/[PAMELA software]/PamCut/CaloCuts/CaloCuts.h
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Contents of /PamCut/CaloCuts/CaloCuts.h

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Revision - (show annotations) (download)
Thu May 6 17:09:12 2010 UTC (14 years, 10 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: V8
CVS Tags: MergedToHEAD_1, nuclei_reproc
Changes since 1.3: +1 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Support for CaloGeomYSensCut added.

1 /*
2 * CaloCuts.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 15-mag-2009
5 * Author: Nicola Mori
6 */
8 /*! @file CaloCuts.h This header contains the inclusion of all Calo cuts. */
10 #ifndef CALOCUTS_H_
11 #define CALOCUTS_H_
13 #include "CaloAngleCut/CaloAngleCut.h" // Impact angle in the calorimeter
14 #include "CaloCrossCut/CaloCrossCut.h" // Calorimeter last plane cross
15 #include "CaloGeomCut/CaloGeomCut.h" // Fiducial acceptance with calorimeter's track
16 #include "CaloGeomYSensCut/CaloGeomYSensCut.h" // Y sensor check
17 #include "CaloIonCut/CaloIonCut.h" // Ionization in the first calo plane
18 #include "CaloNHitCut/CaloNHitCut.h" // Number of hit strips in the calorimeter
19 #include "CaloNotIntCut/CaloNotIntCut.h" // Non-interacting particle in calorimeter
20 #include "CaloNucleiZCut/CaloNucleiZCut.h" // Particle's charge cut based on CaloNuclei
21 #include "CaloQtotCut/CaloQtotCut.h" // Total energy
22 #include "CaloTrackChi2Cut/CaloTrackChi2Cut.h" // Chi2 quality for calo track
23 #include "CaloTrackCut/CaloTrackCut.h" // Calorimeter track
25 #endif /* CALOCUTS_H_ */

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