/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/Collections/VerboseBlindCollection/VerboseBlindCollection.cpp
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Contents of /PamCut/Collections/VerboseBlindCollection/VerboseBlindCollection.cpp

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 8 14:00:32 2010 UTC (14 years, 6 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: MergedFromV8_1, V9, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +27 -6 lines
Merged from branch V8 (tag MergedToHEAD_1). Tag before the merge: BeforeMergingFromV8_1.

1 /*
2 * VerboseBlindCollection.cpp
3 *
4 * Created on: 16-mag-2009
5 * Author: Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file VerboseBlindCollection.cpp The VerboseBlindCollection class implementation file */
10 #include "VerboseBlindCollection.h"
11 #include <cmath>
13 void VerboseBlindCollection::Finalize() {
15 // Prepare the output format
16 streamsize oldPrec = cout.precision();
17 streamsize newPrec = 4;
18 cout.precision(newPrec);
19 cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
20 unsigned int nDigitsEvents = 0;
21 double nEvents = (double) GetNEv();
22 while (nEvents >= 1.) {
23 nEvents /= 10.;
24 nDigitsEvents++;
25 }
26 unsigned int nameWidth = 0;
28 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _cuts.size(); i++) {
29 if (strlen(GetCut(i)->GetName()) > nameWidth)
30 nameWidth = strlen(GetCut(i)->GetName());
31 }
33 cout << "\n- Collection: " << GetName() << "\n";
34 cout << " Selected/Analized events (eff.): " << GetNGood() << "/" << GetNEv() << " (" << (float) GetNGood()
35 / (float) GetNEv() << ")\n";
36 cout << " " << setw(nameWidth + 1) << "--Single cuts--";
37 cout << " " << setw(nDigitsEvents) << "sel.";
38 cout << " " << setw(nDigitsEvents) << "tot.";
39 cout << " " << setw(newPrec + 2) << "eff.";
40 cout << " " << setw(newPrec + 2) << "prog. eff.\n";
42 // Print the names of the actions placed before the cuts
43 unsigned int iAction = 0;
44 if (_actions.size() > 0) {
45 while (_actionsPositions[iAction] == -1) {
46 cout << " " << setw(nameWidth) << _actions[iAction]->GetName() << ":" << " ACTION\n";
47 iAction++;
48 if (iAction == _actions.size())
49 break;
50 }
51 }
53 for (unsigned int iCut = 0; iCut < GetSize(); iCut++) {
54 cout << " " << setw(nameWidth) << GetCut(iCut)->GetName() << ":";
55 cout << " " << setw(nDigitsEvents) << GetCut(iCut)->GetNGood();
56 cout << " " << setw(nDigitsEvents) << GetCut(iCut)->GetNEv();
57 cout << " " << (float) GetCut(iCut)->GetNGood() / (float) GetCut(iCut)->GetNEv();
58 cout << " " << (float) GetCut(iCut)->GetNGood() / (float) GetNEv();
59 cout << "\n";
61 if (iAction < _actions.size()) {
62 while (_actionsPositions[iAction] == (int) iCut) {
63 cout << " " << setw(nameWidth) << _actions[iAction]->GetName() << ": ACTION\n";
64 iAction++;
65 if (iAction == _actions.size())
66 break;
67 }
68 }
70 }
71 cout << endl;
73 // Reset the output format
74 cout.precision(oldPrec);
75 cout << resetiosflags(ios::floatfield);
77 SmartBlindCollection::Finalize();
79 }

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