/** * \file RunGlue.cpp * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti * * The file contains implementation of the methods to query the DB. */ // #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include // ClassImp(RunGlue); // using namespace std; RunGlue::RunGlue() { this->Clear(); } RunGlue::RunGlue(TSQLServer *da, UInt_t ru, TString di, TString wrkdi) { fDBG = false; li = new PamLevel2(); this->Clear(); dbc = da; run = ru; dir = di; // TString wd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); // outdir = wrkdi; if ( !strcmp(outdir.Data(),"") ) outdir = wd; fList = 0; if ( run ){ runmode = true; } else { runmode = false; createlist = true; }; // // lList = new TList(); // }; void RunGlue::Clear() { fEnd = false; run = 0; dir = ""; outdir = ""; fFilename = ""; }; void RunGlue::Clean() { if ( !merged ) gSystem->Unlink(fFilename); lList->Delete(); delete Target; }; void RunGlue::SetDebug(Bool_t dbg) { fDBG = dbg; }; void RunGlue::SetDList(TString list) { // RUN = true; // if (list.Contains("-RUN", TString::kIgnoreCase)) RUN = false; if (list.Contains("-ALL", TString::kIgnoreCase)) RUN = false; if (list.Contains("+RUN", TString::kIgnoreCase)) RUN = true; if (list.Contains("+ALL", TString::kIgnoreCase)) RUN = true; // fDList = list; li->SetWhichTrees(fDList); // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Detector list is %s \n",fDList.Data()); // }; TList *RunGlue::GetRunList(){ // lList = new TList(); lList->Clear(); TString thisrun; TFile *su; // TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; // if ( run && runmode ){ // // Qurey the GL_RUN table to obtain RUN infos // GL_RUN *glrun = new GL_RUN(); glrun->Query_GL_RUN(run,dbc); // // convert RUNHEADER_TIME into a UTC date // GL_TIMESYNC *dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(); // TString UTC="UTC"; TString rhdate=dbtime->ConvertTime(UTC,glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME); // TDatime ti = TDatime(rhdate.Data()); // YY=(UInt_t)ti.GetYear(); MM=(UInt_t)ti.GetMonth(); DD=(UInt_t)ti.GetDay(); // TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); // UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86401; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); // YY -= 2000; stringstream tmpf; tmpf.str(""); tmpf << "L2PAM"; if ( YY < 10 ){ tmpf<< "0" << YY; } else { tmpf<< YY; }; if ( MM < 10 ){ tmpf<< "0" << MM; } else { tmpf<< MM; }; if ( DD < 10 ){ tmpf << "0" << DD << ".root"; } else { tmpf << DD << ".root"; }; TString fpath = ""; if ( !strcmp(outdir,"") ){ fpath="./"; } else { fpath += outdir; fpath += "/"; }; // fFilename = fpath + tmpf.str().c_str(); // printf(" Output filename is %s \n",fFilename.Data()); // if ( !this->OpenFile() ){ fEnd = true; return(0); }; // stringstream myquery; myquery.str(""); myquery << "SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN WHERE RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)lowerlimit << " AND RUNHEADER_TIME<" << (UInt_t)upperlimit << " ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME ASC;"; // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); for( UInt_t r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" %u RUN %s \n",r,Row->GetField(0)); // thisrun=dir+(TString)Row->GetField(0)+".Level2.root"; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Filename is %s \n",thisrun.Data()); // su = TFile::Open(thisrun); if ( li->CheckLevel2File(thisrun) ){ lList->Add(su); } else { if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); }; // }; // // delete glrun; delete dbtime; // }; // if ( strcmp(dir.Data(),"" )){ // if ( createlist ){ fList = new TList(); fDoneList = new TList(); fNlist = 0; fNlistdone = 0; // // read files in the directory // if ( DebugMode() ) printf("\n No input run given\n Check for existing root files. \n"); // TSystemDirectory *datadir = new TSystemDirectory(gSystem->BaseName(dir),dir); TList *temp = datadir->GetListOfFiles(); // TIter next(temp); TSystemFile *questo = 0; // while ( (questo = (TSystemFile*)next()) ) { TString name = questo->GetName(); if( name.EndsWith(".Level2.root") ){ char *fullpath0; gSystem->IsFileInIncludePath(name,&fullpath0); TString fullpath = fullpath0; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" fullpath = %s name %s \n",fullpath.Data(),name.Data()); // // su = TFile::Open(fullpath); if ( li->CheckLevel2File((TString)fullpath) ){ fList->Add(su); fNlist++; } else { if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",fullpath.Data()); }; // }; }; createlist = false; nrun = 0; }; // // // Bool_t stop = true; UInt_t drun = 0; while ( nrun < fNlist && stop ){ TString myrun = (TString)((TString)(gSystem->BaseName(((TFile*)fList->At(nrun))->GetName()))).ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0); if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" nrun %u myrun is %s \n",nrun,(myrun.ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0)).Data()); run = (UInt_t)(myrun.Atoi()); nrun++; // TString donerun = ""; for (UInt_t ll=0; llBaseName(((TFile*)fDoneList->At(ll))->GetName()))).ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0); if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" donerun is %s \n",(donerun.ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0)).Data()); drun = (UInt_t)(donerun.Atoi()); // if ( run == drun ) goto jump; // }; // stop = false; // jump: drun = 0; // }; // if ( nrun >= fNlist && stop ){ fEnd = true; return(0); }; // // Qurey the GL_RUN table to obtain RUN infos // printf(" PROCESSING RUN %u AND ITS FRIENDS\n",run); GL_RUN *glrun = new GL_RUN(); glrun->Query_GL_RUN(run,dbc); // // convert RUNHEADER_TIME into a UTC date // GL_TIMESYNC *dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(); // TString UTC="UTC"; TString rhdate=dbtime->ConvertTime(UTC,glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME); // TDatime ti = TDatime(rhdate.Data()); // YY=(UInt_t)ti.GetYear(); MM=(UInt_t)ti.GetMonth(); DD=(UInt_t)ti.GetDay(); // TTimeStamp *llim = new TTimeStamp(YY,MM,DD,0,0,0,0,true,0); // UInt_t lowerlimit = llim->GetSec(); UInt_t upperlimit = lowerlimit + 86401; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" YY %u MM %u DD %u ll %u ul %u \n",YY,MM,DD,lowerlimit,upperlimit); // YY -= 2000; stringstream tmpf; tmpf.str(""); tmpf << "L2PAM"; if ( YY < 10 ){ tmpf<< "0" << YY; } else { tmpf<< YY; }; if ( MM < 10 ){ tmpf<< "0" << MM; } else { tmpf<< MM; }; if ( DD < 10 ){ tmpf << "0" << DD << ".root"; } else { tmpf << DD << ".root"; }; TString fpath = ""; if ( !strcmp(outdir,"") ){ fpath="./"; } else { fpath += outdir; fpath += "/"; }; // fFilename = fpath + tmpf.str().c_str(); // printf(" Output filename is %s \n",fFilename.Data()); // if ( !this->OpenFile() ) return(0); // stringstream myquery; myquery.str(""); myquery << "SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN WHERE RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)lowerlimit << " AND RUNHEADER_TIME<" << (UInt_t)upperlimit << " ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME ASC;"; // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); for( UInt_t r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" %u RUN %s \n",r,Row->GetField(0)); // thisrun=dir+(TString)Row->GetField(0)+".Level2.root"; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Filename is %s \n",thisrun.Data()); // su = TFile::Open(thisrun); if ( su ){ TFile *su0 = TFile::Open(thisrun); fDoneList->Add(su0); fNlistdone++; }; if ( li->CheckLevel2File(thisrun) ){ lList->Add(su); if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s ADDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); } else { if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" RUN %s DISCARDED \n",Row->GetField(0)); }; // }; // if ( DebugMode() ){ UInt_t ll = 0; while ( (TFile*)lList->At(ll) ){ TString donerun = ""; donerun = (TString)((TString)(gSystem->BaseName(((TFile*)lList->At(ll))->GetName()))).ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0); printf(" XXX file is %s \n",donerun.Data()); ll++; // }; }; // delete glrun; delete dbtime; // }; // // is it the end? // if ( runmode ){ fEnd = true; } else { // // did we use all the run in the directory? if so exit // if ( nrun >= fNlist ) fEnd = true; }; // return(lList); }; Bool_t RunGlue::OpenFile(){ // fOpen = false; printf(" Check if output file already exists \n"); Target = TFile::Open((this->GetFilename()).Data(), "READ" ); // if ( Target ){ Target->Close(); printf("Error opening target file, %s already exist!\n",(this->GetFilename()).Data()); return(false); } else { // printf(" Output file does not exist, creating it\n"); // Long64_t maxsize = 99900000000LL; // Target = TFile::Open((this->GetFilename()).Data(), "RECREATE" ); //fastMethod = kTRUE; fastMethod = kFALSE; // // if ( !Target || Target->IsZombie()) { printf("Error opening target file (does %s exist?)\n",(this->GetFilename()).Data()); exit(1); } // TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); Target->SetCompressionLevel(2); // fOpen = true; return(true); // }; // return(true); // }; void RunGlue::DeleteRunFiles(TList *dlist){ // TString donerun = ""; // printf(" Deleting runs: \n"); // UInt_t ll = 0; // while ( (TFile*)dlist->At(ll) ){ donerun = (TString)(((TFile*)dlist->At(ll))->GetName()); gSystem->Unlink(donerun); printf(" Deleted file is %s \n",donerun.Data()); ll++; // }; }; void RunGlue::UpdateDB(TList *dlist){ // TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; // TString donerun = ""; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Updating GL_RUN: \n"); // UInt_t ll = 0; UInt_t idl2 = 0; UInt_t idr = 0; // // myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID from GL_RAW where NAME='level2 files';"; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if ( !pResult ){ printf(" ERROR QUERYING ON DB!