/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/doc/Doxygen/latex/TofBetaRigCut_8h.tex
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Contents of /PamCut/doc/Doxygen/latex/TofBetaRigCut_8h.tex

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Wed May 27 13:30:02 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by pam-fi
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Initial revision

1 \hypertarget{TofBetaRigCut_8h}{
2 \section{TofCuts/TofBetaRigCut/TofBetaRigCut.h File Reference}
3 \label{TofBetaRigCut_8h}\index{TofCuts/TofBetaRigCut/TofBetaRigCut.h@{TofCuts/TofBetaRigCut/TofBetaRigCut.h}}
4 }
5 {\tt \#include \char`\"{}../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h\char`\"{}}\par
6 {\tt \#include $<$TH2F.h$>$}\par
7 \subsection*{Classes}
8 \begin{CompactItemize}
9 \item
10 class \hyperlink{classTofBetaRigCut}{TofBetaRigCut}
11 \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The match between TOF beta modulus and TRK beta modulus. This cut discards all the events for which the absolute RELATIVE difference between TRK beta modulus (calculated from rigidity of TRK track, mass M and charge Z) and TOF beta modulus is greater than the threshold. Rigidity is defined as p/Z (GV) where Z is the particle charge and p the momentum modulus. CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhysSin for object trkTrack. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize}
14 \label{_details}
15 \hypertarget{_details}{}
16 \subsection{Detailed Description}
17 The \hyperlink{classTofBetaRigCut}{TofBetaRigCut} class definition file
19 Definition in file \hyperlink{TofBetaRigCut_8h_source}{TofBetaRigCut.h}.

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