1 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection}{ |
2 |
\section{SmartCollection Class Reference} |
3 |
\label{classSmartCollection}\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
4 |
} |
5 |
A collection class designed to use \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} objects. |
6 |
7 |
8 |
{\tt \#include $<$SmartCollection.h$>$} |
9 |
10 |
Inheritance diagram for SmartCollection::\begin{figure}[H] |
11 |
\begin{center} |
12 |
\leavevmode |
13 |
\includegraphics[height=5cm]{classSmartCollection} |
14 |
\end{center} |
15 |
\end{figure} |
16 |
\subsection*{Public Member Functions} |
17 |
\begin{CompactItemize} |
18 |
\item |
19 |
\hyperlink{classSmartCollection_597157bb186c4688cd305b62a197009d}{SmartCollection} (const char $\ast$collectionName) |
20 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Constructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
21 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_63fdadd219eb42065c6e9adc63558b63}{ |
22 |
\hyperlink{classSmartCollection_63fdadd219eb42065c6e9adc63558b63}{$\sim$SmartCollection} ()} |
23 |
\label{classSmartCollection_63fdadd219eb42065c6e9adc63558b63} |
24 |
25 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Destructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
26 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_9265adb168bca295f264af65276a002b}{ |
27 |
virtual void \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9265adb168bca295f264af65276a002b}{AddAction} (\hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} \&action)} |
28 |
\label{classSmartCollection_9265adb168bca295f264af65276a002b} |
29 |
30 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Adds an action to the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
31 |
\hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_acadaf64f683e7932c376e924e7020ea}{GetAction} (unsigned int iAction) |
32 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Returns the iAction-th action. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
33 |
void \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9b5b11a854b9e174218ea516ceffb34c}{Setup} (PamLevel2 $\ast$events) |
34 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The pre-analysis task definition. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
35 |
void \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_8105730615ad127a482a7fb399695977}{Finalize} () |
36 |
\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The post-analysis task definition. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
37 |
int \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_98213ec078e9b94ea70c72132757da46}{ApplyCut} (PamLevel2 $\ast$event) |
38 |
\end{CompactItemize} |
39 |
\subsection*{Protected Attributes} |
40 |
\begin{CompactItemize} |
41 |
\item |
42 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_a80a9cf5cab3683a61b47a1145ff8f15}{ |
43 |
std::vector$<$ \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} $\ast$ $>$ \textbf{\_\-actions}} |
44 |
\label{classSmartCollection_a80a9cf5cab3683a61b47a1145ff8f15} |
45 |
46 |
\item |
47 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_732af2b9a16d0c098ce90ed29e15d09f}{ |
48 |
std::vector$<$ unsigned int $>$ \textbf{\_\-actionsPositions}} |
49 |
\label{classSmartCollection_732af2b9a16d0c098ce90ed29e15d09f} |
50 |
51 |
\end{CompactItemize} |
52 |
53 |
54 |
\subsection{Detailed Description} |
55 |
A collection class designed to use \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} objects. |
56 |
57 |
The \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection} class is designed to handle \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} objects. It holds a vector of these objects and takes care of calling Setup and Finalize for each of them at the beginning and at the end of the analysis, respectively. Actions can be added to the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection} by means of the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9265adb168bca295f264af65276a002b}{AddAction()} method. If a bunch of cuts have been already added to the collection, the action will be logically placed after the cuts. The \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection} will call \hyperlink{classCollectionAction_077319900b1cde36b6baca9e6699ec5a}{CollectionAction::OnGood()} if the cuts preceding the actions are satisfied, and \hyperlink{classCollectionAction_ef4ee9fd63c0d232e90694e068e6e339}{CollectionAction::OnBad()} if at least one of them fails. An action will not be sensitive to cuts added to the collection after the action itself. The resulting structure is composed by bunches of cuts intertwined by actions, which are \char`\"{}executed\char`\"{} depending on the result of the bunch of cuts that precedes the action. Note that \hyperlink{classCollectionAction_ef4ee9fd63c0d232e90694e068e6e339}{CollectionAction::OnBad()} is called only for those actions at the end of the bunch where the first failed cut is: if after these actions there are other bunches of cuts and actions, they will be ignored. For example, in the sequence below: |
58 |
59 |
$|$ cut1 $|$ cut2 $|$ action1 $|$ action2 $|$ cut3 $|$ cut4 $|$ action3 $|$ ... |
60 |
61 |
action1 and action2 are executed (eg., OnGood is called for them) if cut1 and cut2 are both satisfied, then cut3 and cut4 are evaluated and if both of them are satisfied then action3 is executed. If, for example, cut 1 or cut2 fail, then OnBad is called for action1 and action2; however, cut3, cut4, action3 and all that follows are ignored. The analysis goes on with the next event. |
62 |
63 |
\subsection{Constructor \& Destructor Documentation} |
64 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_597157bb186c4688cd305b62a197009d}{ |
65 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
66 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
67 |
