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\hypertarget{classDataQualCut}{ |
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\section{DataQualCut Class Reference} |
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\label{classDataQualCut}\index{DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}} |
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} |
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The event and data quality cut. This cut ensures that all the data relative to the various detectors is present in the current event and that it has been correctly read. |
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{\tt \#include $<$DataQualCut.h$>$} |
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Inheritance diagram for DataQualCut::\begin{figure}[H] |
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\begin{center} |
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\leavevmode |
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\includegraphics[height=2cm]{classDataQualCut} |
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\end{center} |
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\end{figure} |
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\subsection*{Public Member Functions} |
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\begin{CompactItemize} |
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\item |
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\hyperlink{classDataQualCut_6fbac99a5b8eac12684bf1e998626424}{DataQualCut} (const char $\ast$cutName, unsigned int cutMask=ALL) |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Constructor. \hyperlink{DataQualCut_8h}{DataQualCut.h}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
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\hypertarget{classDataQualCut_355daf1e01209166cc5799e08b93c80a}{ |
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\hyperlink{classDataQualCut_355daf1e01209166cc5799e08b93c80a}{$\sim$DataQualCut} ()} |
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\label{classDataQualCut_355daf1e01209166cc5799e08b93c80a} |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Destructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
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int \hyperlink{classDataQualCut_38d0e630a49d113ba6f7d7cc44a663e6}{Check} (PamLevel2 $\ast$event) |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The event and data quality check. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
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\subsection{Detailed Description} |
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The event and data quality cut. This cut ensures that all the data relative to the various detectors is present in the current event and that it has been correctly read. |
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\subsection{Constructor \& Destructor Documentation} |
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\hypertarget{classDataQualCut_6fbac99a5b8eac12684bf1e998626424}{ |
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\index{DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}!DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}} |
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\index{DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}!DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}} |
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\subsubsection[{DataQualCut}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}DataQualCut::DataQualCut (const char $\ast$ {\em cutName}, \/ unsigned int {\em cutMask} = {\tt ALL})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}inline\mbox{]}}}} |
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\label{classDataQualCut_6fbac99a5b8eac12684bf1e998626424} |
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Constructor. \hyperlink{DataQualCut_8h}{DataQualCut.h}. |
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\begin{Desc} |
44 |
\item[Parameters:] |
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\begin{description} |
46 |
\item[{\em cutName}]The cut's name. \item[{\em cutMask}]An integer whose binary code would provide a mask for the cuts to apply; use a DETECTORCODE or a combination of them to enable the corresponding checks. Default: ALL (meaning all Level 2 detectors except S4 and ND). \end{description} |
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\end{Desc} |
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\subsection{Member Function Documentation} |
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\hypertarget{classDataQualCut_38d0e630a49d113ba6f7d7cc44a663e6}{ |
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\index{DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}!Check@{Check}} |
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\index{Check@{Check}!DataQualCut@{DataQualCut}} |
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\subsubsection[{Check}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int DataQualCut::Check (PamLevel2 $\ast$ {\em event})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}virtual\mbox{]}}}} |
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\label{classDataQualCut_38d0e630a49d113ba6f7d7cc44a663e6} |
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The event and data quality check. |
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This method checks if the pointers to the various detectors level 2 data are present and if the data has been correctly unpacked, in this order: Tracker, Calo, ToF, AC, Trigger, Orbital Info. If it finds missing or corrupted data, it will stop the check and return a code corresponding to the missing/corrupted detector data. |
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\begin{Desc} |
63 |
\item[Parameters:] |
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\begin{description} |
65 |
\item[{\em event}]The event to analyze. \end{description} |
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\end{Desc} |
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\begin{Desc} |
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\item[Returns:]\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_c857f4b76ae431837cbf61fd74863b6c}{CUTOK} if all the checked data are present and not corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3ca35aac3cb4f8be8dfc8c5c471d537511}{TRK} if Tracker data is missing or corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3c81bd89f7ff2c29f0171c22f7c47c3e9f}{CALO} if Calo level2 data is missing or corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3ca7f5c1a17fce9b3e67e6e07a5e4c11b6}{CALO\_\-L1} if Calo level1 data is missing |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3cc18e0fdb830eeb3a7f657a75000744db}{TOF} if ToF data is missing or corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3c3e553562ab1f48e96e9d0640526237b8}{AC} if AC data is missing or corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3c55e5ba1b4d86a4bcc4c1789a8f7b75e5}{TRIG} if Trigger data is missing or corrupted. |
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\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_0fda80c273d9a34e86f5f4a24f9a7b3cad58394ab5225c7978a38cc22fdbfa35}{ORB} if Orbital Info data is missing. \end{Desc} |
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Implements \hyperlink{classPamCut_a874600461950d1f2b75ce3938f91cbe}{PamCut}. |
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The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize} |
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\item |
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MiscCuts/DataQualCut/\hyperlink{DataQualCut_8h}{DataQualCut.h}\item |
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MiscCuts/DataQualCut/\hyperlink{DataQualCut_8cpp}{DataQualCut.cpp}\end{CompactItemize} |