\n"); return; }; Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ){ printf(" ERROR QUERYING THE DB!\n"); return; } else { idr = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << "insert into GL_ROOT (ID_RAW,PATH,NAME) values (" << idr << ",'" << outdir.Data() << "','" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "');"; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if ( !pResult ){ printf(" ERROR WRITING ON DB!\n"); return; }; myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID from GL_ROOT where NAME='" << ((TString)gSystem->BaseName(this->GetFilename())).Data() << "';"; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if ( !pResult ){ printf(" ERROR WRITING ON DB!\n"); return; }; Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ){ printf(" ERROR QUERYING THE DB!\n"); return; } else { idl2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); }; // // // UInt_t drun = 0; // while ( (TFile*)dlist->At(ll) ){ donerun = ""; donerun = (TString)((TString)(gSystem->BaseName(((TFile*)dlist->At(ll))->GetName()))).ReplaceAll(".Level2.root",12,"",0); drun = (UInt_t)(donerun.Atoi()); // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Run is %s \n",donerun.Data()); // myquery.str(""); myquery << "update GL_RUN set ID_ROOT_L2=" << idl2 << " where ID=" << drun << ";"; if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if ( !pResult ){ printf(" ERROR WRITING ON DB!\n"); return; }; // ll++; // }; }; // // method stolen to ROOT's "hadd" and modified // void RunGlue::MergeRootfile(TList *sourcelist) { // merged = false; // TDirectory *target = Target; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf("\nTarget path is: %s \n",target->GetPath()); // TString path( (char*)strstr( target->GetPath(), ":" ) ); path.Remove(0,2); // TDirectory *first_source = (TDirectory*)sourcelist->First(); THashList allNames; // while ( first_source ){ // TDirectory *current_sourcedir = first_source->GetDirectory(path); // if ( !current_sourcedir ){ first_source = (TDirectory*)sourcelist->After(first_source); continue; } // // loop over all keys in this directory // TChain *globChain = 0; TIter nextkey( current_sourcedir->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key = 0; TKey *oldkey = 0; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); // gain time, do not add the objects in the list in memory // while ( (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) ) { // // printf(" target ls \n"); // Target->ls(); // if ( current_sourcedir == target ) break; // if ( oldkey && !strcmp(oldkey->GetName(),key->GetName()) ) continue; //keep only the highest cycle number for each key // if ( allNames.FindObject(key->GetName()) ) continue; // if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" Key name is -%s- \n",key->GetName()); // // // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"Tracker") && !li->TRK2 && !li->TRK1 && !li->TRKh ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"Calorimeter") && !li->CAL2 && !li->CAL1 ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"ToF") && !li->TOF ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"Trigger") && !li->TRG ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"Anticounter") && !li->AC ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"S4") && !li->S4 ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"NeutronD") && !li->ND ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"OrbitalInfo") && !li->ORB ) continue; // if ( !strcmp(key->GetName(),"Run") && !RUN ) continue; // if ( strcmp(key->GetName(),"Calorimeter") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"Tracker") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"ToF") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"Trigger") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"Anticounter") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"S4") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"NeutronD") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"OrbitalInfo") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"Run") && strcmp(key->GetName(),"ProcessID0") ){ if ( DebugMode() ) printf(" ERROR UNKNOWN KEY %s !