/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/TrkCuts/TrkChi2DeflTimeCut/Calibration/Chi2Calib50He.txt
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Contents of /PamCut/TrkCuts/TrkChi2DeflTimeCut/Calibration/Chi2Calib50He.txt

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Feb 26 10:45:06 2010 UTC (15 years ago) by pam-fi
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Chi2 calibrations for helium (for the new chi2(eta) function)

1 060707 060913 0.585082 3.4428 0.735009 5.32741
2 060914 061128 0.601045 3.89802 0.820538 4.78042
3 061129 070211 0.5817 3.29 0.787892 4.92226
4 070212 070417 0.587461 2.69585 0.703844 5.28235
5 070418 070629 0.570365 3.01673 0.744824 5.00456
6 070630 070903 0.582439 2.74759 0.704043 5.10104
7 070904 071107 0.585359 2.07129 0.591134 5.61541
8 071108 080110 0.574753 1.98414 0.582972 5.6705
9 080111 080317 0.620518 2.38982 0.650516 5.23637
10 080318 080520 0.676024 2.1491 0.5998 5.54882
11 080521 080726 0.64804 2.00705 0.582034 5.70172
12 080727 081019 0.651949 2.36339 0.683109 5.18718
13 081020 081230 0.639487 1.74865 0.574785 5.91883

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