/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/TrkCuts/RigFillCut/RigFillCut.h
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Contents of /PamCut/TrkCuts/RigFillCut/RigFillCut.h

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Wed May 27 13:30:08 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by pam-fi
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1 /*
2 * RigFillCut.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 27-mar-2009
5 * Author: Nicola Mori, S. Ricciarini
6 * Last update: 30-apr-2009
7 */
9 /*! @file RigFillCut.h The RigFillCut class definition file */
11 #ifndef RIGFILLCUT_H_
12 #define RIGFILLCUT_H_
14 #include "../../PamCutBase/PamCutBase.h"
16 /*! @enum RIGFILL_return Return codes for RigFillCut discarded events */
17 enum RIGFILL_return {
18 RIGOUT, ///< Event is discarded because its rigidity is outside the rigidity binning limits.
19 THRESHRIGOUT ///< Event is discarded because its threshold rigidity is outside the threshold rigidity binning limits.
20 };
22 /*! @brief The rigidity vs threshold rigidity histogram filling.
23 *
24 * This class checks the events and builds a 2D histogram binned in rigidity modulus
25 * and threshold rigidity. Each 2D bin will contain the number of events whose
26 * rigidity modulus and threshold rigidity (eg., Stoermer cutoff rigidity times a threshold coefficient)
27 * lie in that bin. Note that the meaning of this threshold coefficient is the same as in
28 * TrkRigGeoCut, so it must have the same value used for TrkRigGeoCut (consider
29 * using TrkRigGeoCut::GetThresholdCoeff() to retrieve its value).
30 * Events are discarded only if their rigidity modulus or cutoff rigidity lies
31 * outside the histogram bounds.
32 *
33 * CUT DEPENDECIES: TrkPhSinCut for single physical track, TrkRigGeoCut for galactic event.
34 *
35 */
37 class RigFillCut: public PamCut {
39 public:
40 /*! @brief Constructor.
41 *
42 * The binning vectors must contain both the upper and lower limits, and
43 * the elements must be ordered (ie., lowest value in the first element and so on)
44 * and positive, so that charge sign will be irrelevant.
45 *
46 * @param cutName The cut's name.
47 * @param binning A vector containing the histogram binning in rigidity modulus (X axis) and cutoff rigidity (Y axis).
48 * @param
49 *
50 */
51 RigFillCut(const char *cutName, std::vector<float> binning, float thresholdCoeff) :
52 PamCut(cutName), _binning(binning), _histogram(binning.size() - 1, binning.size() - 1, 0),
53 _thresholdCoeff(thresholdCoeff) {
54 }
56 /*! @brief Destructor. */
57 ~RigFillCut() {
58 }
60 /*! @brief The rigidity and cutoff rigidity check.
61 *
62 * The event is discarded if its rigidity modulus or threshold rigidity are outside the limits of the
63 * binnings. Please note that only absolute rigidity is considered.
64 *
65 * @param event The event to analyze.
66 * @return #CUTOK if both rigidity modulus and threshold rigidity is contained in the histogram limits.
67 * @return 0 otherwise.
68 */
69 int Check(PamLevel2 *event);
71 /*! @brief The histogram filling.
72 *
73 * The method fills the histogram with the currently selected event.
74 *
75 * @param event The currently selected event.
76 */
77 void OnGood(PamLevel2 *event);
79 /*! @brief Returns the histogram.
80 *
81 * This method returns a SimpleMatrix. Its [i][j] element contain the number of analyzed events
82 * whose rigidity modulus falls in the i-th rigidity bin and whose threshold rigidity falls in the j-th rigidity bin.
83 *
84 * @return The rigidity modulus - threshold rigidity 2D histogram
85 */
86 SimpleMatrix<UInt_t> &GetHisto() {
87 return _histogram;
88 }
90 private:
92 std::vector<float> _binning;
93 SimpleMatrix<UInt_t> _histogram;
94 float _thresholdCoeff;
95 };
96 #endif /* RIGFILLCUT_H_ */

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