/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/Collections/EffBetaToRigCollection/EffBetaToRigCollection.h
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Contents of /PamCut/Collections/EffBetaToRigCollection/EffBetaToRigCollection.h

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 14 06:50:55 2011 UTC (13 years, 8 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: V9, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Default error computation method switched to Sergio's routines.

1 /*
2 * EffBetaToRigCollection.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 12/lug/2011
5 * Author: Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file EffBetaToRigCollection.h The EffBetaToRigCollection class definition file. */
13 #include "../BinnedEffCollection/BinnedEffCollection.h"
15 /*! @brief A rigidity-from-beta binned efficiency collection
16 *
17 * This class inherits from #BinnedEffCollection: it only implements the #GetBinValue method
18 * to return event rigidity (with sign) as computed from beta standalone, assuming a certain mass and Z.
19 */
20 class EffBetaToRigCollection: public BinnedEffCollection {
22 public:
24 /*! @brief Constructor.
25 *
26 * @param collectionName The collection's name. The graph in the ROOT output will have the same name, so be
27 * careful to name the collection respecting the C++ rules for the names of the variables
28 * (eg. don't use - in the name) otherwise the graph will be unusable.
29 * @param outFileBase The output file base name. It will produce the same file as the parent class #EffCollection
30 * with the total efficiency, plus a similar file (named outFileBase + collection's name + "-rig.txt")
31 * with a row for each rigidity bin. At the beginning of each row there will be two additional columns
32 * with the edges of the bin. Additionally, a ROOT file (outFileBase + collection's name +"-rig.root")
33 * will be produced, containing the efficiency graph.
34 * @param rigBinsFile The file with the rigidity bins.
35 * @param mass The particle's mass in GeV (default: proton mass).
36 * @param charge The particle's charge (default: 1).
37 * @param errMethod The method to use for error computation. Possible values are defined in #EffCollection_ErrMethod.
38 * @param owns If true, the collection will own the cuts and the actions, ie., it will
39 * destroy them in its destructor.
40 */
41 EffBetaToRigCollection(const char *collectionName, TString outFileBase = "", TString rigBinsFile = "", float mass =
42 H_MASS, float charge = 1, int errMethod = EFFERR_SERGIO, bool owns = true);
44 /*! @brief Destructor. */
45 ~EffBetaToRigCollection() {
47 }
49 /*! @brief The value of binning parameter (rigidity from beta).
50 *
51 * @param event The current event.
52 * @return The rigidity (with sign) computed from beta standalone of current event.
53 */
54 float GetBinValue(PamLevel2 *event);
56 private:
58 float _mass, _charge;
59 };

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