions added after the cuts will be called a bunch. The last bunch may have no
106     actions at its end.
107     \begin{verbatim}
108     .
109     .
110     .
111     Cut1 cut1(``cut1'');
112     Cut2 cut2(``cut2'');
113     Action1 action1(``action1'');
115     Cut1 cut3(``cut3'');
116     Cut2 cut4(``cut4'');
117     Cut1 cut5(``cut5'');
118     Cut2 cut6(``cut6'');
119     Action1 action2(``action2'');
120     Action1 action3(``action3'');
121     .
122     .
123     .
124     \end{verbatim}
125     In the example above, {\bf cut1}, {\bf cut2} and {\bf action1} are the first
126     bunch, {\bf cut3}, {\bf cut4}, {\bf cut5}, {\bf cut6}, {\bf action2} and {\bf
127     action3} are the second bunch and so on. If all the cuts in the bunch are
128     successful, the {\bf SmartCollection} will call {\bf OnGood} for every action
129     in that bunch, and then the analysis will go on with the next bunch for the same
130     event. If a certain cut in a bunch fails, then {\bf OnBad} is called for the
131     actions of the bunch, but successive bunches are ignored; the current event is
132     discarded and the focus switches on the next one (the {\bf
133     SmartBlindCollection} behaves a little different; see the Doxygen
134     documentation for more details.)
135     \\
136 pam-fi 1.1 Loosely speaking, after defining an action one simply has to instantiate it,
137 pam-fi 1.2 add it to a {\bf SmartCollection} and launch the analysis.
138 pam-fi 1.1
139 pam-fi 1.5 \subsection{SmartCollections and memory management}
140     Like the standard collection, SmartCollection can handle the memory management
141     for actions. This works exactly as for cuts. Cuts and actions have to be
142     managed uniformly, ie., one cannot turn off ownership only for cuts or only for
143     actions.
145 pam-fi 1.1 \section{The software organization}
146     The software is organized in a tree of directories. The idea is that each node
147     of this tree must provide the necessary informations about the sub-branches. In
148     each directory, a header file will contain \verb1#include1 directives for all
149     header files in the sub-directories. This way, it is sufficient to include the
150     top-level header in the analysis software to automatically include all the
151     headers of the project. This top-level header is {\it PamCutEnv.h}. Each time a
152     sub-directory is created, the headers it contains must be included in the
153     parent node's header.
155     \subsection{The makefile organization}
156     The instructions to build the software library are encoded in the standard {\bf
157     make} way, following the same tree structure of the software. Each node
158     directory contains an {\it include.mk} file, which includes all the
159     {include.mk} in the sub-directories. This chain of inclusions terminates on the
160     leaves, which most of the times contain the definition and implementation of
161     the classes. Each leaf directory must provide build instructions for the files
162     it contains, in a file called {\it subdir.mk}; this file has to be included in
163     the upper {\it include.mk}. The top level {\it include.mk} is included by
164     the {\it makefile}.\\
165     This way, each directory takes care of its sub-directories, letting a quick and
166     easy addition of the latters.
168     \section{The software architecture}
169     The software is organized in a tree of directories. The root folder contains a
170     {\it PamCutBase} folder, in which the definitions of the base classes ({\bf
171     PamCut} and {\bf PamCutCollection}) are stored, and the general headers {\it
172     PamCutEnv.h} and {\it CommonDefs.h}. {\it PamCutEnv.h} contains the inclusion
173     of all the headers of the framework, allowing for the use of the entire
174     software with only one \verb1#include1 in the code; {\it CommonDefs.h} contains
175     all the definitions which are relevant for the entire framework.
176     To develop a specific cut one has to define a derived class from {\bf PamCut},
177     which at least must provide a concrete implementation of {\bf Check}. One can
178     also define new versions of {\bf OnGood} and {\bf OnBad} for specific
179     post-selection tasks (in the base class these methods do nothing). Be very
180     careful if you decide to redefine {\bf ApplyCut}: remeber that the interface
181     requires them to call the post-selection routines.
