/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/MiscCuts/GeoFieldCut/GeoFieldCut.cpp
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Contents of /PamCut/MiscCuts/GeoFieldCut/GeoFieldCut.cpp

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jun 17 13:07:27 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: Root_V8, MergedToHEAD_1, nuclei_reproc, MergedFromV8_1, BeforeMergingFromV8_1, V9, HEAD
Branch point for: V8
Changes since 1.1: +8 -4 lines
Added the possibility to cut also on upper values of the geomagnetic field.

1 /*
2 * GeoFieldCut.cpp
3 *
4 * Created on: 10-mar-2009
5 * Author: Sergio Ricciarini, Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file GeoFieldCut.cpp The GeoFieldCut class implementation file */
10 #include "GeoFieldCut.h"
12 int GeoFieldCut::Check(PamLevel2 *event) {
14 Float_t bAbs = event->GetOrbitalInfo()->Babs;
15 if (bAbs < _bAbsMin) // Babs = absolute value of geomagnetic field (Gauss)
16 return 0;
17 if (_bAbsMax > _bAbsMin && bAbs > _bAbsMax)
18 return 0;
20 //cout << bAbs << endl;
21 return CUTOK;
22 }

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