31 |
run = ru; |
run = ru; |
32 |
dir = di; |
dir = di; |
33 |
// |
// |
34 |
discarded = false; |
35 |
// |
36 |
wd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); |
wd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); |
37 |
// |
// |
38 |
outdir = wrkdi; |
outdir = wrkdi; |
44 |
runmode = false; |
runmode = false; |
45 |
createlist = true; |
createlist = true; |
46 |
}; |
}; |
47 |
fUpgrade = true; |
48 |
// |
// |
49 |
// lList = new TList(); |
// lList = new TList(); |
50 |
// |
// |
117 |
TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); |
TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); |
118 |
// |
// |
119 |
UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); |
UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); |
120 |
UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86401; |
UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86400; |
121 |
// |
// |
122 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); |
123 |
// |
// |
176 |
if ( li->CheckLevel2File(thisrun) ){ |
if ( li->CheckLevel2File(thisrun) ){ |
177 |
lList->Add(su); |
lList->Add(su); |
178 |
} else { |
} else { |
179 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
180 |
discarded = true; |
181 |
}; |
}; |
182 |
// |
// |
183 |
}; |
}; |
222 |
fNlist++; |
fNlist++; |
223 |
} else { |
} else { |
224 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",fullpath.Data()); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",fullpath.Data()); |
225 |
discarded = true; |
226 |
}; |
}; |
227 |
// |
// |
228 |
}; |
}; |
286 |
TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); |
TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); |
287 |
// |
// |
288 |
UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); |
UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); |
289 |
UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86401; |
UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86400; |
290 |
// |
// |
291 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); |
292 |
// |
// |
349 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s ADDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s ADDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
350 |
} else { |
} else { |
351 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); |
352 |
discarded = true; |
353 |
}; |
}; |
354 |
// |
// |
355 |
}; |
}; |
400 |
return(false); |
return(false); |
401 |
} else { |
} else { |
402 |
// |
// |
403 |
// try to lock tables and work on a db level to avoid multiple file simultaneous access |
404 |
// |
405 |
stringstream oss; |
406 |
// |
407 |
if ( fUpgrade ){ |
408 |
oss.str(""); |
409 |
oss << "lock table GL_ROOT write;"; |
410 |
TSQLResult *result = 0; |
411 |
TSQLRow *row = 0; |
412 |
result = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
413 |
oss.str(""); |
414 |
oss << "select ID from GL_ROOT where NAME='" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "';"; |
415 |
result = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
416 |
row = result->Next(); |
417 |
if ( row ){ |
418 |
printf("Error opening target file (does %s exist? already in the DB? are the permissions ok?)\n",(this->GetFilename()).Data()); |
419 |
return(false); |
420 |
} else { |
421 |
oss.str(""); |
422 |
oss << "insert into GL_ROOT (PATH,NAME) values ('$PAM_L2','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; |
423 |
result = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
424 |
}; |
425 |
oss.str(""); |
426 |
oss << "unlock tables;"; |
427 |
result = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
428 |
}; |
429 |
// Target = TFile::Open((this->GetFilename()).Data(), "RECREATE" ); |
430 |
Target = TFile::Open((this->GetFilename()).Data(), "NEW" ); |
431 |
// |
432 |
printf(" Output file does not exist, creating it\n"); |
printf(" Output file does not exist, creating it\n"); |
433 |
// |
// |
434 |
Long64_t maxsize = 99900000000LL; |
Long64_t maxsize = 99900000000LL; |
435 |
// |
// |
436 |
Target = TFile::Open((this->GetFilename()).Data(), "RECREATE" ); |
if ( !Target || Target->IsZombie()) { |
437 |
printf("Error opening target file (does %s exist? are the permissions ok?)\n",(this->GetFilename()).Data()); |
438 |
// exit(1); |
439 |
return(false); |
440 |
} |
441 |
// |
442 |
Target->Write(); |
443 |
// |
444 |
//fastMethod = kTRUE; |
//fastMethod = kTRUE; |
445 |
fastMethod = kFALSE; |
fastMethod = kFALSE; |
446 |
// |
// |
// |
if ( !Target || Target->IsZombie()) { |
printf("Error opening target file (does %s exist?)\n",(this->GetFilename()).Data()); |
exit(1); |
} |
447 |
// |
// |
448 |
TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); |
TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); |
449 |
// Target->SetCompressionLevel(2); |
// Target->SetCompressionLevel(2); |
510 |
}; |
}; |
511 |
// |
// |
512 |
myquery.str(""); |
myquery.str(""); |
// myquery << "insert into GL_ROOT (ID_RAW,PATH,NAME) values (" << idr << ",'" << outdir.Data() << "','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; |
