--- PamCut/TofCuts/TofPatternCut/TofPatternCut.h	2009/12/08 17:40:01	1.2
+++ PamCut/TofCuts/TofPatternCut/TofPatternCut.h	2010/03/18 14:44:11	1.3
@@ -15,12 +15,10 @@
 /*! @brief The Tof-pattern cut.
  * Requirements:
- * - not more than 1 hit paddle on S11 S12 S21 S22;
- * - at least 1 hit paddle on S1 and S2;
- * - not more than 3 hit PMTs (only TDC hits with tdc<4095) outside track;
- *   on S11 and S12;
- * - if there is a hit paddle, the PMTs (TDC hits) must be associated to the track;
- * - if no PMTs (TDC hits) are associated to the track, there must be no hit paddles.
+ * - (1) no more than 1 hit paddle on S11 S12 S21 S22;
+ * - (2) at least 1 hit paddle on S1 and S2;
+ * - (3) less than 3 hit PMTs (only TDC hits with tdc<4095) outside track on S11 and S12;
+ * - (4) if there is a hit paddle, it must be associated to the track.
 class TofPatternCut: public PamCut {