/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/CommonDefs.h
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Contents of /PamCut/CommonDefs.h

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Revision 1.10 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 8 14:00:24 2010 UTC (14 years, 8 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: MergedFromV8_1, V9, HEAD
Changes since 1.9: +19 -1 lines
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Merged from branch V8 (tag MergedToHEAD_1). Tag before the merge: BeforeMergingFromV8_1.

1 /*
2 * CommonDefs.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 10-mar-2009
5 * Author: Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file CommonDefs.h A header file with all the common definitions for the PamCut framework.
9 */
11 #ifndef COMMONDEFS_H_
12 #define COMMONDEFS_H_
14 /*! @brief The implementations of PamCut::Check() must return this value if the event satisfy the cut*/
15 const int CUTOK = -1;
17 const float POSITIVE = 1.0; ///< Positive sign alias
18 const float NEGATIVE = -1.0; ///< Negative sign alias
20 /*! @enum DETECTORCODE
21 * The values for each detector correspond to a binary code associated to that detector.
22 * These can be arithmetically added to create a binary code for a set of detectors.
23 */
25 TRK = 1, ///< Code for Tracker
26 CALO = 2, ///< Code for Calorimeter level2
27 TOF = 4, ///< Code for ToF
28 ANT = 8, ///< Code for AntiCoincidence
29 TRG = 16, ///< Code for Trigger
30 ORB = 32, ///< Code for Orbital Info
32 ND = 64, ///< Code for Neutron Detector
33 CALO_L1 = 128
34 ///< Code for Calorimeter level1
35 };
37 /*! @enum TOFLAYERS Flags to identify TOF layers. */
38 enum TOFLAYERS {
39 S11 = 1, ///< S11.
40 S12 = 2, ///< S12.
41 S21 = 4, ///< S21.
42 S22 = 8, ///< S22.
43 S31 = 16, ///< S31.
44 S32 = 32
45 ///< S32.
46 };
48 /*! @enum TRKLAYERS Flags to identify Tracker layers. */
49 enum TRKLAYERS {
50 T1X = 1, ///< T1X.
51 T2X = 2, ///< T2X.
52 T3X = 4, ///< T3X.
53 T4X = 8, ///< T4X.
54 T5X = 16, ///< T5X.
55 T6X = 32, ///< T6X.
56 TX = 63, ///< All the X layers
57 T1Y = 64, ///< T1Y.
58 T2Y = 128, ///< T2Y.
59 T3Y = 256, ///< T3Y.
60 T4Y = 512, ///< T4Y.
61 T5Y = 1024, ///< T5Y.
62 T6Y = 2048, ///< T6Y.
63 TY = 4032
64 ///< All the Y layers
65 };
66 /*! @var TOFNPADLAYER
67 * The number of pads in each ToF layer. S11 corresponds to element 0, S12 to element 1 and so on.
68 */
69 const int TOFNPADLAYER[6] = { 8, 6, 2, 2, 3, 3 };
71 /*! @var H_MASS
72 * Proton mass
73 */
74 const float H_MASS = 0.93827203; // GeV (pdg.web.cern.ch)
76 /*! @var HE4_MASS
77 * Helium 4 mass
78 */
79 const float HE4_MASS = 3.7274; // GeV (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Hbase/pertab/He.html)
81 /*! @var HE3_MASS
82 * Helium 3 mass
83 */
84 const float HE3_MASS = 2.8084; // GeV (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Hbase/pertab/He.html)
86 /*! @var E_MASS
87 * Electron mass
88 */
89 const float E_MASS = 0.000510998; // GeV (from PDG)
91 /*! @brief A simple matrix class.
92 *
93 * This class defines a matrix built by STL vectors. It is basically a variable-dimension
94 * vector of vectors. It is intended as a container and not for algebraic manipulations.
95 * The class provides a standard access operator [] and a resize method.
96 */
97 template<class T>
98 class SimpleMatrix {
100 public:
101 /*! @brief Constructor
102 *
103 * The constructor will build an nRows x nCols matrix, initialized with a default value. If T
104 * is a class with no default constructor, a default value for T must be provided, which will
105 * be replicated in every matrix element.
106 *
107 * @param nRows The number of rows.
108 * @param nCols The number of columns
109 * @param elements The initialization value for the matrix elements.
110 */
111 SimpleMatrix(unsigned int nRows = 0, unsigned int nCols = 0, T elements = T()) :
112 _matrix(nRows, std::vector<T>(nCols, elements)) {
114 }
116 /*! @brief Standard accessor.
117 *
118 * @param i The desired row.
119 * @return The i-th row (a vector).
120 */
121 std::vector<T>& operator[](int i) {
122 return _matrix[i];
123 }
125 /*! @brief Returns the number of rows.
126 *
127 * @return The number of rows.
128 */
129 unsigned int GetNRows() {
130 return _matrix.size();
131 }
133 /*! @brief Returns the number of columns.
134 *
135 * @return The number of columns.
136 */
137 unsigned int GetNCols() {
138 return _matrix[0].size();
139 }
141 /*! @brief Resizes the matrix.
142 *
143 * If new rows or columns are added, they are initialized to the default value; if T
144 * is a class with no default constructor, a default value for T must be provided, which will
145 * be replicated in every new matrix element. No modification
146 * is done to existing elements (except for those that will be eventually removed).
147 *
148 * @param nRows The new number of rows.
149 * @param nCols The new number of columns.
150 * @param elements The initialization value for the new matrix elements.
151 */
152 void Resize(unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nCols, T elements = T()) {
154 _matrix.resize(nRows, std::vector<T>(nCols, elements));
155 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _matrix.size(); i++)
156 _matrix[i].resize(nCols, elements);
157 }
159 private:
161 std::vector<std::vector<T> > _matrix;
162 };
164 #endif /* COMMONDEFS_H_ */

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