\n",key->GetName()); continue; }; // allNames.Add(new TObjString(key->GetName())); // // read object from first source file // current_sourcedir->cd(); TObject *obj = key->ReadObj(); // if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree") ){ // // loop over all source files create a chain of Trees "globChain" // TString obj_name; // if ( path.Length() ) { obj_name = path + "/" + obj->GetName(); } else { obj_name = obj->GetName(); }; // globChain = new TChain(obj_name); // globChain->Add(first_source->GetName()); // TFile *nextsource = (TFile*)sourcelist->After( first_source ); // while ( nextsource ) { // //do not add to the list a file that does not contain this Tree // TFile *curf = TFile::Open(nextsource->GetName()); // if ( curf ) { // Bool_t mustAdd = kFALSE; // if (curf->FindKey(obj_name)) { // mustAdd = kTRUE; // } else { // //we could be more clever here. No need to import the object //we are missing a function in TDirectory // TObject *aobj = curf->Get(obj_name); // if ( aobj ){ mustAdd = kTRUE; delete aobj; }; }; if (mustAdd) { globChain->Add(nextsource->GetName()); }; }; delete curf; nextsource = (TFile*)sourcelist->After(nextsource); }; // delete nextsource; // } else { // // object is of no type that we know or can handle // if ( DebugMode() ) cout << "Unknown object type, name: " << obj->GetName() << " title: " << obj->GetTitle() << endl; }; // // now write the merged histogram (which is "in" obj) to the target file // note that this will just store obj in the current directory level, // which is not persistent until the complete directory itself is stored // by "target->Write()" below // if ( obj ){ // target->cd(); // if( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree") ) { // Long64_t nfiles = 0; if ( fastMethod ){ // globChain->Merge(target->GetFile(),0,"C keep fast"); nfiles=this->Mergy((TChain*)globChain,target->GetFile(),0,"C keep fast"); } else { //globChain->Merge(target->GetFile(),0,"C keep"); nfiles=this->Mergy((TChain*)globChain,target->GetFile(),0,"C keep"); }; // merged = true; // if ( DebugMode() ){ printf(" Merged %i files\n",(int)nfiles); globChain->ls(); }; // delete globChain; // return; // } else { // // obj->Write( key->GetName() ); // <================================================================================== // }; }; delete obj; oldkey = key; }; // first_source = (TDirectory*)sourcelist->After(first_source); // }; // save modifications to target file // target->SaveSelf(kTRUE); // }; Long64_t RunGlue::Mergy(TChain *mychain, TFile* file, Int_t basketsize, Option_t* option){ // We must have been passed a file, we will use it // later to reset the compression level of the branches. if (!file) { // FIXME: We need an error message here. return 0; } // Options Bool_t fastClone = kFALSE; TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("fast")) { fastClone = kTRUE; } // The chain tree must have a list of branches // because we may try to change their basket // size later. TObjArray* lbranches = mychain->GetListOfBranches(); if (!lbranches) { // FIXME: We need an error message here. return 0; } // The chain must have a current tree because // that is the one we will clone. // if (!fTree) { // -- LoadTree() has not yet been called, no current tree. // FIXME: We need an error message here. // return 0; // } // Copy the chain's current tree without // copying any entries, we will do that later. TTree* newTree = mychain->CloneTree(0); if (!newTree) { // FIXME: We need an error message here. return 0; } // Strip out the (potential) directory name. // FIXME: The merged chain may or may not have the // same name as the original chain. This is // bad because the chain name determines the // names of the trees in the chain by default. newTree->SetName(gSystem->BaseName(mychain->GetName())); // FIXME: Why do we do this? // newTree->SetAutoSave(-1); newTree->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); // Circularity is incompatible with merging, it may // force us to throw away entries, which is not what // we are supposed to do. newTree->SetCircular(0); // Reset the compression level of the branches. if (opt.Contains("c")) { TBranch* branch = 0; TIter nextb(newTree->GetListOfBranches()); while ((branch = (TBranch*) nextb())) { branch->SetCompressionLevel(file->GetCompressionLevel()); } } // Reset the basket size of the branches. if (basketsize > 1000) { TBranch* branch = 0; TIter nextb(newTree->GetListOfBranches()); while ((branch = (TBranch*) nextb())) { branch->SetBasketSize(basketsize); } } Long64_t nentries = mychain->GetEntriesFast(); // Copy the entries. if (fastClone) { // For each tree in the chain. for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; i += mychain->GetTree()->GetEntries()) { if (mychain->LoadTree(i) < 0) { break; } TTreeCloner cloner(mychain->GetTree(), newTree, option); if (cloner.IsValid()) { newTree->SetEntries(newTree->GetEntries() + mychain->GetTree()->GetEntries()); cloner.Exec(); } else { if (mychain->GetFile()) { printf("Merge Skipped file %s\n", mychain->GetFile()->GetName()); // } else { // Warning("Merge", "Skipped file number %d\n", fTreeNumber); } } } } else { for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; i++) { if (mychain->GetEntry(i) <= 0) { break; } newTree->Fill(); } } // Write the new tree header. newTree->Write(); // Get our return value. Int_t nfiles = newTree->GetFileNumber() + 1; // Close and delete the current file of the new tree. if (!opt.Contains("keep")) { // FIXME: What happens to fDirectory in newTree here? delete newTree->GetCurrentFile(); } return nfiles; }