\subsubsection[{SmartCollection}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}SmartCollection::SmartCollection (const char $\ast$ {\em collectionName})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}inline\mbox{]}}}} |
68 |
\label{classSmartCollection_597157bb186c4688cd305b62a197009d} |
69 |
70 |
71 |
Constructor. |
72 |
73 |
\begin{Desc} |
74 |
\item[Parameters:] |
75 |
\begin{description} |
76 |
\item[{\em collectionName}]The collection's name. \end{description} |
77 |
\end{Desc} |
78 |
79 |
80 |
\subsection{Member Function Documentation} |
81 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_98213ec078e9b94ea70c72132757da46}{ |
82 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!ApplyCut@{ApplyCut}} |
83 |
\index{ApplyCut@{ApplyCut}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
84 |
\subsubsection[{ApplyCut}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int SmartCollection::ApplyCut (PamLevel2 $\ast$ {\em event})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}virtual\mbox{]}}}} |
85 |
\label{classSmartCollection_98213ec078e9b94ea70c72132757da46} |
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87 |
88 |
Applies the cuts and executes the actions. |
89 |
90 |
When cuts are applied, a \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection} will also execute the actions at the end of the bunches of cuts. |
91 |
92 |
\begin{Desc} |
93 |
\item[Parameters:] |
94 |
\begin{description} |
95 |
\item[{\em event}]The event to analyze. \end{description} |
96 |
\end{Desc} |
97 |
98 |
99 |
Reimplemented from \hyperlink{classPamCutCollection_e7af429a3afef3685cbd5aa076ef96e5}{PamCutCollection}. |
100 |
101 |
Reimplemented in \hyperlink{classSmartBlindCollection_1eb231a8a437018bfd966644c7b18ba4}{SmartBlindCollection}.\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_8105730615ad127a482a7fb399695977}{ |
102 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!Finalize@{Finalize}} |
103 |
\index{Finalize@{Finalize}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
104 |
\subsubsection[{Finalize}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void SmartCollection::Finalize ()\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}virtual\mbox{]}}}} |
105 |
\label{classSmartCollection_8105730615ad127a482a7fb399695977} |
106 |
107 |
108 |
The post-analysis task definition. |
109 |
110 |
This override of the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_8105730615ad127a482a7fb399695977}{Finalize()} method calls \hyperlink{classPamCutCollection_15785c75fb13b998422739e741bb5c01}{PamCutCollection::Finalize()} and then the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_8105730615ad127a482a7fb399695977}{Finalize()} method of each action contained in the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection}. |
111 |
112 |
Reimplemented from \hyperlink{classPamCutCollection_15785c75fb13b998422739e741bb5c01}{PamCutCollection}. |
113 |
114 |
Reimplemented in \hyperlink{classVerboseBlindCollection_43d6ea7b5ea35c5dbb342e23584b79ee}{VerboseBlindCollection}, and \hyperlink{classVerboseCollection_3fcdf28d50507d772647d4306a78f3cc}{VerboseCollection}.\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_acadaf64f683e7932c376e924e7020ea}{ |
115 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!GetAction@{GetAction}} |
116 |
\index{GetAction@{GetAction}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
117 |
\subsubsection[{GetAction}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf CollectionAction} $\ast$ SmartCollection::GetAction (unsigned int {\em iAction})}} |
118 |
\label{classSmartCollection_acadaf64f683e7932c376e924e7020ea} |
119 |
120 |
121 |
Returns the iAction-th action. |
122 |
123 |
\begin{Desc} |
124 |
\item[Parameters:] |
125 |
\begin{description} |
126 |
\item[{\em iAction}]The index of the desired \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction}, defined as the insertion order (from 0 to \#actions-1, see \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9265adb168bca295f264af65276a002b}{AddAction()}). \end{description} |
127 |
\end{Desc} |
128 |
\begin{Desc} |
129 |
\item[Returns:]pointer to the iAction-th action; NULL if the specified action cannot be found or if no actions are present. \end{Desc} |
130 |
\hypertarget{classSmartCollection_9b5b11a854b9e174218ea516ceffb34c}{ |
131 |
\index{SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}!Setup@{Setup}} |
132 |
\index{Setup@{Setup}!SmartCollection@{SmartCollection}} |
133 |
\subsubsection[{Setup}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void SmartCollection::Setup (PamLevel2 $\ast$ {\em events})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}virtual\mbox{]}}}} |
134 |
\label{classSmartCollection_9b5b11a854b9e174218ea516ceffb34c} |
135 |
136 |
137 |
The pre-analysis task definition. |
138 |
139 |
This override of the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9b5b11a854b9e174218ea516ceffb34c}{Setup()} method calls \hyperlink{classSmartCollection_9b5b11a854b9e174218ea516ceffb34c}{Setup()} for the base class \hyperlink{classPamCutCollection}{PamCutCollection}, and subsequently for each action contained in the \hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection}. |
140 |
141 |
\begin{Desc} |
142 |
\item[Parameters:] |
143 |
\begin{description} |
144 |
\item[{\em events}]The PamLevel2 pointer to the events that will be analyzed. Used only as parameter for \hyperlink{classCollectionAction_13adbcacf5e088f7979f0644a65372b4}{CollectionAction::Setup()}. \end{description} |
145 |
\end{Desc} |
146 |
147 |
148 |
Reimplemented from \hyperlink{classPamCutCollection_982821389af5e585688611d733b3a7b0}{PamCutCollection}. |
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The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize} |
151 |
\item |
152 |
Collections/SmartCollection/\hyperlink{SmartCollection_8h}{SmartCollection.h}\item |
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Collections/SmartCollection/\hyperlink{SmartCollection_8cpp}{SmartCollection.cpp}\end{CompactItemize} |