/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/TrkCuts/TrkNucleiZCut/TrkNucleiZCut.h
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Revision 1.3 - (hide annotations) (download)
Wed Aug 5 14:06:14 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: Root_V8, MergedToHEAD_1, nuclei_reproc, MergedFromV8_1, BeforeMergingFromV8_1, V9, HEAD
Branch point for: V8
Changes since 1.2: +27 -15 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Added support for charge range selection.

1 pam-fi 1.1 /*
2     * TrkNucleiZCut.h
3     *
4     * Created on: 10-mag-2009
5     * Author: Nicola Mori
6     */
8     /*! @file TrkNucleiZCut.h The TofNucleiZCut class definition file */
10     #ifndef NO_TRKNUCLEI
12     #ifndef TRKNUCLEIZCUT_H_
13     #define TRKNUCLEIZCUT_H_
15     #include "../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h"
16     #include <TrkNuclei.h>
18     #include <TH2F.h>
20     /*! @enum TrkNucleiZ_Return Return values for rejected events */
21     enum TrkNucleiZ_Return {
22     TRKNUCLEIZ_OUTOFBOUNDS, ///< Discarded because charge is out of bounds
23     TRKNUCLEIZ_TOOFEWLAYERS, ///< Discarded because charge can be measured in too few layers.
24 pam-fi 1.3 TRKNUCLEIZ_ILLEGALLOWZ, ///< Discarded because charge is not between 1 and 6
25     TRKNUCLEIZ_ILLEGALHIGHZ ///< Discarded because higher charge is not higher than lowZ and it is not -1 (default value)
26 pam-fi 1.1 };
28     /*! @enum TrkNucleiZ_method Method to use to measure Z. */
29     enum TrkNucleiZ_method {
30     TRKNUCLEIZ_BETA, ///< Tracker dE/dx Vs. ToF beta
31 pam-fi 1.2 TRKNUCLEIZ_RIG,
32 pam-fi 1.3 ///< Tracker standalon e: dE/dx Vs. rigidity
33 pam-fi 1.1 };
35 pam-fi 1.2 /*! @enum TrkNucleiZ_Check Handy aliases to set check mean */
36     enum TrkNucleiZ_Check {
37 pam-fi 1.1 TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKMEAN, ///< Check the mean value.
39 pam-fi 1.3 ///< Check each single charge from each layer.
40 pam-fi 1.1 };
42     /*! @brief The TrkNuclei charge cut.
43     *
44     * This cut uses the TrkNuclei library to cut events depending on particle's charge value.
45     *
46     */
48     class TrkNucleiZCut: public PamCut {
50     public:
51     /*! @brief Constructor.
52     *
53 pam-fi 1.3 * The charge to look for is Z. For each charge, there is an associated distribution of
54     * events, with mean Zmean(Z) and standard deviation sigma(Z). These values will be used to check the events.
55     * If highZ is different from default (-1), the routine will select nuclei with charge in the range
56     * [Zmean(lowZ) - lowerBound*sigma(lowZ), Zmean(highZ) + upperBound*sigma(highZ)]; otherwise, it will select nuclei in the range
57     * [Zmean(lowZ) - lowerBound*sigma(lowZ), Zmean(lowZ) + upperBound*sigma(lowZ)], eg., it will look for a single charge defined by lowZ.
58 pam-fi 1.1 *
59     * @param cutName The cut's name.
60 pam-fi 1.3 * @param lowZ The charge value.
61     * @param highZ The upper charge value.
62     * @param lowerLimit The lower bound (in units of sigma(Z)) of the desired charge range, defined as Zmean - lowerBound*sigma(Z).
63     * @param upperLimit The upper bound (in units of sigma(Z)) of the desired charge range, defined as Zmean + upperBound*sigma(Z).
64 pam-fi 1.1 * @param minLayers The minimum required number of layers which give a valid charge information.
65 pam-fi 1.2 * @param howToCheck Flag to set the check by mean release or by release in single planes (see #TrkNucleiZ_Check).
66 pam-fi 1.1 * @param method The method to use to measure the particle's charge (see #TrkNucleiZ_method).
67     * @return
68     */
69 pam-fi 1.3 TrkNucleiZCut(const char *cutName, unsigned int lowZ, int highZ = -1, float lowerLimit = 1., float upperLimit = 1., unsigned int minLayers = 1,
70 pam-fi 1.2 unsigned int howToCheck = TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKMEAN, unsigned int method = TRKNUCLEIZ_RIG) :
71 pam-fi 1.3 PamCut(cutName), _lowZ(lowZ), _highZ(highZ), _lowerLimit(lowerLimit), _upperLimit(upperLimit), _trkNuclei(NULL), _minLayers(minLayers),
72     _howToCheck(howToCheck), _method(method) {
73 pam-fi 1.1
74     }
75     /*! @brief Destructor. */
76     ~TrkNucleiZCut() {
77     delete _trkNuclei;
78     }
80     /*! @brief The TrkNucleiZ check.
