/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/doc/Doxygen/latex/CaloNotIntCut_8h.tex
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Contents of /PamCut/doc/Doxygen/latex/CaloNotIntCut_8h.tex

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Fri Sep 25 15:44:34 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by pam-fi
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1 \hypertarget{CaloNotIntCut_8h}{
2 \section{CaloCuts/CaloNotIntCut/CaloNotIntCut.h File Reference}
3 \label{CaloNotIntCut_8h}\index{CaloCuts/CaloNotIntCut/CaloNotIntCut.h@{CaloCuts/CaloNotIntCut/CaloNotIntCut.h}}
4 }
5 {\tt \#include \char`\"{}../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h\char`\"{}}\par
6 {\tt \#include \char`\"{}../../CaloAxis2.h\char`\"{}}\par
7 \subsection*{Classes}
8 \begin{CompactItemize}
9 \item
10 class \hyperlink{classCaloNotIntCut}{CaloNotIntCut}
11 \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em The non-interacting track cut. This check discards all the events who interacts in the calorimeter. It is possible to choose the track to use for the check. To improve computation speed, Check does NOT computes the track for the event; the track information is supposed to lie in some external object, whose address has to be passed to the constructor. The user is then demanded to fill this external object with the proper track information for the current event before calling Check or ApplyCut. Currently, only the check with the calorimeter track is implemented. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize}
14 \label{_details}
15 \hypertarget{_details}{}
16 \subsection{Detailed Description}
17 The \hyperlink{classCaloNotIntCut}{CaloNotIntCut} class definition file

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