182     A good rule for keeping the software distribution clean is to use a different
183     folder for each cut definition, named as the cut itself. When you define a new
184     cut, create a folder named as the cut inside an adequate parent directory and
185     place the {\it .h} and {\it .cpp} files inside it. To speed up development, you may copy
186     and paste an existing cut and then modify it.\\
187     In the same way, actions can be defined.
189     \section{How to define a cut}
190     As said above, to define a cut (let's name it {\bf DummyCut}) it is suggested
191     to create a folder {\it DummyCut} inside, eg., a {\bf DummyDir} directory
192     inside the root folder, and to create inside it two files: {\it DummyCut.h},
193     which will contain all the declarations, and {\it DummyCut.cpp}, where the
194     implementation will be coded. A typical structure for {\it DummyCut.h} would be:
196     \begin{verbatim}
197     #ifndef DUMMYCUT_H_
198     #define DUMMYCUT_H_
200     /*! @file DummyCut.h The DummyCut class declaration file */
202     #include "../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h"
204     /*! @brief An example cut. */
205     class DummyCut: public PamCut {
206     public:
208     /*! @brief Constructor. */
209     Dummy(char *cutName):
210     PamCut(cutName) {
211     }
213     /*! @brief Destructor. */
214     ~DummyCut() {
215     }
217     /*! @brief The dummy cut check
218     *
219     * This routine checks the event using the dummy cut criteria.
220     *
221     * @param event The event to analyze.
222     * @return CUTOK if the dummy cut is satisfied
223     */
224     int Check(PamLevel2 *event);
226     };
228     #endif /* DUMMYCUT_H_ */
230     \end{verbatim}
232     Note the inclusion of {\it PamCutBase.h}: this is essential to let {\bf
233     DummyClass} know about its parent class, which in this case is {\bf PamCut}.
234     Another thing to care about is the multiple inclusion protection, ie., the
235     preprocessor directives:
236     \begin{verbatim}
237     #ifndef DUMMYCUT_H_
238     #define DUMMYCUT_H_
239     .
240     .
241     .
242     #endif /* DUMMYCUT_H_ */
243     \end{verbatim}
244     This provide protection against multiple inclusion of a header in a single
245     compilation unit due to circular inclusion; in practice, it will save the
246     developer a lot of double definition errors from the compiler. Be sure that all
247     your headers are encapsulated in such a structure, and that for each header
248     there is a different name after \verb1#ifndef1 (which must match the successive
249     \verb1#define1); otherwise, the compiler could skip the inclusion of some
250     headers. The convention adopted in {\bf PamCut} for such tags is:
251     \verb1<Filename in uppercase>_H_1, which provides univocal tags for each header.
253     The essential redeclarations are: the constructor, the desctructor and {\bf
254     Check}. Constructor deserves some observations: since constructors are not
255     inherited, each class must have its own. However, if a class has a parent
256     class, it is necessary to initialize also the parent class. If the parent class
257     has a default constructor (ie., a constructor without arguments) the compiler
258     will automatically call it and the user has nothing to worry about. However,
259     {\bf PamCut} has no default constructor, so in every derived class there must
260     be an explicit call to the {\bf PamCut} constructor. This is what is done in
261     the lines:
263     \begin{verbatim}
264     Dummy(char *cutName):
265     PamCut(cutName) {
266     }
267     \end{verbatim}
268     {\bf PamCut} objects have a name, internally stored in the {\bf \_cutName}; so
269     our {\bf DummyClass}, since it inherits from {\bf PamCut}, must also have a
270     name. Its constructor, indeed, requires a string containing the cut's name. But
271     in {\bf DummyCut} there's no local variable to store it, and there's no need to
272     define one since it is already present in {\bf PamCut}. The only thing to do is
273     to initialize it exactly as {\bf PamCut} would do: this is the purpose of
274     invoking \verb1PamCut(cutName)1. As an aside, what follows the colon after the
275     {\bf DummyCut} constructor declaration is called \emph{initialization list}:
276     here one can (and must) call the constructors for all the objects and variables
277     contained in the class. These are executed before the class constructor's body,
278     so that one can safely assume that at construction time all the internal
279     objects and variables are properly initialized.
