/* * EffRigCollection.cpp * * Created on: 10/ago/2009 * Author: Nicola Mori */ /*! @file EffRigCollection.cpp The EffRigCollection class implementation file. */ #include "EffRigCollection.h" extern "C" { bool efficiency_(Int_t*, Int_t*, Double_t*, Double_t*, Double_t*); } EffRigCollection::EffRigCollection(const char *collectionName, TString outFileBase, TString rigBinsFile, bool absRig) : EffCollection(collectionName, outFileBase), _bins(0), _selVector(0), _detVector(0), _outUp(0), _outDown(0) { ifstream rigBinListFile; rigBinListFile.open(rigBinsFile); TString auxString; while (!rigBinListFile.eof()) { rigBinListFile >> auxString; if (auxString != "") { _bins.push_back(auxString.Atof()); } } rigBinListFile.close(); _selVector.resize(_bins.size() - 1, 0); _detVector.resize(_bins.size() - 1, 0); } int EffRigCollection::ApplyCut(PamLevel2 *event) { _nEv++; if (_selCollection.ApplyCut(event) == CUTOK) { // Check if the event is inside the rigidity range // NOTE: at this point a TrkPhSinCut should be already performed, // since we are going to retrieve rigidity. float rig; if (_absRig) { rig = event->GetTrack(0)->GetTrkTrack()->GetRigidity(); } else rig = 1. / event->GetTrack(0)->GetTrkTrack()->GetDeflection(); if (rig >= _bins[0]) { int i = 1; while (rig >= _bins[i] && i < (int) _bins.size()) { i++; } i--; if (i < (int) (_selVector.size())) { _selVector[i]++; _sel++; if (_detCollection.ApplyCut(event) == CUTOK) { _detVector[i]++; _det++; _nGood++; return CUTOK; } } else _outUp++; } else { _outDown++; return 0; } } return 0; } void EffRigCollection::Finalize() { // Print the report EffCollection::Finalize(); cout << " Events below the minimum rigidity: " << _outDown << "\n"; cout << " Events above the maximum rigidity: " << _outUp << "\n"; // Compute the error Int_t sel[_selVector.size()]; Int_t det[_detVector.size()]; Double_t eff[_selVector.size()]; Double_t errLow[_selVector.size()]; Double_t errHigh[_selVector.size()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _selVector.size(); i++) { sel[i] = (Int_t) _selVector[i]; det[i] = (Int_t) _detVector[i]; efficiency_(&(sel[i]), &(det[i]), &(eff[i]), &(errLow[i]), &(errHigh[i])); } // Write the output files if (_outFileBase != "") { ofstream outTextFile((_outFileBase + "-eff-rig.txt").Data(), ios_base::out); streamsize newPrec = 4; outTextFile.precision(newPrec); outTextFile.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _selVector.size(); i++) { outTextFile << setw(10) << _detVector[i] << setw(10) << _selVector[i]; if (_selVector[i] != 0) outTextFile << setw(10) << eff[i] << setw(10) << errLow[i] << setw(10) << errHigh[i] << "\n"; else outTextFile << setw(10) << 0. << setw(10) << 0. << setw(10) << 0. << endl; } outTextFile.close(); } }