81 pam-fi 1.3 * The selection procedure depends on the value of highZ. If highZ = -1, the routine will look for a single charge lowZ, eg., for those
82     * events whose value of Zmean(lowZ) obtained from the TrkNuclei class is in the range
83     * [Zmean(lowZ) - sigma(Z)*lowerBound, Zmean(lowZ) + sigma(lowZ)*upperBound]. If instead highZ is grater than lowZ, the routine
84     * will select all the nuclei with charges in the range [lowZ, highZ]; in practice, an event will survive the selection if
85     * its charge as obtained from TrkNuclei is in the range [Zmean(lowZ) - sigma(Z)*lowerBound, Zmean(highZ) + sigma(highZ)*upperBound].
86 pam-fi 1.1 *
87     * Zmean and sigma are defined respectively as the mean and the standard deviation of the charge distributions obtained using TrkNuclei.
88 pam-fi 1.2 * In current implementation, calibrations for Z=1 and Z=2 for mean dE/dx Vs. rigidity are:
89     *
90     * Z=1 | mean sigma
91     * ------------------------
92     * | 0.992 0.06
93     *
94     *
95     * Z=2 | mean sigma
96     * ------------------------
97     * | 1.99 0.1
98     *
99     * For all other cases (Z>2 or single plane releases or dE/dx Vs. beta), means are taken to be equal to the charge value (Zmean = Z) and sigmas are:
100 pam-fi 1.1 *
101     * Z | sigma
102     * -----------
103     * 1 | 0.09
104     * 2 | 0.10
105     * 3 | 0.17
106     * 4 | 0.34
107     * 5 | 0.44
108     * 6 | 0.59
109     *
110 pam-fi 1.2 * The TofNuclei calibrations used are the standard ones (from Wolfgang, see TrkNuclei.cpp).
111 pam-fi 1.1 * First of all, the number of layers giving a valid charge information is checked to be greater than minLayers; if it's not so,
112     * the routine will return #TRKNUCLEIZ_TOOFEWLAYERS. Next, it will check if the charge obtained considering the mean dE/dx in the tracker's
113     * layers is in the validity range if the constructor's flag howToCheckMean was set to TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKMEAN; otherwise, it will check each
114     * single valid charge value (mean for X and Y views) obtained from each layer. In the latter case, it will return #CUTOK only if all
115     * valid layers (ie., those tagged as good for both X and Y in traccker level 2 routines) give a charge inside the bounds, regardless of
116     * the value of minLayers.
117     *
118     * @param event The event to analyze.
119     * @return #CUTOK if the charge from mean dE/dx(if howToCheck == #TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKMEAN) or all the single layer charges
120 pam-fi 1.3 * (if howToCheck == #TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKSINGLEVALUES) obtained from TrkNuclei are in the range [Zmean(lowZ) - sigma(Z)*lowerBound, Zmean(lowZ) + sigma(lowZ)*upperBound]
121     * (for single charge selection) or in the range [Zmean(lowZ) - sigma(Z)*lowerBound, Zmean(highZ) + sigma(highZ)*upperBound] (for charge range selection).
122     * @return #TRKNUCLEIZ_ILLEGALLOWZ if lowZ is less than 1 or greater than 6.
123     * @return #TRKNUCLEIZ_ILLEGALHIGHZ if highZ is less than lowZ and not the default value (-1), or if it is greater than 6.
124 pam-fi 1.1 * @return #TRKNUCLEIZ_OUTOFBOUNDS if the charge from mean dE/dx(if howToCheck == #TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKMEAN) or at least one valid single layer
125     * charge (if howToCheck == #TRKNUCLEIZ_CHECKSINGLEVALUES) is out of bounds.
126     * @return #TRKNUCLEIZ_TOOFEWLAYERS if charge information is available for a number of layers lesser than minLayers.
127     * @return #TRKNUCLEIZ_OUTOFBOUNDS if Z < 1 or Z > 6.
128     *
129     */
130     int Check(PamLevel2 *event);
132     private:
134 pam-fi 1.3 unsigned int _lowZ;
135     int _highZ;
136 pam-fi 1.2
137     static const float _meanRigMean[]; //Means for mean dE/dx Vs. rigidity
138     static const float _sigmaRigMean[];//Sigmas for mean dE/dx Vs. rigidity
139     static const float _meanBetaMean[]; //Means for mean dE/dx Vs. beta
140     static const float _sigmaBetaMean[];//Sigmas for mean dE/dx Vs. beta
141 pam-fi 1.1
142     float _lowerLimit;
143     float _upperLimit;
144     TrkNuclei *_trkNuclei;
145     unsigned int _minLayers;
146     unsigned int _howToCheck;
147     unsigned int _method;
148     };
149     #endif /* TRKNUCLEIZCUT_H_ */
151     #endif /* NO_TRKNUCLEI */

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