281     To recap and generalize, when you write a derived class you must always call
282     the constructor of its parent class, which will take care about initializing
283     the ``parent core'' of the derived class.
285     One can also redefine {\bf OnGood}, {\bf OnBad}, add new methods, variables and
286     so on. If you plan to build a general purpose cut who could be used by
287     different people please take the time to add the appropriate documentation to
288     the code. In the example, Doxygen comment lines (beginning with \verb1/*!1)
289     are shown; an on-line guide for Doxygen can be found at:
290     \newline
291     \newline
292     \verb1 http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual.html1
294     \vspace{.5cm}
295     Once the header has been prepared, it's time to implement the cut into {\it
296     DummyCut.cpp}:
298     \begin{verbatim}
299     /*! @file DummyCut.cpp The DummyCut class implementation file */
301     #include "DummyCut.h"
303     int DummyCut::Check(PamLevel2 * event) {
305     if (<Some condition about the event>)
306     return CUTOK;
307     else
308     return 0;
309     }
310     \end{verbatim}
312     In this very simple implementation a basic feature is noticeable: the interface
313     requires that whenever an event satisfy the selection criterion, {\bf Check}
314     must return the {\bf CUTOK} value. This value is defined in {\it CommonDefs.h}.
315     The return value for a discarded event is implementation-specific, and can be
316     anything but {\bf CUTOK}. This return value could take different values
317     depending on the reason why the event has been discarded: for example, it can
318     be a number associated to a specific detector whose data is missing in a data
319     quality cut. It is then passed to {\bf OnBad}, which can perform some task
320     depending on the specific reason of the cut failure (eg., on which detector has
321     no data).
322     Remember also to include the header file.
324     \section{How to setup the cut's build} \label{sec:build}
325     Once a cut has been declared and implemented, the makefiles have to be adjusted
326     to include it in the cut library. The {\it makefile} provided with the software
327     will build a library called {\it libPamCut.so}, which can be then linked to a
328     specific analysis code. It is based on a submakefile structure. Each folder
329     containing a cut must also include one of these submakefiles (named {\it
330     subdir.mk} by convention), who instructs the main {\it makefile} on how to build
331     the newly added cut. An example is:
333     \begin{verbatim}
334     # Choose a name for the object file. This must coincide with the
335     # .cpp and .h filename, except for the extension which has to
336     # be .o
337     OBJS += ./DummyDir/DummyCut/DummyCut.o
339     # Dependencies file. The extension must be .d, and the name equal
340     # to the cut name.
341     CPP_DEPS += ./DummyDir/DummyCut/DummyCut.d
343     # Rules for compilation. You will likely have only to specify
344     # the path. Put the directory path:
345     # here here
346     ./DummyDir/DummyCut/%.o: ./DummyDir/DummyCut/%.cpp
347     @echo 'Building file: $<'
348     @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler'
349     $(C++) -I${ROOTSYS}/include -I${PAM_INC} -I${PAM_INC}/yoda \
350     -Wall -c -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)"\
351     -o"$@" "$<"
352     @echo 'Finished building: $<'
353     @echo ' '
355     \end{verbatim}
357     Existing files can be used as a template. The first thing you have to modify
358     is the object name (\verb1OBJS1 variable): be careful to append the object name
359     to \verb1OBJS1 using \verb1+=1 instead of overwriting it with \verb1=1. The
360     paths in this file will be relative to the root directory where the {\it
361     makefile} is, eg., \verb1./1 is not the {\it DummyCut} directory where {\it
362     subdir.mk} is, but the root directory which contains the {\it makefile}. The
363     object file ({\it DummyCut.o}) must be named as the cut and the directory that
364     contains the cut. The \verb1CPP_DEPS1 variable must be similarly modified.
