/* * EffRigCollection.h * * Created on: 12/ago/2009 * Author: Nicola Mori */ /*! @file EffRigCollection.h The EffRigCollection class definition file. */ #ifndef EFFRIGCOLLECTION_H_ #define EFFRIGCOLLECTION_H_ #include "../EffCollection/EffCollection.h" /*! @brief A rigidity-binned efficiency collection * * This class inherits from #EffCollection: it has selection and detector4 cuts and actions, and it * computes and saves the integrated detector efficiency. Plus, it will compute and save the efficiency * for each rigidity bin given to the constructor. The output consists of text files and a ROOT file * with the efficiency graph. * * NOTE: to divide the events in rigidity bins, a physical track is required from which the * rigidity can be calculated. It is MANDATORY to add a #TrkPhSinCut object to the selection * cuts, to avoid problems when computing rigidity (it will be done if the event survives the * selection cuts, so a #TrkPhSinCut in selection cuts will ensure a physical track being present * at the moment of rigidity computation). * */ class EffRigCollection: public EffCollection { public: /*! @brief Constructor. * * @param collectionName The collection's name. The graph in the ROOT output will have the same name, so be * careful to name the collection respecting the C++ rules for the names of the variables * (eg. don't use - in the name) otherwise the graph will be unusable. * @param outFileBase The output file base name. It will produce the same file as the parent class #EffCollection * with the total efficiency, plus a similar file (named outFileBase + collection's name + "-rig.txt") * with a row for each rigidity bin. At the beginning of each row there will be two additional columns * with the edges of the bin. Additionally, a ROOT file (outFileBase + collection's name +"-rig.root") * will be produced, containing the efficiency graph. * @param rigBinsFile The file with the rigidity bins. * @param errMethod The method to use for error computation. Possible values are defined in #EffCollection_ErrMethod. * @param owns If true, the collection will own the cuts and the actions, ie., it will * destroy them in its destructor. */ EffRigCollection(const char *collectionName, TString outFileBase = "", TString rigBinsFile = "", int errMethod = EFFERR_ROOT, bool owns = true); /*! @brief Destructor. */ ~EffRigCollection() { } /*! @brief Applies the selection and detector cuts to the current event. * * @param event The event to analyze. * @return CUTOK if the event survives all the selection and detector cuts. */ int ApplyCut(PamLevel2 *event); /*! @brief The post analysis task. * */ void Finalize(); private: vector _bins; vector _selVector; vector _detVector; unsigned int _outUp, _outDown; }; #endif /* EFFRIGCOLLECTION_H_ */