/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/doc/Doxygen/latex/annotated.tex
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Wed May 27 13:30:02 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by pam-fi
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1 pam-fi 1.1 \section{Class List}
2     Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:\begin{CompactList}
3     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classAbsTimeCut}{AbsTimeCut} (A cut on absolute time )}{\pageref{classAbsTimeCut}}{}
4     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classBlindCutCollection}{BlindCutCollection} (A cut collection which applies all the cuts )}{\pageref{classBlindCutCollection}}{}
5     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloAxis}{CaloAxis} }{\pageref{classCaloAxis}}{}
6     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloCrossCut}{CaloCrossCut} (The calorimeter last plane cut )}{\pageref{classCaloCrossCut}}{}
7     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloEvent}{CaloEvent} }{\pageref{classCaloEvent}}{}
8     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloGeomCut}{CaloGeomCut} (The geometric cut using the calorimeter's track )}{\pageref{classCaloGeomCut}}{}
9     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloIonCut}{CaloIonCut} (The calorimeter ionization cut )}{\pageref{classCaloIonCut}}{}
10     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloNHitCut}{CaloNHitCut} (The number of hits cut for the calorimeter. An event survives this selection if the number of hit planes in the calorimeter is greater than some value. To save computing time, the class assumes that the track is externally computed for each event and stored in \hyperlink{classCaloAxis}{CaloAxis} objects; pointers to these objects are passed as arguments to the constructor. The Check method will then ignore the PamLevel2 $\ast$event and assume that the current content of the \hyperlink{classCaloAxis}{CaloAxis} objects are relative to the current event. It is an user's task to ensure that these assumptions are fulfilled every time Check or ApplyCut are called )}{\pageref{classCaloNHitCut}}{}
11     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloNotIntCut}{CaloNotIntCut} (The non-interacting track cut. This check discards all the events who interacts in the calorimeter. It is possible to choose the track to use for the check. To improve computation speed, Check does NOT computes the track for the event; the track information is supposed to lie in some external object, whose address has to be passed to the constructor. The user is then demanded to fill this external object with the proper track information for the current event before calling Check or ApplyCut. Currently, only the check with the calorimeter track is implemented )}{\pageref{classCaloNotIntCut}}{}
12     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloNucleiZCut}{CaloNucleiZCut} (The CaloNuclei charge cut )}{\pageref{classCaloNucleiZCut}}{}
13     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloTrackChi2Cut}{CaloTrackChi2Cut} (The calorimeter track chi2 quality cut )}{\pageref{classCaloTrackChi2Cut}}{}
14     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCaloTrackCut}{CaloTrackCut} (The calorimeter track cut. Checks for the existence of a track in the calorimeter, using the \hyperlink{classCaloAxis}{CaloAxis} routine. WARNING: \hyperlink{classCaloTrackCut_c4b3a9ed9d0436a1cbedb49286ff62f0}{Check()} assumes that level 1 data for the calorimeter exists )}{\pageref{classCaloTrackCut}}{}
15     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCARDCut}{CARDCut} (The CARD cut. An event survives this cut only if no CARD scintillator has signal )}{\pageref{classCARDCut}}{}
16     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCATCut}{CATCut} (The CAT cut. An event survives this cut only if no CAT scintillator has signal )}{\pageref{classCATCut}}{}
17     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classChargeHistosAction}{ChargeHistosAction} (An action that fills some charge histograms )}{\pageref{classChargeHistosAction}}{}
18     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} (An abstract class that defines the interface of a generic collection action )}{\pageref{classCollectionAction}}{}
19     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classDataQualCut}{DataQualCut} (The event and data quality cut. This cut ensures that all the data relative to the various detectors is present in the current event and that it has been correctly read )}{\pageref{classDataQualCut}}{}
20     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classEvRateS11Cut}{EvRateS11Cut} (Cut on event rate on S11 )}{\pageref{classEvRateS11Cut}}{}
21     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classEvRateS11VsCutoffHistoAction}{EvRateS11VsCutoffHistoAction} (An action that fills an event rate on S11 Vs. Stoermer cutoff 2D histogram )}{\pageref{classEvRateS11VsCutoffHistoAction}}{}