365     This variable contains a list of dependency files, which contains all the
366     external headers (eg., PAMELA and ROOT headers) {\bf PamCut} depends on. These
367     lists are automatically generated, and allows {\it make} to rebuild {\bf
368     PamCut} whenever one of these headers are modified. Finally, one has also to
369     put the directory name in the target line which precedes the build command,
370     just below \verb1here1.
372     After creating the {\it subdir.mk}, it must be included in the {\it include.mk}
373     in the parent directory. It looks like this:
375     \begin{verbatim}
376     # Include here the submakefiles for each cut
378     # Cuts
379     -include DummyDir/DummyCut/subdir.mk
380     .
381     .
382     .
383     \end{verbatim}
386     Remember to write paths as relative to the root directory. Going backward along
387     the chain of inclusions leads to the {\it makefile}:
389     \begin{verbatim}
390     # ------------------------ Build options ----------------------#
392     # C++ compiler and linker
393     C++ = g++
395     # Optimization flags.
398     # Library flags
401     COMMONDEPS = makefile
403     -include include.mk
405     #------------------------ Make body ---------------------------#
406     #
407     # Below the make commands are defined. There are no options to
408     # set in this section, so it has to be modified only in case of
409     # radical changes to the make procedure.
411     # Remove command for clean
412     RM := rm -rf
414     # Additional dependencies from headers of other software
415     # (PAMELA, ROOT)
416     ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
417     ifneq ($(strip $(CPP_DEPS)),)
418     -include $(CPP_DEPS)
419     endif
420     endif
422     # All Target
423     all: version libPamCut.so
425     # Tool invocations
426     libPamCut.so: $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS)
427     @echo 'Building target: $@'
428     @echo 'Invoking: GCC C++ Linker'
429     $(C++) -shared -o"libPamCut.so" $(OBJS)
430     @echo 'Finished building target: $@'
431     @echo ' '
433     # Other Targets
434     clean:
435     -$(RM) $(CPP_DEPS) $(OBJS) libPamCut.so
436     -@echo ' '
438     version:
439     @gcc --version | grep gcc; echo
441     .PHONY: all clean dependents version
442     \end{verbatim}
444     The Build options section is the one that will most likely need a modification
445     if one wants to tweak the compilation; the make body will most of the times be
446     good as it is. The {\it makefile} contains comments to explain how to set the
447     various options.\\
448     The first option to set is the compiler: g++ will work on
449     almost all Linux systems. Next is the optimization level, which could be set to
450     one of the proposed values according to the specific necessities. The {\it
451     makefile} comments contains also instructions on how to enable debug sections
452     in the code.\\
453     Since the PAMELA software is modular, in some setups it may lack some libraries
454     needed by some cuts. When designing such a cut it is a good habit to setup
455     its eventual exclusion from the library. This can be efficiently done using
456     the compiler directive \verb1#ifdef1. For example, encapsulating all the code
457     in the header and implementation files of {\bf DummyCut} in a structure like
458     this:
460     \begin{verbatim}
461     #ifdef NO_DUMMYCUT
462     .
463     .
464     .
