/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/CollectionActions/RefitTrackAction/RefitTrackAction.cpp
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Contents of /PamCut/CollectionActions/RefitTrackAction/RefitTrackAction.cpp

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Mon Jun 7 14:30:20 2010 UTC (14 years, 8 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: V8
Changes since +8 -0 lines
Wrong cluster identification corrected: xgood and ygood for clusters with null energy release are set to 0.

1 /*
2 * RefitTrackAction.cpp
3 *
4 * Created on: 10/may/2010
5 * Author: M. Bongi, N. Mori
6 */
8 #include "RefitTrackAction.h"
10 TRandom3* RefitTrackAction::_r3 = new TRandom3(0);
11 long int RefitTrackAction::_currEvent = -1;
12 TString RefitTrackAction::_currTrkParamsFile = "";
14 float RefitTrackAction::_xmBackup[6], RefitTrackAction::_ymBackup[6];
15 int RefitTrackAction::_layerXBackup[6], RefitTrackAction::_layerYBackup[6];
17 void RefitTrackAction::OnGood(PamLevel2 *event) {
19 // Do something only if at least one track exists
20 if (event->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks() == 0)
21 return;
23 // Reload the TRK parameters only if they have been changed (ie., if another instance of
24 // this class used a different set of parameters).
25 if (_trkParamsFile != _currTrkParamsFile) {
26 TrkParams::Set(_trkParamsFile, 5);
27 _currTrkParamsFile = _trkParamsFile;
28 }
30 if (_sortingMethod)
31 event->SetSortingMethod(_sortingMethod);
32 TrkTrack *trkTrack = event->GetTrack(0)->GetTrkTrack();
33 if (!trkTrack)
34 return;
36 // Check if good clusters have meaningful energy releases
37 for (UInt_t ip = 0; ip < 6; ip++) {
38 if (trkTrack->XGood(ip) == 1 && trkTrack->GetDEDX(ip, 0) <= 0.)
39 trkTrack->xgood[ip] = 0; // Set it to bad
40 if (trkTrack->YGood(ip) == 1 && trkTrack->GetDEDX(ip, 1) <= 0.)
41 trkTrack->ygood[ip] = 0; // Set it to bad
42 }
44 if (_currEvent != event->GetReadEntry()) {
45 // Saves the original track data if the current event (recorded in the static member _currEvent) is
46 // different from the actually processed event. This way, multiple instances of the class
47 // can run in the same analysis, the backup being done only by the first of them.
48 _currEvent = event->GetReadEntry();
49 // Save the original cluster status and measured positions
50 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
51 _layerXBackup[i] = trkTrack->xgood[0];
52 _layerYBackup[i] = trkTrack->ygood[0];
53 _xmBackup[i] = trkTrack->xm[i];
54 _ymBackup[i] = trkTrack->ym[i];
55 }
56 }
57 else {
58 // Current event matches the actually analyzed event, this meaning that another instance of the class
59 // has already done a refit. In this case, cluster status and positions must be restored before fitting again.
60 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
61 trkTrack->xm[i] = _xmBackup[i];
62 trkTrack->ym[i] = _ymBackup[i];
63 _layerXBackup[i] = trkTrack->xgood[0];
64 _layerYBackup[i] = trkTrack->ygood[0];
65 }
67 }
69 // Apply the gaussian spread
71 for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < 6; ip++) {
72 // gaussian distributed random number Gauss(mean,sigma) (in cm)
73 trkTrack->xm[ip] += _r3->Gaus(0., _spreadX);
74 trkTrack->ym[ip] += _r3->Gaus(0., _spreadY);
75 }
77 // Mask the layers
78 if (_maskedViews) {
79 if ((_maskedViews & T1X) == T1X)
80 trkTrack->xgood[0] = 0;
81 if ((_maskedViews & T2X) == T2X)
82 trkTrack->xgood[1] = 0;
83 if ((_maskedViews & T3X) == T3X)
84 trkTrack->xgood[2] = 0;
85 if ((_maskedViews & T4X) == T4X)
86 trkTrack->xgood[3] = 0;
87 if ((_maskedViews & T5X) == T5X)
88 trkTrack->xgood[4] = 0;
89 if ((_maskedViews & T6X) == T6X)
90 trkTrack->xgood[5] = 0;
92 if ((_maskedViews & T1Y) == T1Y)
93 trkTrack->ygood[0] = 0;
94 if ((_maskedViews & T2Y) == T2Y)
95 trkTrack->ygood[1] = 0;
96 if ((_maskedViews & T3Y) == T3Y)
97 trkTrack->ygood[2] = 0;
98 if ((_maskedViews & T4Y) == T4Y)
99 trkTrack->ygood[3] = 0;
100 if ((_maskedViews & T5Y) == T5Y)
101 trkTrack->ygood[4] = 0;
102 if ((_maskedViews & T6Y) == T6Y)
103 trkTrack->ygood[5] = 0;
104 }
106 trkTrack->FitReset();
107 int fail = 0;
108 trkTrack->Fit(0, fail, 0);
110 if (fail) {
111 // Set a flag for the badly-refitted tracks: chi2 < 0
112 if (trkTrack->chi2 >= 0.)
113 trkTrack->chi2 = -1.;
114 }
115 }

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