/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/CollectionActions/ReprocessTrackAction/ReprocessTrackAction.cpp
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Contents of /PamCut/CollectionActions/ReprocessTrackAction/ReprocessTrackAction.cpp

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Wed Nov 30 16:57:49 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: V8
CVS Tags: nuclei_reproc
Changes since +46 -5 lines
Substitute the standard Trk level1 in PamLevel2 with the (eventual) external one.
This way, the external level1 (which has been actually used to compute new level2) will be saved by SaveEventsAction, instead of the standard and unused level1.

1 /*
2 * ReprocessTrackAction.cpp
3 *
4 * Created on: 23/dic/2009
5 * Author: C. De Santis, N. Mori
6 */
8 #include "ReprocessTrackAction.h"
10 void ReprocessTrackAction::OnGood(PamLevel2 *event) {
12 _allEvents++;
14 TrkLevel1 *L1 = NULL;
15 if (_newTrkL1) {
16 if (_externalFlag)
17 if (!(*_externalFlag))
18 return;
19 else
20 L1 = *_newTrkL1; // External L1 plus flag=true
21 else
22 L1 = *_newTrkL1; // External L1 plus no external flag
24 // Set the new L1 inside PamLevel2 event
25 TrkLevel1 *oldTrkL1 = event->GetTrkLevel1();
27 // Sadly, there's no copy constructor for TrkLevel1. We have to copy manually...
28 // TODO: replace the following with TrkLevel1 copy constructor (if there will ever be one...)
29 // 1. Clean the structure
30 oldTrkL1->Set(); // Creates Cluster array if it doesn't exist
31 Int_t nClus = oldTrkL1->Cluster->GetEntries();
32 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nClus; i++) {
33 TrkCluster *clstrPtr = (TrkCluster*) (oldTrkL1->Cluster->UncheckedAt(i));
34 if (clstrPtr) {
35 delete[] clstrPtr->clsignal;
36 clstrPtr->clsignal = NULL;
37 delete[] clstrPtr->clsigma;
38 clstrPtr->clsigma = NULL;
39 delete[] clstrPtr->cladc;
40 clstrPtr->cladc = NULL;
41 delete[] clstrPtr->clbad;
42 clstrPtr->clbad = NULL;
43 }
44 }
45 oldTrkL1->Cluster->Clear("C");
47 // 2. Copy the new L1 into the old one
48 // 2.1 Fixed size public arrays
49 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
50 oldTrkL1->good[i] = (*_newTrkL1)->good[i];
51 for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) {
52 oldTrkL1->cn[j][i] = (*_newTrkL1)->cn[j][i];
53 oldTrkL1->cnn[j][i] = (*_newTrkL1)->cnn[j][i];
54 }
55 }
56 // 2.2 TClonesArray of TrkCluster objects
57 int nClusters = (*_newTrkL1)->Cluster->GetEntries();
58 for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++) {
59 TrkCluster *currCluster = (TrkCluster*) ((*_newTrkL1)->Cluster->At(i));
60 new ((*(oldTrkL1->Cluster))[i]) TrkCluster(*currCluster);
61 }
62 }
63 else {
65 event->GetPointerTo("TrkLevel1"); // Internal L1 (create it if it doesn't exist)
66 TrkLevel0 *L0 = event->GetTrkLevel0();
67 if (!L0) {
68 cout << "Missing TrkLevel0 event " << endl;
69 return;
70 }
71 L0->ProcessEvent(); // re-processing level0->level1
72 L1 = event->GetTrkLevel1();
73 L1->Clear();
74 L1->SetFromLevel1Struct();
75 }
77 if (_reprocL2) {
78 // See if the event has a track before reprocessing
79 TrkLevel2 *trkl2 = event->GetTrkLevel2();
80 bool hadTrack = false;
81 if (trkl2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks() > 0)
82 hadTrack = true;
84 // Reprocess
85 _reprocessed++;
86 L1->ProcessEvent(); // re-processing level1->level2
88 trkl2 = event->GetTrkLevel2();
89 trkl2->Clear();
90 trkl2->SetFromLevel2Struct();
92 // See if we gained or lost a track;
93 if (trkl2->GetNTracks() > 0) {
94 if (!hadTrack) {
95 _recoveredTracks++;
96 }
97 }
98 else if (hadTrack) {
99 _lostTracks++;
100 }
101 }
102 }

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