myquery << "insert into GL_ROOT (ID_RAW,PATH,NAME) values (" << idr << ",'$PAM_L2','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
// |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
if ( !pResult ){ |
printf(" ERROR WRITING ON DB!\n"); |
return; |
}; |
myquery.str(""); |
513 |
myquery << "select ID from GL_ROOT where NAME='" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "';"; |
myquery << "select ID from GL_ROOT where NAME='" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "';"; |
514 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
515 |
// |
// |
525 |
} else { |
} else { |
526 |
idl2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
idl2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
527 |
}; |
}; |
528 |
myquery.str(""); |
529 |
// myquery << "insert into GL_ROOT (ID_RAW,PATH,NAME) values (" << idr << ",'" << outdir.Data() << "','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; |
530 |
// myquery << "insert into GL_ROOT (ID_RAW,PATH,NAME) values (" << idr << ",'$PAM_L2','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; |
531 |
myquery << "update GL_ROOT set ID_RAW=" << idr << " where ID=" << idl2 << ";"; |
532 |
if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
533 |
// |
534 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
535 |
if ( !pResult ){ |
536 |
printf(" ERROR WRITING ON DB!\n"); |
537 |
return; |
538 |
}; |
539 |
// |
// |
540 |
// |
// |
541 |
// |
// |
570 |
// |
// |
571 |
merged = true; |
merged = true; |
572 |
// |
// |
573 |
if ( li ) li->Delete(); |
// if ( li ) li->Delete(); |
574 |
li = new PamLevel2(wd,sourcelist,fDList); |
PamLevel2 *nli = new PamLevel2(wd,sourcelist,fDList); |
575 |
li->SetSELLI(2); |
nli->SetSELLI(2); |
576 |
// |
// |
577 |
Target->cd(); |
Target->cd(); |
578 |
// |
// |
579 |
li->CreateCloneTrees(Target); |
nli->CreateCloneTrees(Target); |
580 |
ULong64_t nevents = li->GetEntries(); |
// |
581 |
/* nli->GetCloneTree("Tracker")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
582 |
nli->GetCloneTree("Trigger")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
583 |
nli->GetCloneTree("Calorimeter")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
584 |
nli->GetCloneTree("S4")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
585 |
nli->GetCloneTree("Anticounter")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
586 |
nli->GetCloneTree("NeutronD")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
587 |
nli->GetCloneTree("OrbitalInfo")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
588 |
nli->GetCloneTree("Run")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
589 |
nli->GetCloneTree("ToF")->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL);*/ |
590 |
// |
591 |
ULong64_t nevents = nli->GetEntries(); |
592 |
printf(" NEVENTS %llu \n",nevents); |
printf(" NEVENTS %llu \n",nevents); |
593 |
for(ULong64_t iev=0; iev<nevents; iev++){ |
for(ULong64_t iev=0; iev<nevents; iev++){ |
594 |
li->Clear(); |
nli->Clear(); |
595 |
if( li->GetEntry(iev) ){ |
if( nli->GetEntry(iev) ){ |
596 |
li->FillCloneTrees(); |
nli->FillCloneTrees(); |
597 |
}; |
}; |
598 |
}; |
}; |
599 |
Target->cd(); |
Target->cd(); |
600 |
li->WriteCloneTrees(); |
nli->WriteCloneTrees(); |
601 |
printf("Written file %s \n",Target->GetName()); |
printf("Written file %s \n",Target->GetName()); |
602 |
// Target->Write(); |
// Target->Write(); |
603 |
// TTree *slist = (TTree*)Target->Get("SelectionList"); |
// TTree *slist = (TTree*)Target->Get("SelectionList"); |
604 |
// slist->Delete("all"); |
// slist->Delete("all"); |
605 |
if ( !nli->GetCloneTree("ProcessingInfo") ){ |
606 |
TChain *P = new TChain("ProcessingInfo"); |
607 |
// loop over files and create chains |
608 |
TIter next(sourcelist); |
609 |
TSystemFile *questo = 0; |
610 |
while ((questo = (TSystemFile*) next())) { |
611 |
TString name = questo->GetName(); |
612 |
P->Add(name); |
613 |
} |
614 |
if ( P->GetEntries() ){ |
615 |
TTree *Pclone = P->CloneTree(); |
616 |
// |
617 |
ProcInfo *procinfo = new ProcInfo(); |
618 |
procinfo->runID = run; |
619 |
TTimeStamp *dt = new TTimeStamp(); |
620 |
procinfo->date = dt->AsString(); |
621 |
delete dt; |
622 |
TString isok; |
623 |
if ( discarded ){ |
624 |
isok = " WARNING, files were discarded while merging! "; |
625 |
} else { |
626 |
isok = " The level2 merging was OK!"; |
627 |
} |
628 |
procinfo->commandLine += Form("PadmeAmidala: %s",isok.Data()); |
629 |
procinfo->outputFilename = Target->GetName(); |
630 |
procinfo->localDir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); |
631 |
procinfo->uname = gSystem->GetFromPipe("uname -a"); |
632 |
procinfo->DB = Form("mysql://%s/%s",dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetDB()); |
633 |
634 |
Pclone->SetBranchAddress("ProcInfo",&procinfo); |
635 |
Pclone->Fill(); |
636 |
637 |
Target->cd(); |
638 |
Pclone->Write("ProcessingInfo",TObject::kOverwrite); |
639 |
P->Delete(); |
640 |
P=0; |
641 |
} |
642 |
} |
643 |
// |
644 |
Target->Close(); |
Target->Close(); |
645 |
646 |
// // |
// // |