/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/TrkCuts/TrkChi2DeflTimeCut/Calibration/Chi2Calib-LE-NX==3-LA3-200days-50H.txt
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Contents of /PamCut/TrkCuts/TrkChi2DeflTimeCut/Calibration/Chi2Calib-LE-NX==3-LA3-200days-50H.txt

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Sep 5 08:55:49 2011 UTC (13 years, 6 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: V9, HEAD
File MIME type: text/plain
New chi2 calibrations for NX==3 and LA>=3, in various time intervals. README updated.

1 060707 070129 0.729953 7.5992 1.60048 1.09526 1.71882
2 070130 070822 0.763624 7.9484 1.65149 0.962388 1.96568
3 070828 080314 0.757518 5.96036 1.58997 1.12075 2.07368
4 080315 081021 0.744666 5.56769 1.58326 1.10369 2.16249
5 081022 090605 0.763255 6.33937 1.61041 1.04769 2.19057
6 090606 091229 0.690015 5.35128 1.61178 1.08975 2.22419
7 091230 100127 0.619324 3.70256 1.42889 1.33108 2.23899

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