465     #endif
466     \end{verbatim}
468     \noindent will completely exclude {\bf DummyCut} from the environment if the
469     flag \verb1NO_DUMMYCUT1 is defined. It can be done passing the parameter
470     \verb1-DNO_DUMMYCUT1 to the compiler. These exclusion flags can be defined in
471     the \verb1EXCLUSIONFLAGS1 variable. A concrete example is given by
472     {\bf TofNucleiZCut}, which requires the {\bf ToFNuclei} library: look at it to
473     see how its exclusion from the code is implemented, allowing to build and use
474     {\bf PamCut} in those environments that do not include {\bf ToFNuclei}. In the
475     end, this is very similar to what is done with the debug sections.\\
476     The \verb1COMMONDEPS1 flag contains the files which, if modified, will trigger
477     a complete rebuild of the library. For example, if you change the {\it
478     makefile} by modifying an optimization option all the modules should be rebuilt
479     so that the whole library will have the same level of optimization. That's why
480     {\it makefile} is in \verb1COMMONDEPS1. Add all the other files that should
481     behave like this.\\
483     If you need some extra modifications to the building system you need to know
484     more about {\it make}; an online guide is at:
485     \newline
486     \verb1http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/programming_tool_guides/1
487     \newline
488     \verb1 gnu_make_user_guide/make.html#SEC_Top1
491     \section{How to define an action}
492     Defining an action is very similar to defining a cut. An example header:
494     \begin{verbatim}
495     #ifndef DUMMYACTION_H_
496     #define DUMMYACTION_H_
498     #include "../CollectionAction/CollectionAction.h"
500     /*! @brief A dummy action definition. */
501     class DummyAction: public CollectionAction {
503     public:
504     /*! @brief Constructor.
505     *
506     * @param actionName The action's name.
507     */
508     DummyAction(const char *actionName):
509     CollectionAction(actionName){}
511     /*! @brief Destructor */
512     ~DummyAction() {
513     }
515     /*! @brief The setup procedure.
516     *
517     * @param events The events pointer.
518     */
519     void Setup(PamLevel2 *events);
521     /*! @brief The OnGood procedure.
522     *
523     * @param event The selected event.
524     */
525     void OnGood(PamLevel2 *event);
527     /*! @brief Writes the tree of saved events to the output file. */
528     void Finalize();
529     };
531     #endif /* DUMMYACTION_H_ */
533     \end{verbatim}
535     The {\bf DummyAction} declaration above is a good example. The action classes
536     must inherit from {\bf CollectionAction}, and their constructor have to call
537     the constructor of the ancestor class in the initialization list, similarly to
538     what happens for cuts. Then some of the base class' methods are overridden,
539     specifically {\bf Setup}, {\bf OnGood} and {\bf Finalize}. The last two methods
540     have to be overridden, since they are pure virtual (an action is supposed to do
541     something for good events and something to end the analysis, so making these
542     methods pure virtual is a way to enforce a definition in the derived classes).
543     Conversely, {\bf Setup} and {\bf OnBad} are concrete in the base class, with
544     void implementation: since not all actions would need a setup (it can be done
545     also in the constructor) or a procedure for bad events, this implementation
546     allows to not define them in derived classes. Obviously, the re-declared
547     methods in the header have to have a re-definition in a .cpp file, exactly as
548     for the cuts.
550     \section{How to setup the actions's build}
551     This topic is very similar to that explained in sec. \ref{sec:build}, so it
552     should be straightforward. However, look at the provided concrete
553     implementations of actions if you need some example to setup your build.
555     \section{How to build and use the library}
556 pam-fi 1.3 \subsection{Standard Pamela environment}
557 pam-fi 1.1 If the makefiles are correctly set up, the only remaining thing is to type
558     \verb1make all1. Remember to set the PAMELA environment with the set\_pam\_env
559     script BEFORE invoking \verb1make1. This will generate a {\it libPamCut.so} file
560     which will contain all the cuts. To clean the project and build from scratch
561 pam-fi 1.3 type \verb1make clean all1. The software can then be installed in the usual
562     Pamela environment calling \verb1make install1: this will place all the
563     headers in the folder \verb1$PAM_INC/PamCut1 and the {\it libPamCut.so} file in
564     \verb1$PAM_LIB1. To eliminate the installed files call \verb1make distclean1;
565     note that this will NOT do the work of \verb1make clean1, eg., clean the
566     project, but simply remove the files copied in the Pamela directories. Remember
567     to type \verb1make install1 each time you modify and recompile the software, to
568     upgrade the installed version to the new one.
