/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/CollectionActions/Histo2DActions/RigFillAction/RigFillAction.h
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Contents of /PamCut/CollectionActions/Histo2DActions/RigFillAction/RigFillAction.h

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Tue May 11 14:25:59 2010 UTC (14 years, 9 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: V8
CVS Tags: MergedToHEAD_1, nuclei_reproc
Changes since 1.2: +14 -4 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Deflection correction for MDR cut added. Template argument changed to Float_t.

1 /*
2 * RigFillAction.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 14/lug/2009
5 * Author: Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file RigFillAction.h The RigFillAction class declaration file. */
13 #include "../Histo2DAction/Histo2DAction.h"
14 //#include <stdint.h>
16 /*! @brief The rigidity vs threshold rigidity histogram filling.
17 *
18 * This class builds a 2D histogram binned in event rigidity modulus (Y axis)
19 * and threshold rigidity (X axis). Each 2D bin will contain the number of events whose
20 * event rigidity modulus and threshold rigidity (eg., Stoermer cutoff rigidity times a
21 * threshold coefficient) lie in that bin. Note that the meaning of this threshold coefficient
22 * is the same as in TrkRigGeoCut, so it must have the same value used for TrkRigGeoCut
23 * (consider using TrkRigGeoCut::GetThresholdCoeff() to retrieve its value).
24 * Events whose threshold rigidity is below the lower limit of the bins are recorded in a vector
25 * of event rigidities with threshold rigidity in the "inferior threshold bin", which ranges
26 * from zero to the the lowest threshold rigidity of the "normal" bins.
27 * It is also possible to recover spillover events. These are defined as events with opposite sign
28 * and absolute rigidity greater than a certain value (specified as a constructors' parameter).
29 * They will be added to the rigidity overflow bins (YOverflow).
30 * Another functionality of this action is the correction of deflection for residual misalignment when
31 * selecting data with a fixed MDR cut (which reduces the effective tracker geometry and thus brings up
32 * some residual misalignment).
33 * For output file naming conventions, see #Finalize.
34 *
35 * CUT DEPENDENCIES: TrkPhSinCut for single physical track, TrkRigGeoCut for galactic event.
36 *
37 */
38 class RigFillAction: public Histo2DAction<Float_t> {
40 public:
41 /*! @brief Constructor.
42 *
43 * outFileBase is the base name for output file: #Finalize will add ".txt" for the matrix histogram,
44 * "-InfBins.txt" for the critical rigidity underflow and "-Spillover.txt" for the (spillover + rigidity overflow).
45 * outFileBase has to contain the path (otherwise, files will be saved in the current directory).
46 * The file containing the rigidity bins must be a text file. It must contain both the
47 * lower and upper limits of the rigidity axis, so that if it contains N values it
48 * defines a set of N-1 bins.
49 *
50 * @param actionName The action's name.
51 * @param outFileBase The output file base name. If "" is given as name, no file will be produced.
52 * @param rigBinsFile The file containing the rigidity bins
53 * @param thresholdCoeff The threshold coefficient for critical rigidity.
54 * @param chargeSign The sign of the rigidity of the particles that will fill the histograms. The
55 * particles with opposite sign will be discarded (except,for spillover events, eventually).
56 * See also aliases for positive and negative signs in CommonDefs.h.
57 * @param spilloverFlag If true, spillover events (defined by spilloverLimit) will be not discarded and
58 * added to the highest bin.
59 * @param spilloverLimit The inferior limit of the spillover rigidities (absolute value).
60 * @param mdrMin The fixed MDR cut (in GV) applied to data before this action, and for which the measured rigidity
61 * will be corrected. See the implementation of #OnGood for details about the correction calculation.
62 * No correction will be applied if this parameter is set to 0.
63 *
64 */
65 RigFillAction(const char *actionName, TString outFileBase, TString rigBinsFile, float thresholdCoeff,
66 float chargeSign = POSITIVE, bool spilloverFlag = false, float spilloverLimit = 0, float mdrMin = 0.);
68 /*! @brief Constructor.
69 *
70 * outFileBase is the base name for output file: #Finalize will add .txt for ASCII output
71 * and .root for ROOT output. "-report" will be also added for the report file (in which
72 * the content of the zero bins will be saved). outFileBase has to contain the path (otherwise,
73 * files will be saved in the current directory).
74 *
75 * @param actionName The action's name.
76 * @param outFileBase The output file base name. If "" is given as name, no file will be produced.
77 * @param bins A vector containing the bins limits.
78 * @param thresholdCoeff The threshold coefficient for critical rigidity.
79 * @param chargeSign The sign of the rigidity of the particles that will fill the histograms. The
80 * particles with opposite sign will be discarded (except for spillover events, eventually).
81 * @param spilloverFlag If true, spillover events (defined by spilloverLimit) will be not discarded and
82 * added to the highest bin.
83 * @param spilloverLimit The inferior limit of the spillover rigidities (absolute value).
84 * @param mdrMin The fixed MDR cut (in GV) applied to data before this action, and for which the measured rigidity
85 * will be corrected. See the implementation of #OnGood for details about the correction calculation.
86 * No correction will be applied if this parameter is set to 0.
87 */
88 RigFillAction(const char *actionName, TString outFileBase, vector<float> &bins, float thresholdCoeff,
89 float chargeSign = POSITIVE, bool spilloverFlag = false, float spilloverLimit = 0, float mdrMin = 0.);
91 /*! @brief Destructor */
92 ~RigFillAction() {
93 }
95 /*! @brief Fills histogram with the selected event.
96 *
97 * The current event will be added to the event rigidity bin corresponding to its event rigidity R and to the
98 * threshold bin corresponding to the Stoermer cutoff rigidity (S) multiplied by the threshold coefficient.
99 *
100 * @param event The selected event.
101 */
102 void OnGood(PamLevel2 *event);
104 /*! @brief Writes the output files.
105 *
106 * The output consists of: 1) a text file where the 2-dimensional histogram is saved. The first row of the
107 * text file is the lowest rigidity bin, the second is the next bin and so on, so in the text output the positive
108 * direction of the rigidity axis (Y axis) is downwards; 2) a text file with postfix "-InfBins.txt" where the
109 * critical rigidity underflow array is saved (it will contain a number of entries equal to the number of bins);
110 * 3) eventually, a text file with postfix "-Spillover.txt" where the (spillover + rigidity overflow) array is saved
111 * (this array will contain one element more than the previous one, which is the (spillover + rigidity overflow) for the
112 * critical rigidity underflow, and will be the first).
113 */
114 void Finalize();
116 private:
118 float _thresholdCoeff;
119 float _chargeSign;
120 bool _spilloverFlag;
121 float _spilloverLimit;
122 float _mdrMin;
123 };
124 #endif /* RIGFILLACTION_H_ */

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