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\hypertarget{classCaloTrackChi2Cut}{ |
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\section{CaloTrackChi2Cut Class Reference} |
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\label{classCaloTrackChi2Cut}\index{CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}} |
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} |
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The calorimeter track chi2 quality cut. |
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{\tt \#include $<$CaloTrackChi2Cut.h$>$} |
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Inheritance diagram for CaloTrackChi2Cut::\begin{figure}[H] |
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\begin{center} |
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\leavevmode |
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\includegraphics[height=2cm]{classCaloTrackChi2Cut} |
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\end{center} |
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\end{figure} |
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\subsection*{Public Member Functions} |
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\begin{CompactItemize} |
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\item |
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\hyperlink{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_1712b4e3701101c9937236e7499d384f}{CaloTrackChi2Cut} (const char $\ast$cutName, CaloAxis $\ast$xCaloAxis, CaloAxis $\ast$yCaloAxis, float maxChi2=0.03, float minChi2=0.005) |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Constructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
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\hypertarget{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_ffe40e5c6ec00d23fedd58a04470e5bc}{ |
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\hyperlink{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_ffe40e5c6ec00d23fedd58a04470e5bc}{$\sim$CaloTrackChi2Cut} ()} |
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\label{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_ffe40e5c6ec00d23fedd58a04470e5bc} |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Destructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
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int \hyperlink{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_63fe6418b40b1908a4a9df6ee2920909}{Check} (PamLevel2 $\ast$event) |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The calorimeter chi2 quality check. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
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\subsection{Detailed Description} |
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The calorimeter track chi2 quality cut. |
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This cut performs a check on chi2 of the calorimeter track. The current implementation uses the CaloAxis objects; to save computing time, the class assumes that the track is externally computed for each event and stored in CaloAxis objects; pointers to these objects are passed as arguments to the constructor. The Check method will then ignore the PamLevel2 $\ast$event and assume that the current content of the CaloAxis objects are relative to the current event. It is an user's task to ensure that these assumptions are fulfilled every time Check or ApplyCut are called. |
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CUT DEPENDENCIES: \hyperlink{classCaloTrackCut}{CaloTrackCut} for the existence of the track (it can also provide the CaloAxis objects). |
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\subsection{Constructor \& Destructor Documentation} |
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\hypertarget{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_1712b4e3701101c9937236e7499d384f}{ |
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\index{CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}!CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}} |
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\index{CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}!CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}} |
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\subsubsection[{CaloTrackChi2Cut}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}CaloTrackChi2Cut::CaloTrackChi2Cut (const char $\ast$ {\em cutName}, \/ CaloAxis $\ast$ {\em xCaloAxis}, \/ CaloAxis $\ast$ {\em yCaloAxis}, \/ float {\em maxChi2} = {\tt 0.03}, \/ float {\em minChi2} = {\tt 0.005})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}inline\mbox{]}}}} |
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\label{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_1712b4e3701101c9937236e7499d384f} |
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Constructor. |
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The CaloAxis arguments are pointers to objects which contain the calorimeter track information for current event. |
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\begin{Desc} |
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\item[Parameters:] |
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\begin{description} |
52 |
\item[{\em cutName}]The cut name. \item[{\em xCaloAxis}]Pointer to the CaloAxis object for X axis. \item[{\em yCaloAxis}]Pointer to the CaloAxis object for Y axis. \item[{\em maxChi2}]The maximum allowed Chi2. \item[{\em minChi2}]The minimum allowed Chi2. \end{description} |
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\end{Desc} |
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\subsection{Member Function Documentation} |
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\hypertarget{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_63fe6418b40b1908a4a9df6ee2920909}{ |
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\index{CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}!Check@{Check}} |
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\index{Check@{Check}!CaloTrackChi2Cut@{CaloTrackChi2Cut}} |
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\subsubsection[{Check}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int CaloTrackChi2Cut::Check (PamLevel2 $\ast$ {\em event})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}virtual\mbox{]}}}} |
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\label{classCaloTrackChi2Cut_63fe6418b40b1908a4a9df6ee2920909} |
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The calorimeter chi2 quality check. |
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\begin{Desc} |
67 |
\item[Parameters:] |
68 |
\begin{description} |
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\item[{\em event}]The event to analyze. \end{description} |
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\end{Desc} |
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\begin{Desc} |
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\item[Returns:]\hyperlink{CommonDefs_8h_c857f4b76ae431837cbf61fd74863b6c}{CUTOK} if Chi2 from CaloAxis is strictly greater than minChi2 and strictly lesser than maxChi2. |
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0 otherwise \end{Desc} |
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Implements \hyperlink{classPamCut_a874600461950d1f2b75ce3938f91cbe}{PamCut}. |
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The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize} |
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\item |
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CaloCuts/CaloTrackChi2Cut/\hyperlink{CaloTrackChi2Cut_8h}{CaloTrackChi2Cut.h}\item |
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CaloCuts/CaloTrackChi2Cut/\hyperlink{CaloTrackChi2Cut_8cpp}{CaloTrackChi2Cut.cpp}\end{CompactItemize} |