570     To use the library in an analysis code the
571 pam-fi 1.1 environment header must be included in the code:
572     \verb1#include "<root PamCutdirectory>/PamCutEnv.h"1. With this, all the
573     classes and common definitions will be accessible. A typical usage of {\bf
574     PamCut} inside the analysis code would look like:
576     \begin{verbatim}
577 pam-fi 1.3
578     #include <PamCut/PamCutEnv.h>
580     int main(){
581     .
582     .
583     .
585 pam-fi 1.5 PamCutCollection collection("Collection");
586 pam-fi 1.1
587     DummyCut1 dummy1;
588     collection.AddCut(dummy1);
589     DummyCut2 dummy2(param);
590     collection.AddCut(dummy2);
592     collection.Process(event, 0, event->GetEntries()-1);
594 pam-fi 1.3 .
595     .
596     .
597     }
599 pam-fi 1.1 \end{verbatim}
601     In the simple example above a \verb1DummyCut11 and a \verb1DummyCut21 object
602     (which requires some sort of parameter) are instantiated. They are added to
603     \verb1collection1 which takes care of applying them to all the events.
605 pam-fi 1.3 \subsection{Custom environment}
606     If you don't have access to the Pamela software directories (eg., you don't
607     have write permission on them) you cannot install the software; but you can
608     still use PamCut directly from the source folder.
610     First of all, you have to tell the compiler where to find the {\bf PamCut}'s
611     headers. They are in the main {\bf PamCut} directory, so you may add this
612     option:
613     \newline
614     \verb1 -I<directory>1
615     \newline
616     to the compiler invocation in the {\it makefile} of your main analysis program.
617     This tells the compiler to search for headers in the folder specified after
618     \verb1-I1. So, if {\it <directory>} is the folder which contains the {\bf
619     PamCut}'s main folder, you don't have to change anything in your main analysis
620     file (with respect to what described in the previous subsection), since:
621 pam-fi 1.1 \newline
622 pam-fi 1.3 \verb1 #include <PamCut/PamCutEnv.h>1
623     \newline
624     includes the file {\it PamCutEnv.h} which is in the folder {\it PamCut} in the
625     standard inclusion directories, one of which is the one specified with the
626     \verb1-I1 compiler directive. Obviously, one can play with directories, having
627     care to indicate the right paths to the compiler
628 pam-fi 1.1
629 pam-fi 1.3 The following option must be added to the linker invocation:
630     \newline
631     \verb1 -L<root PamCut directory> -lPamCut1.
632     \newline
633     to tell the linker where the dynamic library is.
635     Then, when the analysis code is compiled and linked against libPamCut.so, to
636 pam-fi 1.1 launch it it's necessary to tell the environment where the library is, so that
637     the program can dynamically access it at runtime. This information is encoded
638     in the environment variable LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH, which contains the paths of the
639     accessible libraries. If libPamCut.so is still in the root PamCut directory one
640     can type:
641     \newline
642     \verb1export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<root PamCut directory>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH1
643     \newline
644     This has to be done every time you open a shell; one way to avoid this is to
645     append the above line at the end of your set\_pam\_env script, so that it will
646     be automatically executed every time you set your PAMELA environment.
648     \section{Usage summary}
649     Here's a short summary on how to develop a cut, build and use it. If one only
650     \begin{enumerate}
651     \item Obtain the code (from tarball, repository\ldots) and go in the root
652     code directory.
653     \item Check if the \verb1C++1 option in the Build section of {\it makefile}
654     is correctly set with the C++ compiler name present in your system (for many
655     Linux platform, \verb1g++1 is a safe choice).
656     \item Create a directory named as the cut class you want to develop.
657     \item Place inside the newly created directory a {\it .h} file and a {\it
658     .cpp} file, named as the direcory; edit the files to define and implement the
659     class (one can also cut and paste the files from an existing class and edit
660     them), defining at least the constructor, the distructor and {\bf Check} for
661     the new class.