22     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classFluxHistoAction}{FluxHistoAction} (An action that fills a flux histogram )}{\pageref{classFluxHistoAction}}{}
23     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classGeoFieldCut}{GeoFieldCut} (The geomagnetic cut )}{\pageref{classGeoFieldCut}}{}
24     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classLTGeoFillCut}{LTGeoFillCut} (The LT histogram filling )}{\pageref{classLTGeoFillCut}}{}
25     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classLTQualCut}{LTQualCut} (The live-time data quality cut: rejects the first event of each run and events with LT greater than an upper threshold (or with LT smaller than 0) )}{\pageref{classLTQualCut}}{}
26     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classOBTQualCut}{OBTQualCut} (The On Board Time quality cut )}{\pageref{classOBTQualCut}}{}
27     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classPamCut}{PamCut} (An abstract class to apply cuts to Pamela data )}{\pageref{classPamCut}}{}
28     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classPamCutCollection}{PamCutCollection} (A class which applies a set of cuts to Pamela data )}{\pageref{classPamCutCollection}}{}
29     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classPktQualCut}{PktQualCut} (The packet number quality cut )}{\pageref{classPktQualCut}}{}
30     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classRigFillCut}{RigFillCut} (The rigidity vs threshold rigidity histogram filling )}{\pageref{classRigFillCut}}{}
31     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classSaveEventsAction}{SaveEventsAction} (An action that saves the selected events )}{\pageref{classSaveEventsAction}}{}
32     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classSimpleMatrix}{SimpleMatrix$<$ T $>$} (A simple matrix class )}{\pageref{classSimpleMatrix}}{}
33     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classSmartBlindCollection}{SmartBlindCollection} (A blind collection class designed to use \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} objects )}{\pageref{classSmartBlindCollection}}{}
34     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classSmartCollection}{SmartCollection} (A collection class designed to use \hyperlink{classCollectionAction}{CollectionAction} objects )}{\pageref{classSmartCollection}}{}
35     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofBetaCut}{TofBetaCut} (The TofBeta cut. This cut ensures that beta (referred to a specified track) has been calculated )}{\pageref{classTofBetaCut}}{}
36     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofBetaRangeCut}{TofBetaRangeCut} (The TofBetaRange cut. This cut selects a range of beta values. Note that beta can be either positive (downward going particle) or negative (upward going particle) )}{\pageref{classTofBetaRangeCut}}{}
37     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofBetaRigCut}{TofBetaRigCut} (The match between TOF beta modulus and TRK beta modulus. This cut discards all the events for which the absolute RELATIVE difference between TRK beta modulus (calculated from rigidity of TRK track, mass M and charge Z) and TOF beta modulus is greater than the threshold. Rigidity is defined as p/Z (GV) where Z is the particle charge and p the momentum modulus. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack )}{\pageref{classTofBetaRigCut}}{}
38     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofDedxS1Cut}{TofDedxS1Cut} (The TofQual cut. This cut is done for each S1 layer: if there is one and only one hit paddle for the layer, then the dE/dX of the paddle (referred to a specified track) must be less than a fixed threshold. NOTE: 'hit paddle' means that both TDC signals are present AND they are both 'good' (according to TOF definition of 'good' TDC signal) )}{\pageref{classTofDedxS1Cut}}{}
39     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofNucleiZCut}{TofNucleiZCut} (The TofNuclei charge cut )}{\pageref{classTofNucleiZCut}}{}
40     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofPatternCut}{TofPatternCut} (The Tof-pattern cut )}{\pageref{classTofPatternCut}}{}
41     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofQualCut}{TofQualCut} (The TofQual cut. This cut ensures that for each TOF plane (each pair of layers) at least one paddle is hit (according to standard TOF definition: both TDC's are hit and both hits are 'good') )}{\pageref{classTofQualCut}}{}
42     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTofTopS1Cut}{TofTopS1Cut} (The TofTopS1 cut. This cut ensures that no more than 2 PMT's on S1 are hit )}{\pageref{classTofTopS1Cut}}{}
43     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrgConfCut}{TrgConfCut} (Trigger configuration cut: trigger conf. must be TOF1 )}{\pageref{classTrgConfCut}}{}
44     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkCalQualCut}{TrkCalQualCut} (The tracker calibration quality cut )}{\pageref{classTrkCalQualCut}}{}
