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\hypertarget{TrkGeomCut_8h}{ |
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\section{TrkCuts/TrkGeomCut/TrkGeomCut.h File Reference} |
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\label{TrkGeomCut_8h}\index{TrkCuts/TrkGeomCut/TrkGeomCut.h@{TrkCuts/TrkGeomCut/TrkGeomCut.h}} |
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} |
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{\tt \#include \char`\"{}../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h\char`\"{}}\par |
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\subsection*{Classes} |
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\begin{CompactItemize} |
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\item |
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class \hyperlink{classTrkGeomCut}{TrkGeomCut} |
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\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The tracker fiducial acceptance cut. This cut checks if the track is inside the fiducial acceptance chosen for the tracker. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
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\label{_details} |
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\hypertarget{_details}{} |
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\subsection{Detailed Description} |
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The \hyperlink{classTrkGeomCut}{TrkGeomCut} class definition file |