662     \item Create inside the directory a {\it subdir.mk} file which contains the
663     instructions to build the directory content, as described in \ref{sec:build};
664     as usual, one can cut and paste from an existing class and then edit.
665     \item Modify the {\it makefile} in the root code directory as in
666     \ref{sec:build}, to include the newly developed cut.
667     \item Modify the {\it PamCutEnv.h} file, adding the \verb1#include#1 for the
668     new class header (see examples therein).
669     \item Set the PAMELA environment with the set\_pam\_env script.
670     \item Build the library typing \verb1make all1 (or \verb1make clean all1 to
671     build from scratch); this will produce the library {\it libPamCut.so} in the
672     root code directory, which will contain all the class definitions and
673     implementations.
674     \item Insert \verb1#include ``<root PamCut directory>/PamCutEnv.h#1 in the
675     analysis code, to have access to all the classes in the library.
676     \item Develop the analysis code
677     \end{enumerate}
679     \section{Some advices and suggestions}
680     \begin{itemize}
681     \item Derive your cuts. Try to define a new class every time you need a new
682     cut, instead of modifying an existing one. As an example, you can define a
683     cut with a specific implementation for {\bf Check}, then derive from it many
684     classes which only redefine {\bf OnGood} and {\bf OnBad}. In this way, you
685     can have several post-selection options associated to the same cut; if
686     you'll ever need to modify the cut criteria, you will have to do it only in
687     one place, saving time and reducing code errors opportunities.
688     \item Be consistent with the existing code style. Everyone has its own
689     code style, with its own conventions for naming variables and functions based
690     on personal preferences. Maintaining a uniform code style is a good way to
691     improve the code readability, so it's worth a little effort. The conventions
692     chosen for {\bf PamCut} are:
693     \begin{itemize}
694     \item the names of private and protected members (variables and methods)
695     always begin with an underscore, eg., \verb1_previousOBT1, \verb1_LT1;
696     \item the names of variables usually begin with a lower case; for compound
697     words, the successive initials are upper case, eg., \verb1time1,
698     \verb1liveTime1, \verb1nHitPaddles1;
699     \item the names of classes and methods begin with upper case, eg.,
700     \verb1PamCut1, \verb1GeoFieldCut1, \verb1ApplyCut()1.
701     \end{itemize}
702     Within these conventions, a code row like:
703     \newline
704     \verb1 GeoFieldCut geoFieldCut;1
705     \newline
706     is easily interpreted as the instantiation of a class named
707     \verb1GeoFieldCut1 into an object named \verb1geoFieldCut1. This allows to
708     have objects whose names are almost identical to those of the respective
709     classes, allowing a straightforward type recognition. Also, the discrimination between
710     public and private variables and methods inside a class is immediate.
711     \item Respect the interface. {\bf PamCut} has been designed following precise
712     rules, which allow for a quite general environment that should cover many
713     of the necessities related to data analysis. Try to fit your
714     particular analysis in this scheme; this will result in a much more
715     raedable code. However, someone may need features that are not compatible with
716     the current interface. In this case, the first thing to do is to try a
717     workaround that would leave the interface unchanged. As an example, if the
718     automated post-selection tasks based on {\bf OnGood} and {\bf OnBad} does not
719     satisfy you, you can call directly the {\bf Check} method inside a loop and
720     then do a custom post-processing. In the worst case, the interface could
721     result incompatible with the analysis needs: in this case a redesign
722     hypotheses can be considered if the incompatibility is such that a large
723     piece of the analysis would be compromised. Redesigning is always a tricky
724     task, so it has to be considered as a last option.
725     \item Take care about other people. If you plan to write a code that is
726     likely to be used and modified by other people, please take your time to
727     write the documentation. Documenting the code is a boring and time-consuming
728     task, but can save you and your colleagues a lot of headaches and
729     misunderstandings. The better a code is documented, the lesser are the
730     questions other people will ask you.
731     \end{itemize}
734     \end{document}

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