/* * TrkChi2DeflTimeCut.h * * Created on: 6-oct-2009 * Author: S. Ricciarini */ /*! @file TrkChi2DeflTimeCut.h The TrkChi2DeflTimeCut class definition file */ #ifndef TRKCHI2DEFLTIMECUT_H_ #define TRKCHI2DEFLTIMECUT_H_ #include "../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h" #include #include /*! @brief The tracker chi2 vs |deflection| cut. * * Events whose track has been fitted with a chi2 greater than Chi2(|eta|) are discarded. * Chi2(|eta|) is a function which gives the value of chi2 distribution, corresponding to a given quantile (depending on the calibration text file), as a function of |deflection| (|eta|); in current implementation it is parameterized as: * * 4 parameters p0...p3: * * Chi2(|eta|) = p0 + ( p1 * |eta|^p2 * (1 + (p3 * |eta|)^2) ) * with eta expressed in GV^-1 * * 5 parameters p0..p4 * * Chi2(|eta|) = p0 + ( p1 * |eta|^p2 * (1 + (p3 * |eta|)^p4) ) * with eta expressed in GV^-1 * * The parameters are read from a calibration text file (prepared for a given quantile, e.g. 95%), whose format must be: * ... * first_day last_day p0 p1 p2 ... * with first_day and last_day expressed in the format YYMMDD * ... * where each row corresponds to a given time interval (first_day,last_day) * The calibration text file can vary with nHitX of the event: in the current implementation, a text file must be specified for events with nHitX=3 and for events with nHitX>=4. * For a given event the associated day is determined; the FIRST (starting from first row) time interval of the calibration file, which contains the event day, gives the parameters to be inserted in the Chi2(|eta|) for the given event. * If the event day does not fall in any of the intervals of the calibration file, then the event is discarded. * */ class TrkChi2DeflTimeCut: public PamCut { public: /*! @brief Constructor. * * @param cutName The cut's name. * @param calibFile_nHitX3 Path for the calibration text file, used for events with nHitX=3. * @param calibFile_nHitX4 Path for the calibration text file, used for events with nHitX>=4. * @param nPar Number of parameters used for the Chi2 function. Maximum allowed: 5. Default: 5. */ TrkChi2DeflTimeCut(const char *cutName, const char *calibFile_nHitX3, const char *calibFile_nHitX4, int nPar=5) : PamCut(cutName), _calibFile_nHitX3(calibFile_nHitX3), _calibFile_nHitX4(calibFile_nHitX4), _nPar(nPar) { _chi2CutTable_nHitX3.open(_calibFile_nHitX3); while (! _chi2CutTable_nHitX3.eof()) { _chi2CutTable_nHitX3 >> _tstringtemp; _iDayFirst_nHitX3.push_back(_tstringtemp.Atoi()); _chi2CutTable_nHitX3 >> _tstringtemp; _iDayLast_nHitX3.push_back(_tstringtemp.Atoi()); if (_nPar>=0 && _nPar<=5) { for (int iPar=0; iPar<_nPar; iPar++) { _chi2CutTable_nHitX3 >> _tstringtemp; _p_nHitX3[iPar].push_back(_tstringtemp.Atof()); } } } _chi2CutTable_nHitX3.close(); _chi2CutTable_nHitX4.open(_calibFile_nHitX4); while (! _chi2CutTable_nHitX4.eof()) { _chi2CutTable_nHitX4 >> _tstringtemp; _iDayFirst_nHitX4.push_back(_tstringtemp.Atoi()); _chi2CutTable_nHitX4 >> _tstringtemp; _iDayLast_nHitX4.push_back(_tstringtemp.Atoi()); if (_nPar>=0 && _nPar<=5) { for (int iPar=0; iPar<_nPar; iPar++) { _chi2CutTable_nHitX4 >> _tstringtemp; _p_nHitX4[iPar].push_back(_tstringtemp.Atof()); } } } _chi2CutTable_nHitX4.close(); } /*! @brief Destructor. */ ~TrkChi2DeflTimeCut() { } /*! @brief The tracker chi2 vs |deflection| check. * * * @param event The event to analyze. * @return #CUTOK if chi2 < Chi2(|eta|). * @return 0 if not */ int Check(PamLevel2 *event); private: virtual double _GetChi2(PamLevel2 *event); const char* _calibFile_nHitX3; const char* _calibFile_nHitX4; Int_t _nPar; TString _tstringtemp; std::vector _iDayFirst_nHitX3; std::vector _iDayFirst_nHitX4; std::vector _iDayFirst; std::vector _iDayLast_nHitX3; std::vector _iDayLast_nHitX4; std::vector _iDayLast; std::vector _p_nHitX3[5]; std::vector _p_nHitX4[5]; std::vector _p[5]; ifstream _chi2CutTable_nHitX3; ifstream _chi2CutTable_nHitX4; Double_t _pSel[5]; TTimeStamp _time; }; #endif /* TRKCHI2DEFLTIMECUT_H_ */