/[PAMELA software]/PamCAL/g4Config.C
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Contents of /PamCAL/g4Config.C

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Nov 12 10:19:53 2007 UTC (17 years, 4 months ago) by nikolas
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1 // $Id: g4Config.C,v 1.0 2007/06/01 Exp $
2 //
3 // Configuration macro for Geant4 VirtualMC for PamG4VMC
4 // for geometry defined with Root and selected Geant4 native navigation
6 void Config()
7 {
9 gSystem->Load("libG4phys_builders");
10 gSystem->Load("libG4phys_lists");
11 TString G4WD=gSystem->Getenv("G4WORKDIR");
12 TString PLAT=gSystem->Getenv("PLATFORM");
13 gSystem->Load(G4WD+"/lib/tgt_"+PLAT+"/libPamG4RunConfiguration");
14 cout<<G4WD+"/lib/tgt_"+PLAT+"/libPamG4RunConfiguration";
15 PamG4RunConfiguration* runConfiguration
16 = new PamG4RunConfiguration("geomRootToGeant4");
18 // Switch on optical physics (not activated by default)
19 /// TG4PhysicsListOptions options;
20 ////runConfiguration->SetPhysicsListOptions(options);
21 // TGeant4
22 TGeant4* geant4
23 = new TGeant4("TGeant4_PAMELA", "The Geant4 PAMELA Monte Carlo", runConfiguration);
25 // Customise Geant4 setting
26 // (verbose level, global range cut, ..)
27 geant4->ProcessGeantMacro("g4config.in");
28 }

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