45     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2Defl50Cut}{TrkChi2Defl50Cut} (The tracker chi2 vs deflection cut at $\sim$ 50\% efficiency )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2Defl50Cut}}{}
46     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2Defl75Cut}{TrkChi2Defl75Cut} (The tracker chi2 vs deflection cut at $\sim$ 75\% efficiency )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2Defl75Cut}}{}
47     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2Defl90Cut}{TrkChi2Defl90Cut} (The tracker chi2 vs deflection cut at $\sim$ 90\% efficiency )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2Defl90Cut}}{}
48     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2Defl95Cut}{TrkChi2Defl95Cut} (The tracker chi2 vs deflection cut at $\sim$ 95\% efficiency )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2Defl95Cut}}{}
49     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2DeflCut}{TrkChi2DeflCut} (The tracker chi2 vs deflection cut )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2DeflCut}}{}
50     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkChi2QualCut}{TrkChi2QualCut} (The tracker chi2 quality cut )}{\pageref{classTrkChi2QualCut}}{}
51     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkDedxHCut}{TrkDedxHCut} (The dE/dX cut to select H and anti-H. This cut discards all the events whose rigidity modulus and dE/dX (both given by TRK) are outside a pre-defined band (by Nico De Simone). Here rigidity is defined as p/Z (GV) where Z is the particle charge (WITH SIGN) and p the momentum modulus: therefore rigidity can be positive or negative. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack )}{\pageref{classTrkDedxHCut}}{}
52     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkGeomCut}{TrkGeomCut} (The tracker fiducial acceptance cut. This cut checks if the track is inside the fiducial acceptance chosen for the tracker. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack )}{\pageref{classTrkGeomCut}}{}
53     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkHitQualCut}{TrkHitQualCut} (The tracker hit quality cut )}{\pageref{classTrkHitQualCut}}{}
54     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkIdCut}{TrkIdCut} (The TrkId cut )}{\pageref{classTrkIdCut}}{}
55     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkIonCut}{TrkIonCut} (The tracker ionization cut. Cut on dE/dx to select MIP. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack )}{\pageref{classTrkIonCut}}{}
56     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkNucleiZCut}{TrkNucleiZCut} (The TrkNuclei charge cut )}{\pageref{classTrkNucleiZCut}}{}
57     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkPhSinCut}{TrkPhSinCut} (The single physical track cut. Only events with a single physical track (selected according to the specified sorting method) survive this selection )}{\pageref{classTrkPhSinCut}}{}
58     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkRigCut}{TrkRigCut} (The rigidity cut. This cut discards all the events whose rigidity is less than the threshold. Here rigidity is defined as p/Z (GV) where Z is the particle charge (WITH SIGN) and p the momentum modulus: therefore rigidity can be positive or negative )}{\pageref{classTrkRigCut}}{}
59     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkRigGeoCut}{TrkRigGeoCut} (The geomagnetic rigidity cut. This cut discards an event whose rigidity modulus is less than a threshold rigidity, given by the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity (the Stoermer cutoff) for that event multiplied by a threshold coefficient )}{\pageref{classTrkRigGeoCut}}{}
60     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkRigRangeCut}{TrkRigRangeCut} (The rigidity range cut. This cut discards all the events whose rigidity is less than the minimum threshold or greater than the maximum threshold. Here rigidity is defined as p/Z (GV) where Z is the particle charge (WITH SIGN) and p the momentum modulus: therefore rigidity can be positive or negative )}{\pageref{classTrkRigRangeCut}}{}
61     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkRunValCut}{TrkRunValCut} (The tracker run validation cut )}{\pageref{classTrkRunValCut}}{}
62     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classTrkSigmaDeflCut}{TrkSigmaDeflCut} (The cut on TRK sigma\_\-deflection )}{\pageref{classTrkSigmaDeflCut}}{}
63     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classVerboseBlindCollection}{VerboseBlindCollection} (A smart blind collection which prints selection reports )}{\pageref{classVerboseBlindCollection}}{}
64     \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classVerboseCollection}{VerboseCollection} (A smart collection which prints selection reports )}{\pageref{classVerboseCollection}}{}
65     \end{CompactList}

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